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Question about eating

Night Elf

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healthy fats for me are those naturally occurring and minimally processed from veggies or grassfed meat. I'm off of nuts right now on an auto-immune diet but generally I  like to eat some but watch it as I want to keep my omega 6/omega 3 ratios more balanced and it is easy to eat a ton. I don't eat any dairy at all.


My diet is currently ranging from 40-60% fat, that is from (in order of percentage in my diet)- coconut(flakes-unsweetened, cream, oil), olives and extra-virgin olive oil, avocados, bacon, and meat (I don't eat it every day however and limit my serving sizes). I eat an omni diet but actually most of my fat is from vegetable sources.


I was eating heavier on the carbs but started craving fat like crazy, a 40% carb/40% fat/20 protein is working well for me right now, so I'm going with it. I usually eat a small(er) breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and supper. If it is really busy or I'm real hungry I might do a piece of fruit in the am for a snack. I also have the majority of calories before supper and don't snack at night.

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Why would you use it in place of olive oil?


I might be out.  :scared: It's been known to happen far too often, unfortunately. 

Depending on the heat I use, I will use either olive oil or coconut oil. Coconut oil tolerates higher temperatures better.


Plus, I've been reading more and more about how olive oils are being cut with cheaper oils, so they aren't pure or as healthy for us. My assumption (though very likely faulty) is that it's not as easy to counterfeit coconut oil, so I don't have to worry about accidentally buying something fake. 

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I might be out.  :scared: It's been known to happen far too often, unfortunately. 

Depending on the heat I use, I will use either olive oil or coconut oil. Coconut oil tolerates higher temperatures better.


Plus, I've been reading more and more about how olive oils are being cut with cheaper oils, so they aren't pure or as healthy for us. My assumption (though very likely faulty) is that it's not as easy to counterfeit coconut oil, so I don't have to worry about accidentally buying something fake. 


I didn't know about the olive oils being cut. I'll have to do a little research on that. A bit of olive oil in my diet seems to really help my dry skin. I'll also have to look into the coconut oil. Thanks.


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Start your day with half a lemon in 8 oz hot water

All of lean protein you want

Fish, chicken breast, tuna fish

2 eggs per day

All veggies you want (the list is huge but no potatoes or corn or beans)

2 probiotics per day

2 fruit per day (some are off limits...no bananas) apples, pears, oranges all berries are allowed.

64 ounces of water.

Green tea is good

Black coffee ok, but doesn't count toward your water

No alcohol.... :(


That is mostly it.


Hm.  Would I have to eat fruit?  I don't like fruit.


The rest is doable.  But what is with the lemon in water.  I don't think I'd enjoy that. 

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Hm. Would I have to eat fruit? I don't like fruit.


The rest is doable. But what is with the lemon in water. I don't think I'd enjoy that.

Hot lemon water is to stimulate your digestive system. I don't mind it at all.


Fruit doesn't seem to be mandatory. No fruit after 2:00 p.m. For some reason.

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17 day diet does claim that the lemon is essential. They claim it detoxifies and helps your digestion and a few other claims. I do not find their reasoning convincing, but then I find a lot of the reasoning there specious. 


You should definitely lose weight on it (it's really a modified low-carb diet) but a lot of the gimmicky bits (like not having fruit after 2pm) have no real backing behind them. 

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17 day diet does claim that the lemon is essential. They claim it detoxifies and helps your digestion and a few other claims. I do not find their reasoning convincing, but then I find a lot of the reasoning there specious.


You should definitely lose weight on it (it's really a modified low-carb diet) but a lot of the gimmicky bits (like not having fruit after 2pm) have no real backing behind them.

I agree. Every diet plan needs a hook I guess. I like it because it has a lot of healthy foods and helps me have a clear plan.

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17 day diet does claim that the lemon is essential. They claim it detoxifies and helps your digestion and a few other claims. I do not find their reasoning convincing, but then I find a lot of the reasoning there specious.


You should definitely lose weight on it (it's really a modified low-carb diet) but a lot of the gimmicky bits (like not having fruit after 2pm) have no real backing behind them.

Hey wait. How about the alcohol? Is there no real backing behind that either?

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I didn't know about the olive oils being cut. I'll have to do a little research on that. A bit of olive oil in my diet seems to really help my dry skin. I'll also have to look into the coconut oil. Thanks.


Yes, I have read that olive oil is likely to be cut as well, especially anything imported, so one might think the Italian oil is better it likely isn't. I bought some Californian olive oil last time.

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Hey wait. How about the alcohol? Is there no real backing behind that either?


Well, according to new research, a glass of red may be as beneficial as an hour at the gym.  So, maybe there isn't!  At any rate, I certainly wouldn't feel guilty having a glass of red wine on occasion...  (it does have to be red wine - white or vodka or beer don't cut it...)


