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I got up super late today.


My annual performance review is in 45 minutes. I'm not sure how I can positively spin "You've refused to enable me to do my job for political reasons that we've discussed ad nauseum. I spent all of yesterday on Facebook and reddit, and after this meeting I'll do the same. I come in here because I have to pay my mortgage, but I feel like I'm literally wasting hours of my life every time I step into this office."


I'm sure it'll go great. :)

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Mark, I was sorry to hear about your kitty. I've lost so many in the last few years that you'd think I'd be numb by now, but it hurts just as bad every time. 

Renai, I hope that you get your 84 and one more. You've worked very hard in that class.


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We are going hiking at a nearby state park today. Every other Tuesday, those homeschooling in the area meet for a game day, park day, or a field trip. It is nice. There are about 10 parents and several children, but usually only 3-4 of us show up.


Today I am picking up a little girl to go with us because her mom is sick. Dd16 is on fall break from ps. Hopefully she will help me make sure no one falls off a cliff. Which is really not possible IF you stay on the main trail.


Dh, the twins and I went back in July or August. We even found one of those geocache thingies. I was surprised since we live literally in the middle of nowhere. Also I discovered the twins have no shoes that fit them well, except flip flops and church shoes. (Your not the only one, Susan) And they still don't. The only store nearby is a Dollar General so I guess I will have to check there before we start. :(


Hope everyone has a good day.




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I got up super late today.


My annual performance review is in 45 minutes. I'm not sure how I can positively spin "You've refused to enable me to do my job for political reasons that we've discussed ad nauseum. I spent all of yesterday on Facebook and reddit, and after this meeting I'll do the same. I come in here because I have to pay my mortgage, but I feel like I'm literally wasting hours of my life every time I step into this office."


I'm sure it'll go great. :)


LOL Sounds like you're trying to get canned!

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I hate to say it but I'm almost there, ikslo. It sounds like whining I'm sure, but it's soul crushing to come into work and stare at a wall for 8 hours, then go home, for an entire week. Then repeat the following week. 

I'm making pretty good money for doing this, but it's becoming not worth it.


I just got a ping in Outlook that my review has been postponed by an hour... :-/

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I got up super late today.


My annual performance review is in 45 minutes. I'm not sure how I can positively spin "You've refused to enable me to do my job for political reasons that we've discussed ad nauseum. I spent all of yesterday on Facebook and reddit, and after this meeting I'll do the same. I come in here because I have to pay my mortgage, but I feel like I'm literally wasting hours of my life every time I step into this office."


I'm sure it'll go great. :)

Good luck.


My last job was like that.  I could have done the work in half the time so I just took care of all of my personal business there because there was a culture of time-wasting, and I am not one to go against the culture.

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Good luck.


My last job was like that.  I could have done the work in half the time so I just took care of all of my personal business there because there was a culture of time-wasting, and I am not one to go against the culture.


I'm used to IT being like this, but I'm literally down to about an hours' worth of work in a week. Sometimes not even that. it's absurd. I can take care of some personal business, but there's so much I could be doing with my art and with my homeschooling and etc that I can't do while sitting here staring at a wall.


We DEFINITELY have a culture of time wasting here. Even when I was responsible for 3 major and about 15 minor software systems, I wasn't busy all week long, but now I'm being paid MORE and I'm only responsible for TWO minor systems. It's like being paid to move a pile of sand except somebody else moves the sand while you watch.

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Matt was home yesterday and somehow we all stayed up late so late start this morning. But (yeah, I saw the thread), I have finished breakfast, laundry, and my chores. If I can toss the pulled pork carnitas in and have school started in 15 minutes I'll be on track.


We're purchasing the Bible Study Guide For All Ages teacher's guide. It's no fluff (the student pages look fluffy) and very meaty. Totally John.


Chiropractor yelled at me. He said no more plyometrics until I'm completely healed. For exercise he wants me to... wait for it... walk. Uh, yeah, no. I'll be researching this because I refuse to lose my momentum. He did say I can lift to my little heart's content as long as I don't compress my spune.


Eta: Ha! What's a spune?

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My review was cancelled because someone I don't report to, but who is present for my reviews apparently, was out sick.

