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Another true and (not really funny) story.  I hope I haven't told it yet. :huh:


While at the oncologist, she noted that the young lady's name is the same backwards and forwards.  She said, "There is a name for that."  I spoke for the first time other than to introduce myself to say, "Palindrome."


I've been celebrating ever since that I could recall it.


Well-played, Tex.  Well-played.  (That is me congratulating myself.)


Also, ds 13 asked me who I thought would win the Superbowl, and I was all like, "Well, who's playing."  He told me, and I chose the Broncos "because Colorado is pretty".   :lol:

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:toetap05: Where did everyone go? 


I've descended into grumpiness because I've been trying to work on a couple amended tax returns (thanks to military pay issues.)  So, now, I only have a little bit of progress to show for my efforts.  But worse, the house is still in need of attention.  I know this is not logical.  But I think I'd rather do another amended return than face the kitchen. 


Desperate times call for desperate measures - brew some decaf and play some music. 

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It is over. I played with babies the whole time and avoided most people. I smiled a lot and said "thank you for coming". However I feel extremely nauseous but relieved. There are a few people still here. There was about 30 or so not counting children.


Now I must go to the store to get snacks for the game.



Slache, those are some gorgeous pictures. Thank you.

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I went to church and am now in bed. I had someone on this board correct me for using curricula so now I only use curriculum. Instead of multiple curricula I've looked at lots of curriculum. I don't know if that's right, but I don't remember who it was so I don't want to say curricula again.

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My homeschool mentor says curricula for the plural of curriculum so it's automatically correct. 😂


This is what I thought.


We all nap on Sundays. I'm a horrible mother and I let my children run wild at the church before and after service so they're all worn out when we get home.

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Very nice pictures, Slashie, I forgot you lived in Oregon. I thought you lived in Missouri or somewhere in the middle. I am so bad at remembering where everyone lives. Unless it's in your user name. That makes it easy.

I used to live in Cincinnati. And DC. And Louisiana. I'm from California, originally. I don't understand why you can't keep that straight.
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I'm back from bringing ds to the university. I have some work I need to do but dh is using the computer and is so stressed out with work that I am not going to bother him.


It appears the co-op director has been wagging her tongue in every possible direction at every possible opportunity. I am starting to get questions from people 2nd and 3rd hand not even connected to the co-op about our leaving. What am I supposed to say..."yes, we are leaving because the director has very low ethical standards and we don't trust her to make right or good decisions, as demonstrated here by her inability to refrain from gossip"?


No, instead I tell them it is just time for us to make a change. Sigh. May 6th cannot get here soon enough.

Edited by Susan in TN
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I'm finally home after a long weekend learning about vomit, diarrhea and diseases that make skin fall apart. I'm taking next week off of school to rest, do some planning and to track down an interesting bit of information regarding bees and some new legislation passed about bees and antibiotic use. I just may end up a lot more involved with bees that I ever thought I would be. We'll see.

Other than that, not much going on.

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I just now found out that I don't have to do standardized testing in my state anymore. Somebody told me this today and I just got done checking it out. Hmm. Nobody told me a thing, but I was wondering where my usual packet of information was. 

Now the boys are a little miffed, since they kind of like filling out bubble sheets and getting ice cream cones after testing is finished.



ETA: I'm thinking about testing anyway for my own records and to see where I could improve. I've always done the IOWA, but now I'm wondering if there are better, more exciting tests out there to measure skills.

Edited by Critterfixer
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Yeah, it ought to be. I might go in and touch base anyway. It looks as if the at the same time that they were getting rid of the regulation they also made it possible for homeschoolers to participate in some extracurricular activities with the public school students. I wouldn't mind seeing what was available since we have no real social outlets where we are. You know, living under a rock and all. :laugh:


ETA: Would recommend The American Plague by Molly Caldwell Crosby for anyone interested in disease and diagnosis and mosquito borne plagues.

DS 1 says he would recommend Skellig. He just finished it and said that he can't wait for me to read it so that we can discuss it. He particularly enjoyed the pairing of the struggle of baby birds to survive with the struggle of the baby in that story to survive. And the first person point of view.

Edited by Critterfixer
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Even when I went to a liturgical church, I did not "do" lent in the sense of giving up things. 


I am comfortable with everything I am doing though.  As I add certain things that I need to add (like working on yard work 15 min. a day and working in the Schoolroom of Doom for the same amount of time), other things naturally get limited. 


