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What is the name of that book about doing high school unconventionally that I've seen mentioned several times and never paid attention to? There might be a couple of them that have been mentioned, but I can't remember.





"And The Skylark Sings with Me"?


"The Teenage Liberation Handbook"?

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Where's Mary? I'm glad Ducky checked in (we were gathering bazookas for the search party), but Mary announced she was quitting her job and vamoosed.  Did she quit us too?  MMMMMAAAAAAAARRRRRRYYYYYYY!!!!  Where AAAAAARRRRRREEEEE YOOOUUUUUUUU??????



I've been worried too. She hasn't posted on instagram in 4 days.

I'm here! I'm here!! 


I can't even remember what I told you all, but I officially resigned last Monday (March 21) and that went well. (They are actually interviewing for my position today.) 

That Friday, I got a request for a spiritual gifts and personality assessment. It was for my top choice. The 3rd choice has vanished from the website, but I'm not really sad about that. My top two choices are still on there, but I haven't heard anything from one of them and have only had that one contact from my first choice. 

Good Friday - Monday was my Easter break. I started it off with a bang by getting horribly sick Friday night. I ended up missing the Easter egg hunt at church and the times I was to volunteer at church. :( I even missed Easter Sunday. It SUCKED. 

Monday, I spent all day cleaning. ALL. FREAKING. DAY! 

Tuesday, I spent all day in the world's longest, most mind-numbing meeting ever. 

The rest of this week has been spent running back and forth doing a million things. 


Glad you all missed me. Sorry to worry everyone. 

I've just honestly not had time or brain space to do anything other than keep my head above water. 


Also, after today, only 33 more school days! 

Also also, I am going out of town tonight, so I won't be around until Sunday evening. Just another chance for you all to miss me even more!  :thumbup1:




I am impatiently waiting and trying not to worry about a job right now. I know it's only been 2 weeks. It seems much longer though! 

I still believe it was the right decision, but I'm not the most patient person, so this is hard. 

Edited by Southern Ivy
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I should have a pierogi recipe to put in the ITT cookbook.

We have a cookbook?!



Gwyneth Fowltrou hatched her 3rd chickie last night, making her 3 for 3!  If we don't count the two that she lost very early...but that wasn't her fault...one of her coopmates got at the eggs and ate one and damaged another.  

Best chicken name ever! 



You're AAAALLLLIIIIVVEEE!!! We were worried you had been driving on treacherous roads or swimming in rough seas.

With as sick as I was Friday night, I felt like I was on rough seas. Then, when it was all done, it felt like I had a wreck on treacherous roads. Does that count? haha

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"And The Skylark Sings with Me"?


"The Teenage Liberation Handbook"?


This has sent us on interesting trails. Teenage Liberation Handbook is the one I was thinking of. Other books come up as well when searching on Amazon.


 Dd16 was looking over my shoulder at the books on amazon, and assisting me in choosing what to buy for ME to read (well, she's interested too) so we can figure out what to do with her. She is anything but conventional, and I'm finding I may have to look waaaay outside the box for her. A little motivation from her would be nice, too.




Edited by Renai
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This has sent us on interesting trails. Dd16 is looking over my shoulder at the books on amazon, and assisting me in choosing what to buy for ME to read (well, she's interested too) so we can figure out what to do with her. She is anything but conventional, and I'm finding I may have to look waaaay outside the box for her. A little motivation from her would be nice, too.




Ten minutes ago I discovered http://www.creekedgepress.com/Home_Page.htmlon another thread.  I'm going to look at the high school ones for my own unconventional learner. 


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Ten minutes ago I discovered http://www.creekedgepress.com/Home_Page.htmlon another thread.  I'm going to look at the high school ones for my own unconventional learner. 



I remember reading a thread about that maybe a month or so ago, but didn't look into it enough. It looks interesting though. I have a little bit of time before spring break is over, so I'm going to go read some more on it.

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DD made a (virtual) friend in her online math class.  He posted a request for help earlier in the week, so she answered.  They wound up working together on a bunch more problems after that.  NEVER has she accomplished so much so very far from the actual due date! 


Have I mentioned that this kid is really, really relational???


God Bless You, Goliath, whoever you are!

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My tax advice includes the word "flamethrower"


Our cookbook can include helpful tips like this, and "sometimes the line between good parent and bad is not murdering anyone". :D


Elle can give sample Hula lessons/demonstrations and sell a hula instructional DVD. With mandatory history and cultural lessons.

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Our cookbook can include helpful tips like this, and "sometimes the line between good parent and bad is not murdering anyone". :D


Elle can give sample Hula lessons/demonstrations and sell a hula instructional DVD. With mandatory history and cultural lessons.


