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Renai, that bp is very high.  As in ER high.  And I am completely serious.  


Yes, I know. I was being facetious. I've had this pressure before when I was pregnant with my youngest. The ER almost killed me with a med I said I was allergic to, right after I told them I was allergic. What saved me was I started asking for the ... what's it called? That sheet that talks about the med. Well, I asked for every. single. med. they wanted to offer me.


I think dh figured out the problem though. He was craving Taco Bell, and I ate right along. Sodium content is very very high, but I didn't look it up prior. I can't eat KFC either for that reason.


Anyway, I took my other half of my dose of meds, and the water pill my doc gave me, and monitoring. It is very slowly coming down. I already emailed the principal and told her I probably won't be going to work. The pain in my chest is going away too. With my luck, I'll wake up dead tomorrow.

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Yes, I know. I was being facetious. I've had this pressure before when I was pregnant with my youngest. The ER almost killed me with a med I said I was allergic to, right after I told them I was allergic. What saved me was I started asking for the ... what's it called? That sheet that talks about the med. Well, I asked for every. single. med. they wanted to offer me.


I think dh figured out the problem though. He was craving Taco Bell, and I ate right along. Sodium content is very very high, but I didn't look it up prior. I can't eat KFC either for that reason.


Anyway, I took my other half of my dose of meds, and the water pill my doc gave me, and monitoring. It is very slowly coming down. I already emailed the principal and told her I probably won't be going to work. The pain in my chest is going away too. With my luck, I'll wake up dead tomorrow.

Sweetheart, I am so glad that it is going down.  Please, please keep taking your meds, including the water pill, on a regular basis.  I've BTDT on the high blood pressure.  

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Good morning!!!


Renai, hugs. Take care of yourself. I'm glad your bp is down, but that bottom number is still too high. Do you have a check-up scheduled?


Slache, hugs. A big bear hug. I am so sorry about your mom. I have one of those too. In fact, she is the queen of bad mothers. There has been several times I have just walked away from her. And each time she has gotten a little better. I have had to really distance myself from her. It is so hard to explain. I have learned not to have any expectations from her and to not be emotionally involved. It is sad, very sad, but also, I have learned from her. I learned what not to do because I want to be a better mother than what I had. There is so much more I would like to say, but can't find the words. Just know you are a good mother, and don't give a rat's bootie what your mom thinks.

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My mother asked if we could Skype some weekend because she has a friend from out of town coming in. I told her I wanted to know what time so I could have the kids ready and she completely blew up on me. She said she was tired of kowtowing (new word :D) to me and said she's tired of me making everything so hard. She was screaming and Matt heard everything and said that she was being completely unreasonable. She said I make it really hard to love me. My heart's in my stomach right now. I know she doesn't love me. It's not her fault. She doesn't know how. I just wish she didn't hate me so much at times.



Oh my gosh I've been crying for twenty minutes. Why is she so mean? I didn't do anything wrong. I never do anything wrong. She's just always so angry. I'm going to sleep now. Tomorrow will be better. Goodnight.



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((Slache)) what a bitch

My husband said "Well put!" He doesn't care for her much.



137/94, lying down . Sheesh. At least it's going down.

I don't know anything about blood pressure so I did't say anything, but I'm sorry you're having some sort of cataclysmic event.


The best remedy for narcissistic family members is unfortunately excommunication. They never get better. 

I know. I have't seen her in over 2 years.


Slache, hugs. A big bear hug. I am so sorry about your mom. I have one of those too. In fact, she is the queen of bad mothers. There has been several times I have just walked away from her. And each time she has gotten a little better. I have had to really distance myself from her. It is so hard to explain. I have learned not to have any expectations from her and to not be emotionally involved. It is sad, very sad, but also, I have learned from her. I learned what not to do because I want to be a better mother than what I had. There is so much more I would like to say, but can't find the words. Just know you are a good mother, and don't give a rat's bootie what your mom thinks.

Thanks. I'm sorry.

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My husband said "Well put!" He doesn't care for her much.



I don't know anything about blood pressure so I did't say anything, but I'm sorry you're having some sort of cataclysmic event.


I know. I have't seen her in over 2 years.


Thanks. I'm sorry.

You probably need to stop talking to her altogether. You're breaking a cycle and that may be the next step.


High blood pressure can trigger a heart attack. I think.

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You probably need to stop talking to her altogether. You're breaking a cycle and that may be the next step.


High blood pressure can trigger a heart attack. I think.

I know. I'm all she has though. I choose to actively love her and someday I might give up, but not today. I am absolutely dreading telling her I'm pregnant though. When I was pregnant with Mary she was pissed at me because we weren't doing well financially. She didn't use the word abortion, but she kept saying things like "You don't have to do this now."


What's wrong with your blood pressure? What's causing it?

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You probably need to stop talking to her altogether. You're breaking a cycle and that may be the next step.


High blood pressure can trigger a heart attack. I think.


Co-worker was taken away this morning in an ambulance.  Suspected cardiac event.  :(


Please, Renai, see a doctor.

