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Hugs for JJM


Hugs for tex because it hurts when your baby cries.


Discipline the dog owners, not the dogs.


I got to sleep in today yay, and after a quick errand, I will get to lounge at home puttering through paper work and grooming the dogs.



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Friends, I absolutely agree that the problem is the owner not the dogs.  BUT:


1) We live in a rural area and there is no animal control.

2) This has been a problem, which is growing, since they moved in 2 years ago.  Once, the freaking dogs rushed Spritz when my daughter was on him.  Luckily, I was right there and was able to help get him under control.  Keeping my kid alive kept me from killing the dog then.  That was last summer. Now Jo is afraid to ride her horse in our woods.

3) Spritz is old and we are still having freezing temps at night, which frequently follows rain during the day.  That may mean ice.  If Spritz is panicking and hits ice, he risks losing control (he is old and very lame) of his hind end.  If a horse's back legs split, it may mean a broken pelvis.  Which cannot be fixed.  Which would mean that I would be required to put a blindfold on my daughter's loving old horse and put a large caliber bullet into his head.  Which I would do if I had to, but I would really prefer to minimize the risk of this happening (which is why we built the new barn in the first place, to give him a safe place in the winter).

4) I will shoot the neighbor's dogs before I will risk having to shoot Spritzer. This is not a hypothetical here, but a reality I have to face.  That's why I am so very, very angry.


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We don't have animal control here, either. We are out of city limits. If you call the sheriff, they will advise you to shoot the dog on your property. What we did is put her in our yard, spay her, get her shots and heartworm prevention, get rid of the fleas and ticks on her, feed her, and commit to a decade of ownership, expense, and care until she dies. Not everyone is able or willing to do this, though. We also took in a dumped older dog 16 years ago and also homed a kitten we found. Rural areas are rough when it comes to pets.

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Can you get video or photo proof of the dog on your property? Just in case the owner continues to deny it?


I've seen them.  I've chased them back to his property.  He knows it's them; he's just an idiot.


And, honestly, it would serve no purpose.  The official response here would just be, "Shoot the dogs."  There is no mechanism to fine the owners or whatever.

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We don't have animal control here, either. We are out of city limits. If you call the sheriff, they will advise you to shoot the dog on your property. Same here wrt problem animals. What we did is put her in our yard, spay her, get her shots and heartworm prevention, get rid of the fleas and ticks on her, feed her, and commit to a decade of ownership, expense, and care until she dies. Not everyone is able or willing to do this, though. We also took in a dumped older dog 16 years ago and also homed a kitten we found. I would do the same for a non-problem animal.  Or take them to our shelter which is marvelous and loving and doesn't fine owners. Rural areas are rough when it comes to pets. Actually, not generally true here.  Most people -me included - tend to bend over backwards to take care of pets.  The issue here is that the dogs' behavior is endangered MY pet (Spritz) and MY KID.  (In the dogs' defense, though, they are not aggressive toward people.)



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Wow. A reminder to me again why not to move anywhere without an effective animal control, no matter how tempting the lack of pet ownership limits.


Is shooting the owner completely out of the question? (Asking for a friend)



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Tell your friend to re-read preceding posts about approaching dating age of DD and appalling lack of excavator attachment for tractor. 


A friend of mine was considering this approach for a remarkably similar problem.

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If the dogs are able to be caught, I would consider doing this and taking them to a shelter a distance away and lying out my butt about where I found them, which is what I did not too long ago.


This is very good idea, but they tend to run from people. 


Especially ones who have chased them down with a lunging whip.

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My boss at the company where I work is retiring.  I am very,very sad.  He is the most wonderful boss.




But I think that I am being recruited.  He sent me this message (font size and color original):






I cannot work full time and homeschool.  It stresses me out and makes my head explode.  And I get pneumonia.  Really bad.


Nonetheless, I am conflicted. 


I would love to be appreciated.  Or at least paid.




You should feel sorry for me.






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How are the dogs getting onto your property?


The neighbors have an inadequately fenced area around their house.  We do have field fencing on our east property line which separates us from them, but the north fence line is barbed wire (And the next line to be replaced!  I swear!), so once they escape their yard, they can get access to our place from that direction.  Unfortunately, we flat out can't afford to fence the whole ten acres in field fencing; our replacement lines are New Zealand wire. And that's pretty typical for a rural area; properties are open and we rely on our neighbors to be respectful and CONTROL THEIR ANIMALS.


