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On the turkey broth made with chicken thing--just offering up an anecdote. Once I made chicken soup and I didn't have enough broth when all was said and done. Not wanting to run to the store, or sacrifice the chicken to the stock, I topped off what I had with a little bit of beef stock.

Turkey soup.

Not sure why, but it tasted a lot like turkey with the little bit of the darker flavor from the beef stock in there.

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DH is taking a retirement class that helps people transition to civilian jobs and was told he needed 6 suits and the cheapest good ones were about $1000. 😱 if your DH wears suits is that legit? It sounds mind blowingly crazy to me. I’m sure it depends on the job and atmosphere, but even half that price sounds high. I’m apparently way out of the fashion loop.

Ditto on men’s wearhouse. Dh bought 3 there, plus ties, shirts, shoes, for about $1500.


And he only bought them because of weddings and the formal holiday party at work. Actual work is so casual at most companies that I’d buy one suit for interviews and go no farther until Iï¸ know what’s required.


ETA: please ignore my Apple lower-case letter-after-h-that-doesn’t-work. #stupidphone

Edited by Lotsoflittleducklings
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I started out the day sweating in short-sleeves. Now I'm cold in long-sleeves. I bet it's dropped 20 degrees in two hours.

That drop is heading here! 💨 And dagnabit! It rained and now I can't sweep all the leaves off the deck again. Guess I'll just have to sit here with ITT and my coffee. :hat:

Edited by Susan in TN
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Ds13 said his audition went pretty well, though he "felt just a little shaky". I told him he should feel very proud of himself whether he makes it into the orchestra or not because he has prepared diligently and did his very best. Dd19 has taken all the Youngers to see "Into The Woods, Jr," which is being put on by some of her theater friends from a local tutorial. I've finished my coffee and the rest of the chocolate sauce. Better go deal with the pantry.

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Are y'all getting annoyed with my updates?? I have now loaded and started the dishwasher, and started the oven self-cleaning.

I love your updates. Helps me get in gear and get my own stuff done. Brownies are in the oven. I sprinkled a package of those Andes mint chip thingies on top. Smells heavenly. Bread is proofing, too. Now I need to clean off my dresser. I hate it when I need to keep things, but have no idea where to put it.
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I vaccuumed the living room and my bedroom. Now I am attempting to clear Captain Mal's floor so I can shampoo his carpet. I would make him do it, except it's not his stuff all over his room. It's boxes of old outgrown clothes that I have neglected putting into storage or donating.


His stuff is actually neat and put away. I'm the messy one. [emoji853]


Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk

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There are six minutes left in the four-hour window the dishwasher installer gave us. I have an errand that must be done today & DH is taking DS to a scout thing, so dude is going to find a locked house if he arrives more than a minute after he said. He has not called. He wouldn't even tell us what time of day until the afternoon before.


Apparently customers' time is worthless nowadays. :thumbdown:

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Best lines I wrote today:

Protagonist: "You know you've told me this story before."

Secondary character: "I am one-hundred ninety-five years old, boy. If I tell you a story you've heard before, it's not because I've forgotten I told it. It's because you needed to hear it again."


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Best lines I wrote today:

Protagonist: "You know you've told me this story before."

Secondary character: "I am one-hundred ninety-five years old, boy. If I tell you a story you've heard before, it's not because I've forgotten I told it. It's because you needed to hear it again."



I want to read everything you've ever written.   :001_wub:

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I want to read everything you've ever written.   :001_wub:

I like that guy, too. It's really funny because he defers to the younger character (the protagonist) in matters of religion, because the younger character outranks him, but he's certainly willing to tell the younger generation a thing or two when he feels like it.

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I like that guy, too. It's really funny because he defers to the younger character (the protagonist) in matters of religion, because the younger character outranks him, but he's certainly willing to tell the younger generation a thing or two when he feels like it.

