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Good Morning ITTers!


Dawn, praying for your Dad's surgery today. Let us know how it goes.


Ellie, praying for you and the little one you're advocating for.


Hope Tex, Renai and others slept well!


Susan, that sounds exhausting. I would hate Tuesdays too.


Ducklings, LOVE the walk picture. So cute! Hope dh's ear is better this morning.

Thanks, Lynn. I was wrong about this being his last surgery. I believe today is a check-up, and they will measure his eye. He said it will be a couple of months yet before it is done. I was hopeful though. I know he is tired of all the appointments and driving. Dh is taking him to the appointment today so I won't have to rely on the half-brother to give me half the facts.;)


Thanks for the prayers, very much appreciated.

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What an awful allergy! Garlic is in everything! And they don't think to label it, either. "Spices"


Yeah, it's annoying, and falls right there with "natural flavors."  Although usually garlic is labeled.

But his egg/nuts/peanuts/soy allergies are the really awful ones.





We try to keep it in perspective for him.  He doesn't have cancer.  He's not forced to eat out of the trash.  He has a sweet life.  He's a cute kid (and no matter how much people say that shouldn't matter, the truth is it doesn't hurt you to be cute :) .)

But it's hard when everything revolves around food, everywhere you turn, everywhere you go...

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Neko is resting.  I don't think he feels all that good.  He's getting lots of loves.  

Poor Neko.  Don't give him a hat, ya hear???


I need to figure out how to check dd's daily high school work. It's turning out to be -- not so daily.

That is a hard one.  Both of my boys have essentially pushed history to the summer.  And I don't even have a job.


Yeah, it's annoying, and falls right there with "natural flavors."  Although usually garlic is labeled.

But his egg/nuts/peanuts/soy allergies are the really awful ones.





We try to keep it in perspective for him.  He doesn't have cancer.  He's not forced to eat out of the trash.  He has a sweet life.  He's a cute kid (and no matter how much people say that shouldn't matter, the truth is it doesn't hurt you to be cute :) .)

But it's hard when everything revolves around food, everywhere you turn, everywhere you go...

Some of my kids are gluten free and have to be.  You are so right that everything revolves around food.  


IDK. Another Lynn had it last. :leaving:


Edited by texasmama
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Minor disastor at this house.  Dh was rushing around getting ready to head out the door on a missions trip.  He did not just tip over his coffee as it was perking, somehow it went flying so there is coffee dripping off the cabinets and the counters and all in the one drawer of linen that was open and all over the floor.  Fortunately we just went to Costco so I have a huge thing of paper towels and I used a lot of them.  I need to mop the floor yet again though because it is sticky.  All the linen in the drawer are now in the hamper - the already overflowing hamper because I am so backed up on laundry.  I've washed off most of the counters but I am taking a quick breather before tackling more of the lower cabinets which are hard for me to get to.  Dh is gone - he had to rush to the airport.  


Neko is up and around but does not look all that perky.  So I"m worried about him.  


And I promised to get over to the IL's rental to do yardwork.  


I can do this.  I am resiliant.  I am Woman.  (I want to go back to bed.)

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Have you actually tested yet?  I just ask because . .. . well, I should have owned stock in EPT or some such company because I used so many tests over the years and most were negative.  

No. All of my pregnancies have been the same. Implantation bleeding (and I've never in my life spotted), heavy cramping while my uterus is setting up shop for for the first two weeks, followed by vomiting 2-10 times a day until delivery. We did the bleeding, the cramping and I've been vomiting for a week. I'm also late which is not a thing. I've been late twice in 20 years, both were the second periods after the kids were born. So I haven't tested but I'm confident that I'm pregnant.

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My dryer is squealing horribly. It's just turned 10 and probably needs a new belt. Why don't I just open it and see? Oh, because it appears to require a kind of screwdriver I don't have (why are we doing six-pointed stars instead of flathead, Philips, or hex, dear GE??), and can't ask DH whether he has one somewhere since he's in meetings all day. I have clothesline/rack space for the stuff that's already washed, but not to do another load. #thestruggleisreal

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My dryer is squealing horribly. It's just turned 10 and probably needs a new belt. Why don't I just open it and see? Oh, because it appears to require a kind of screwdriver I don't have (why are we doing six-pointed stars instead of flathead, Philips, or hex, dear GE??), and can't ask DH whether he has one somewhere since he's in meetings all day. I have clothesline/rack space for the stuff that's already washed, but not to do another load. #thestruggleisreal

Our dryer made a squeal like that a while back. Horrifying sound!

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Did it need a belt replaced, do you know?


It started with a small squeak that drew the cat's attention, like a rodent, but escalated dramatically this morning.

There was some round thing with a crack in it, that I think also involved a belt. It's a Fisher & Paykel and we ended up getting a replacement repair kit for $25 on Amazon.

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I bought a set from Home Depot that included a socketed driver and a set of star drivers, allen wrenches, "security" torques, etc for like $15 or $20. I can open basically anything now.


If it's an old fashioned boxy dryer and not one of those new fangled home laundromat-slash-space-capsule dealies, replacing the belt is really, really simple. The part costs like $3.

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Minor disastor at this house.  Dh was rushing around getting ready to head out the door on a missions trip.  He did not just tip over his coffee as it was perking, somehow it went flying so there is coffee dripping off the cabinets and the counters and all in the one drawer of linen that was open and all over the floor.  Fortunately we just went to Costco so I have a huge thing of paper towels and I used a lot of them.  I need to mop the floor yet again though because it is sticky.  All the linen in the drawer are now in the hamper - the already overflowing hamper because I am so backed up on laundry.  I've washed off most of the counters but I am taking a quick breather before tackling more of the lower cabinets which are hard for me to get to.  Dh is gone - he had to rush to the airport.  


