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Second sleep. :cool:

20 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

I'm debating about whether to send out family Christmas cards this year....it seems many in my circle of family and friends have stopped sending them out. Our extended families aren't as close anymore, and it kind of makes me sad.

You know, I keep meaning to do this but I'm always pregnant or PPD or something. If I never start I never have to do it...

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15 minutes ago, mama25angels said:

Jean, I hope you're able to take it easy.

No.  But that's ok.  In thirty years of chronic pain I have discovered that it is best to "keep on keeping on".  I don't feel better if I take it easy.  In fact, my pain can actually get worse if I'm not moving.  And I get depressed as I get further and further behind in my responsibilities.  And doing things is actually a distraction from some of the pain.  (If the pain is bad enough that I can't push through it I do stop.) 

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FiL is in town for one day and I have to help ferry him to the doctor.  I am trying to repent of my bad attitude about this and do it "cheerfully unto the Lord".  (Really I have no cause to be grumpy about this.  He's moved to another state and it's not like I am having to interrupt my schedule every day or even every month to help out.  And dd is having a very unusual all day work day today and did her school work ahead of time over the weekend so I really have no excuse for my grumpiness. 

Oh my.  This is a booyah?  Here's an "exposing my grumpy attitude to the world" booyah. 

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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2 hours ago, Critterfixer said:

Yes, I will. It's disturbing,  and hilarious. The prompt was a two sentence horror story I made up, and then I thought it would make a funny poem for the festival thing that the writers' group is a part of. They were looking for some "spooky" stuff.

A horror story:

Mama got tired of hearing “What’s for dinner” all the time. So one day, she served the family.


What’s For Dinner?


It happened every single day,

Whenever Mama’s nerves would fray

This question, in her ears, did clap

And finally,

One day

Mama snapped.


She served the family, every one

Raw, pan-seared, and some well done,

A feast laid out to make eyes water,

Brother, sister, father, daughter.


Chicken-fried Daddy on a platter,

Gravy made from deep-fried batter,

Brother on toast, with some jam,

Sister-salad, served with ham,

And for dessert, it must be told,

The baby, served up, a’ la mode.


So next time you’re inclined to gripe,

Whenever Mama serves up tripe,

Use your manners, if you’re able

Or best look out—

You’re next at table.

Oh my word!!! That is the best poem evah!! I love it!!,??????

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We surely won't have to worry about drought this year. I'm pretty sure we've reached our average rainfall already.

Ok, maybe not that much rain, but my back yard looks like a swamp, so there's that. Also, I regret to say that I have to leave the house tonight for a meeting when what I would really like to do is put on my flannel jammies and binge-watch  Walking Dead.

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Also, besides the fact that Mr. Ellie has to eat and so I'm doomed to having to go to the grocery store no matter what, I also have an appointment with the ophthalmologist about the itchy eyes thing. On the up side, I bought some new socks last week and I get to wear them today, so there's that.

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I finally cleaned the garage this weekend.  (It had been stuffed knee-deep after my last decluttering of the crawlspace, somewhere in early..... July, I think?).  Six garbage bags, gone.  ?

I still have "new" shelving to put up (the metro shelves my dh rescued from his company's dumpster) so we can't park in it yet.  But now there is hope that we will be able to do so before snowfall.



Meanwhile, my crawlspace has gotten messy and cluttered again.  Sigh.

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I am (again) helping ds18 with his research paper long distance.  I'm glad that he's consulting with me.

Some of the formatting that he is required to do is different (subheadings, for instance).

It helps me to know what is required of him so that I can amp up paper writing for his sisters.   Bwahahaha!


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2 hours ago, Slache said:

I've decided I can't potty train the baby because I use the diaper boxes when decluttering. If I potty train him I can't declutter anymore.

Psst, banker's boxes cost 5% of what diaper boxes do, because some dingbat puts brand-new clean diapers in the latter to cushion them for shipping. #themoreyouknow


I'm so sick I took a nap. I need to get better. I have a lot to do this week.

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4 hours ago, myblessings4 said:

At work.  Power has gone out.

