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Exercise Thread ~ April 19 - April 25


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35 min Short &Sweet #1 and Mutu

First time I've been able to do Short and Sweet in 2 weeks now, felt more energetic this am than I have in 2 wks, I'm hopeful as to what the day holds, hoping that I can make it through with a bit more umph than I've had but I'm getting back to normal slow and steady.

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I woke to surprise cramps. Yay. :rolleyes:


More gardening ahead---we have to level two raised bed frames on the side of a hill. I told dd20 yesterday that our bed system looks almost Pinterest-worthy :lol: I'll try to post a picture later.


Dd has a birthday party to attend this afternoon an awkward 25 minutes from our house. I will drop her, go to a nearby Kohls to spend some Kohls cash from when the girls went shopping a few weeks back (looking for a sleeveless exercise top), and then I'll walk at a park until she's ready to be picked up.

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More mulching.  A couple of hours, 12,500 steps.  Pretty tired though, so didn't push it like yesterday.


The two most complex beds are done though - for the rest of the beds I can tip the compost out on the bed and push it into place, rather than having to insert it one spadeful at a time between precious plants.


I'm looking forward to going to work tomorrow for the rest - a little walking will be plenty of exercise.

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Catching up -last week was Crazy with a capital C. Dd 11 had a five day migraine which resulted in doctor visits, track meet Mon and Wed, co -op,park day,3 soccer practices, ballet, AHG field trip and then Thursday evening ds 14 broke his arm. This weekend was my yoga teacher training so two days 8-6 an hour drive each way. Yep, not much got done. ( Well, except yoga :). ) I'm going to try to get back to normal this week. Or drink heavily. I haven't decided.

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Catching up -last week was Crazy with a capital C. Dd 11 had a five day migraine which resulted in doctor visits, track meet Mon and Wed, co -op,park day,3 soccer practices, ballet, AHG field trip and then Thursday evening ds 14 broke his arm. This weekend was my yoga teacher training so two days 8-6 an hour drive each way. Yep, not much got done. ( Well, except yoga :). ) I'm going to try to get back to normal this week. Or drink heavily. I haven't decided.

What? How did I miss this, are you training to be a yoga teacher? Kudos to you!!! Color me 5 kinds of jealous, I considered this 10 or so years ago and then life got CRAZY (house fire and babies and babies) been considering it again lately........

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I think I'm going to cancel today's training. I'm at that awkward day of my cycle when I'm a little uncertain of how my body will react to squats and core work----if you know what I mean ;) I don't want any nasty surprises while at the gym.


The rain has stopped so I could go for a nice walk this afternoon or evening.

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20 min done so far, was going for 30 but my blood sugar started out on the lower end this am(which is good) but I need to eat to do anymore-


Done so far-

Mutu, kettlebell swings and some yoga skills practice (until the point that against better judgement I did a headstand and managed to hurt my legs, yes I have skills)


eta- 10 min more done- 120 kb swing total (26.4 lbs), my strength is miles better but still lacking I really had to spread out my sets and cut a few short, still improving and improving, was hoping I would be 100% by this week, perhaps optimistically, perhaps next week, one day at a time.....



Goal for the rest of the day is 30 min of walking

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I think I'm going to cancel today's training. I'm at that awkward day of my cycle when I'm a little uncertain of how my body will react to squats and core work----if you know what I mean ;) I don't want any nasty surprises while at the gym.


The rain has stopped so I could go for a nice walk this afternoon or evening.

I know that feeling,  it seems I have one day every cycle that is better to do very light if any workout or to at least omit certain exercises.

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Catching up -last week was Crazy with a capital C. Dd 11 had a five day migraine which resulted in doctor visits, track meet Mon and Wed, co -op,park day,3 soccer practices, ballet, AHG field trip and then Thursday evening ds 14 broke his arm. This weekend was my yoga teacher training so two days 8-6 an hour drive each way. Yep, not much got done. ( Well, except yoga :). ) I'm going to try to get back to normal this week. Or drink heavily. I haven't decided.



I missed that too!  Yoga teacher training?  Awesome!  


Your week does sound nuts, but I've been in the same boat, minus attempting teacher training. :) You go girl!


Today I ran 4 miles.  I thought I was going to stay in and do yoga because of the rain, but when I woke up it was blue skies, and too tempting, so I went out for a run. 

