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Good Morning!


I missed the party here, but we were at a friends house for dinner. Fun!


Ikslo, hope you're sleeping in right now and feeling better when you wake up.


Ducklings, I like all your house-reno posts, but I'm in patient with how long it takes to "like" something.


Jean, glad you guys had a great time, hope your hips don't remember a thing when you wake up.


Zarabellesmom! Great to see you!


Renai - I like your end of the world forecast. Were you hoping the end was coming before your homework was due? I used to hope that a lot many, many years ago. :D


Ah, old computers memories. I used floppy discs for an internship I had in college. I don't remember if we had email at the internship. I remember a new computer lab around my jr or sr year of college and using it for a paper one time. Before that - I'm not sure if I typed everything or maybe used the computer at my internship for papers? I remember doing spreadsheets in Lotus for Dos at same job. My elementary school got it's first computer when I was in the 6th grade. 100 6th graders crowded into the Audio-Visual room (as it was then called) to see it while our principal read to us from something (the manual?) and one of the geekier kids had it hooked to a cassette player and he made his name go across the screen a gazillion times and I quite wondered what was the point. (It's possible I've told that story before to these young whipper-snappers.)


Krissi, your ice cream sounds awesome!


Openhearted, hope your back in bed, sleeping soundly!

It's like high school.

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Thanks. :P It's just annoying for it to be okay that kids have a range of ages for learning in some areas and not others.

Comparing Mary and John is amazing. At Mary's age John was reading CVC and adding small digits. Mary is nowhere near that. Nowhere. She taught him how to strap his shoes on right though! :lol:

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This board is being overtaken by spammers.  I think they are zombies in disguise.  

A spammer used my words on a thread the other day.  I felt really special.   :D


I read the unschooling thread.  I don't think you (Renai)  killed it.  (At least not the one I read, which was the lady with a 7 year old counting to 75.)  If this is the wrong thread, link me up so I can evaluate the status of it. 

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This board is being overtaken by spammers.  I think they are zombies in disguise.  


Because I need a reason to use zombicon.

MIL is having a tough day today. Weak, not wanting to eat much. But they are giving her a few units of blood, so she should feel better soon. 

I bought some sleep-aid herbal potion for DH to take. The man woke me up this morning to tell me he couldn't sleep.  :wacko:

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So, if you were my neighbor, and my 11 year old son with the sparkly brown eyes and charming smile came by your house with a couple of bunches of home-grown-sweet-freshly-picked green grapes in a bag and offered them to you because our grape vine is going crazy and we're giving all our neighbors grapes, would you tell him you didn't want them and shut the door? Because this is what our freaky neighbor did this morning. This family is so odd, but now I'm just a little offended. They've lived there 6-7 years, they don't make eye contact, they completely avoid everyone on our block. And I would say all of the people on our block are nice, friendly people. But good grief, even if you hate grapes.... take them and say,"Thank you!". DH says there's something seriously wrong with these people. Not just because of the grape incident but because of how they've been ever since they've moved in.

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So, if you were my neighbor, and my 11 year old son with the sparkly brown eyes and charming smile came by your house with a couple of bunches of home-grown-sweet-freshly-picked green grapes in a bag and offered them to you because our grape vine is going crazy and we're giving all our neighbors grapes, would you tell him you didn't want them and shut the door? Because this is what our freaky neighbor did this morning. This family is so odd, but now I'm just a little offended. They've lived there 6-7 years, they don't make eye contact, they completely avoid everyone on our block. And I would say all of the people on our block are nice, friendly people. But good grief, even if you hate grapes.... take them and say,"Thank you!". DH says there's something seriously wrong with these people. Not just because of the grape incident but because of how they've been ever since they've moved in. 


Who turns down fresh-off-the-vine anything? Their loss, I say. Send them my way!

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:grouphug: to Critter's MIL.


One always accepts gifts of grapes from children.  


One son is trying to help the other with Spanish, which is the benefit and drawback of them taking the same online course.  However, help can go too far, as in having one son burst into the other son's room two nights in a row when the child was about asleep to ask questions about Spanish homework. :huh: Who does that?  Oh, the same one who threw away my Amazon return. :confused1:


I am making bbq meatloaf and mashed potatoes.

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So, if you were my neighbor, and my 11 year old son with the sparkly brown eyes and charming smile came by your house with a couple of bunches of home-grown-sweet-freshly-picked green grapes in a bag and offered them to you because our grape vine is going crazy and we're giving all our neighbors grapes, would you tell him you didn't want them and shut the door? Because this is what our freaky neighbor did this morning. This family is so odd, but now I'm just a little offended. They've lived there 6-7 years, they don't make eye contact, they completely avoid everyone on our block. And I would say all of the people on our block are nice, friendly people. But good grief, even if you hate grapes.... take them and say,"Thank you!". DH says there's something seriously wrong with these people. Not just because of the grape incident but because of how they've been ever since they've moved in.

Elephant Ninjas, at the ready!


(Reminds me of one Christmas when we gave a friend of mine and her family some homemade hot chocolate and something else that I can't remember. They were nicely wrapped and included our Christmas card. She took them and then handed the jar of hot chocolate mix back, saying she just didn't think they wanted it.


