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15 hours ago, Wheres Toto said:


Dh thinks they'll want to put me on statins, but from what I've read in the absence of prediabetes and with decent ratios, they may wait and give it time with diet/exercise/etc.    I find the results a bit scary so have every intention of doing what I can to bring it down naturally.  

My cholesterol was similar - high overall but good ratios.  My doctor suggested getting a calcium something scan to see if the high cholesterol was actually causing any issues which it wasn’t. 

Hope your infection clears quickly!

oh yay a medical booyah!


This is the thread that never ends,

It just goes on and on my friends.  

People started posting not knowing what it was,

And they will keep on posting here forever just because...


This is the thread that never ends

You'd best come join it with your friends  

'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze

And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days


This is the thread that's always there

They'll cheer you up so don't despair

The group is growing well as more people start checking in

And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive


This is the thread that never ends

It's better than a Mercedes Benz

It helps with coffee withdrawal and other troubles, too

Eighteen hundred pages of friends all cheering for you


This thread keeps going on and on

with record-setting length and fun

It started forty-eight months ago from curiosity

and all the fun and frolic has shown this is the place to be


This is the thread that never ends...

And the place where one finds special friends,

the kind that have hearts that are strong and true

Yes, ITT ladies, I am talking to you! 


This is the thread that never ends

Yeah, it's superior to other trends

Friends start out scratching their head in confusion, perhaps

But then the laughter strikes and they gratefully tip their caps.


This is the thread that never ends

I had no idea when I entered in

That what seems a little nuts might actually save me

From going insane on days that are crazy 🤗


This is the thread that never ends....

Edited by Susan in TN
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Good morning!

From Sunny Charlotte, NC!

We are not in a rush to get to the airport but the airport shuttle only runs until noon so we have to get going eventually.  We did a bit of laundry last night and watched The Office.

There is a Shake Shack in the airport so I am looking forward to that today.  Or maybe another Bojangles biscuit sandwich - that was so yummy!

I need water.  And hotel breakfast.



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11 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

My cholesterol was similar - high overall but good ratios.  My doctor suggested getting a calcium something scan to see if the high cholesterol was actually causing any issues which it wasn’t. 

That is actually what the NP recommended - a calcium CT scan.   As long as that is fine, just trying diet and exercise with a retest in 3 months.

No antibiotics because evidently the raised WBC could be because of the prednisone I was taking when I had them done.  They redid the urine today and are having me come next week to redo the blood since today was my last day of prednisone.  And other than the achiness/cramping, there is no pain.  No touch sensitivity at all.   So we wait and see.

My leg was helped by the prednisone but came back, they are thinking related to sciatica and getting off my butt and losing weight will likely help with that too.  


11 hours ago, Susan in TN said:


There is a Shake Shack in the airport so I am looking forward to that today.  Or maybe another Bojangles biscuit sandwich - that was so yummy!

I need water.  And hotel breakfast.



I love Shake Shack.  There's one very near to work.  But that definitely will NOT be on my new diet.  

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Home again, home again, jiggety-jig!

The Pups and All Humans were very happy to see us.  We had to wait a while to get out of the airplane because the exit tunnel thing was frozen but eventually they got it together.  The roads are not too bad except in my neighborhood.  To get out, you have to go up a steep hill which is always shaded so it takes a long time for the ice and snow to melt enough for cars to get traction.

I had a Bojangles biscuit sandwich and Shake Shake black&white shake for lunch/dinner.  So delicious.  I brought some Auntie Anne's pretzel bites on the plane for a snack and they were also delicious.  I really shouldn't need to eat any more for a week.  Nevertheless...


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Suddenly, having a 16yo is the willy_nilliest. I'm glad he's such an easy teen in terms of discipline (knock on wood), because All the Other Things are just... a lot. And I know it's not my job to figure out what he's going to do with his life, but getting him positioned to do his own thing... there's just so much to work out in the very short term.

