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I would be really turned off by ding-dong ditch bibles. It seems a waste. You are most welcome to knock on my door and tell me about your life and your beliefs and I'll give you water and listen. You ding-dong ditch me and I will just think, "You missed the part about 'do unto others'!!!"


And quite frankly, do they know how EASY it is to get a Bible? It is not like there is a lack of Bibles in this country. You can get them free at any hotel, at Goodwill, at any church, just walk in, "Excuse me may I please have a Bible?"


There is, however, a lack of Christian love. Why not deliver homemade Christmas cookies or Christmas cards to people or something. Or better yet... caroling!


I honestly cannot imagine who thought up this event.


Edited to add: I can totally see why a child would want to go. But as an adult, I'd say no and replace it with something loving and joyful.

Edited by Tsuga
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Now comes the part when I need help and advice.  The 4th-6th graders at church are doing a Bible Drop Off event tonight, and little dd wants to go.  The permission slip said that they are going to put Bibles on people's doorsteps in the neighborhoods, ring the doorbells and run.   :huh:   It seems an odd event for young kids.  My two issues are that I don't let my dd ride in a car with a random adult driving and also what sort of people are these that they are going to leave Bibles for?  What if they are cranky and come out with a shotgun?  That is far-fetched, and this is a nice little small town with a lot of older people, but I want to know if they are ding dong ditching Bibles at random strangers' houses.  I think these are reasonable questions.  However, I called the contact person and left a message but then I was talking to my little supervisee when she called back.  So I just don't know.  What does the ITT say about ding dong ditching Bibles?



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That was her least favorite. It's the kid's favorite though. Why do all these people think they have a say in this anyway? It's my kid. She can go make her own. You should hear the things MIL says. "That sounds like a black name." If I mention anything remotely hispanic sounding she has a fit. "You can't name my granddaughter that!" Um, yes I can. She wants us to name her middle name Marie after her. I have half a mind to make her name Maria just to piss her off.

This is why we never ever revealed the baby's name until he or she was born and had a birth certificate. Just not worth the comments. We still got comments afterwards, but not as many, and usually with only half-hearted opinions.

Edited by Susan in TN
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This is why we never ever revealed the baby's name until he or she was born and had a birth certificate. Just not worth the comments.

Neither of my kids have a birth certificate. I assume there was something I was supposed to do that I didn't. Ohio wanted $75 for one and we waz po'. In Oregon the hospital I was at wouldn't let me put Mary in the bassinet thing because I had had a c-section, but they didn't have a nursery so I literally had to hold her all day and night while I was recovering from surgery and heavily medicated so I high tailed it outta there in less than 12 hours. I guess I missed something important.

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Neither of my kids have a birth certificate. I assume there was something I was supposed to do that I didn't. Ohio wanted $75 for one and we waz po'. In Oregon the hospital I was at wouldn't let me put Mary in the bassinet thing because I had had a c-section, but they didn't have a nursery so I literally had to hold her all day and night while I was recovering from surgery and heavily medicated so I high tailed it outta there in less than 12 hours. I guess I missed something important.

You will want to get the chilluns birth certificates.  They will need them in the future.

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My church gives lavishly and unselfishly and sacrificially to the community and to people around the world, so I don't know what the deal is with the ding dong ditch Bibles, and I may not have the whole story, like it might be visitors and the kids are dropping off a bag containing a welcome package AND a Bible, but I am not down with little dd going with an unknown person after dark about the neighborhood dropping off things.  Little dd was okay with it.

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Here's the weird thing. I just tasted my homemade vanilla that has been "brewing" for 5 months. It smelled good but was disgusting. Like tree bark flavored vodka. But then I tasted the store bought vanilla from my cupboard. It was worse. So I am thinking it probably turned out OK and is safe to give for Christmas.

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Here's the weird thing. I just tasted my homemade vanilla that has been "brewing" for 5 months. It smelled good but was disgusting. Like tree bark flavored vodka. But then I tasted the store bought vanilla from my cupboard. It was worse. So I am thinking it probably turned out OK and is safe to give for Christmas.


I think a true test would be to make some frosting (or some other sweet deliciousness) with it, and taste test that.  Straight vanilla is gross.


Cupcakes.  Make cupcakes.


Then report back.

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No to ding dong ditch Bibles. Although I have heard of Rake and Runs and have a favorable opinion of those. You go to an elderly person's house, rake all the leaves in the front yard, dispose of them and run away. Although there may be some problem with that I haven't thought of, so never mind.

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Do your kids have passports? One of mine does, but the rest don't. We moved to a state with a shockingly serious regard for proof of citizenship and I'm thinking a passport may be the fastest way to cut through bureaucracy in the future. (It takes four pieces of id to get a driver's license here, even if you already have an out-of-state one!)

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My mom sent the kids a book. This means she's sorry or she's pissed. I won't know until I call to say thank you. She still doesn't know about the baby unless she's figured it out through a friends Facebook or something.


As per usual SIL texted a list of baby names she finds acceptable and then told me the names we have picked out don't sound good. She's so pleasant.


There's a reason one does not announce a name until the baby is born and the name is attached already.

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Happy Wednesday! And happy birthday to Lynn's ds14!!


And happy birth day to Renai's niece! Hope baby and mom are doing well.