Uh, OK then. Merry Christmas to you, too. We don't have much to do wtih each other any more.)

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So, if you were my neighbor, and my 11 year old son with the sparkly brown eyes and charming smile came by your house with a couple of bunches of home-grown-sweet-freshly-picked green grapes in a bag and offered them to you because our grape vine is going crazy and we're giving all our neighbors grapes, would you tell him you didn't want them and shut the door? Because this is what our freaky neighbor did this morning. This family is so odd, but now I'm just a little offended. They've lived there 6-7 years, they don't make eye contact, they completely avoid everyone on our block. And I would say all of the people on our block are nice, friendly people. But good grief, even if you hate grapes.... take them and say,"Thank you!". DH says there's something seriously wrong with these people. Not just because of the grape incident but because of how they've been ever since they've moved in.


ITA with Mr. KrissiK. There's something seriously wrong with those people.

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Ds12 - "Mom, your daughter is in here sticking her fingers in the potatoes."  


Addressing little dd, "Little dd, what part of the potatoes did you put your fingers into so I can quarantine them?"


Then little dd put on surgical gloves to stick her fingers into the potatoes.  


Me - "Little dd, do not stick your gloved fingers into the potatoes. If you want more, put more on your plate."



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Elephant Ninjas, at the ready!


(Reminds me of one Christmas when we gave a friend of mine and her family some homemade hot chocolate and something else that I can't remember. They were nicely wrapped and included our Christmas card. She took them and then handed the jar of hot chocolate mix back, saying she just didn't think they wanted it.


Uh, OK then. Merry Christmas to you, too. We don't have much to do wtih each other any more.)

Who does this???



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Surely, everyone doesn't have such lives that they are actually ignoring this thread?

My ultra exciting evening has consisted of doing the dishes, deboning and freezing turkey meat, putting the girls to bed, and watching 2 episodes of W1A on Netflix. I am now headed to take a shower. Then I may watch more W1A or Person of Interest.


Boring is the new exciting.

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Surely, everyone doesn't have such lives that they are actually ignoring this thread?


Just returned from our tennis club AGM. Dh and I won some SWAG! Tennis balls, grips, water bottle and t-shirt. Great! I also devoured almost a whole bag of Doritos - I didn't have dinner and got the muchies big time.  :leaving:

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Oooo Dreeeeeeeaaaaaam Weaver, I believe you can get me through the night!




I missed the date the first time I read your post. Are you a soft rock historian or something?   :lol:  What year did Rex Smith sing, "You take my breath away." Same decade, I believe.


I also LOVED "All by myself, don't wanna be, all by myself anymore." That is until I saw a video on youtube of the artist in a blue velvet suit with lace cuffs. :crying:  

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I also LOVED "All by myself, don't wanna be, all by myself anymore." That is until I saw a video on youtube of the artist in a blue velvet suit with lace cuffs. :crying:  


No, it was this video (same era); "Alone Again Naturally" by Gilbert O'Sullivan. I still love the song, but it's really hard to block out the image.  :laugh:



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My shortest short person was taking a bath after having played in a lot mud/dirt. As she watched the black wash off her feet, she sadly told me that she wasn't going to be my color anymore. I let her know that what she had wasn't color, but dirt, and she's beautiful as she is - when clean. She was still sad, as she said she wanted to be my color. She was satisfied when I told her that maybe as she gets older she'll be closer to my color. I hate lying, but she gets obsessed over issues. Like the time she spent days on end crying and lamenting of how she wanted to be married and be a mom but didn't want to leave me. She finally settled down after I told her that she and her husband could live with me. I have a weird kid.

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My shortest short person was taking a bath after having played in a lot mud/dirt. As she watched the black wash off her feet, she sadly told me that she wasn't going to be my color anymore. I let her know that what she had wasn't color, but dirt, and she's beautiful as she is - when clean. She was still sad, as she said she wanted to be my color. She was satisfied when I told her that maybe as she gets older she'll be closer to my color. I hate lying, but she gets obsessed over issues. Like the time she spent days on end crying and lamenting of how she wanted to be married and be a mom but didn't want to leave me. She finally settled down after I told her that she and her husband could live with me. I have a weird kid.

This is adorable. Mary becomes ecstatic when she gets to dress like me. I keep meaning to make us matching tutus. I need to before she gets too big.

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My shortest short person was taking a bath after having played in a lot mud/dirt. As she watched the black wash off her feet, she sadly told me that she wasn't going to be my color anymore. I let her know that what she had wasn't color, but dirt, and she's beautiful as she is - when clean. She was still sad, as she said she wanted to be my color. She was satisfied when I told her that maybe as she gets older she'll be closer to my color. I hate lying, but she gets obsessed over issues. Like the time she spent days on end crying and lamenting of how she wanted to be married and be a mom but didn't want to leave me. She finally settled down after I told her that she and her husband could live with me. I have a weird kid.


Nah, just sweet. I have one a lot like that.


How about that? Booya!



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