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I live on a street that slopes down right in front of my house and we are all on a river.  I'm way above the river.   I had to drive down the street yesterday to turn around to park in front of my house (narrow road) and half the road is completely flooded.  The river has been overflowing it's banks pretty much constantly for the past couple weeks.

My pumpkin/squash plants are happy with all the rain.  They are in containers so need extra watering usually.   

ETA:  A happy squash booya

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I am sooooo bored.    I'm not in a lot of pain, just achy and sore mostly.  A little bit worse when I get up and I can't bend over much without sharp pain.    So I can't do yoga or exercise or do laundry or anything that involves a lot of moving or bending or lifting.    Which basically eliminates my entire to-do list.   

Plus dh is working from home and having conference calls which must be done in the living room since there's nowhere else so I have to be quiet.  

I'm reading, which is great.  But I hate feeling like I'm not accomplishing anything useful.   I have plenty of time for just relaxing, reading, watching tv pretty much daily so it's not like I have a rare opportunity to just lounge.   I do plenty of lounging.  Especially this summer since I'm not working a lot. 

So I am sooooo bored.  

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We are back from the community college.  We were the first ones there and it was a bit of a fiasco for the first while because ds had never signed into his student account and didn't know his account email or password or understand what account they were talking about.  He struggled a bit but he finally found people who knew what to do and he found the class he plans to take and Bob's your uncle - he's a college student.

I took him out for an ice cream shake at Sonic after.

I'm hungry.

Edited by Susan in TN
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31 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

It’s a cooler day here today. Only 101. Not 111 like we had last week.

Same, but 91 instead of 100. There was even a sprinkle of rain. Like, maybe 10 drops reached the ground. A hair on my arm got wet. 🤣 I still had to water the tomatoes, though.

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1 hour ago, 73349 said:

Good morning.

Amazon now claims that Today is the Day and if I don't get the book today, I may request a refund tomorrow. However, the last carrier update still says Delayed in Transit from Monday.

That's happened to me before. I didn't know who to believe either. I don't remember who was right, as this happened quite a few months ago.

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2 hours ago, 73349 said:

Good morning.

Amazon now claims that Today is the Day and if I don't get the book today, I may request a refund tomorrow. However, the last carrier update still says Delayed in Transit from Monday.

I would request the refund. I don’t think you are going to get the book.

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Good morning!

I woke up too early again so may try for second sleep later.  I had this amazing plan to make banana bread with the frozen bananas but then discovered that we were out of butter.  So I went to AFSA and their school supplies are just out so I bought some of those and more birdseed and a few other doodads and fortunately remembered the butter and Bob's your uncle, the banana bread is in the oven.


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2 hours ago, KrissiK said:

I would request the refund. I don’t think you are going to get the book.

I plan to request the refund as soon as I get up in the morning. Even if I get the book, I don't have time to read it.

I will use SWB's books, which run  from ancient times through the Renaissance. That'll hold us until Thanksgiving, and that's enough time to consider my other choices (including maybe the previous edition of Cole & Symes).

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I got a bit of a nap. And then a storm blew in and while I was watching the clouds and lightning roll through I heard my FIL's voice coming from my pocket.  He hung up and I couldn't manage to get a hold of him so I sent an email.
 I'm making a bit of progress on an embroidery project.  Just in the planning stages.

The chocolate chip banana bread is really good, though surprisingly I think there's a bit too much chocolate.

We got another inch of rain.  I feel like that should be enough for the week.

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My refund is processing. They want me to take the book back to the UPS store if it does arrive. 🙄 I will be sure to do that with the same care and efficiency they put into getting it to me.

Now to Do Things!

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Good Morning!!!



OK, Lorinda has to go. She was crowing at 5:30 this morning. Or whatever the peacock equivalent is. Not sure how to get rid of her. DH read that spraying water at them helps. I feel bad. I like her, but not crowing at 5:30am. And she leaves little “gifts” all over the place.


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Good morning!

Hope you can find a nice home for Lorinda that will give her the royal attention to which she is accustomed.

Dd16 woke up with such a severe headache that she can't stay upright.  Not sure what is going on with her (she does get migraines from time to time), but we will have to postpone our trip to the DMV until next week.  

I keep hearing news reports of the great heat dome but in my area it's been cooler than usual.  I remember this last summer, too.  I think of "summer" weather hitting when it is 80* by 8am.  Normally this starts mid-to late June but it hasn't happened even once yet.

Everyone stuck in a heat dome is welcome to come to my house where it's just pleasantly warm and muggy, lol.