Good to see you again, Brandy! Hope you can get a bit of rest these next couple of weeks.


Guess where I get to go this morning? Yep, the dentist. Dd9 has a cavity.


i had a dentist appointment today. I had to leave work early to get there, and still didn't make it. They used to give me 3:30 or 4:00 appointments. I found out today that the dentist no longer sets appointments for after 3, and only in the mornings on Fridays.  :confused1:  She must be getting rich off Medicaid money if she doesn't have to keep hours that working people need.

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Now comes the part when I need help and advice.  The 4th-6th graders at church are doing a Bible Drop Off event tonight, and little dd wants to go.  The permission slip said that they are going to put Bibles on people's doorsteps in the neighborhoods, ring the doorbells and run.   :huh:   It seems an odd event for young kids.  My two issues are that I don't let my dd ride in a car with a random adult driving and also what sort of people are these that they are going to leave Bibles for?  What if they are cranky and come out with a shotgun?  That is far-fetched, and this is a nice little small town with a lot of older people, but I want to know if they are ding dong ditching Bibles at random strangers' houses.  I think these are reasonable questions.  However, I called the contact person and left a message but then I was talking to my little supervisee when she called back.  So I just don't know.  What does the ITT say about ding dong ditching Bibles?


Dd16 says go for it. She says she's done her "share of ding dong ditching (?!) without leaving a Bible, and some of these people need Jesus, man."

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My church gives lavishly and unselfishly and sacrificially to the community and to people around the world, so I don't know what the deal is with the ding dong ditch Bibles, and I may not have the whole story, like it might be visitors and the kids are dropping off a bag containing a welcome package AND a Bible, but I am not down with little dd going with an unknown person after dark about the neighborhood dropping off things.  Little dd was okay with it.


Of course she'd like it, she's a kid (see my dd's response above).


I say no. It's not respectful, and it's turning evangelism into a joke. It's not a joke, it's people's souls. There needs to be a better age-appropriate activity for that group.

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That was her least favorite. It's the kid's favorite though. Why do all these people think they have a say in this anyway? It's my kid. She can go make her own. You should hear the things MIL says. "That sounds like a black name." If I mention anything remotely hispanic sounding she has a fit. "You can't name my granddaughter that!" Um, yes I can. She wants us to name her middle name Marie after her. I have half a mind to make her name Maria just to piss her off.


It's none of their business. I told everyone the baby's name was Nepomuceno/a. I told the story already here, but for those new to ITT, it is a name that the Mexican actor Cantinflas playing a priest refused to baptize a baby with because it was so ugly. 


Stop giving away baby names. If they bring it up again, tell them you're starting over with names and you'll let them know when you come up with something. Then come up with something to tell them when it's attached to your already-born baby.

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It's none of their business. I told everyone the baby's name was Nepomuceno/a. I told the story already here, but for those new to ITT, it is a name that the Mexican actor Cantinflas playing a priest refused to baptize a baby with because it was so ugly.


Stop giving away baby names. If they bring it up again, tell them you're starting over with names and you'll let them know when you come up with something. Then come up with something to tell them when it's attached to your already-born baby.

I went to the dentist too. I'm considering telling everyone that we're naming it Mertle or something.

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Dd16 says go for it. She says she's done her "share of ding dong ditching (?!) without leaving a Bible, and some of these people need Jesus, man."



Slash, of course, you may continue to discuss baby names with us. We do not cross personal boundaries.

If asked, I will give my honest opinion.  If not asked, I will smile and nod.  My little dd has a classic, easy to spell name, and MIL said she had never heard of it, in spite of it being popular, timeless, and a famous old timey actress or two sharing it. :confused1:

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My friend came over to walk the dog with me.  Well, she tried, but her car died by a cemetery so she texted me a Very Bad Word, and I texted back that I would quick come and get her once I put on some pants.  So I got her and then we walked a mile and a half, and I really love her because I had to slow my pace by half (long legs and trying to get the ole heart rate up).  Then I took her to the post office and home and then I rushed my boys to the youth group and did not take little dd to ding dong ditch Bibles.

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If asked, I will give my honest opinion. If not asked, I will smile and nod. My little dd has a classic, easy to spell name, and MIL said she had never heard of it, in spite of it being popular, timeless, and a famous old timey actress or two sharing it. :confused1:

Me too. There's no reason to insult someone's baby name choice.

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Me too. There's no reason to insult someone's baby name choice.

Heck when I learned that the other family from 4H named their baby girl Cleopatra I didn't say a negative word to the mom about it.  *whispers* though when the teen brother told me I may have asked if mom was high on drugs when she named the baby that.  BUT when I realized that was really her name and they were not pulling my leg I simply stuck with congrats.

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Heck when I learned that the other family from 4H named their baby girl Cleopatra I didn't say a negative word to the mom about it.  *whispers* though when the teen brother told me I may have asked if mom was high on drugs when she named the baby that.  BUT when I realized that was really her name and they were not pulling my leg I simply stuck with congrats.


I like that name. It goes well with Alexander.


I could have a job being baby name approver. I seriously like almost all names. But I would give a little guidance on spelling, even though I'm happy to use culture-specific spelling or provide alternative spelling that follows basic rules of English or at least French, if you are worried about confusion with another family member with the same name. I might provide guidance about that as well. But I'm not going to hate on your name.

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