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Trivial post:  I hate the word "blouse."  I do not consider anything I own to be a blouse. 

It is a word used by very old people.  It is an old word.  I think it falls short of archaic, but it teeters on the edge.


Good morning!  Lots of stuffs to do today.



I am also very allergic to oats.  :glare:



There is no rest for the wicked.  I must be very wicked indeed. 


(This is not literal so please do not take it literally because then I will have to tear my hair out and I don't have that much to begin with.)

I am also wicked, evidently..


Hey, Tex? What if I used the biscuit recipe on top of my turkey pot pie? Think that would work if I just drop the biscuits on top of an already cooked filling and then baked it for the time for biscuits?

Yes, I do.  Sounds good.  :)

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If you had an early ultrasound (and I think you did--actually that you've had a couple), it is really hard to miss a baby. Like, you've got to be pretty dang incompetent to do so.  A good ultrasound measures a number of things, and everything in the pelvis is visualized.  The earlier the first ultrasound, the more reliable the baby count is.


Measuring the abdomen was a way to try to date pregnancies prior to the widespread use of ultrasound. If you had your pregnancy dated prior to 20 weeks by ultrasound or you are sure of your dates, I wouldn't worry too much about how your uterus is measuring in terms of dating a pregnancy (which is what the ob is probably concerned about).  


My pregnancies all measured differently, and I had a huge spread of measuring, especially during the second trimester.  I had some really fantastic obstetricians (I fired my first one, my second ob retired from delivering babies after my fourth baby).  My 2nd and 3rd ops both had midwife hearts, and were spot on on guessing baby size. The most reliable method, according to them, is to gauge rump size.  My third baby measured right at 8 lbs., and my 4th right at 9#8oz--she pegged it to the ounce both times.


Calculating baby size by ultrasound is a sketchy thing. I've had ultrasounds be off by as much as a #. The skill is in the technician. (I am saying this as a woman who had over 50 ultrasounds--probably closer to 75 in her last super high risk pregnancy--I was in a hospital in antepartum the last bit and was having daily sonograms as we were trying to sort things out.)  My 5th baby had her weight miscalculated despite being scanned a LOT and despite how I was measuring. After 4 pregnancies, my body knew how to grow. I only gained 8# that pregnancy, but I was measuring much bigger.


If you are concerned about having a huge baby, I would watch your diet. I have a very tall husband, and even very long babies don't tend to be 14# babies unless gestational diabetes/hyperglycemia/other maternal diet issues are in play.  I realize you are chasing every meal with ice-cream--maybe cut back a bit on portion size and focus on getting protein and veggies in?  

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Hello, friends.  I have ketched up the fast way, with no likes.  I like you all so just put that in your pipe and smoke it instead of actual likes.


I have cleaned up the house a bit with some help from kids.  Having pets makes for a very hairy house.  one kid leaned on the couch and tilted it back while I vacuumed under it, mostly dog hair and dust.  Laundry is done.  The dishes are done.  I actually slept a bit better last night.  I still itch, but my rash is fading, though I see a few new spots here and there, which is concerning.  I march ahead with my plan, though, and I have decreased my prednisone to 20 mg today.  I have three days left unless I see a sudden uptick in symptoms.  The last two are 10 mg of prednisone.  


I will shower soon and then take the two youngest kids to the dentist at 2.  I am proud of what I have accomplished today.  Go me.

Edited by texasmama
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Gosh, it's almost like you expect to be treated like a customer.  Don't you realize that you're only there to fill in the hours he needs to be able to bill? :cursing:


:grouphug: , Slash.  Is there a practice manager or patient advocate to whom you can voice your concern?

I'm going to request not to see him again next time I go.


So don't. (If you have that option.)


I think it's normal to be bigger with subsequent babies, simply because the body remembers what is going to happen anyway and gives up trying to hold it all in.  :lol:


ETA: And there goes a my-pregnant-body-gave-up-the-ghost (aka ab muscles) BOOYA!

I've heard the third tends to be bigger.


My spring cleaning consists of getting rid of a whole lot of clutter. That has to be dumped - cold turkey style - or it will never get done. Once the clutter is gone, we go back to maintenance mode. We're currently in crisis mode.


Since both of us work full time, weekends are rest (family time), laundromat, grocery shopping, and church. 

Oh. I thought you were scrubbing base boards or something. Are you on spring break?


I always measured big, like 2-4 inches ahead.  I had a lot of amniotic fluid.  My babies were not huge.  There were never two of them. If you had a basic idea of tracking your cycle, you aren't three weeks off on dates. True.  I agreed to an induction (and even asked for it) with baby #2 out of an irrational fear that he would be huge because baby #1 was 7 pounds, 12 ounces at 37 1/2 weeks, and baby #2 went to term (almost).  He was 7 pounds, 14 ounces when induced at 39 weeks, 5 days.  I was also not given a sonogram.  Sonograms are notoriously inaccurate for dating at this stage.  They are also inaccurate for predicting weight at term.  


