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Oh my gosh, YOU ARE NEVER GONNA BELEIVE THIS!!!!!!! (Not screaming, just excited)


For several, like 8, years I have said I would like a kitchen maid stand mixer. (Not many times, but a few. Like if we were making cookies or bread, so not often :D) Well this morning sitting on my counter is a brand new shiny black kitchen aid mixer. Ds20 was off work yesterday, and last night he got home late, around 11ish. So I did not talk to him last night, but he has been saying he was going to get one for me. I told him not to because $$$$. I have the sweetest children. I am so proud. Now I am crying.....


Wow!  How sweet!!  :001_wub:


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  • Susan in TN


  • Jean in Newcastle


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I just "might" get this for dd4. Which is weird, because I've never bought into commercialism. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0170N5MWU/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=3S3JOB203334X&coliid=IBGUUR1AIGY3D

A child's life should not revolve around television which makes some parents a little uncomfortable with things like this, but if she really does love the show I think this is a great gift, and will be well used. I also love the dress. It wouldn't look good on me though, so you should get it and wear it for me.

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For days, my teens have been sneaking around whispering about my birthday gift.  Last night, after the kids were in bed, dh plunks the unwrapped gift next to me and says "here".  I told him "I'm pretending that I did not see that.  The kids want to see me open the gift in front of everyone."  "Oh."  I do love the man but he does not have any sense of . . .   something - I can't think of the word.  

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I've done Christmas letters for years.  People have stopped to ask me to make sure they are on the list to get one.  And I've gotten letters back from my Christmas letters with people's comments.  The most popular approach has been a family newspaper where everyone writes an article on something of their choosing.  It doesn't have to be family news.  One year dd wrote about all the birds we see from our window.  Ds has put installments of his sci-fi novel.  We've made it part of school.  




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Oh my gosh, YOU ARE NEVER GONNA BELEIVE THIS!!!!!!! (Not screaming, just excited)


For several, like 8, years I have said I would like a kitchen maid stand mixer. (Not many times, but a few. Like if we were making cookies or bread, so not often :D) Well this morning sitting on my counter is a brand new shiny black kitchen aid mixer. Ds20 was off work yesterday, and last night he got home late, around 11ish. So I did not talk to him last night, but he has been saying he was going to get one for me. I told him not to because $$$$. I have the sweetest children. I am so proud. Now I am crying.....

Likety like like like!


And how thoughtful to give it to you now, during prime cooking and baking season! Think of all the grand experiments you can do! (Well, for me they would be experiments :D)

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I just "might" get this for dd4. Which is weird, because I've never bought into commercialism. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0170N5MWU/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=3S3JOB203334X&coliid=IBGUUR1AIGY3D


Ikwym.  I would go out of my way to buy pacifiers that didn't have Pooh on them.  And I even like Winnie the Pooh.  A lot. 


But I digress.


I think the ponies can be lots of fun for a little while.

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Just got back from dd12's regional (mid-state) middle school orchestra audition. She went first and somehow lost her shoulder rest between the warm-up room and the audition room. She said she was very nervous and it went OK any way, even without the shoulder rest. I don't expect that she will make it, but it was a good experience and she said she wants to try again next year, even if she doesn't make it this year. I am so proud of her - she worked very diligently to prepare.


I am hoping to manage a Christmas letter this year. It has been three years since my last one, and I would like to get back to it. I struggle to write them, despite the fact that they are short and boring.

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For days, my teens have been sneaking around whispering about my birthday gift.  Last night, after the kids were in bed, dh plunks the unwrapped gift next to me and says "here".  I told him "I'm pretending that I did not see that.  The kids want to see me open the gift in front of everyone."  "Oh."  I do love the man but he does not have any sense. of . . .   something - I can't think of the word.  


I think it was there already, Jean.  (It's part and parcel of that whole, "girls rule, boys drool" thing, IMO.)

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I choked up on "Oh, the Places You'll Go." Unfortunately, there was no warning and I was reading it to dd at the time.



Oh yes... and "The Little House"....  



I still can't get through that one dry-eyed, even after a thousand read-alouds.  



Bridge to Terabithia does me in completely.  I'm not sure I'll ever be able to do that as a read-aloud.  