Just make sure it's not one of those cheap brands from California they just found all the arsenic in...


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Well, Atkins has you cut out alcohol during the first two weeks of induction. There are a few carbs in a glass of wine. You can easily Google carb counts in whatever and get the info. The carb count in many wines is not bad. If I recall you can add in low carb alcohol after two weeks on Atkins as long as you count them in your total and you would want it to be an occasional thing. Michelob Ultra is a low carb beer. Many liquors are zero carb and if you mix with zero carb sodas and such-well you are set.


But (there is always a but, isn't there)


Your body will use the alcohol as a form of fuel so it will burn that before it goes back to burning body fat so you may see a bit of delay in fat loss.

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Well, Atkins has you cut out alcohol during the first two weeks of induction. There are a few carbs in a glass of wine. You can easily Google carb counts in whatever and get the info. The carb count in many wines is not bad. If I recall you can add in low carb alcohol after two weeks on Atkins as long as you count them in your total and you would want it to be an occasional thing. Michelob Ultra is a low carb beer. Many liquors are zero carb and if you mix with zero carb sodas and such-well you are set.


But (there is always a but, isn't there)


Your body will use the alcohol as a form of fuel so it will burn that before it goes back to burning body fat so you may see a bit of delay in fat loss.

Yeah, I really do know the wine has to go for any really weight loss...on this diet I think they say no alcohol until the third cycle.

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Yeah, I really do know the wine has to go for any really weight loss


It depends. One of my friends lost and drank wine almost every night, but she was tracking calories, not carbs.


For most people (without metabolic conditions) the big reasons low-carb works are that:

1) You end up eating less, because it is just much more difficult to overeat when you are eating meats and veggies. They are very filling.

2) Because they are so filling, it is much easier to not end up with massive hunger pangs and eating everything in sight. This greatly increases diet adherence.

3) Low-carb diets give a massive decrease in water weight over the first week due to glycogen depletion (http://8fit.com/blog/glycogen-gluconeogenesis-and-water-weight/), which greatly increases motivation, again greatly increasing diet adherence. Furthermore, one high-carb day will result in a significant increase in water weight, which provides a giant motivation to not have them, again increasing adherence.


Side note on 2) -- as part of a debate with a family member, I ended up doing Atkins induction for 8 weeks instead of what I was doing, which was cutting calories. I continued tracking my food to ensure I was still eating the exact same number of calories as before. I did lose weight at the same rate (my glycogen was already pretty depleted because I'd been cutting calories for a while, so I saw no massive drop at the beginning) but I felt like I was forcing myself to eat to hit the same number of calories, because of how filling the food is.


The problem with adding in extra things is that when you start adding in alcohol, it adds:

1) more calories

2) increased chance of eating more food, because food and wine go together, and for many people alcohol makes them hungrier


For this reason, it really isn't a good idea if you're doing a diet that doesn't involve tracking calories, but rather reduction through indirect means. 

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It depends. One of my friends lost and drank wine almost every night, but she was tracking calories, not carbs.


For most people (without metabolic conditions) the big reasons low-carb works are that:

1) You end up eating less, because it is just much more difficult to overeat when you are eating meats and veggies. They are very filling.

2) Because they are so filling, it is much easier to not end up with massive hunger pangs and eating everything in sight. This greatly increases diet adherence.

3) Low-carb diets give a massive decrease in water weight over the first week due to glycogen depletion (http://8fit.com/blog/glycogen-gluconeogenesis-and-water-weight/), which greatly increases motivation, again greatly increasing diet adherence. Furthermore, one high-carb day will result in a significant increase in water weight, which provides a giant motivation to not have them, again increasing adherence.


Side note on 2) -- as part of a debate with a family member, I ended up doing Atkins induction for 8 weeks instead of what I was doing, which was cutting calories. I continued tracking my food to ensure I was still eating the exact same number of calories as before. I did lose weight at the same rate (my glycogen was already pretty depleted because I'd been cutting calories for a while, so I saw no massive drop at the beginning) but I felt like I was forcing myself to eat to hit the same number of calories, because of how filling the food is.


The problem with adding in extra things is that when you start adding in alcohol, it adds:

1) more calories

2) increased chance of eating more food, because food and wine go together, and for many people alcohol makes them hungrier


For this reason, it really isn't a good idea if you're doing a diet that doesn't involve tracking calories, but rather reduction through indirect means.

Yes for me it is the that when I have a glass or two of wine I am suddenly snacking on everything,


End of day two. I have done well, but I feel a little hungry.....oh I still have a yogurt to go so I will have that before bed.


Tomorrow will be a challenge....meeting my mom for lunch and shopping.

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