That said, docs should not make a pg lady to feel stupid.  It is unkind.  Darn tootin! However, they also don't do sonograms because mamas are worried because then that is all they would spend their time doing. I didn't want a sonogram, just for him to look for a heart beat.  It is important that you feel comfortable with your doctor and that the person who is cutting you open and removing your child is someone you actually trust so I hope you can give a request to see a doc other than that one.  And docs don't usually write notes, but they will have office staff stamp them with their siggie if you present a reasonable request, which having someone to help you for two weeks after major surgery is since you aren't supposed to lift and such.


I want you to listen to texasmama for a minute here, okay?  You are okay, and your baby is okay.  Anxiety about these things is normal.  There is only one baby, probably a boy.  There are not two.  Everything will go well and everyone will be fine.   :grouphug:

I'm not worried. I think there's a possibility of there being two, but that thought doesn't stress me out. I think it's probably one big baby. Most people in my family are around 6 and a half feet tall and were therefore 13+ pounds at birth. I'm the shortest living relative by 4 inches.

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If you had an early ultrasound (and I think you did--actually that you've had a couple), it is really hard to miss a baby. Like, you've got to be pretty dang incompetent to do so.  A good ultrasound measures a number of things, and everything in the pelvis is visualized.  The earlier the first ultrasound, the more reliable the baby count is.


Measuring the abdomen was a way to try to date pregnancies prior to the widespread use of ultrasound. If you had your pregnancy dated prior to 20 weeks by ultrasound or you are sure of your dates, I wouldn't worry too much about how your uterus is measuring in terms of dating a pregnancy (which is what the ob is probably concerned about).  


My pregnancies all measured differently, and I had a huge spread of measuring, especially during the second trimester.  I had some really fantastic obstetricians (I fired my first one, my second ob retired from delivering babies after my fourth baby).  My 2nd and 3rd ops both had midwife hearts, and were spot on on guessing baby size. The most reliable method, according to them, is to gauge rump size.  My third baby measured right at 8 lbs., and my 4th right at 9#8oz--she pegged it to the ounce both times.


Calculating baby size by ultrasound is a sketchy thing. I've had ultrasounds be off by as much as a #. The skill is in the technician. (I am saying this as a woman who had over 50 ultrasounds--probably closer to 75 in her last super high risk pregnancy--I was in a hospital in antepartum the last bit and was having daily sonograms as we were trying to sort things out.)  My 5th baby had her weight miscalculated despite being scanned a LOT and despite how I was measuring. After 4 pregnancies, my body knew how to grow. I only gained 8# that pregnancy, but I was measuring much bigger.


If you are concerned about having a huge baby, I would watch your diet. I have a very tall husband, and even very long babies don't tend to be 14# babies unless gestational diabetes/hyperglycemia/other maternal diet issues are in play.  I realize you are chasing every meal with ice-cream--maybe cut back a bit on portion size and focus on getting protein and veggies in?  

I've had 2 ultrasounds. The first one indicated a possible twin, the second one she said no twin and I never thought about it again until it seemed like I was getting kicked with feet in two different spots.

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I always knew when I conceived, within a day or two.  Only one was induced - the rest were born when they were good and ready.  My babies, in spite of the pretty wide variance in time spent in womb, were within about a half pound of each other at birth.  

Edited by texasmama
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I've had 2 ultrasounds. The first one indicated a possible twin, the second one she said no twin and I never thought about it again until it seemed like I was getting kicked with feet in two different spots.

You are being punched with arms and kicked with legs.  If you feel hiccups down low, the baby is head down (more useful if you are far along).

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I'm going to request not to see him again next time I go.


I've heard the third tends to be bigger.


Oh. I thought you were scrubbing base boards or something. Are you on spring break?


I'm not worried. I think there's a possibility of there being two, but that thought doesn't stress me out. I think it's probably one big baby. Most people in my family are around 6 and a half feet tall and were therefore 13+ pounds at birth. I'm the shortest living relative by 4 inches.


My second was 2# bigger than my first, but that may be because I was 15# heavier starting out and had a lot of mint organic oreo-type cookies the last month. (Sweets made me sick my entire pregnancy up till then).


Yes, I'm on spring break. Go me! Besides spring cleaning, I'm also applying for part time jobs and preparing to teach Spanish classes online next school year.


I was concerned I was having twins with Gymnast. I'm the shortest in my family, dh is shortest on his side, and neither of our moms had babies bigger than 7# and change. Me having an almost 9#er was a complete anomaly. I still did just fine. Although I couldn't climb down fences once I climbed up. :lol:  I don't think you'll need to worry about a 14#er or twins. Even if you did have a bigger baby, a skilled surgeon will be on your side and you and baby will be fine.