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I got in a run and a quick yoga session this morning. DD still has a headache so I'm waiting for the doctor to call back. 

Yep, teacher training. We shall see if I ever do teach. It was wonderful to get so much technical information though. Twenty hours of yoga and floor siting will make you question your fitness however. :closedeyes:

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Surprise biopsy today (no big deal but it's taking my whole day. It's really sweet how this staff works to make it a one day ordeal). The dr nixed capoeira for the week and it'll be a couple days before I can run. So I guess I walk and ride a bike?

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Yesterday I played 1 hour of doubles tennis outdoors in the afternoon (YAY for no more snow!!), and then had a 1 hour singles tennis competitive match in the evening. It was a great day!


Today is a rest day. The timing is great, as it's been raining outside all day.

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It's late and I need to go to bed, but I wanted to post anyway. I did week 5 day 1 of C25K, and then walked on the treadmill for another hour after. I also did 50 crunches and 25 knee push-ups.


Joyofsix, I hope this week is much less eventful at your house and that your daughter and son are both recovering well.

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Uff Da~I hope all is well

Wintermom~isn't it nice not to see snow

Laura~you're a stepping maniac :)

Candm~I hope the hip is feeling ok

PinkTulip~thanks and awesome on first week down

Slache~beautiful pictures. Posting pics of unplanted bean fields I see wouldn't quite be the same  :glare:

Negin~I hate when life gets in my way


Today promises to be not great. I have to take my 16yo 40 miles for a state test, drive back and call dr. again about 11 yo who still has a headache after a tordadol shot yesterday and get back to pick up 16yo. Oh, and my head hurts  :huh:  Hopefully the planets will allign and I will make it to my Zip weight and yoga class. Pretty please.....

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Negin- it does seem you are feeling better though- I've noticed your activity level has increased, that's good, even if you can't make your goals everyday.


Laura- :( sorry about the job interviews


Uffda- take care of yourself!!!!


slache- beautiful pics, I'm sure the hike was lovely!


wintermom- Ya for no more snow and tennis :)


joyofsix- hoping for a calm day for you :)



I finished the day with 2 - 20 min walk, also had an hour of light gardening as a service project with my AHG girls last night, getting ready to do Mutu (core) this am and then I have Yoga class- 60 min (ashtanga) at 9am. Need to get my butt in gear so I have time to eat well before I have to go, must have energy, hoping for a great class today. Will aim for a walk this afternoon/evening as well. Out of my blood glucose strips, must pick up today, feel like my levels are down again this am, it is amazing how much of a difference the exercise makes!!!!

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Good Morning Ladies!



Laura, you are getting a great WO with the mulching.   My goodness.  You must be exhausted.


joyofsix---How is your son doing?    How did he break his arm?      Great going on the yoga!!   I bet after your weekend you felt like gumby.

Uff- Biopsy?  That doesn't sound fun.  I hope everything is ok.



I did Monday's WO on Sunday and on Monday I rested bc I went to see the orthopedist and other errands which ate up my whole day.    Today is skillwork which I still cannot do but I can do all the prehab exercises, stretching and rolling.     MA with restrictions.      



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Today is a 'rest' day but I am pretty sore from yesterday so I plan to just take a brisk walk on the treadmill for a while to warm up and then stretch, stretch, stretch.  A few more hip exercises, more stretching, epsom salt bath.  I'm also going to the chiropractor for ultrasound therapy on the side of the hip that is so tight.  That really helps loosen up for a bit.


I asked DH last night if he had to spend 2 hours every day he ran, soothing his body from the activity, would he do the activity?  He said NOPE. lol  I just keep having this thought that I'm not cut out to run.  All the other effects are wonderful for me..my body is starting to shift nicely (though slowly), my energy is high, I'm feeling strong, but if I don't spend all this time soaking and stretching, the hip pain is horrible.  I've dealt with this off and on for years as I"ve tried to run.  The new hip strengthening exercises are almost a last ditch effort to see if it is a matter of hip muscles weakness.  I was in physical therapy for 2 yrs hoping to find out what causes the pain and the only thing they could find was tight muscles.  So I'm hopeful that it's not a more serious issue.  But holy crap, when the pain flares, it feels so dang serious. lol  If anyone has dealt with hip muscle issues, please pm me!