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Some of us used to Watch Terms of Endearment over and over again and cry.  I don't think I've cried in a movie in a loooooooooooong time. 


Most are neither sad nor funny anymore.  


Humor is dark humor.  Drama is dark drama.  Most just seem to fall on one end or the other of the disturbing spectrum.  

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I used to write Christmas letters, because I'd been raised to do so, but quit shortly after child #3.  It just added too much pressure and stress to the holidays (even a brief switch to Easter letters didn't help, because we really don't have "slow seasons" anymore).  


I have continued to write up a recap of the year for my own records, but not sending it to a hundred other people has been freeing. 

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I cooked, too.  A lot.  And washed at least three loads of dishes and two loads of laundry.  


The end results: broccoli risotto torte, baked chickpeas, homemade pita chips (two bags-worth), cucumber-tomato salad, and tahini yogurt dressing.  All for various events we have coming up this weekend.


And now on to veggie chowder for dinner tonight. 



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I cooked, too. A lot. And washed at least three loads of dishes and two loads of laundry.


The end results: broccoli risotto torte, baked chickpeas, homemade pita chips (two bags-worth), cucumber-tomato salad, and tahini yogurt dressing. All for various events we have coming up this weekend.


And now on to veggie chowder for dinner tonight.

Now, that's impressive! (And honestly, sounds totally stressful to me. I'm going back to my math book!)

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The shopping is done for the week. Tomorrow we go to the aquarium, and I've got to go cook chili in about an hour. I am so tempted to bring my laptop, go hole up in the back room with the cute kitten that belongs to the foreign exchange student and let everyone have early Thanksgiving without me. 


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Dh and I brought the lady I help with home from the hospital. She had a mild heart attack, but no major blockages requiring surgery. Just follow-up with primary care Dr and cardiologist.


Dd16 stayed home with the twins. They have not had any fever today.:hurray:


It has gotten very cold here, and has been raining. I'm not sure about church in the morning. The twins are better, but I am reluctant to take them out in the damp, cold, frosty morning air.

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I cry watching certain movies. The most recent was If I stay and The Fault in our Stars. Dd16 wanted to see them so I took her to the movies. I cry reading as well. I wasn't always this emotional, but lately I have been. I'm not sure why. Maybe because my children are growing up, and I am realizing they won't always be at home where I can protect them and keep them safe. On the other hand, maybe it is hormones.:D

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Remember over the summer at dance camp when dd16 got hit in the eye and had bleeding and swelling in the retina but then it got better? She's been telling me that for the past week, she's been losing her vision in that eye and can basically only see colors.

Not good.

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Good for the finances, though, no?

Actually the company is making him take 3 days off next week so it won't make a difference. They're very abusive. He's working just enough so those 3 days will equal it out, but no overtime pay because it's over 1 80 hour pay period. They'll make a bundle by having their products out by Thanksgiving though. Yay for them.

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So Christmas. I don't do cards anymore, and I have never written a Christmas letter. I do like the idea though, but just for my own personal reference. I figure that if people are interested they will stop by or call. I call people through out the year, or send a card to let them know they have been on my mind. However I have no friends, remember. Just you all. And you all know more about me and my thoughts and feelings than anybody. So there ya go.:D

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Actually the company is making him take 3 days off next week so it won't make a difference. They're very abusive. He's working just enough so those 3 days will equal it out, but no overtime pay because it's over 1 80 hour pay period. They'll make a bundle by having their products out by Thanksgiving though. Yay for them.

Ugh. That stinks.

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I cry watching certain movies. The most recent was If I stay and The Fault in our Stars. Dd16 wanted to see them so I took her to the movies. I cry reading as well. I wasn't always this emotional, but lately I have been. I'm not sure why. Maybe because my children are growing up, and I am realizing they won't always be at home where I can protect them and keep them safe. On the other hand, maybe it is hormones.:D

I have avoided most weepy movies mentioned. I always cry watching "Up".

Edited by Susan in TN
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I don't do letters or cards. I think there might be something wrong with me.


I gave up letters and cards a long time ago.

I love Beaches. And Terms of Endearment. And I love watching chick flicks that make me cry.


Beaches always reminds me of my best friend growing up. We were complete opposites. She moved away in 7th grade. :(

Those are two that make me boo hoo.

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