(Please believe me, if this were just a one-off situation, I wouldn't hurt the dogs.  The renters before them had a wandering goat that I frequently had to take home.  I've forced a big rig to stop on the highway to rescue a wandering Boxer [twice! Next time, if there is one, I won't take her to the shelter but find her a new home.] I really do love animals, but I can't force the guy to do the right thing and I won't risk Spritzer being hurt.)

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I meant rough in terms of support from governmental entities. Essentially, it is no man's land.


I tried to catch a wandering Pyr who was being neglected by the same owners who neglected Daisy, but he was s true livestock guardian and skittish so I never succeeded. They moved not long ago. Hope he's okay. Haven't seen him.

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So, I had a creeper follow me and my 1st grader (very cute dd) at the store.


I am not a paranoid or anxious person by nature.  


I left dd with the very full cart 8' away to look at something down the aisle that I forgot. When I came back, I saw a guy standing a couple of feet away from us, looking at his phone. Not a big deal, there are lots of bored husbands at the store today.  He was kind of in the same aisles as us in the last little bit. I made eye contact with him and he explained why he was standing there. He then GOT INTO LINE BEHIND ME WITHOUT A CART OR ANYTHING TO BUY.  


I told the checkout lady that creeper had been following me and that I wanted an escort out to my vehicle.  


They got a big 30ish guy who had been in the military.


I've been stalked/had death threats before. I did domestic violence work as part of my career (and it's a good chunk of why I quit when I had kids).  I didn't recognize this guy, and I now live in a different state, but my spidey sense is that this guy was a creeper and not an oblivious guy on his phone.



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A friend moved to the country recently with her family and went on a walk with her kids and dogs. One dog chased a neighbor's horses and got shot. He was a family pet. She was horrified. I didn't blame the guy who shot the dog. I blamed her. City gal moves to the country and doesn't abide by the rules. It wasn't her dog's fault, either. He should not have been off leash off her property. That's on her.

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So, I had a creeper follow me and my 1st grader (very cute dd) at the store.


I am not a paranoid or anxious person by nature.


I left dd with the very full cart 8' away to look at something down the aisle that I forgot. When I came back, I saw a guy standing a couple of feet away from us, looking at his phone. Not a big deal, there are lots of bored husbands at the store today. He was kind of in the same aisles as us in the last little bit. I made eye contact with him and he explained why he was standing there. He then GOT INTO LINE BEHIND ME WITHOUT A CART OR ANYTHING TO BUY.


I told the checkout lady that creeper had been following me and that I wanted an escort out to my vehicle.


They got a big 30ish guy who had been in the military.


I've been stalked/had death threats before. I did domestic violence work as part of my career (and it's a good chunk of why I quit when I had kids). I didn't recognize this guy, and I now live in a different state, but my spidey sense is that this guy was a creeper and not an oblivious guy on his phone.

Good job listening to your gut.
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A friend moved to the country recently with her family and went on a walk with her kids and dogs. One dog chased a neighbor's horses and got shot. He was a family pet. She was horrified. I didn't blame the guy who shot the dog. I blamed her. City gal moves to the country and doesn't abide by the rules. It wasn't her dog's fault, either. He should not have been off leash off her property. That's on her.




This is why I made sure that our backyard was securely fenced when we moved in.  If my Buddy Dog were to wander I fear that someone might mistake him for a wolf.  And I wouldn't put it past him to chase something/anything furry.  Thank goodness he's a homebody.  And we keep the backyard  fence well-maintained.

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So, I had a creeper follow me and my 1st grader (very cute dd) at the store.


I am not a paranoid or anxious person by nature.  


I left dd with the very full cart 8' away to look at something down the aisle that I forgot. When I came back, I saw a guy standing a couple of feet away from us, looking at his phone. Not a big deal, there are lots of bored husbands at the store today.  He was kind of in the same aisles as us in the last little bit. I made eye contact with him and he explained why he was standing there. He then GOT INTO LINE BEHIND ME WITHOUT A CART OR ANYTHING TO BUY.  