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Baby stats from Slache:


(weight difference is from 1st prenatal visit to 6 week postnatal checkup)


Baby 1: 4 days late, 9 1/2 pounds, gained 27 pounds, currently the size of the average 8 year old

Baby 2: 11 days early 7 1/2 pounds, lost 17 pounds, slightly small for her size


I am 28 weeks and have gained (I think) 16 pounds.

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Baby stats from Slache:


(weight difference is from 1st prenatal visit to 6 week postnatal checkup)


Baby 1: 4 days late, 9 1/2 pounds, gained 27 pounds, currently the size of the average 8 year old

Baby 2: 11 days early 7 1/2 pounds, lost 17 pounds, slightly small for her size


I am 28 weeks and have gained (I think) 16 pounds.


Dear Slash,


Sounds good to me.



Dr. Mom

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Since several of you insist on speaking of spring cleaning, I will let you all know that I have determined that, in order for spring cleaning to be effective here, I shall need a flamethrower.


DH, the enormously annoying poopyhead that he is, won't let me have one of those, either. :glare:

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I think my first was 7lb 12oz  She was early'ish according to the dates but she was fully cooked. 

My second was a homebirth at 9.5. I think he was a couple days early. Honestly I barely remember stuff like this. 

I have no idea how much I gained but it was whatever was the low to mid normal range. I know with my first people were asking me if I was carrying twins when I was 6 months. I worked through that pregnancy & had cute pregnancy clothes. I also sort of fainted once on the way to work on the rapid transit.  I started feeling woozy, locked eyes with a man & said, I think I'm going to faint on you. He gave me his seat, shoved my head between my legs & rustled up a juice box from the lunch in his brief case. After that I didn't get on if I couldn't get a seat. Once I got on, looked around & turned to step off and wait for the next one & a big burly guy who was standing called out "yo, this lady needs a seat!" & someone got up for me.  

I carry forward & looked huge even when I had a ways to go. 

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Since several of you insist on speaking of spring cleaning, I will let you all know that I have determined that, in order for spring cleaning to be effective here, I shall need a flamethrower.


DH, the enormously annoying poopyhead that he is, won't let me have one of those, either. :glare:

I think Jo's old enough to learn how to do spring cleaning, don't you?

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Since several of you insist on speaking of spring cleaning, I will let you all know that I have determined that, in order for spring cleaning to be effective here, I shall need a flamethrower.


DH, the enormously annoying poopyhead that he is, won't let me have one of those, either. :glare:


I would like to do the gasoline-and-match treatment, but we rent, need a place to live, things like that.

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I was convinced it was Saturday. I was heartbroken when I woke up and it was Tuesday.


I missed Jo's thing!


I don't like blouse either. Sounds like a bug.


FIAR, I already bought the first one with my RR order. I will spend some more time with it before I go to the conference. I'm also interested in Sonlight A: Introduction to World Cultures and My Father's World: Learning God's Story, but both will cost more money and I'm concerned about them not getting done, particularly Sonlight. With FIAR I don't feel like I need to do everything as much because I'm only buying the guide and getting the books from the library. With SL and MFW I'll need to make more purchases. John will be in K and also doing Reading Lessons Through Literature, Miquon, and Developing The Early Learner along with a bajillion art and Spanish resources.

Lots of good reasons for it to work for you.  You will like it or you will not.  You will not be out a lot of money.  It's all good! 


Well, I've dropped off Gymnast, picked up my new glasses (transitions! anti-glare! two lenses that won't fall out!), and ate two eggs with a large mug of coffee (decaf). I've decided to hold off getting the title until I pick up Gymnast and work on the living room. I like moving furniture for some odd reason. I think I'm going to rearrange everything.


Did I mention that dd16 is going to apply to a youth conservation corps thingy? Forest guild. We'll see how it goes.

Awesome!  We need a picture.  :toetap05:

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I really don't like the doctor I saw yesterday. I mentioned my concern about having two and he laughed and shook his head like I was some sort of idiot. I said I was measuring big and he said I was measuring incorrectly so I asked him to measure me and he got irritated. As he pulled the measuring tape our he said I should be between 26 and 28 inches. I mentioned that I thought he might be really big and he said that he wouldn't be really big yet, then he was silent when I measured at 31 inches. I asked what the meant and he said "I don't know but I'm sure everything is fine." Then when he listened for the heartbeat I asked him to look for a second and he refused. I acknowledge that it's near ridiculous for me to think they actually missed a baby, but would it have killed him to spend a minute looking? And his reassurance that everything is probably fine sucked. I'm not worried about the baby but that's 3 inches over what it's supposed to be. Is my due date wrong? Is he going to be 15 pounds? Are there two? Oh! And then he got irritated when Matt asked for a note saying that I needed him home for two weeks. He said that his office should supply paperwork for him to fill out, but they just want a note and he got all pissy. I don't want to see this guy again.

