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Summer: June 8-14


June 8-14  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. Weekly Workouts Finished

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W1W1 (week 1, workout 1) down!  I had a blast tonight. Meeting at the track was a fabulous idea.  Kids had a great time. There was a "sand box" to play in at the end of the long jump thingy. The sprinklers went on the grassy areas, which was super fun for them to play in the water. We just go home too, so we hung out timing the kids running a lap and just talking. Our neighbor and a friend (plus her 5 kids) met us there. I feel great too. We just did walking/power walking, but I worked up a sweat for sure. Forgot to stretch after, so I should go do that. 

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Well since I committed I decided holding off the walk for a day was silly. So I did it. No jogging though. Just brisk walk/speed walk intervals. My feet, knees, and hips won't allow me to jog until I drop some weight and strengthen my legs and core.


:hurray:  Woohoo! I'm walking too. :)

Oh how timely finding this! I would love to join in with everyone.


I did day one today and then did about twenty minutes of weights (biceps, chest and shoulders).


Tuesdays I usually do a HIIT workout while ds is at his PT session. So I guess I will aim for Wednesday as my day 2.


:hurray:  Happy to have you training (it's so fun to say that  :laugh: ) with us!

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Day 2 complete! I had planned to go at night, but in the middle of typing a note to this thread about how sore and tired I was this morning, I told myself to stop complaining and get out there and do it. And I feel great!! (this running high is awesome, how have been missing out on this?)


I saw bunnies, listened to birds singing, and am now ready to start my day in a positive mood.


oh! This time I wore cropped yoga pants. Big improvement!!

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Ds & I completed our Day 2. It is HOT outside! At least we're done & I don't have to think about doing it later today. Yipee!


Runner's high. My dh has always gotten this from running. I've tried (& quit) C25K a few times before. I've never, ever felt runner's high. I wish I would because maybe it would make the whole prospect more appealing, lol.

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Day 2 complete! I had planned to go at night, but in the middle of typing a note to this thread about how sore and tired I was this morning, I told myself to stop complaining and get out there and do it. And I feel great!! (this running high is awesome, how have been missing out on this?)


I saw bunnies, listened to birds singing, and am now ready to start my day in a positive mood.


oh! This time I wore cropped yoga pants. Big improvement!!


Cropped is nice! I wore mid calf or so leggings. The material is a lot thinner and cooler than yoga pants but doesn't smooth everything out all nicely. :p  Yay for workout 2!  :hurray:


FYI, for anyone doing the poll part & wondering how to change your vote (if you voted for the first day of exercise & now need to add the next one) -- delete your vote, then re-vote.


Thanks! I was trying to figure out this morning how I would record workout 2. 

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I've seen this one a lot, and I'm sure you guys have too, but I still like it.


When I workout, I wear black.  It's like a funeral for my fat.


:lol:  I love that.  (I just wish my fat would hurry up and die already!!!!)

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I've seen this one a lot, and I'm sure you guys have too, but I still like it.


When I workout, I wear black.  It's like a funeral for my fat.


:lol:  I love that.  (I just wish my fat would hurry up and die already!!!!)



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I did a 40 min. stretching workout today on my CT5K off day. Oh man, my whole body feels so much better. It really hurt doing the neck and shoulders especially, but my body feels much more relaxed and pain free. Stretching helps tone me too. Is that weird? I swear I notice a difference when I'm stretching! I've been needing to break that DVD out for a looooong time. So glad I finally did. Yay!

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I finished W1D2 tonight. My legs were cramping really bad during the walking intervals. I really don't like the first two weeks with the short intervals, and am looking forward to longer running times. Somehow I am always in more pain/get more cramps when switching running/walking often.


I was very slow tonight, partly because I had to stop and massage some cramps twice. I did 1.5mi for the 20 minutes, but didn't track my cooldown/warmup. I'm hoping to get closer to 2 mi for the next run.


I also got new running shoes and capris for tonight's run, they were so nice!

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Btervet. stopping to massage cramps isn't fun. Ouch. I didn't think to see how much distance I got in. I'd like to track that too. 



