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I'm already into the pecan pie, have a bran bag around my neck and my hoodie pulled over my eyes. I've got a feeling I'm not going to make it to afternoon without that nap.


Pecan Pie???  Why didn't you say so!!!   :drool5:  :drool5:  :drool5:


Good morning. My son casually mentioned last night that he might go to an out of state college in the fall.



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:svengo:   He should not spring these ideas on us without some kind of warning.  

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I don’t go to the MOMS thing myself. I don’t fit in. They’re all young moms who pop out kids and are still skinny and are very fashionable with messy buns and boots and all that. They are nice gals, don’t get me wrong. I just don’t fit in at all.


Those are the ones who have it all together.   :glare:   For now at least.   :laugh:

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Good morning. My son casually mentioned last night that he might go to an out of state college in the fall.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He just decided this might be a thing? Is he going to a CC? How's his car? I want his car stable before he leaves home. You can tell him I said so.

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I have to go to the bank. Trying to decide whether I should do that before nap or after nap. I'm liable to be tired either way.

Did you know that most major banks let you deposit checks over the phone?



I have done math with two students and helped youngest practice violin.  I think it's lunch time.  Anyone want to do math with my 3rd student?  She's naturally resistant if you're in the mood for a challenge.   :laugh:

I'll do it. I'm kind of a no nonsense, unpleasant person when it comes to stuff like this. I'm not good at long division.
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Boy one, upon seeing me drinking out of a glass jar. <snippy, snappy> "I hope that jar was clean. I use jars like that for paint thinner."

Me <dry and grumpy> "I smelled it before I drank out of it. But I've already had a full glass, so if you intended to poison me, you've succeeded."

Furtive grins.

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We haven't even attempted an outline from scratch. I don't want to be moved to tears. But the boys do the outlining in WWS, and I always have to work with my boys on that, and the hFA child has much more trouble picking out the bits and putting them in place. We use highlighters, but even then, I've got to guide him through it.

He is very gradually improving.


I put it down to the same things that bust me when I'm trying to outline someone else's work or my own for that matter. I see what I've written as a picture, or a completed dish, as you might say. Asking me to break something back down is like asking me, "What colors did you mix to make that particular blue you used for the shadow on that leaf and why did you use that?" Unless I wrote it down as I did it, I will not remember, although I did it, and probably thought about it when I did it. It looked right. It made sense. Taken out of context (out of the picture) it doesn't make sense to me. Why would it matter? I won't make that leaf again, and if I did, and needed to shade it, I wouldn't reference a formula, but I would mix it new and fresh for that leaf. Why would I dissect it?


When I look at a paragraph or a scene, the same thing happens. I can't see the trees for the forest. Sometimes writing it gives me a better idea of where the structure might be, but even then...



Glad he's improving. :)


The outlining books are actually the (writing) things Celery does best at/likes the most (other than copywork... I still have him do some copywork sometimes, but he'll have to move past that at some point). Personally I don't think I've been taught to outline until a public speaking class at a CC when I was 24 or something, but I am one of those people who can write something coherent in one go (even if it may not seem like it on these boards... but, I can get As just handing in my first draft). So, I generally don't outline stuff, but I figured it might be helpful to Celery, since he can't seem to write down anything remotely coherent without having a framework (we did the first book of CAP W&R last year, and a lot of his stories were hard to follow, probably because he's got a hard time keeping in mind what the reader knows and doesn't know). And, outlining does seem to slowly help, so, yay.

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A woman I used to work with in a Spanish ministry posted on FB that her 18 month old niece had a bad reaction to a vaccine. Her lungs have filled with fluid and she's been unresponsive for over 24 hours. There's a transportation strike in the area (Peru) and no one will take her to the hospital she needs to be at.


Eta: She's in a hospital but needs to transfer.

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Those are the ones who have it all together.   :glare:   For now at least.   :laugh:

I have a sweet friend like that. She's got this perfect pixie haircut, dresses like a 50s housewife (adorable skirts, tops, aprons - PERFECT), has 3 little boys that she homeschools. Her home is immaculate. 

