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Tomorrow is my one day of classes for this week.   It shouldn't be a hard day, I would bet at least some people will not remember that we actually have class so attendance will be down, but we do have some visitors coming to try out classes.

I'm more curious about my Open House.  In the past when I've held one, I may have one or two people show up.   This is getting a lot of likes and attention on Facebook so I'm thinking we might actually have people show up.  We're going to have activities for the kids, as well as information about all our offerings.  I guess we'll see how it goes. 

ETA:  a work booya.  Boooring.

Edited by Wheres Toto
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5 hours ago, KrissiK said:

I feel like I’m being pecked to death by a chicken.

*taps rule book* No, thank you. All chickens, please take note: We have tetrazzini specialists on standby. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Our oven is working again, huzzah!

DS has scouts on Monday nights and I can never fall asleep until everyone is bed and every Monday night I am a sleepy bunny.

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Good Morning!!!



School for some, work for others.

Yesterday was a fog delay for the girls. I wonder if it will be today. they were predicting a dense fog advisory last night, but it is clear as a bell this morning. Of course it was clear yesterday and we had a fog delay. Fog is kind of funny sometimes and some places get it and some won’t and the girls’ school has kids from all over the place. So, occasionally we have a fog delay and it’s not foggy here.

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Good morning!

Dd15 did not get her braces off yesterday, so it's another month of hoping.  My arm hurts mightily from the shingles shot.  I just got back from the vet with Little Pup who had to get a set of shots.  He cried the whole ride there, but on the way back he eventually laid down in the box.

I could use second sleep.  I thought I'd slept pretty well but maybe my sore arm woke me up through the night.


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Second sleep happened!  I had disturbing dreams, but at least I know I was sleeping!  I got a long overdue letter in the mail and a small box for MIL packaged up.  I'm now sitting in the kitchen waiting for Little Pup to eat his lunch.  He doesn't like to eat and will yap his head off if I'm not here with him.  🙄  The vet said he is 16 pounds.  Yikes.  That's pretty big for a 3mo "mini" goldendoodle.

We are having a dinner at the church tonight for choir and other assorted musicians.  
I feel like I missed most of January and February is rushing at me and about to run me over!

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Sleep depleted.     
Patience levels falling.    
Irritation approaching critical mass.    
All juvenile cerebral systems no longer functioning.  

Captain, we’re drifting toward the Februaries!  They’re headed right toward us!  I can’t stop them!

*throws self about in a Shatnerian manner*


You're right, Capt. That's what it is! I'm giving it all I've got, but she won't hold together!



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I'm not thrilled about the imminent approach of February,  either. There's just something about the month that I don't like. It's too short to be a real month. I don't really trust it.

Edited by KrissiK
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43 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

I'm not thrilled about the imminent approach of February,  either. There's just something about the month that I don't like. It's too short to be a real month. I don't really trust it.

I think we should have thirteen 4 week months a year. Every month should start on Monday and every 4 years we'll have a non day. It should be worldwide celebration of nothingness. 

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So, my poor baby younger dd (who is the same age as many of you!!) is having hip replacement surgery in February. No one knows why her hip has deteriorated. She has never injured it. She doesn't have any other conditions that could account for it. But here we are. Her other hip will be replaced eventually, but this one is the most painful. My older dd will leave her little family in Seattle and fly down to stay with her little sister. ❤️ I have told her that I can come out in a heartbeat if she needs me, but she thinks she'll be ok with her dh and her sister.

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3 hours ago, KrissiK said:

I'm not thrilled about the imminent approach of February,  either. There's just something about the month that I don't like. It's too short to be a real month. I don't really trust it.

In its defense, it's going to extend itself as much as it can for you this time.

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Good morning!

Beware the Atmospheric River!  Don't take risks on treacherous roads!

Some people are going to work, some are going to class, and some are staying home to do lessons.  I have string quartet this afternoon and I need to see if the post office is open late enough for me to mail mil's package after that.  The girls have youth group tonight.


