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I don't often want to completely escape my life, but today I am ready to pack up and go (with my family). Some place far, far away. Montana sounds nice.


We've been watching Mountain Men on Netflix. Tom and the Lion Man live there. I'd go, but Tom has bears on his front porch and Lion Man, well, he chases away really big cats...


Want to know how I got to this state? I packed up my car and left one day. Maybe it's because I was a deprived military brat (as in, we really didn't move much), but I sometimes get the itch to just GO. With or without others depends on my mood at the time.

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One more homework assignment for tonight and I'm all caught up. No more late stuff! (hopefully...)


Renai, that's awesome!  I think that's the best news I've heard all day!  :hurray:   I'm super big fat proud of you. 



(I'm plagiarizing my dd's term of endearment "big fat."  She calls us big fat mama and big fat daddy.  I tried telling her that was a wee bit disrespectful, but I was laughing, so I'm not sure she cared.) 


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I just ordered time release melatonin because Jean told me to.  She's really bossy.  My new fun trick of waking up at 5:30 am has continued.  This morning I was overachieving, and it was 4:30 am.  I went back to sleep, but then we had to get up for church.  I was sleeping good, too.  This does not help my migraines or anything else so it needs to go away.  





Edited by texasmama
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Dancer has to stay home alone tomorrow. I just finished writing up a checklist of her school work and chores. At the bottom I wrote that she needed to complete the list before she gets on fb, watches Once Upon a Time on Netflix, or does any other distraction she can think of. Of course, there is no way to enforce that.

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The husband bought some some pineapple flavored vodka on a whim. It's super duper yummy. I have a major sweet tooth and I keep stopping by and having a sip as I pass through the kitchen. I guess we'll never be buying *that* again.


Sounds like he's been forgiven. :)

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Good morning!  It looks like the rain for the weekend is gone, at least for a while. It's actually sunny!!  I'm off to take the dogs for a walk, then we'll start our homeschool day with another chapter (or part) of, "The Eagle of the Ninth." I keep getting distracted and find multiple bunny trails in every chapter! ;)


Did you know that the sacred Rowan tree in Scotland and Ireland is actually a Mountain Ash here in North America? Cool!

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I'm out of ideas except for rooting around in the meds I have lying around here.  Between all the elderly relatives, I have a selection.  I go to sleep okay.  I just wake up early.  I must admit this is a new one.  And almost always at the same time.  My body is stuck at 5:35 am (to be exact).

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I'm out of ideas except for rooting around in the meds I have lying around here. Between all the elderly relatives, I have a selection. I go to sleep okay. I just wake up early. I must admit this is a new one. And almost always at the same time. My body is stuck at 5:35 am (to be exact).

You could try taking advantage of it. Go for a walk, read, get laid.

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You could try taking advantage of it. Go for a walk, read, get laid.

I have considered all of this except for the latter because dh does not like me at that ungodly hour.  But I don't want to encourage it.  I want it to go away.  :)  Plus, it's really dark at that time, and I'm scared to walk. :leaving:

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Time for the ortho consult. I am feeling a little sick to my stomach in anticipation of the cost estimate.

Breathe deeply into a paper bag at the sit-down with the "I will take you into my office and give you the bad news" lady.


Once, when I was about to hear the total for one kid's out of pocket testing, I leaned over and stared at my checkbook while letting my hair fall over my face so no one could see my reaction.  Worked pretty well.


Also, I like to nod and say, "I just need to talk to dh about this" and then bolt for the door, still nodding.


Edited by texasmama
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I think we all need a group hug. :grouphug:

I second the motion. Hugs to all. This weekend seems to have been kind of crap tunnel for ITT-ers:-( but, a new day has dawned and I decree that this week will be a healthy, conflict-free time of joy. K?


The other half of us was sick this weekend... But of course dh has the immune system of steel. What takes me a week to get over gives him the sniffles for 24 hours and then he is fine. Don't get me wrong, I am happy for him. But, I would like a little of that!


I did get our chickens this weekend (not living:-) So yesterday, I roasted one and made a nice comforting rice, broccoli, chicken stew. I also made a veggie broth from leftover vegs and added it to the stew so it had lots of nutrients. Dinner ended with a lovely cherry cobbler. And then I stuck the chicken carcass in the crockpot where it is still simmering some terrific bone broth. The house smells so good this morning!

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The first newsletter I "published" was done on a Commodore Vic 20, using a program called "The Newsroom." It was for my Camp Fire club. We moved to San Jose from San Diego, and I joined a support group that had a newsletter of sorts (it was actually just minutes of the monthly "teacher's meeting."). I called the woman who was doing it and asked if she needed help, and she said, "I was just doing it until the real editor came along. If you want it, you can have it!" So I started doing it in the fall of 1987, on my Commodore, printing it out on a 9-pin dot matrix printer. There were 20 people on the mailing list.


The first thing I did was name it, because newsletters should have names. After some brainstorming, I decided to call it "Ketchup." You know, so people could read it and...ketchup...on what was going on. :-) We bought a 24-pin printer and a few people outside my immediate support group starting asking if they could subscribe. By the next fall I had 40 people on the mailing list.