Meanwhile, I have a messy bun, a messy house, I might put on real clothes when we to therapies, and sometimes, like today, my kid gets plain spaghetti noodles for lunch because that's all she'll eat. 


I am not a "mom group" kind of person. I wish I was - they always look put together and their kids all seem to behave. But, I'm not. I'm also way older than most of those moms. 

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And of course, everyone needs to keep doing math.  


Everybody does? I'm pretty sure we haven't done math in over a week.  :leaving:


Also, no dying, per the ITT rules.  Though I'm sure I would feel the same if we were doing AOP.



It's supposed to be AOPS - Art of Problem Solving, not Art of Problems.

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I have done math with two students and helped youngest practice violin.  I think it's lunch time.  Anyone want to do math with my 3rd student?  She's naturally resistant if you're in the mood for a challenge.   :laugh:


I'll teach math if you teach writing. 


Re. Outlining. I can’t remember ever needing to outline for college or “real life “. But I am able to organize things in my head so I suppose that I do use a mental outline of sorts. And I do know what are main ideas and what are subordinate ideas.



Right. If he can get to that point, I'd be perfectly happy with that. I'm pragmatic as far as, well, most things are concerned. Or at least I think I am. 

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I'm already into the pecan pie, have a bran bag around my neck and my hoodie pulled over my eyes. I've got a feeling I'm not going to make it to afternoon without that nap.



Liked for the treatment, not for the need.  Take good care of yourself.  Take your nap.

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So. Guess what?


Intermediate Number Theory is on the same day as the current class and starts 2 weeks after the current class finishes and ends on May 31st and thusly is just super duper perfect timing and OHYAY! I LOVELOVELOVE number theory, please, please, please...


I really hope that we shoot and kill Latin at the end of this school year. 



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A woman I used to work with in a Spanish ministry posted on FB that her 18 month old niece had a bad reaction to a vaccine. Her lungs have filled with fluid and she's been unresponsive for over 24 hours. There's a transportation strike in the area (Peru) and no one will take her to the hospital she needs to be at.


Eta: She's in a hospital but needs to transfer.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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So. Guess what?


Intermediate Number Theory is on the same day as the current class and starts 2 weeks after the current class finishes and ends on May 31st and thusly is just super duper perfect timing and OHYAY! I LOVELOVELOVE number theory, please, please, please...


I really hope that we shoot and kill Latin at the end of this school year. 




I thought Latin was already a dead language.

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I betcha Jean is at LEAST equal parts nonplussed and really, really proud.  :thumbup1:


Yes.  I'm pretty hands off with my Aspie on adulting.  He's got to do it on his own.  Not just cuz I'm lazy but because that is in some ways more important for an Aspie than other skills.  And as an Aspie, he's got to 100% own his decisions.  If he does, he does well.  If it is put on him from the outside then he doesn't see the point and fails.  (On the big things.  He's learned to jump through hoops.)


Now that I think of it he has mentioned bits and pieces.  He mentioned that he was exploring computer security as a degree instead of mechanical engineering (which is what he was initially going for).  He mentioned that this particular university was one of the few in the country that offers that degree.  I just didn't know that he had actually talked to them and that it had gotten to the point where they have offered to fly him out there this summer to look at the school.  I'm hoping that if they have offered that, that they are offering possible scholarships as well.  But he's super busy with other adulting stuff right now and none of us have had the opportunity to sit down and actually talk about stuff. 

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Yes. I'm pretty hands off with my Aspie on adulting. He's got to do it on his own. Not just cuz I'm lazy but because that is in some ways more important for an Aspie than other skills. And as an Aspie, he's got to 100% own his decisions. If he does, he does well. If it is put on him from the outside then he doesn't see the point and fails. (On the big things. He's learned to jump through hoops.)


It is taking me a long time to learn this - though ds22 and I are alike enough that I "get him" more easily than dh does.

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I have way too many tabs open in my browser. And my brain.

No kidding. I can't decide what to panic about first - dd14's birthday, Christmas presents that need to be made, Advent calendar that needs to be made, finding dd19's highschool transcript, or using my ebags coupon before it expires. :willy_nilly:

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