Oh brilliant!  :dry:

4 hours ago, Critterfixer said:

Good! It's supposed to be for kids.

I'm saving it for Halloween morning!

4 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Starting my day in a flare. 

(((Jeannie)))  Any better?

Edited by Susan in TN
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I did all the things.

3 hours ago, whitehawk said:

Psst, banker's boxes cost 5% of what diaper boxes do, because some dingbat puts brand-new clean diapers in the latter to cushion them for shipping. #themoreyouknow


I'm so sick I took a nap. I need to get better. I have a lot to do this week.


I'm sorry you're sick.

36 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

 I kinda like that smell. (Insert getting away fast guy)

Me too!

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I sat in on one of the choir rehearsals today since they were short on Adults In Charge tonight (fall break).  I ended up having to sit next to the back-row altos because Very Chatty.  But they shared their music folder with me so I could sing along. :smile:  My Latin pronunciation is not so good.

We met with the Financial Guy and he was not a poopyhead.  I think we will be able to use him.  Very reasonable rates.  After the meeting dh and I went to the mall and had gyros.

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Mary, John and me just ordered new shoes. At this very moment I only have running sandals and church boots but I'm getting hiking boots and tennis shoes in the mail. Tennis shoes are for working out' sandals and boots are for outside.

The next decent paycheck is in December and it's slotted for school stuff.

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3 hours ago, Slache said:

It looks like I can't combine the Hello Fresh gift card with the discount so it would be more expensive than grocery shopping so I'm not doing it.

I didn't mean to make y'all cry! I was just trying to save a buck. I don't really trust the company anyway.

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3 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

We met with the Financial Guy and he was not a poopyhead.  I think we will be able to use him.  Very reasonable rates.  After the meeting dh and I went to the mall and had gyros.

Not being a poopyhead is an important skill set.

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Good morning!

Ellie, how did hula class go last week?

Dd12 is very sure that her orchestra director said there was no rehearsal tonight.  But I didn't note that on my calendar and naturally we have lost the piece of paper with the schedule.  Sigh.  We have to go anyway for siblings' rehearsals, so at worst she will sit around being bored for 2-1/2 hours.


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7 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

Ellie, how did hula class go last week?

It was canceled, because four of the people suddenly had headaches or some such thing. ? But I was a reall poopyhead, because my friend and her dd were both home, and I could have done the class just with them, but I didn't even think about it until later, when one of my regular students called and said she had gone to the house, and knocked on the door and no one answered, and then went home, and this was a heroic effort on her part. I had forgotten that she said she was going to try to make it. ?

I'm going to text my friend about this week, and tell her I'll be glad to teach just her and her daughter.

Edited by Ellie
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Good Morning!!!



My Aunt is throwing my mom a birthday luncheon today. I am invited, so I will go. Her birthday is tomorrow. She will be 80. She doesn’t look close to being 80.

Our charter school teacher is coming this afternoon.

Last night I had Bell choir and then, since I was gone all weekend and nobody but me can do the grocery shopping, I had to go to the Afsa. The Afsa at 9:00 on a Monday night isn’t horrible. 

My allergies are raging.

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17 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

I have to get Krissi's Famous Creamy Potato Soup in the IP and then get the kids off to children's choir.  See ya!

I got the stuff for that at the Afsa last night. I’m making it for our Thursday Night Dinner at Mom and Dad’s. Usually Mom cooks, but since her birthday is tomorrow, I decided I will bring dinner. And I’m going to make Susan Branch’s Apple-Cranberry Crisp from her AutumnBook. She made gifts for everyone who came to her talk (such a Susan Branch thing to do). They were little boxes that had a sample of her Apple-Cranberry Crisp, Molasses cookie and a bit size Pumpkin Cheesecake Dessert. All from her Autumn Book. So good. So good!!

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20 minutes ago, mama25angels said:

Good morning all, I was a grumpy pants yesterday and didn't want to spread it around so, I mostly just sat and read and watched Netflix.  I think today's going to be better, at least I hope it will.

I just saw a meme on FB that said yesterday was National Grouch Day. So, you’re good!!

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