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My mother asked if we could Skype some weekend because she has a friend from out of town coming in. I told her I wanted to know what time so I could have the kids ready and she completely blew up on me. She said she was tired of kowtowing (new word :D) to me and said she's tired of me making everything so hard. She was screaming and Matt heard everything and said that she was being completely unreasonable. She said I make it really hard to love me. My heart's in my stomach right now. I know she doesn't love me. It's not her fault. She doesn't know how. I just wish she didn't hate me so much at times.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


I have no words, my sweet ITT friend. I don't understand how a mother could treat her child like that.


I can say that you don't have to volunteer to be treated that way. This should be the last time you talk to her. Really. And that's a tragic thing for a child to have to do. :crying:

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


I have no words, my sweet ITT friend. I don't understand how a mother could treat her child like that.


I can say that you don't have to volunteer to be treated that way. This should be the last time you talk to her. Really. And that's a tragic thing for a child to have to do. :crying:

I know. I've done it before. We were estranged for about 6 years. She'll call and apologize. She'll be nice for a few months. Then we'll do it again. And it will be just as out of the blue. She's really depressed right now. Always drunk, always crying. She has no friends. An old friend of hers is coming in from out of town and I'll bet they never see each other again after that. I feel so bad for her. She's just so broken.
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I know. I'm all she has though. I choose to actively love her and someday I might give up, but not today. I am absolutely dreading telling her I'm pregnant though. When I was pregnant with Mary she was pissed at me because we weren't doing well financially. She didn't use the word abortion, but she kept saying things like "You don't have to do this now."


What's wrong with your blood pressure? What's causing it?

There's a reason she has no one else. Your kids deserve the best you, which is hard when emotionally injecting yourself with a toxic person. At least stay away while pregnant. She can find out after baby is born. Like 6 months after.

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High blood pressure can cause a heart attack or a stroke.  You really really should see a doctor.  BTW - I know it is none of my business but it sounds like you do have some blood pressure meds (the water pills which are often a first step).  Were you taking those daily or just whenever?  I would make sure you take those every day but the numbers you had last night esp. were in the stage two range which really needs stronger meds all the time.  Can you call your doc and get in to see him/her today?  


Oops  I see you are going to see a doc.  Don't want to nag.  

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Nag away. I may even send you my phone number so you can nag via text.


I have Nifedipine and the water pill. I was mostly just taking the nifedipine because the time I took the half water pill, my pressure dropped so fast so low it was scary. My doc wanted me on different meds a year or two ago, but nif was working, so why fix what wasn't broken? I'm allergic to beta blockers (triggers asthma) which are supposed to be the most efficient. Nifedipine is a calcium blocker. I'm on 60mg broken into two 30mg doses since 60mg all at once causes me migraines (see about 92 pages ago). I took a dose three hours apart yesterday (because of the issues), and the migraine is starting. I may need a change in meds.

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I'm going to my doctor, which probably means at least a 2 hour wait. Because walk-in. At least white coat won't manifest as bad as if I go to the ER. The last time I went to the ER, I finally told them to send me home and stop drugging me because they were the cause of my high blood pressure. I was right.

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I know. I've done it before. We were estranged for about 6 years. She'll call and apologize. She'll be nice for a few months. Then we'll do it again. And it will be just as out of the blue. She's really depressed right now. Always drunk, always crying. She has no friends. An old friend of hers is coming in from out of town and I'll bet they never see each other again after that. I feel so bad for her. She's just so broken.

You cannot help her.  She can only hurt you.  It's okay to let go until she is reasonable.  She is never likely to be reasonable. It is okay to let go forever if that is what it means.  


Yes I'm going to see a doctor.

:grouphug:  IMO, worse than a heart attack is a stroke.  We want better for you, friend.

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I can't remember your issue with urgent care. Too far?


Oh, yeah, urgent care. I forget they exist. There are several, so I could try that. But, my doctor knows my history. I'm confused on where to go. Our ER's nickname is St. Victim's (instead of St. Vincent's).

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If you could get into your regular doctor today, I would recommend going there.  If it was last night I would have said Urgent care but I'm 90% sure they would have sent you to the ER because you were having a hypertensive crisis.  Now you are no longer in crisis so it is best to go to the doc who has your history and can make decisions on your meds long term.  

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I made a comment on a political figure's Facebook feed this morning, and my phone battery just may die before lunchtime from the barrage of pings I'm getting with each "Like" that I get...


It wasn't anything particularly revelatory, just true and first. 



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I made a comment on a political figure's Facebook feed this morning, and my phone battery just may die before lunchtime from the barrage of pings I'm getting with each "Like" that I get...


It wasn't anything particularly revelatory, just true and first. 




I'd ask what you said, but I don't want to ruin the tranquility of ITT.

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I made a comment on a political figure's Facebook feed this morning, and my phone battery just may die before lunchtime from the barrage of pings I'm getting with each "Like" that I get...


It wasn't anything particularly revelatory, just true and first. 




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