The hive serves a purpose for me.  The ITT thread (or more specifically, my ITT peeps) serve a big purpose for me.  (Don't feel used by that last statement!)  TV serves a purpose for me.  I'm not anti-screen time though and see both computers and tvs as tools that enrich my life. 

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We do not do Lent. I should. But, we did just do nachos and rootbeer floats.

I used to live in an extremely catholic area and it was such a huge thing I just joined in. It wasn't really for God, but it was long enough to reset a bad habit. I've done no TV, nothing but water, no sugar, read every day, and start every morning with prayer.
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Even when I went to a liturgical church, I did not "do" lent in the sense of giving up things.


I am comfortable with everything I am doing though. As I add certain things that I need to add (like working on yard work 15 min. a day and working in the Schoolroom of Doom for the same amount of time), other things naturally get limited.


The hive serves a purpose for me. The ITT thread (or more specifically, my ITT peeps) serve a big purpose for me. (Don't feel used by that last statement!) TV serves a purpose for me. I'm not anti-screen time though and see both computers and tvs as tools that enrich my life.

I'm someone who does not spend my time wisely. ;)
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Except when you are here with us. ;) Please don't give up ITT because we will worry about you and the ITT baby and John and Mary and whats-his-name. And the ITT Anniversary. Wouldn't be the same without you.


There. I have pleaded my case.

I have to agree with Susan. I don't think giving up ITT would be beneficial in any way.
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For lent I am considering giving up cream in my coffee. I despise black coffee, but it would be a daily reminder of the bitterness of sin and the cost of the redemption of that sin.


With the kids during lent, we focus on repentance during family devotions and work on scripture memory/review during story time.

Edited by Susan in TN
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Speaking of coffee...I don't like it. Don't like the taste of it. Anyhoo, they had "hot water" at the conference for the tea drinkers like me. Super thoughtful, I thought. Until I got some water to make the tea. Either coffee permanently resides in any container ever used for it or somebody didn't wash it out! I got it down, because I wasn't wasting caffeine, but YUCK! 

No offense to coffee lovers, but when you didn't want coffee, thought you were going to have a nice cup of tea and then got stale, bad coffee instead...!

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We use the Stanford tests.  I also heard that they are going away, so I'm not sure what we will use next year.


Went to church.  I don't do lent.


Watched and enjoyed the Super Bowl.  Actually, I thought it was a terrible game, but the QB that I wanted to win won.


I don't drink coffee.  Or hot tea.


I think I have ketched up.

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Speaking of coffee...I don't like it. Don't like the taste of it. Anyhoo, they had "hot water" at the conference for the tea drinkers like me. Super thoughtful, I thought. Until I got some water to make the tea. Either coffee permanently resides in any container ever used for it or somebody didn't wash it out! I got it down, because I wasn't wasting caffeine, but YUCK! 

No offense to coffee lovers, but when you didn't want coffee, thought you were going to have a nice cup of tea and then got stale, bad coffee instead...!


I hate "hot water" and tea bags. Blech. Just make a pot of a nice black tea and call it good. Yeah, I know that many tea drinkers are spayshell snowflakes and need to have 32 choices of tea bags, but honestly...coffee drinkers get...coffee. Why shouldn't tea drinkers? Besides which "hot water" makes really crummy tea, and tea bags are just a mess...soggy things lying around on saucers after having been dunked not even in boiling water but in "hot" water, such that if there had once been a possibility that they would make an actual good-tasting tea, the "hot water" made it impossible.


We stayed at a hotel in Hawaii that served Darjeeling tea in its restaurant. The servers came around with a pot of coffee and a pot of tea. Loved it. :-)

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Speaking of coffee...I don't like it. Don't like the taste of it. Anyhoo, they had "hot water" at the conference for the tea drinkers like me. Super thoughtful, I thought. Until I got some water to make the tea. Either coffee permanently resides in any container ever used for it or somebody didn't wash it out! I got it down, because I wasn't wasting caffeine, but YUCK! 

No offense to coffee lovers, but when you didn't want coffee, thought you were going to have a nice cup of tea and then got stale, bad coffee instead...!


I hate coffee too. 


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I survived watching the Super Bowl.


Now DD wants to watch the recorded Republican debate.  Sigh.


I really must get some sleep.  Tomorrow is Take Nana to the Not Quite So Big City for Her Hair Appointment Day.  Which will be followed on Tuesday by Take DD to the Not Quite So Big City for Her Mathcounts Competition, but we have to stay over night because there's no way I'm making that drive at o'dark thirty so we can be there at 8 a.m.


Did you get all that?


Me, neither.  Goodnight, all!

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