Garga, I wonder if what's happening to Btervet is why getting past week 2 is so tough for you? Maybe the whole walk/run with short distances is just harder than the longer ones for some people.

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Which stretch workout DVD are you using?


Pure and Simple Stretch by Karen Voight. Great reviews. Total body stretch. I ordered it off Amazon years ago. Love this:







She has a few more current ones with great reviews. I'd love to get another one for variety. 





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So, is anyone else thinking about signing up for a 5k this fall to really formalize the commitment? Or would that be crazy?


Crazy, right?


I found out that there's one here in my city on Oct 4 on TRAILS rather than streets. So I'm tempted! Is that nuts? I mean, I was able to do day 1 of week 1 today, but it was hard. And that's only the first of many, MANY days! I know my current enthusiasm won't last. So is this a "strike while the iron is hot" situation? Or is this more of a "she's still on a runner's high and not thinking clearly" situation?


Haha I actually already did it :) I mentioned to one of my friends (who is a marathon runner) that I was starting this yesterday and her first response was "what race are you doing?". There's a fun 5K at the beach in October  so I went ahead and signed up. I think hubby is going to run the half. It will be a good goal, and it's far enough in the future that I have more than enough time to repeat some weeks if I need to.

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Day 1 done, but several questions for you all! 


I used my iPhone for the c25k app.  It always said that I had more time left than I should have; it was making it a 30 minute time instead of 20.  Though the instructions clearly stated a 5 min brisk walk warmup and then alternating jogging/walking for a total time of 20 minutes.  Anyone else notice this?  It kept throwing me off.  I'd like to learn how to fix it.


Another question:  the way I was holding my phone would sometimes either fast forward or rewind the app.  Is there a way to lock the buttons so I can't accidently do this?  The first time was on my first walk after the first jog and all of a sudden it told me to jog again.  Ugh.  No way 1 min 30 sec had gone by.


And we only do this 3 days out of a 7 day week?  what do you do the other days?  are you supposed to rest or do your own thing?


Thanks!  Hope we all hang in with it!


I noticed this too.  It isn't including the warm up in the 20 minutes.  5 minute warm-up then alternate 60 seconds running and 120 seconds walking for a total of 20 minutes.  The cool-down walk isn't added to that 20 minutes either, so it really is a 30 minute block.


How do you all manage you cell phone during workouts? Holding it seems cumbersome. The armbands sound like they might work though. Any experience?


Mine has a wrist strap. 


The boys and I have been on week 2 for about 3 weeks.  I was hoping that we could take this very slowly and after 3 weeks doing the same amount of jogging/walking it would feel easier.  


It doesn't!  It's just as hard doing the 1.5 minute jog/2 min walk as it did on the first day of W2/D1.  Ugh.  When will it start to get easier?


We're going to stay on week 2 until it starts to get easier.  


That is why I dropped out in the fall.  We didn't consistently run and it didn't get easier.


Moving Comfort. I hate sports bra normally but love this one. And they have them in cup sizes if that matters to you.


Woohoo!!  Thank you!!  They do seem a bit spendy, but if they work it will be worth it.


Hubs and I did the app today. It ended up being a little longer, maybe 45 mi Utes because we didn't turn around at the half way mark and we lost steam, too. But we got out. On our off days we plan on just getting out for a half hour walk. Need to go buy new shoes.


Any recs?


So, is anyone else thinking about signing up for a 5k this fall to really formalize the commitment? Or would that be crazy?


Crazy, right?


I found out that there's one here in my city on Oct 4 on TRAILS rather than streets. So I'm tempted! Is that nuts? I mean, I was able to do day 1 of week 1 today, but it was hard. And that's only the first of many, MANY days! I know my current enthusiasm won't last. So is this a "strike while the iron is hot" situation? Or is this more of a "she's still on a runner's high and not thinking clearly" situation?


Yes.  :P

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For around $15 you can run a 5k on your own or with a group you organize and get a medal sent to you by mail. I think that's a great option for those who aren't comfortable being in a large public gathering.




Scroll down to look at the medals. There's a diff. one given each month. ETA. They engrave it for you.





ETA again: It's the Get Out and Run program.