Ridiculous.  ENB (Elephant Ninja Brigade) in route with bazookas.


I don't do that. I put all of *that* stuff on cards and do one of the cards every other Saturday or so. My house is clean and it takes like half an hour a week. It's easier.


Now you're just bragging.  :hat:

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I think Jo's old enough to learn how to do spring cleaning, don't you?


She's a good little helper (it has to be a communal activity, though, or she stalls.)  Right now, we're seriously hampered by the weather (we'd be rowing upstream) and the presence of an annoyance of the male persuasion.  Said annoyance is planning on a trip to visit its mother and I have an all-out assault on the clutter planned in its absence.



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Now you're just bragging.  :hat:

No, just too lazy to do the real thing.


She's a good little helper (it has to be a communal activity, though, or she stalls.)  Right now, we're seriously hampered by the weather (we'd be rowing upstream) and the presence of an annoyance of the male persuasion.  Said annoyance is planning on a trip to visit its mother and I have an all-out assault on the clutter planned in its absence.



Yeah, after they went to Indiana last fall I've decided they need to leave every year. I'm considering making them go camping before the baby's born. It wasn't just the ability to clean, but I got to sleep in and they had some great Daddy time.

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Also, I don't think I ever mentioned what happened with Matt in Indiana. Someone (you'll never guess who) went on and on about how I'm controlling him and I've made all the important decisions for the family and I've manipulated him into thinking he's the boss when he's really not and so on and so forth. She assumed it was the perfect time to have that conversation because I wasn't there. Well, it wasn't. He completely stood up for me, clarified that we've made decisions together and told her about some of his decisions that I didn't even like but went along with anyway because I'm a good wife. So there. :P


She was caught by complete surprise. I know she's tried to talk him into divorce before and I wonder if that's where she was planning on heading. I know she mentioned having a job lined up for him at the time and I'm wondering if it was her intention for them to just stay out there. It would explain a lot of her behavior since then.

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Slache, :grouphug: , and you've invited said person to come.  You are a better woman than I am.  She's wack-a-doo.  :svengo: :(

Oh, this was well planned. I see her about once every year in a half. She showed up uninvited when Mary was born an guess what? I didn't care because I was high! Remember me high? I'm fun high. I have no tolerance for narcotics whatsoever. I figured I'd take advantage of it this time and then not have to deal with her for another year and a half.

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Baby stats from texasmama:


baby 1 - 37 1/2 weeks - 7 pounds, 12 ounces, gained 50 pounds

baby 2 - 39 weeks, 5 days - 7 pounds, 14 ounces, gained 42 pounds, induced

baby 3 - 38 weeks, 4 days - 8 pounds, 6 ounces, gained 50 pounds

baby 4 - 39 weeks, 5 days - 8 pounds, 6 ounces, gained 60 pounds (or so, I stopped looking)


I always knew when I conceived, within a day or two.  Only one was induced - the rest were born when they were good and ready.  My babies, in spite of the pretty wide variance in time spent in womb, were within about a half pound of each other at birth.  



baby only - 40 weeks - 8 pounds, 7 ounces, gained 35 pounds


The attending was positive I would have a small baby. I said no, all the babies in my family are big.  She said nope, 6-pounder.     I said no, 8-pounder. She said I was too small for a 8-pounder. Between that and me being convinced I would make it through without meds (she said I'd never given birth before, I'd change my mind. I did not change my mind), she didn't like me much.  I think that is why she stabbed me with something right after I delivered the baby, when I was too tired to throw a fit that she was ignoring my wishes.  Oh, well.  She was right on that at least.  I was too tired to kick her like I wanted to.  LOL



Edited by ikslo
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Since several of you insist on speaking of spring cleaning, I will let you all know that I have determined that, in order for spring cleaning to be effective here, I shall need a flamethrower.


DH, the enormously annoying poopyhead that he is, won't let me have one of those, either. :glare:


 Probably for the best.

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I am back from the dentist.


I think I was able to dodge a root canal.  They put some calcium stuff on top of my root and then filled it as normal.


I need to go crash on the couch under a blanket and recuperate.  I had a bite block, a cheek block, a ton of gauze and other junk in my mouth besides the drill and the suction thing...it was unpleasant.

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Ultrasound underestimated the weight on both my babies. They ended up being 6 something and 7 something pounds. I was far too glad to be done to really care. I left walrus behind around six months I think, and progressed to whale by the time I had the boys.

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