Neko is up and around but does not look all that perky.  So I"m worried about him.  


And I promised to get over to the IL's rental to do yardwork.  


I can do this.  I am resiliant.  I am Woman.  (I want to go back to bed.)


That's what kids are for. Delegate.

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Three of my kids are gluten free and have to be.  You are so right that everything revolves around food.  The AHG troop is going to an all day event involving lunch, and I can't get an answer from the facility to let me know what is offered and if we will need to bring our own.  I attended kids' church camp this summer just so I could make sure little dd would stay gf.  The facility was not terribly helpful, and we ate a lot of salads and eggs.  Just did the intake for a kids' grief group for little dd yesterday, and the place does a potluck dinner prior to each group.  I will just need to bring something substantial that is gf and she can have that and maybe fruit salad if someone brings it.  My kids gluten issues are not life-threatening or anaphylactic, but the last time college girl got glutened she was up all night throwing up and having diarrhea.  Little dd will play Upward bball and they will have a gluten snack provided by parents because almost all snacks are gluten.


Yup.  It doesn't have to be life-threatening to impact your life.  Some of DS's allergies (confirmed with blood work and not "insensitivities"), even though they could become more severe with no warning, manifest in ways that just make life really sucky if he consumes them - not necessarily anaphylaxis.  Puking, diarrhea, irritability, mood swings, rashes.  And one of his insensitivities (citric acid) manifests as psoriasis on his scalp, which we have to attack with medicine.  I always know when he sneaks dum-dums from the library. 


I think the food everywhere thing is a big reason why DS doesn't want to play sports.  It's definitely a big reason why we homeschool.  Even when we go to the park to play, everyone has food these days.  My goodness, the amount of people who bring PIZZA (I've even seen people have it delivered!) to our park astounds me.  Can't go anywhere without food. 

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Not the dryer!


Yay for cat pee!


Susan, your Tuesday made me gasp and faint, and I am an extrovert.


Yay for finishing C25K, Another Lynn!


My odd father has been here off and on all day because his car (which I drive) would not start. 

Edited by texasmama
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Minor disastor at this house.  Dh was rushing around getting ready to head out the door on a missions trip.  He did not just tip over his coffee as it was perking, somehow it went flying so there is coffee dripping off the cabinets and the counters and all in the one drawer of linen that was open and all over the floor.  Fortunately we just went to Costco so I have a huge thing of paper towels and I used a lot of them.  I need to mop the floor yet again though because it is sticky.  All the linen in the drawer are now in the hamper - the already overflowing hamper because I am so backed up on laundry.  I've washed off most of the counters but I am taking a quick breather before tackling more of the lower cabinets which are hard for me to get to.  Dh is gone - he had to rush to the airport.  


Neko is up and around but does not look all that perky.  So I"m worried about him.  


And I promised to get over to the IL's rental to do yardwork.  


I can do this.  I am resiliant.  I am Woman.  (I want to go back to bed.)


Hugs Jean.


You need Superwoman Undies for days like that.






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Yup. It doesn't have to be life-threatening to impact your life. Some of DS's allergies (confirmed with blood work and not "insensitivities"), even though they could become more severe with no warning, manifest in ways that just make life really sucky if he consumes them - not necessarily anaphylaxis. Puking, diarrhea, irritability, mood swings, rashes. And one of his insensitivities (citric acid) manifests as psoriasis on his scalp, which we have to attack with medicine. I always know when he sneaks dum-dums from the library.


I think the food everywhere thing is a big reason why DS doesn't want to play sports. It's definitely a big reason why we homeschool. Even when we go to the park to play, everyone has food these days. My goodness, the amount of people who bring PIZZA (I've even seen people have it delivered!) to our park astounds me. Can't go anywhere without food.

My like was

To indicate empathy. I love food and celebratory food, can't stand the all-food-all-the-time culture. My kids can totally go an hour without eating. Yes, they can. A few can't but they are the exception.

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I bought a set from Home Depot that included a socketed driver and a set of star drivers, allen wrenches, "security" torques, etc for like $15 or $20. I can open basically anything now.


If it's an old fashioned boxy dryer and not one of those new fangled home laundromat-slash-space-capsule dealies, replacing the belt is really, really simple. The part costs like $3.


You have proven yourself to be a handy addition to the ITT thread, Mark.



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Dh was stubborn and did NOT do the garlic remedy that most certainly would have cured him.


He also would not take any meds.


He staggered to bed with a heat pack, then ended up moving to the couch because (he claims) I was snoring.  I, however, blame the earache.  


He is like this with illnesses.  Sigh.


Renai --- I almost WANT an earache, just to try out your method.  Thanks to you and everyone else who offered sage advice!  

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You know Lynn, if you had done the 100 push ups challenge when I told you to you would probably be able to do 100 push ups by now. And you'd have defined arms. And perkier boobies.


What challenge? Although, I'll never get to 100 with my arms. Long story. Well, maybe not that long.

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I think I want an exercise bike or treadmill. Opinions? This is based on the fact that I can't really get out much and I'm tired of videos. I could easily fit 15 minutes of jogging in where I could not fit a 45 minute workout video in. I want a treadmill more, but a bike would be cheaper. Unfortunately I can afford neither until after the holidays. We usually buy something to further our health with the tax return. Last year was weights, one year was our first attempt at once a (3) month cooking to prevent us from eating out. This year we were planning on a Whole90, because that was more expensive than we thought it would be and we couldn't afford to continue as long as I wanted, but I might want a treadmill instead. Whacha think?

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