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I was reading in Spanish and came across a phrase I didn't know so I was like "John, what does me olvide mean?" And he was like "I forgot" and I assumed that meant that he had forgotten what it meant. Apparently it means I forgot. I am so smart.

Edited by Slache
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We have success on the cobbler.  :hurray: This was my attempt to remedy the soggy bottom crust with my cherry pie at Thanksgiving. It's a bit of a production to do things this way, but the result was very attractive, and both bottom and top crusts were done to perfection. Next up--prepare a cherry pie and apple pie with the same method until I get it perfect.

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We have success on the cobbler.  :hurray: This was my attempt to remedy the soggy bottom crust with my cherry pie at Thanksgiving. It's a bit of a production to do things this way, but the result was very attractive, and both bottom and top crusts were done to perfection. Next up--prepare a cherry pie and apple pie with the same method until I get it perfect.

It's not much in the great scheme of things, but now and again, a great cobbler is worth bragging about. :blushing:

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I can see Krissi. I can also see that I need to add back material to this one chapter. This makes me happy. I love these two characters interacting, and since they get to interact on this matter in the next book, it will be good to do some foreshadowing here.

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Weapon X has a fever. DH is sick too. I don't feel great. Captain Mal is bored because we are all sick and lazy.


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:grouphug:  :grouphug:

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This cobbler is going to be ultra-messy. But still incredibly yum.

I'm back from the lake. So very peaceful, and there's a house for sale on one of the peninsulas. 



Before you consider it check to make sure it's at least 20 feet above the highest the lake level can ever get.  Then you will never worry about it flooding!

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Krissi!!! Where are you???



She needs to scrub the toilets. With bleach. To discourage the mice from using them as swimming pools. Then she can come and disinfect my downstairs bathroom.  You know, the one I'm now afraid to enter.



Read in this sequence I wondered if you were punishing our dear Krissi for going invisible!

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Did I mention I'll be moving to Texas within the next couple of years? Or sooner?


I don't think I knew that - congratulations!  Miss you and your girls!   :grouphug:


She needs to scrub the toilets. With bleach. To discourage the mice from using them as swimming pools. Then she can come and disinfect my downstairs bathroom.  You know, the one I'm now afraid to enter.


Yes, she does.  And you definitely need someone going downstairs for you.  I wouldn't go down there either.   :ack2:


Me too.  Krissi!!  What is happening to you?!?!


....like in Back to the Future!


I'm back. DH seems to be more centered and I tried to fix that, but I couldn't. Oh well, At least I have an avatar now.




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We're drowning. And taking Libby to the emergency vet last night didn't help. And I was grooming her myself because I can't afford to take her to a groomer. Sigh.

(But I'm also kicking myself for hurting her and making it so that we had to go to the emergency vet last night.)

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Edpo Alert your eyes so that you can avert them.


Next week we are doing stuff with the microscope in Anatomy and Physiology. Regular teachers get kits where all the slides etc. are prepared. I am going to have to prepare all of this myself. And I'm scared. Though I shouldn't be. I don't think that it is rocket science. Tell me that I can do it one step at a time.

Wait - Why aren’t you having your dd prepare the slides?

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Oh, there’s one like that at Walmart. And she just talks your ear off. Drives me insane. I avoid her like the plague.



Chatty cashiers don't exist in New England.




Well, I mean chatty with customers.  We have some very sweet chatty Portuguese cashiers but I don't know Portuguese.  

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I am back! The Children’s Christmas Program was at church tonight and we had the grandparents over for Subway Sandwiches after. It was a very nice program. They had the older kids act out the Nativity and oldest DD was an angel. Other two DDs were in the choir. It was a little strange, being at a “newâ€church this year. For th last 10years i’d Been in charge of the Children’s Christmas Program at our tiny, struggling church. This year, the kids were part of a big program, and I just got to watch it all. I was a tad bit nostalgic for our old church, but I am very happy we are where we are now.

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