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I'm home from the places.  At String Quartet we read two modern quartets (one by J. Raff and one by F. Bridge) which made my brain very tired.  Sadly we didn't have any time afterwards to recuperate with a bit of Haydn.  But it was good brain work.  Then post office and home.  I don't have to go anywhere tonight yay!

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Good Morning!!!


Friday Eve!! And Welcome to February. 

Dom’t know where the dreaded Atmospheric River went, but we didn’t get rain over night like we were supposed to.  Maybe it slowed down.

Soccer games last night. I was able to watch middle DD’s JV game and they actually won. 3-1. About half the girls on the team had never played soccer before (including DD), and they played well last night. They communicated and passed the ball to each other. I was really proud of them. I had to go to church after that one, but DH came and watched oldest DD and the varsity team. The Varsity lost again. 8-0. They’ve really had a horrible season and I blame the coaching.  They have a new coach and she’s pretty awful.

Today….work as usual.

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Good morning!

It's February!

I drove the girls to tutorial this morning because I have to go back for a parent meeting at lunch time.  After the meeting I'll go to the Aldi down the street and probably Kroger and then pick up the girls.  Ds19 has work and ds28 is working from home today.

Tomorrow is Candlemas Day; if you've finished making your candles for the year you can bring them by the church to be blessed. 😉  We didn't make any candles but we'll arrange the ones we can find on the kitchen table.  

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Good morning!  Happy Candlemas Day!

It is currently sunny out and I am very grateful!

I don't have a puzzle going.  I should go find one.

Little Pup has learned to go down the front stairs which is awesome because now I don't have to carry him out 10 times a day to potty.

Registration for the girls' tutorial classes next year opens in 15 minutes.  Some of the classes are nearly full already (teachers and staff get to register early) so I am hoping to at least get in some of their required classes and also hoping the system doesn't crash in the middle.


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1 hour ago, Slache said:

Susan, do you usually make them? Is something y'all have been doing? 

No - we have made dipped candles and gel candles in the past.  For today, we just round up all the various candles and votives and tea lights that we have stashed around the house and light them in the evening.  I'm planning to make some baked apples for a special dessert tonight.

FYI: no shadow was seen this morning, so spring comes early this year!  I wonder how they determine that a ground hog has seen or has not seen his shadow.

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Good morning!

Little Pup was awake well before 7 but I eventually got up and took him out to potty.  Now he and Sir Pups-a-lot are mouth wrestling in the crate.  It looks dangerous but dr. google says it's perfectly normal.  
Imma have the boys bring down Christmas decoration boxes so we can get started on that.  Lent will be here before we know it.  Did you notice that Ash Wednesday falls on Valentine's Day again this year? I seem to remember some humorous Hey Girl memes last time this happened. 😁

Otherwise I am making a bunch of Thai peanut chicken freezer meals.  

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I lost 4lb in the last month. I'm doing a really good job exercisimg due to the med scare though the nurse practitioner said my numbers could have been thrown off by the week of sickness, Gatorade, and carbs with the stomach bug  about a week before my blood test. And also the month of Christmas.  So hopefully that contributed but still enough fire to keep me more consistent and do harder workouts. I got new shoes too. First time for Hokas. I'm liking them. 

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On 1/29/2024 at 11:36 AM, KrissiK said:

Now that is advice I could take. i have always wanted to do the Pacific Crest Trail (after reading “Wild”) and I figure if Cheryl Strayed could do it, so could I.

I read Wild last week because you'd posted about it. I liked the descriptions of the changes in landscapes. It's also a movie. Did you see the movie? The book had a bit of bad language, sexual content and drug use. I tried to skip those. The librarian actually warned me since I had done a hold request through my dd's card and she was concerned dd would read it. So FYI, moms.

I have always wanted to do a longer backpacking trip. Dh has done 2-3 week trips. I've not done more than a couple days. However, I hate wet tents. And backpacking for months especially through that country sounds like lots of wet tents. And ticks are bad in OR, I think. She didn't mention bugs at all, no flies or mosquitoes. I'm glad I didn't read that when I was in college because I would have probably tried it and been killed by a serial killer. 