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7 minutes ago, 73349 said:

Suddenly, having a 16yo is the willy_nilliest. I'm glad he's such an easy teen in terms of discipline (knock on wood), because All the Other Things are just... a lot. And I know it's not my job to figure out what he's going to do with his life, but getting him positioned to do his own thing... there's just so much to work out in the very short term.

I concur.

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Good morning!

We are officially still snowed in.  And temps are not supposed to get above freezing until Monday.  And the kids are asking when I will go grocery shopping.  Sigh.  If I can get up the steep hill out of my neighborhood, it's not bad.  But.  Hill.  We still have butter, eggs, and almond milk.  And plenty of Food.  Just not all the food that is routinely expected to be available.   
Little Pup ❤️Puffy Heart Luvs❤️ the snow.  In my absence he got bigger and became much more efficient in eating his meals.  He also routinely sits when he is hoping for his meal or a treat or some attention which is a good start.  Sir Pups-a-lot is very patient with his playing but sometimes comes to us and begs for some alone time, lol.

Dd25 and SIL will be heading back to The City That Must Not Be Named at some point today.  I'm sure they are ready to be home.


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I will see if I can get some snow puppy pictures!

I made hot and sour soup, though I realized after I started it that we don't have any sriracha.  I used Tobasco (a little less) and it was acceptable.  The egg ribbons were not great but also acceptable.

Next week it is supposed to get up to the mid-60's.  

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2 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

I will see if I can get some snow puppy pictures!

I made hot and sour soup, though I realized after I started it that we don't have any sriracha.  I used Tobasco (a little less) and it was acceptable.  The egg ribbons were not great but also acceptable.

Next week it is supposed to get up to the mid-60's.  

But did you floss?

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Good morning!

It's as warm as it's going to get today  26*.  By this time tomorrow it will be 7*.  I've taken Little Pup out twice and Big Pup out once and made the coffee.

Ds28 was running a fever all day yesterday.  Hopefully he is better today.  Nothing else going on.  I have to check a few things and put together a freezer meal - sweet potato, apple, ham bake.

I missed my shingles booster on Monday.  It's OK - I just have to go in for a nurse visit any time in the next month so not a big deal.

Probably no one is going anywhere today again.


Edited by Susan in TN
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Morning, Happy Friday.

I ended up cancelling my scheduled Open House today since all the schools are closing early due to the incoming snow.   It was scheduled for 1pm to 5pm so right in the middle of what's supposed to be the worst of it.   Plus it's very cold so it would be an icy, slippery messy snow.   Now I have to do all the work of rescheduling. 

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The sun is occasionally peeking out from behind the clouds.  Go Sun, Go!  Do your thing!

I read The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency while in NY and the subsequent journey home and have now started Andrew McCarthy's Walking With Sam.  I'm not even 4 chapters in and have already determined the Camino de Santiago route I will take (del Norte) and the likely month of journey (May/June).  Who wants to walk 500 miles through Spain with me?

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The other thing I remembered at 4am was that I forgot to pay the Water and Electric bills before leaving for NY.  I tried to pay the water bill online (it was due on Monday) but something went wrong so it's in the mailbox.  Hopefully the mailman comes today.  The electric bill (which is not yet late) I paid online.  Those are the only two mail-in bills I have left.  Not sure why.

Edited by Susan in TN
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Good morning!

It's COOOLD out there!  At some point today I plan to get some groceries.  The road in front of my house is still all snow/ice but cars seem to be making it through OK.  I took both Pups out to potty at 3am (separately) and turned the faucets on to drip. Big Pup still whined at my door for a bit but he eventually quieted down.  I have a hankering to watch "Catch Me If You Can".
Little Pup is having some breakfast.  Imma start the 


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Good Morning!!!




I think I slept about 10 hours last night. I was exhaustified when I finally got home from work yesterday afternoon and fell asleep on the couch after dinner.

Dom’t know what I’m going to do today. My younger two are at winter camp. I need to go grocery shopping.

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Good Morning! (barely)

Happy Saturday!