And then I met a homeschooling father who was a graphic designer, and he said that if I could write the newsletter on a DOS-compatible machine, he could make Ketchup look really cool. I did not know waht a DOS-compatible machine was. :confused1: A few weeks later, his wife said they had an extra IBM sitting around that I could have. AHA. A DOS-compatible machine! Mr. Ellie installed Word Star, and wrote the next issue of Ketchup in that; saved the file to a floppy drive, drove across town to my friend's house, and watched him import it into Ventura Publisher. WOW. But then in order to actually turn it into a newsletter, he saved it to a floppy disk; the next day I drove to the *other* side of town to a print shop that had a post script printer (because a Ventura file could only be printed out on a post script printer), drive the hard copy back to *my* side of town and take it to a print shop near my house, where it was turned into an eight-page, 11x17, offset-printed newsletter. It looked AWESOME!


I published Ketchup for several years, then passed it on to someone else, who changed the name to "Honeycomb." :huh: She published it for a couple of years then passed it on to someone else, who passed it on to someone else. By then there was a committee, and almost 500 subscribers. Honeycomb was bulk-mailed, which required lots of handling. Eventually it came back to me, and boy, had things changed. I designed it in PageMaker and FTP'ed it to a print shop; all I had to do was pick it up.


The newsletter (I could never call it "Honeycomb," lol) was in publication for over 10 years. I am quite proud of its history. :-) It was the only regional newsletter in the Bay Area at that time (subscribers in all nine Bay Area counties, plus other parts of the state), and I don't think there has been one since then.


That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


I like "Ketchup" better.  :thumbup1:

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I'm doing the cold thing and the period thing simultaneously. Yay.


I have considered all of this except for the latter because dh does not like me at that ungodly hour.  But I don't want to encourage it.  I want it to go away.   :)  Plus, it's really dark at that time, and I'm scared to walk. :leaving:

I know. Just sharing ideas. Do you think it's hormonal?


I got up in the middle of the night and popped my shoulder back in so that I could sleep.  But I don't know how to pop my ribs back into place.  I think I'll call and see if I can move my Wed. appt. with the chiro. to today.  

Wow. You're actually falling apart.


I second the motion. Hugs to all. This weekend seems to have been kind of crap tunnel for ITT-ers:-( but, a new day has dawned and I decree that this week will be a healthy, conflict-free time of joy. K?

The other half of us was sick this weekend... But of course dh has the immune system of steel. What takes me a week to get over gives him the sniffles for 24 hours and then he is fine. Don't get me wrong, I am happy for him. But, I would like a little of that!

I did get our chickens this weekend (not living:-) So yesterday, I roasted one and made a nice comforting rice, broccoli, chicken stew. I also made a veggie broth from leftover vegs and added it to the stew so it had lots of nutrients. Dinner ended with a lovely cherry cobbler. And then I stuck the chicken carcass in the crockpot where it is still simmering some terrific bone broth. The house smells so good this morning!



Ds10 threw up all over his bed and bedroom floor last night. Since he hasn't cleaned his room forever, the floor was somewhat spared. I think we shared a water bottle yesterday.


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After reading the thread of a sister eloping, I'm just realizing that is what dh and I did. I guess I never really thought about it.


 I got MARRIED at the JP.  I refuse to call it eloping when everyone knew I was doing it.  But I was too irritated with that thread to post.  :)

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So, if you were my neighbor, and my 11 year old son with the sparkly brown eyes and charming smile came by your house with a couple of bunches of home-grown-sweet-freshly-picked green grapes in a bag and offered them to you because our grape vine is going crazy and we're giving all our neighbors grapes, would you tell him you didn't want them and shut the door? Because this is what our freaky neighbor did this morning. This family is so odd, but now I'm just a little offended. They've lived there 6-7 years, they don't make eye contact, they completely avoid everyone on our block. And I would say all of the people on our block are nice, friendly people. But good grief, even if you hate grapes.... take them and say,"Thank you!". DH says there's something seriously wrong with these people. Not just because of the grape incident but because of how they've been ever since they've moved in.


Refusing free food?  CRAZY


We even accept stuff that has nuts, despite DS' allergies.  We simply put it in a ziplock bag, quarantine it, and then bring it to work to share with co-workers. :)

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I had a migraine in church today.  They have flashing lights during the singing.  I think I will need to sit in the lobby until singing is over.  This is the second time it's triggered a migraine.  And I just saw one flash of light before I closed my eyes and ducked my head like I was fervently praying.  I wish they would not do those lights.


No, just no.  I would not attend church there.

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Ds10 threw up all over his bed and bedroom floor last night. Since he hasn't cleaned his room forever, the floor was somewhat spared. I think we shared a water bottle yesterday.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:


Let me guess who got to clean up the mess...



ETA:  Booya!


This is the thread that never ends....









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I had a migraine in church today.  They have flashing lights during the singing.  I think I will need to sit in the lobby until singing is over.  This is the second time it's triggered a migraine.  And I just saw one flash of light before I closed my eyes and ducked my head like I was fervently praying.  I wish they would not do those lights.






I regret to say that I would not attend a church that had flashing lights during the singing. :blink:

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I got MARRIED at the JP. I refuse to call it eloping when everyone knew I was doing it. But I was too irritated with that thread to post. :)

Lol, I am often too irritated to post, as you can see by my low post count lol. I have actually been on these boards for years and years, but I guess I am just very picky about who I talk to:-) I suppose that is why I like being here with you fine people. (Paraphrasing Leo in Titanic :lol:)

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