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Today is a 'rest' day but I am pretty sore from yesterday so I plan to just take a brisk walk on the treadmill for a while to warm up and then stretch, stretch, stretch.  A few more hip exercises, more stretching, epsom salt bath.  I'm also going to the chiropractor for ultrasound therapy on the side of the hip that is so tight.  That really helps loosen up for a bit.


I asked DH last night if he had to spend 2 hours every day he ran, soothing his body from the activity, would he do the activity?  He said NOPE. lol  I just keep having this thought that I'm not cut out to run.  All the other effects are wonderful for me..my body is starting to shift nicely (though slowly), my energy is high, I'm feeling strong, but if I don't spend all this time soaking and stretching, the hip pain is horrible.  I've dealt with this off and on for years as I"ve tried to run.  The new hip strengthening exercises are almost a last ditch effort to see if it is a matter of hip muscles weakness.  I was in physical therapy for 2 yrs hoping to find out what causes the pain and the only thing they could find was tight muscles.  So I'm hopeful that it's not a more serious issue.  But holy crap, when the pain flares, it feels so dang serious. lol  If anyone has dealt with hip muscle issues, please pm me!


That's really tough. I get a sore hip when I run, too, though it doesn't sound nearly as bad as yours. I've had really good luck running with a shorter stride, running on soft surfaces and running short distances. I also found that I get no hip pain at all playing tennis! 


Have you ever had x-rays or an assessment to see if the cause isn't muscle but rather structural (bone alignment)? My mom had severe hip pain until the dr did an x-ray and discovered that the socket of her femur wasn't fitting correctly in the pelvic bone. Apparently we've got hip displasia in our family and my mom didn't get diagnosed early.

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That's really tough. I get a sore hip when I run, too, though it doesn't sound nearly as bad as yours. I've had really good luck running with a shorter stride, running on soft surfaces and running short distances. I also found that I get no hip pain at all playing tennis! 


Have you ever had x-rays or an assessment to see if the cause isn't muscle but rather structural (bone alignment)? My mom had severe hip pain until the dr did an x-ray and discovered that the socket of her femur wasn't fitting correctly in the pelvic bone. Apparently we've got hip displasia in our family and my mom didn't get diagnosed early.


That is a really good question about an assessment.  Before I started physical therapy way back, we went through several types of scans and xrays...about 6 yrs ago.  They said they saw nothing out of place.  But as I think on it, it was a 'general' doctor in the ER that looked at all the scans and referred me on to PT to strengthen my muscles.  The results were sent on to my fam doctor and I guess he agreed.  I think I'll readdress it soon with my doc to see we can push further to look into my structure more.  I know my dad has what he considers a 'weak hip'..same side as mine.  huh.


As soon as my race is over this Sunday (3 mile portion for me), I told DH that I"m backing down to 2 miles 4 times a week instead of 3 miles 3 times a week to see if things ease up.  If not, I"ll down to 3 times a week and do something else on the 'off' days.  I was feeling almost euphoric when I was doing the C25K and was at the 2 to 2.5 mile runs.  NO pain.  When I hit 2.75 everything changed.  I am comfortable with a shorter stride too and my pace is pretty darn slow, but I don't think I"ll ever be too concerned about my speed.  I just want health benefits.  Not trying to win any races here. lol


The day I went to the ER, I had put my feet on the ground as I got out of bed, and with no warning, the pain on the left hip, from the upper rim of the pelvic bone, to the bottom of my rump, shot up so bad that I fell on the floor.  It spasmed so bad that I couldn't get off the floor.  The kids had to call DH to come home from work to pick me up and walk me into the ER.  I had no idea what was going on, but I was running at that time of my life.  I landed in PT right away and he told me, "you aren't to run, play tennis (another love) or participate in any sport except walking in a straight line until we strenghten your muscles."  So that's what happened..and here I still am.  Chiropractic adjustments have helped a LOT though but that's been a recent addition.  


Sorry to hijack the post..lol  Thanks for the food for thought, wintermom.

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On the one hand I'd want to know why the hip is causing you so much pain but on the other hand, no I wouldn't continue an activity that caused me that much pain, I rule out activities for far less reasons, like I just don't like them and I'm not spending time willingly doing things I don't like.