Woke up this morning with the tiniest bit of sore throat, so I decided to skip the baby shower I had been planning to attend.  I feel okay, so I'm hoping it's not Covid, although that is apparently making the rounds in one of my circles. 😞

I've been reading a lot recently and trying to spend less time on the internet.  Right now I'm almost finished with The Body Keeps the Score.  It's hard reading, but it's been helpful.


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1 hour ago, Junie said:

I've been reading a lot recently and trying to spend less time on the internet.  Right now I'm almost finished with The Body Keeps the Score.  It's hard reading, but it's been helpful.


I have been reading that book over the years. It is hard to read, but it’s good.

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Cleo kitty decided to come over for breakfast. She abandoned us a while back. I think there’s too many cats around here. She has been living outside at the entrance to our cul-de-sac. I don’t know who has been feeding her, but she looks good. However, this morning she asked to be let in. I can’t even pretend to know what goes on in the mind or motivations of a cat.

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I started The Body Keeps the Score but decided it needed to wait until later.  
In other news, I have abandoned the idea of grocery shopping today.  Got all the snow and ice off the windshield and most off the roof and hood but then got stuck in ice/snow halfway out the driveway.  I managed to get all the way back onto the driveway without hitting ds28's car and decided the shopping will have to wait.

The sun is shining nicely today, so that should help.

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I am having a really hard time. I have not left the house since October 1st except for John's popcorn preaching and I spent seven days after that completely unable to function. I am so nauseated and so tired and in so much pain. Nothing is helping and the doctors just want me to wait but my kidneys are declining. I am so, so tired. I can't parent. I can barely breathe. I am so tired. 

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((((Slache)))) What are the doctors wanting to wait for, if you don't mind my asking?


This weekend has shaped up to be a little busier than our usual (probably still pretty chill for a lot of people). Sometimes I'm don't think I even know all the things I'm behind on.

It's cold for this area, but it's supposed to then be unseasonably warm by Thursday or so.


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29 minutes ago, 73349 said:

((((Slache)))) What are the doctors wanting to wait for, if you don't mind my asking?

More extreme treatment. My body has rejected any traditional lupus treatment so I'm waiting to go on chemo or steroids. 

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9 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

(((Slachey)))  how long will you have to wait for new treatment?

It's not time, they just want me in better shape before they do anything, but I'm not getting better. 

8 hours ago, KrissiK said:

Sportsball. I think I jinxed the Niners because I was cheering for Green Bay last weekend. 

I have power like that.


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Good morning!

(((Slache))) Praying for you, friend.

It was 2* when I brought Little Pup out to potty this morning.  So cold.  An SUV was slowly sliding backwards down the icy hill out front.  By the time I got pup back in the house and looked outside, the car was gone.  Maybe they backed the rest of the way down and went another way.  
Due to potential ice capades, we are not going anywhere.  Ds19 and I were supposed to play for services but I let them know yesterday that we wouldn't be there.  It's supposed to get up to 30* today and 44* tomorrow, so things should be OK for driving soon.





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Morning, Happy Sunday.

I had the joy of helping ds with pre-calculus Friday.   He's finally taking the precalculus he needs for his degree.  He tried once before and hated the professor (with cause from what he said) but he needs it so is trying again.  Prof gave them what is supposed to be a pre-precalculus test for homework and there's was bunches ds didn't remember after not doing math for 3? 4? years.   I've mainly been teaching PreAlgebra and Algebra 1 so had to do some refreshing myself but we figured it all out and he remembers much of it now.   Hopefully that's a good sign for passing the class.  I did tell him to make sure he asks for help right away if he's struggling with something since he'll just get farther behind.  

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John and I are now a year into Inductive Bible Study. We've both learned so much, but are slightly behind our 3.5 year schedule. This year Mary (10), Alex (7) and I began the Chronological Life Application Study Bible. It's ok. We've started discussions, making it better, but we're not in the habit. I'm not doing anything myself. I meant to start a yearly devotional. It's short and I could easily catch up. Hmmm.

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