This is because my director won't take sole responsibility for... anything... but that's a huge tangent-slash-gripe. What a buzzkill. I have to wait a while to quit in a huff. :P

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My review was cancelled because someone I don't report to, but who is present for my reviews apparently, was out sick.

This is because my director won't take sole responsibility for... anything... but that's a huge tangent-slash-gripe. What a buzzkill. I have to wait a while to quit in a huff. :p


Oh, man, that sucks.  I've been waiting all day to find out what happened! :willy_nilly:  :D

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Hugs to Critter and Renai...


Fuzzy llama, funny llama... For Jean


Open... People in this house know that if I deign to cook them food, they had durn well better eat it, or they are at risk for displeasing the Queen of the Universe (in my house, that is me, not Ellie... My apologies. :lol:) at least your guy put your food on top of his nasty burrito:-) The boy sure has a brain in his head.


Had a discussion on Reconstruction and Andrew Johnson's presidency today. Ds11 knocked it out of the park. I think ds13's brains fell out. He can redeem himself next week when we talk about Ulysses S Grant and the Plains Indian Wars. Ds13 also forgot to take into account the time difference for his onlin AoPS class with Wtmacademy. So, he was up until midnight Sat finishing his assignment. Then proceeded to get a zero because the thing timed out at 11 because we are not on EST:-(. He is also trying to redeem himself there. Lots of redemption going on in this house.

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I got up super late today.


My annual performance review is in 45 minutes. I'm not sure how I can positively spin "You've refused to enable me to do my job for political reasons that we've discussed ad nauseum. I spent all of yesterday on Facebook and reddit, and after this meeting I'll do the same. I come in here because I have to pay my mortgage, but I feel like I'm literally wasting hours of my life every time I step into this office."


I'm sure it'll go great. :)


OMG Mark. One of my jobs. "Well, it's true that all I've managed to do is re-do the same government report 100 times because they keep changing the format, and now I'm bored out of my mind and am not showing enthusiasm, but hey, if that's what America wants for its youth, I will continue to make endless reports on financial aid that nobody will ever read except witch-hunters looking to defund public education. I haven't done actual research, you say? Well that's right. Because every time we get numbers showing our problems, WHICH IS WHAT WE NEED TO KNOW, you basically keep them in a small place in your drawer because of the 'political implications'."

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Christina, are you feeling better?


Hey for the Kon Mari fans on this thread, I just ordered a kit from Thred Up to get rid of a bunch of clothes that no longer work for our family. I will keep you posted on whether this is actually worthwhile. I HATE doing eBay, but I have nice things and sometimes it is hard to just give them to Goodwill. We shall see.

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Christina, are you feeling better?


Hey for the Kon Mari fans on this thread, I just ordered a kit from Thred Up to get rid of a bunch of clothes that no longer work for our family. I will keep you posted on whether this is actually worthwhile. I HATE doing eBay, but I have nice things and sometimes it is hard to just give them to Goodwill. We shall see.

You ordered a kit to get rid of stuff. :lol:

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We just make the twice annual Goodwill trip here. Ebay, unless you're making a hundred bucks plus on a sale, is too much hassle and heartache in my opinion. From the clumsy website to the irritating bidders/purchasers and basically the whole experience.


To each their own, though. :)

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We are back, and we made it out alive.:D


2 solid hours hiking what was supposed to be a 1.2 mile trail. According to an app on dd16's phone, it was 2.5 miles. We got off the main trail a couple of times though and wandered through the Hoosier National Forest a bit. The children had to slide down some rough terrain on their booties. BUT they seen nature. Boatloads of nature.


It was really beautiful. I think we made some good memories today.:)


I will try to post some pictures after I shower. I feel like I've been through boot camp and smell like it.

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So the meatballs were just fine without the milk.  Not great, but not awful either.  Which means I have enough extra for two more meals in my freezer.



Tex is cooking for my crew tonight.  Thanks Tex.  

Oh wait, shoot.  Tex is paleo now.  Nevermind.



Slache.  You just went shopping and got enough for a month. (Showoff.)  Dinner is on you tonight.  Thanks so much!   There are 7 of us.  Don't forget dessert.

Kiss kiss!



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