I like him, too.
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In honor of the Tackle Saturday theme we have going here:


I detailed the dining room, living room, and upstairs hallway (ie -- dusting, mopping, and mr.cleaning all the smears on the lower 18 inches of every wall).


I also cleaned my glass stovetop as part of an eHow I sent to dear Jeannie. I would not have cleaned it otherwise, so thank you, Jean, for the inspiration.


And I ordered my mom's Christmas gifts to the kids. (She's got it easy.  I figure out what they want from the Lego store, buy it on Amazon at a cheaper price with my Prime, have it shipped to directly to me, wrap it, and give her all the credit when they open it Christmas morning.  It's kind of a hassle for me and an impersonal gift for her, but at least we get gifts that they'll use and that we can store.  And she does write me that big 'ole check.   :thumbup1: )


I now need to buy 9-volts for our smoke alarms.  

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There is great excitement in the living room. DH lit a fire (because it is now 30 degrees lower than it was this morning) and he found a wasp nest, with apparently a very irate wasp that got flushed from its nest. And they can't find it. This could be an interesting evening.

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Dh also brushed the cats. They were funny.


I have made Spanish rice for this week's vegans. And I have 4 chocolate chess pies in the oven. Plus I made eggs for breakfast, and heated some aldi chocolate filled waffles for dd. She said they were just okay.


One laundry load washed and in the dryer, ds10 bedding in the washer, and the freezer emptied of old stuff.


Now I have my second cup of coffee and am taking a break.



Do you have a recipe to share for the Spanish rice?  Is it spicy or not spicy?




I'm feeling punkish today, and haven't gotten out of my pajamas.  I did nap a little on the couch.

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DH is taking a retirement class that helps people transition to civilian jobs and was told he needed 6 suits and the cheapest good ones were about $1000. 😱 if your DH wears suits is that legit? It sounds mind blowingly crazy to me. I’m sure it depends on the job and atmosphere, but even half that price sounds high. I’m apparently way out of the fashion loop.



My DH wears a shirt and trousers to the office, sometimes a tie.  He does own a full suit, which he wears for weddings (including ours and both of his brothers'), funerals, and dressy company parties, back when the company still did holiday parties.  I don't think that suit cost more than a couple hundred dollars.


Jobs requiring 4-digit suits worn every day usually are executive jobs, in my experience.

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Are y'all getting annoyed with my updates?? I have now loaded and started the dishwasher, and started the oven self-cleaning.



I hope you removed any chrome-plated oven racks first.  I didn't the first time I cleaned mine, and it burned all of the chrome off the rack.  Seriously, why would they provide oven racks that can't be left in the oven for the self-cleaning cycle?

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There are six minutes left in the four-hour window the dishwasher installer gave us. I have an errand that must be done today & DH is taking DS to a scout thing, so dude is going to find a locked house if he arrives more than a minute after he said. He has not called. He wouldn't even tell us what time of day until the afternoon before.


Apparently customers' time is worthless nowadays. :thumbdown:



:toetap05:  :toetap05:  :toetap05:

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Best lines I wrote today:

Protagonist: "You know you've told me this story before."

Secondary character: "I am one-hundred ninety-five years old, boy. If I tell you a story you've heard before, it's not because I've forgotten I told it. It's because you needed to hear it again."



:hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:   Wonderful!  Mind if I pull that on my own kids from time to time?

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Happy Birthday, Broccoli.  (Sorry I forgot earlier.)


Hugs to those who need them.


Dd13's cherry chocolate chip cobbler was good last night and delicious tonight.  I'm not sure what the difference was, but it definitely tasted better on the second day.  


I vacuumed.


I napped.


In a few minutes I am going to clean the disgusting kids' bathroom while dd7 takes her bath.  (The shower/tub stays pretty clean because with 3 teenagers it gets soaped and rinsed often.)  The bathroom sink and the toilet are another matter.


After the littles go to bed I am planning to watch Secretariat with dd13.  She is going to  :001_wub:  it.

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