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Just got back from my second training session. It was harder than the first! The humidity was higher today (unusually high for this area!), and I don't know if that's why, but breathing was a lot harder. I also twisted my ankle a little. It wasn't a big deal, and I was able to finish the run. But my worry is that it's one of those things where the pain will get worse over the course of the upcoming hours or days. I certainly hope that won't be the case. I can always postpone my planned Friday run until Saturday if that would help. But I sure don't want to have to delay more than that! Well, we'll see how it goes.


It was more humid here because we'd had a nice rain just before dawn. It was still cloudy (and that's unual here too!) and cooler than usual, so that aspect of the run was really very nice. That's kind of a rare and precious thing here in the desert.

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Haha I actually already did it :) I mentioned to one of my friends (who is a marathon runner) that I was starting this yesterday and her first response was "what race are you doing?". There's a fun 5K at the beach in October so I went ahead and signed up. I think hubby is going to run the half. It will be a good goal, and it's far enough in the future that I have more than enough time to repeat some weeks if I need to.

Very cool! The run that I'm thinking about also has a 10K, so my husband is probably going to sign up for that. (He used to run marathons a lot, and though he doesn't run that far anymore, he could do a spontaneous 10K without even training. Must be nice! :) ) It will be nice to have him go there with me, for moral support. Our races will start 15 minutes apart, and he would leave me in the dust anyway, so he won't exactly be my running buddy. But it will still be nice to do it sort-of-together!


Running at the beach sounds really fun! I'll be running in dry, hot desert foothills at about a mile of elevation. Want to trade? :D

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There is an 8k race in my city in October. It must be completed within 6 hours. Surely I should be able to do that... Downside: it starts at 7am and is over half an hour drive to get there.


I can register until October 7, so for now it's a goal but I'm not signing up until I finish c25k.

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Dss and I completed W2D2 this morning. We both do a lot of walking (and I've done lots of distance races in the past), but neither of us are runners. So I'm excited to do this with him, plus it gives us 30 min blocks of quality talking time.

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Went kayaking this morning again, so I'm trying to decide if I want to do Day 2 today or not.  Also, I fell (slipped getting back into my kayak after porting it a ways, and landed half in/half out) and have a ginormous bruise on my buttock that hurts when I walk.   :crying: I need to suck it up.

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Went kayaking this morning again, so I'm trying to decide if I want to do Day 2 today or not.  Also, I fell (slipped getting back into my kayak after porting it a ways, and landed half in/half out) and have a ginormous bruise on my buttock that hurts when I walk.   :crying: I need to suck it up.


Oh, bummer! If you decide to train today, maybe consider taking some ibuprofen just beforehand to take the edge off.  I've never kayaked. Jealous!

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Ouch, The Girls' Mom. Hope you feel better quickly & the bruise goes away soon. :grouphug:


Ds & I completed a different workout this morning than the Buzzfeed one. The Wed. Buzzfeed one is leg-intensive & my thighs are already really sore from all the other work since Sunday (& I still want to be able to actually walk/run my C25K stuff tomorrow :lol: ), so we did a workout of jumping jacks, push-ups, sit-ups (for him)/planks (for me), & overhead dumbbell lifts. So, at least we've done some working out/movement today.

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I did my second one today! Yay! 

Took my dog with me which made it a lot harder. He's a good walker when we go, but when I started running he thought we were going to go fast!! So he made me go faster than I wanted, But with the potty breaks and the sniff breaks and the pauses on the program from messing up my phone on the stops, it was all much harder and not nearly as enjoyable as the first day! Not sure if he gets to go again or not.  :huh:

I did nothing on my day off. I really need to add on some strength training either after this or on the off days. But for now this is so much more than I was doing I need to be happy about that! 

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Went kayaking this morning again, so I'm trying to decide if I want to do Day 2 today or not. Also, I fell (slipped getting back into my kayak after porting it a ways, and landed half in/half out) and have a ginormous bruise on my buttock that hurts when I walk. :crying: I need to suck it up.

Ouch! :( Sure hope you feel better quickly.

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I did my second one today! Yay!