These are great ideas. A vision is coming clear for this cookbook. We have to collect all our ITTisms in one place, after all.

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In other news, I was worried about an amount the government was saying I owed them because they said I didn't report all my income. That was not true. I report everything. It was a large amount they said I owed, and I got the letter about 3 weeks ago. I finally got word yesterday that I don't owe! There was no way I could pay it anyway. We also don't have the funds to pay for everything the programs used to cover (I no longer qualify), but my girls still have Medicaid and that is good enough for me.


This is good news, actually, regardless of how dire it may sound.

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We have a cookbook?!


Best chicken name ever! 



With as sick as I was Friday night, I felt like I was on rough seas. Then, when it was all done, it felt like I had a wreck on treacherous roads. Does that count? haha



Awww, thanks!  But secretly....I like her sister, Attila the Hen's name much better.  Cluck Norris was my favorite but...we ate him last fall.  We still have Sally Strutters, Princess Layer, Captain James T. Cluck, Tarzan (long story)...let's see....we gave away Goldie Hawn...lost Mary, Queen of Squawks...


I can't think of the others right now...we have quite a few without names.  But those are the best...lol.  

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:grouphug: This too will pass. Is this about taxes?


That's the biggest thing.  For some reason this year the forms that companies have given me look different and TurboTax seems to be configured a bit differently as well.  It is throwing me off, big time.  I have gotten dd to agree to me farming her out to the Y this morning so that I can tear my hair out in quiet.  I absolutely HAVE to get this done today due to financial aid stuff.  I think that I'll feel a lot better once it is done too even though I will still be facing a Laundry Armageddon (and please don't you all tell me about how easy laundry is because I know how to do it but I'm just behind, ok?) 


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That's the biggest thing.  For some reason this year the forms that companies have given me look different and TurboTax seems to be configured a bit differently as well.  It is throwing me off, big time.  I have gotten dd to agree to me farming her out to the Y this morning so that I can tear my hair out in quiet.  I absolutely HAVE to get this done today due to financial aid stuff.  I think that I'll feel a lot better once it is done too even though I will still be facing a Laundry Armageddon (and please don't you all tell me about how easy laundry is because I know how to do it but I'm just behind, ok?) 



Hmph.  I wasn't going to.  I was just going to tell you that I think some essential oils would really help...



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I like Dell. We have a Dell XPS desktop (w/ upgraded graphics for gaming) & somewhere here is a Dell laptop which I might bring out of retirement to swap out an ailing compaq. We have stacks of laptops lying around.

Dd has a special talent for killing laptops. We don't know what she does because if anything it's ds who is the most reckless both with hardware and software.  I'm the IT support in the family so I get to fix everyone's messes. 


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My camellias are starting to bloom.


One magnolia is in full bloom, the second (different variety) is close. 


It is unseasonably warm. So warm that you could walk in your undies in your backyard, checking out all the plants and listening to birds. 




Please tell me you have on pants when walking your backyard.  :leaving:



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I like Dell. We have a Dell XPS desktop (w/ upgraded graphics for gaming) & somewhere here is a Dell laptop which I might bring out of retirement to swap out an ailing compaq. We have stacks of laptops lying around.

Dd has a special talent for killing laptops. We don't know what she does because if anything it's ds who is the most reckless both with hardware and software.  I'm the IT support in the family so I get to fix everyone's messes. 




I got a dell laptop through my graduate school. It hates me. The touchpad goes out often, but only with me. Dd16 uses it for school. It goes reaaaallllly slow, even though there is barely anything on it and it has plenty of memory.  I have another Dell that is a desktop and on its last leg. I have a nonworking iMac - probably needs a power supply, but it's old. I also have the work computer - MacBook - but it's not mine so it doesn't count. I actually really like Macs, but I'm cheap and poor.

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I have unravelled one thorny tax problem and I think I might have the right thread to pull to unravel another but I need confirmation of something from dh and he says that he's "crunched" right now.  I'll show him "crunched". . . doesn't he know that I'm stressed and I'm trying to get this done while I have dd safely tucked away at the Y? 



It's a thorny crunched BOOYAH!

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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Please tell me you have on pants when walking your backyard.  :leaving:




I'm sorry, I cannot lie.  :001_smile: 


Our garden is really, really private. Dh hot tubs in the nip. 


I can garden naked. I don't because yard trimmings are not comfortable. (I drove through Doukhobor territory a while back. They sometimes work their land naked. I don't quite understand the appeal of that.) 

But I wander out to play with the dogs or listen to birds. 


I have put on leggings now (#teamleggingsarepants).


Ds, the dogs & I are driving out to a park for a walk. 


See you all later! 

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