I told the checkout lady that creeper had been following me and that I wanted an escort out to my vehicle.  


They got a big 30ish guy who had been in the military.


I've been stalked/had death threats before. I did domestic violence work as part of my career (and it's a good chunk of why I quit when I had kids).  I didn't recognize this guy, and I now live in a different state, but my spidey sense is that this guy was a creeper and not an oblivious guy on his phone.






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So, I had a creeper follow me and my 1st grader (very cute dd) at the store.


I am not a paranoid or anxious person by nature.


I left dd with the very full cart 8' away to look at something down the aisle that I forgot. When I came back, I saw a guy standing a couple of feet away from us, looking at his phone. Not a big deal, there are lots of bored husbands at the store today. He was kind of in the same aisles as us in the last little bit. I made eye contact with him and he explained why he was standing there. He then GOT INTO LINE BEHIND ME WITHOUT A CART OR ANYTHING TO BUY.


I told the checkout lady that creeper had been following me and that I wanted an escort out to my vehicle.


They got a big 30ish guy who had been in the military.


I've been stalked/had death threats before. I did domestic violence work as part of my career (and it's a good chunk of why I quit when I had kids). I didn't recognize this guy, and I now live in a different state, but my spidey sense is that this guy was a creeper and not an oblivious guy on his phone.

Oh Prairie!

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How does John describe his castle?




(My mom has an ancient cookbook that I drew a stick figure in when I was 2.  She still hauls it out to show people my brilliance:  Look!  Her figure has FINGERS!  And a BELLY BUTTON!  Nana Rocks!)


Funny! I saved dd16's drawing for the same reason. It's in a file somewhere, drawn with ink pen on pink paper. Nostrils in nose, eyeballs in eyes, fingers (about 20 on each hand, lol!!), bellybutton. Dagnabbit, that's a good 2yo drawing! Usually 2yos are drawing circles, so any type of detail is good. I see why your mom saved your drawing.

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Funny! I saved dd16's drawing for the same reason. It's in a file somewhere, drawn with ink pen on pink paper. Nostrils in nose, eyeballs in eyes, fingers (about 20 on each hand, lol!!), bellybutton. Dagnabbit, that's a good 2yo drawing! Usually 2yos are drawing circles, so any type of detail is good. I see why your mom saved your drawing.


I'll tell my mom that I met her doppelganger on the Internet! :laugh:

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So, I had a creeper follow me and my 1st grader (very cute dd) at the store.


I am not a paranoid or anxious person by nature.  


I left dd with the very full cart 8' away to look at something down the aisle that I forgot. When I came back, I saw a guy standing a couple of feet away from us, looking at his phone. Not a big deal, there are lots of bored husbands at the store today.  He was kind of in the same aisles as us in the last little bit. I made eye contact with him and he explained why he was standing there. He then GOT INTO LINE BEHIND ME WITHOUT A CART OR ANYTHING TO BUY.  


I told the checkout lady that creeper had been following me and that I wanted an escort out to my vehicle.  


They got a big 30ish guy who had been in the military.


I've been stalked/had death threats before. I did domestic violence work as part of my career (and it's a good chunk of why I quit when I had kids).  I didn't recognize this guy, and I now live in a different state, but my spidey sense is that this guy was a creeper and not an oblivious guy on his phone.


The thing with the phone is, they take pictures. I've had a guy take a picture of dd16 when she was a toddler, and then run. There have been a couple of other times when we've caught guys on phones, seemingly looking at them. Once the phone goes up in our direction, and even dd16's spidey sense goes on. It is very creepy.

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The thing with the phone is, they take pictures. I've had a guy take a picture of dd16 when she was a toddler, and then run. There have been a couple of other times when we've caught guys on phones, seemingly looking at them. Once the phone goes up in our direction, and even dd16's spidey sense goes on. It is very creepy.


Ewwww!  That's infuriating! 


It's a Spidey- Sense- Infuriating -Creeper Booya. 

Edited by Another Lynn
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I was full of vim and vigor this morning - for about five minutes.

Once I was hopped up on enough coffee and ibuprofin, I managed to put away all my laundry and a pile of summer clothes, help ds sort through a bag of clothes, and load the dishwasher, and wash another load of dishes by hand. And send out a few emails. It is time for more coffee and ibuprofen.

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