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It's been a long day. 

My mother, who I told yesterday not to call or text before 9am, sent (or it got sent) a text a 6:15am.

Then a text from my cleaning person at 7am, that I didn't look at, that power was out at work.

Then a call at 8:45 from one of my teachers doing camp this week that the power was out, campers were already arriving at that point.   It did end up coming back by 9:30am. 

I had to print and drop off paychecks, and the low tire symbol was on in my car.  So I had to swap cars with dh because I had to drive to Newark airport to pick up dd's friend at 2pm.

But then friend's flight was delayed so we didn't actually have to go pick them up until 5pm so dh ended up driving so I didn't have to park and make the long trek into the terminal and he could just drop us off and swing around and pick us up.

Then my uncle called me about my dad, who needs surgery and help with paperwork but his wife won't do it and she hates me (it's mutual) so has it set up so I can't be given any information so I can't help.    


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Happy Sunday.

I lost 4.6 pounds since Tuesday.   I've been eating plenty.  I'm doing Weight Watchers so paying a lot more attention to what I'm eating.  Even went out to Legal Seafood for dd's birthday last night and made good choices.

Poor dd was a little disappointed yesterday.   She got her period yesterday so was uncomfortable and a little weepy all day.   We went to the lake to swim but the water was cold and she was so uncomfortable we didn't stay long.  Then she felt bad because she thought her friend may have wanted to swim longer (I don't think friend cared), then she was worried about the cost of dinner (although we told her if she needed to limit what she got, we'd tell her long before the waitress was there to take our orders, she got steak and lobster which are her favorites).   She was also tired since they stayed up late the night before, and had been stressed about all the flight delays.  She did really like her gifts and was good by the end of the day. 

So, I told her instead of Statue of Liberty/Ellis Island on Monday, we'd go to our local zoo (where I used to be a docent).    The touch tanks are her happy place and we can save Statue of Liberty for later in the summer.  

Dd tends to be very sensitive, even more than the typical teenage girl, maybe because of her anxiety.  We try to be sympathetic without babying her or inconveniencing others, but the others are all quite happy going to the zoo instead.   Monday is the only day we have to do anything really special like that since the rest of the week I'll be doing work to set up for 4H fair.  

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Good afternoon!

The two youngest and I left extra early because we were scheduled to play for services this morning.  And lo and behold, we got into the chapel and there was a new piano!  A gorgeous walnut Steinway baby grand.  Not new, but in beautiful shape.  They've had an upright piano for many many years and so this was quite an exciting bit this morning, lol.  
We are home now.  There are a few Things which must be taken care of today, and so I will endeavor to do them, post haste.

More Coffee!

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1 hour ago, KrissiK said:

Don’t consult the list. Your should just lay around and do nothing. Like me.

In the spirit of Pirates, I have discovered a show on Max called Our Flag Means Death - a sort of true story of a British dandy aristocrat named Stede Bonnet who decided to become a gentleman pirate.  The first episode at least is quite funny.

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1 hour ago, Susan in TN said:

In the spirit of Pirates, I have discovered a show on Max called Our Flag Means Death - a sort of true story of a British dandy aristocrat named Stede Bonnet who decided to become a gentleman pirate.  The first episode at least is quite funny.

I think I read about him. I read this awesome book about pirates some years back. Called "The Republic of Pirates:Being the True and Surprising Story of the Caribbean Pirates and the Man Who Brought Them Down" by Colin Woodard. It was really good. Stede Bonnet was mentioned a lot.

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Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

A few Things are going on today.  The younger girls are going paddle boarding with a friend later this morning and I need to stop by UPS to mail a box to dd24.  Later today I should be getting a delivery of a couple wedding dresses for dd20 to try on after her eye doctor appointment.  I think I'm getting another package today with things for Saturday's trip.


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A large branch on our black walnut tree is suddenly bending over so I can reach the leaves.  It's weird.  It wasn't like that this morning.  It doesn't look like any branches are broken.  It's like it just got too heavy and drooped way down.

Imma take a little nap before it's time for dd's eye appointment.

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49 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

A large branch on our black walnut tree is suddenly bending over so I can reach the leaves.  It's weird.  It wasn't like that this morning.  It doesn't look like any branches are broken.  It's like it just got too heavy and drooped way down.

Imma take a little nap before it's time for dd's eye appointment.

OK.  Now two of the shasta daisies on my kitchen table have suddenly drooped over for no apparent reason.   What kind of hijinx is going on here?!?

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