Mutu done this am- moved on to Phase 3, Yoga class done, ahhhh

Yoga teacher is looking at changing the schedule this summer, not sure how that is going to work out for me :( I guess we'll see.

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A lovely walk in the sunshine during my lunch break from work: fresh green leaves in the sunshine, with cherry blossom, and blackbirds clattering about in the dead leaves looking for insects.


Yoga this evening.  She had us working with partners, which I really don't like.  I find it distracting.  Luckily she doesn't have us doing it often.


Walked briskly with the dog after yoga to keep myself warm while waiting for Hobbes to come out of Karate.  11,500 steps today.

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Walk this afternoon for me too, found some morels and the girls hunted wildflowers. It was at least 30 minutes. I'm flat tuckered this evening, we booked it back to the house up the big ol' hill to meet some friends in town and then hung out with them at the park until it was time for the girls dance classes, wrangled the girls for 2 hrs, including a very tired and grumpy 2 yo and then to top it off we went grocery shopping, that was a nightmare!

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I'll be playing ladies doubles tennis this evening indoors, which is great as it's raining again.


Our food-loving lab is overweight, so I'll be taking him for longer walks. He's always been on the lazy side, too. It's very different from our poodle, who bouces everywhere and doesn't care about food at all. ;)

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of 5 day challenge



I need to try and fit in extra stuff in the afternoons to stave off stress. Now, how do to that? 


I'm trying to redo my schedule too.  I think I waste a lot more time than I realize.  #1 priority is a 10:30 bedtime for me.


I rearranged furniture and got rid of a bunch of furniture so that I now have a completely open, nothing on it, thick, 11x15 area rug.  I've noticed everyone in the house is stretching, hand-standing, practicing jujitsu or katas,  and in general rolling around more now that they can do it without having to first prep a space.  It's even big enough for one person doing bo staff work.


Tuesday night: martial arts followed by kettle bell class.  For some reason I was a complete wimp in kettle bell.  Couldn't seem to coordinate- grrrr.


Wednesday:  kettlebell swings and practice doing snatches and presses and jerks.  Working on new self-defence moves, new jujitsu moves, new Thai combo.  That's if my brain doesn't explode first.  I wish I was a fast learner....

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Yeah, I've been staying up until midnight the past week or so cause I'm in my annual freak out mode about homeschooling. This time is even a bit rougher cause my oldest is now officially high school. Yep, I may or may not be making my eyes bleed by staying up late online researching (panic mode) about how not to fail my son's education. 

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CandMForever, I have spent the last year of my life dealing with hip issues with my oldest DS. His started out as pain from running, and ended up with a diagnosis of bilateral hip dysplasia. We have spent the last year getting that dealt with, so I know way more about hip issues than I should. Feel free to PM me if you want, but I would recommend seeing an orthopedist to get things checked, especially if you have a family history of hip issues. I hope it's just a minor thing that can be relieved with some physical therapy and rest!


Today I did the 2nd workout of week 5 of C25k. It was run for 8 min, walk for 5, then run for 8 more. I was nervous about running for that long, but it went really well and I felt like I could have kept going. Friday's workout is to run for 20 minutes, but I have to take my mom to the airport, so it may be Saturday. I also walked on the treadmill for an hour after. Yay!

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Lovely walk during my lunch break from work.  The weather is still stunning.  Home to work in the garden: some weeding (stretching) mostly mulching (strength work) for about 90 minutes.  It's 10pm, I'm at 12,000 steps and I haven't walked the dog yet....  Off we go.


Okay - I'm back and it's definitely time for bed.  16,700 steps.

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I've just chased kids outside. â˜ºï¸ The Dr called and said I am in the clear and I think I'm going to go Internet free for a little while. So just a heads up for any worriers that the two things are not related.


As far as hip issues go, I have a muscle that "flips" out of place and wow does that hurt.

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Let's see. Managed a four mile walk with dh. He was off work to run girls to co-op so I could take ds the hour trip to the orthopedist for his broken arm. Then I scrambled to get 16 yo to soccer practice ( and knew ds is dying inside because he can't go). I also am obsessively asking 11 yo how her head feels. I am off now to do some calming yoga in my bedroom and then collapse in a heap.

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