Took my dog with me which made it a lot harder. He's a good walker when we go, but when I started running he thought we were going to go fast!! So he made me go faster than I wanted, But with the potty breaks and the sniff breaks and the pauses on the program from messing up my phone on the stops, it was all much harder and not nearly as enjoyable as the first day! Not sure if he gets to go again or not. :huh:

I did nothing on my day off. I really need to add on some strength training either after this or on the off days. But for now this is so much more than I was doing I need to be happy about that!

The first time I ran with my whippet, she went nuts. She starting jumping up and nipping me on the rear end! I'd shoo her away and tell her to knock it off, and a few seconds later, I'd feel another chomp on my butt! What the heck?!?


She did eventually calm down, but it was weird. And running with a dog is a lot more trouble. I should do it anyway, but haven't been so far this time.

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I'm just not feeling the workout love today. :) I probably reduced my calorie intake too low to help lose weight alongside exercising, because I'm so hungry and weak.I can't wait till dinner. :drool5:  Doesn't help that I didn't sleep that well last night. So glad I HAVE to show up since others are meeting my family and me to workout. And hearing how you're all going out there and doing it is super encouraging. That helps keep me motivated! Have any of you though of rewarding yourself something each week after meeting goals? Like chocolate? Mmmmm Thinking I should def. up the calorie allowance. ;)

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Week 1 day 2 finished. I also wanted to do some weights after but ran out of time. I did manage my HIIT workout yesterday and have my yoga DVD planned for Thursday. Now I am off to watch some news while using my foam roller for my IT band - it always gets very tight from running.


I'm just not feeling the workout love today. :) I probably reduced my calorie intake too low to help lose weight alongside exercising, because I'm so hungry and weak.I can't wait till dinner. :drool5: Doesn't help that I didn't sleep that well last night. So glad I HAVE to show up since others are meeting my family and me to workout. And hearing how you're all going out there and doing it is super encouraging. That helps keep me motivated! Have any of you though of rewarding yourself something each week after meeting goals? Like chocolate? Mmmmm Thinking I should def. up the calorie allowance. ;)

I booked a massage for Saturday. My work benefits cover it, so it isn't a budget breaker and is good for my overall wellness.

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Spur of the moment I decided to go for a walk after dinner. A few minutes into the walk I got this urge to start running. So I did! I did a few intervals just for fun. So technically I've completed day 2 1/2. :)


I blame the music. 80s rock music is great for running!

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W1W2 FINISHED! Had a great time. Totally feel great and had a great time with friends. We walked a few extra laps and got 1.5 miles in. I totally wanted to keep going. Think I"ll start walking between workouts too.


ETA. I felt much better energy and mood wise after eating something at dinner. 

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Just got back from my second training session. 



I just did day 2. 



Dss and I completed W2D2 this morning. 



Workout 2 completed today...



I did my second one today! 



Completed the 1st  workout last night after dinner. 



Week 1 day 2 COMPLETED! 



Week 1 day 2 finished. 


:thumbup:  Impressive, Ladies!

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Gorgeous place to workout, The Girls' Mom. Hope your injury is feeling better today.


It only hurts when I sit on it today :)  The bruise is turning all sorts of pretty colors though.  Between that, and a bad blood draw bruise on my arm, I told my hubby that I hoped I didn't end up in the hospital for anything or they'll think I've been beaten! lol.  

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It only hurts when I sit on it today :)  The bruise is turning all sorts of pretty colors though.  Between that, and a bad blood draw bruise on my arm, I told my hubby that I hoped I didn't end up in the hospital for anything or they'll think I've been beaten! lol.  


lol! I feel that way about my kids sometimes,especially in the summer when they get more active.

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I finished workout 2 yesterday but I could not post in the pol


We have to delete our vote and then select 1 again and then choose 2 as well. To track work out 3, we'll have to delete the vote again and recheck 1 and 2, and then 3 too. The poll feature isn't really set up to track workouts, so that's about the best we can do!

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We have to delete our vote and then select 1 again and then choose 2 as well. To track work out 3, we'll have to delete the vote again and recheck 1 and 2, and then 3 too. The poll feature isn't really set up to track workouts, so that's about the best we can do!

Ok thanks

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