Edited by Dianthus
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Morning, Happy Saturday.

Our Open House went well yesterday.   Had about 6 families stop by, a couple registered and a couple more seem like they will.     I have all my teachers worked out for next year without having to hire anyone new, which is great.  

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Today I have to either go in and clean up from yesterday or stay home, do laundry, and plan next week's classes.  Since it's a new session some of it's not finalized.   Whatever I don't do today, I'll do tomorrow.   

We're going out to dinner tonight to celebrate.  Dh got a raise at work and very nice letter in appreciation for some work he's been doing.  They really don't want him to retire.  

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Good Morning!!!



It felt good to sleep in!!

Soccer games last night. It was cold and rainy and we lost. Both games. And I hadn’t dressed warm enough. But, we made it through.

Not much going on today. I guess I will do housework, go grocery shopping.

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1 hour ago, Dianthus said:

I read Wild last week because you'd posted about it. I liked the descriptions of the changes in landscapes. It's also a movie. Did you see the movie? The book had a bit of bad language, sexual content and drug use. I tried to skip those. The librarian actually warned me since I had done a hold request through my dd's card and she was concerned dd would read it. So FYI, moms.

I have always wanted to do a longer backpacking trip. Dh has done 2-3 week trips. I've not done more than a couple days. However, I hate wet tents. And backpacking for months especially through that country sounds like lots of wet tents. And ticks are bad in OR, I think. She didn't mention bugs at all, no flies or mosquitoes. I'm glad I didn't read that when I was in college because I would have probably tried it and been killed by a serial killer. 

I’m sorry. I guess I tend to skip over the objectionable parts myself and forget to mention those. I just thought she was a fantastic writer.

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1 hour ago, KrissiK said:

I’m sorry. I guess I tend to skip over the objectionable parts myself and forget to mention those. I just thought she was a fantastic writer.

Yes good descriptions and interesting enough to want to finish. But I can't believe she would publish such personal content. Her mother dying made me cry. 

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6 hours ago, KrissiK said:

I’m sorry. I guess I tend to skip over the objectionable parts myself and forget to mention those. I just thought she was a fantastic writer.

I tend to do this as well.  I loved the description of her initial pack.  I haven't seen the movie yet.

7 hours ago, Dianthus said:


I have always wanted to do a longer backpacking trip. Dh has done 2-3 week trips. I've not done more than a couple days. However, I hate wet tents. And backpacking for months especially through that country sounds like lots of wet tents. And ticks are bad in OR, I think. She didn't mention bugs at all, no flies or mosquitoes. I'm glad I didn't read that when I was in college because I would have probably tried it and been killed by a serial killer. 

I've done a 5 day/40 mile backpacking trip in New Mexico with Boy Scouts so we were well prepared, lol.  There were no bugs (unless you stepped through a cedar bush) and it rained on occasion but my tent was never wet inside.  I had a really good quality backpacking tent.  Which reminds me that I need to do some repair work on it.  I imagine the bugs and rain got more consistent the further north she went.  
I think the PCT would be really cool, as opposed to the AT which I have no desire to do because of the mental slog of the neverendingthickforest.  Maybe it's not as bad as I imagine.  

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8 hours ago, Dianthus said:

I read Wild last week because you'd posted about it. I liked the descriptions of the changes in landscapes. It's also a movie. Did you see the movie? The book had a bit of bad language, sexual content and drug use. I tried to skip those. The librarian actually warned me since I had done a hold request through my dd's card and she was concerned dd would read it. So FYI, moms.

I have always wanted to do a longer backpacking trip. Dh has done 2-3 week trips. I've not done more than a couple days. However, I hate wet tents. And backpacking for months especially through that country sounds like lots of wet tents. And ticks are bad in OR, I think. She didn't mention bugs at all, no flies or mosquitoes. I'm glad I didn't read that when I was in college because I would have probably tried it and been killed by a serial killer. 

My husband wants to hike the Appalachian Trail. I hate putting my shoes on.

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