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I tried googling to find out how much violin bows cost. Googling is obviously not always the best way to find out something: https://www.ebay.com/i/251486986695?chn=ps&dispItem=1



Other stuff I glanced at did indicate that good bows can cost 4 digits. FOUR DIGITS?!? If this is the case then a broken good bow deserves a lot more hugs and a eulogy! :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

It's true. My broken bow was worth about $1000 - an adequate bow for my amateur needs, though my parents didn't pay that much for it 35 years ago. I am hoping to find something decent in the $350-400 range. :svengo: It won't be as nice, but should be workable without too much wrangling. Yeehaw!


(ETA: If I were a professional with, say, the Nashville Symphony or other organization on that level, a $5-10K bow would be the norm, or the minimum if I also had an active solo or small ensemble or guest clinician schedule along with it.)

Edited by Susan in TN
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There is no faster way to irritate me than to try the "one upping Mommy" game.  Fine, you win.  Your homeschool is more rigorous.  Your kids are more well rounded.  You eat healthier foods than we do.  You are sicker than me (this is a chronic illness one upping thing which I just don't understand).  Note:  this is different than people just sharing what they are doing.  I love to hear what others are doing.  It's when it's made into a competition that I get cranky. 


I get cranky a lot.  I'm working on it.  But just note:  I'm crankier than you.  ;)


I'm lazier than you.


I really don't want to do school at all. But, I guess we should get started. We're supposed to be doing art today. I don't think I am prepared.


And you.


((Jeannie)) Have some COFFEE!! ☕ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸ And some chocolate. And some pie. We're just going for the essentials today.



I even canceled youngest's writing for today.  

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There is no faster way to irritate me than to try the "one upping Mommy" game.  Fine, you win.  Your homeschool is more rigorous.  Your kids are more well rounded.  You eat healthier foods than we do.  You are sicker than me (this is a chronic illness one upping thing which I just don't understand).  Note:  this is different than people just sharing what they are doing.  I love to hear what others are doing.  It's when it's made into a competition that I get cranky. 


I get cranky a lot.  I'm working on it.  But just note:  I'm crankier than you.  ;)

I don't know, I've been pretty cranky lately.


I probably don't notice when people do this. Mine is people telling me I'm doing it wrong. Not rigorous enough/too rigorous with school, too strick or loose with behavior, not having a real job, not forcing the baby to walk just because he can ("Do you think there's something wrong with him?" :glare: )

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There is no faster way to irritate me than to try the "one upping Mommy" game.  Fine, you win.  Your homeschool is more rigorous.  Your kids are more well rounded.  You eat healthier foods than we do.  You are sicker than me (this is a chronic illness one upping thing which I just don't understand).  Note:  this is different than people just sharing what they are doing.  I love to hear what others are doing.  It's when it's made into a competition that I get cranky. 


I get cranky a lot.  I'm working on it.  But just note:  I'm crankier than you.  ;)


No, you're not.

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I'm lazier than you.



And you.




I even canceled youngest's writing for today.  


Are you trying to one-up me with laziness? I think you are, Lynn! No need to be insecure. Embrace your laziness. Don't compare it with anyone else.


FWIW, I'm ITTing while 3 of my 4 are playing outside (I'm calling this PE, and my baby is trying to finish her math!!)


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There is no faster way to irritate me than to try the "one upping Mommy" game.  Fine, you win.  Your homeschool is more rigorous.  Your kids are more well rounded.  You eat healthier foods than we do.  You are sicker than me (this is a chronic illness one upping thing which I just don't understand).  Note:  this is different than people just sharing what they are doing.  I love to hear what others are doing.  It's when it's made into a competition that I get cranky. 


I get cranky a lot.  I'm working on it.  But just note:  I'm crankier than you.  ;)


I don't get it, either.


I don't want people to notice what I am doing.  Trying to fly under the radar here.  Don't look here!  They are much more interesting over in that house.


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But do you like flavored coffee?  ;)


The OB agreed to no checks on me so hopefully baby will stay put for a week or so. All my others have been early, though, so the time may be getting short unless this guy is doing his own thing. My last DD was induced when I showed up at my 38 week appt 6+ cm and no idea and no contractions.They wanted to make sure I had time for antibiotics and didn't end up with unassisted unexpected homebirth. I have been having unexpected unassisted homebirth nightmares!


I will be apologizing profusely to DD when she gets home from school for making her go to school this week. This cold is butt and AFSA and all the bad things mixed together. I'd make her cookies and her favorite meal except I don't feel like doing anything except whining. I felt fine until last night around 10pm. And stuffy and runny noses make me puke when I'm pregnant. I can't puke without peeing at this point. I am sad. 




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I can't afford it either. And I will probably quit after the first box. But I honestly hate shopping and I never get out to "real" stores anyhow. The last 4 blouses I bought were from Walmart. And I spent <$50 for all 4 together. And honestly, while they are cute, they do look cheap. The clothes I do like I keep forever. I've got some shoes that are 20 years old and I still wear.

I'm looking into a capsule wardrobe, but I desperately need to lose some weight first. I have to lose 50lbs before I'm allowing myself to buy more clothes. 


Coffee, chocolate, pie.

Mmm, it's even better when it's all rolled into one! 

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I'm not being lazy. Just not taxing myself all that much. I must be improving because I started coughing today. That usually indicates I'm on my way to recovery.

I cleaned up my writing space, but my "homeschool books to put away" space looks a little bit bigger. Hmm.

Now I need to mop my room and make my bed. And edit another chapter. I got through a longish one--but only cut around 500 words because it was too good to cut too much!

Sigh. I may never see 125K. But at least every chapter, every scene and every sentence will be the best I can write, right?

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So turns out I went to high school with the plumber who worked on our septic tank today. Not only did he not recognize me several remarks he made left the impression that he was yet another person who assumed I am an impoverished unwed mother based on how I look.


I cried on the phone to dh.


But I think Paige's week still sounds way worse. Prayers for speedy recovery!


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Mean people suck.


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Why would anyone want to write a novel in a month? Is it fun? Is it good for your brain? Or do you just finalize it in a month? I would like to be smart enough to understand this writing thing some day, but it just sounds like it would make my hand hurt to do this.

It's 50K in a month. That's not really quite a novel, but it's a good start on a rough draft. The idea is that by writing every day, writing becomes a habit for you in 30 days. 

My hands and arms usually don't hurt, and I'm a 2000 to 3000 words per day kind of writer.

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It's 50K in a month. That's not really quite a novel, but it's a good start on a rough draft. The idea is that by writing every day, writing becomes a habit for you in 30 days.

My hands and arms usually don't hurt, and I'm a 2000 to 3000 words per day kind of writer.

Oh! I thought you were supposed to go from blank page to perfect, complete novel and that just sounded horrible. How much time per day would you like to spend on it?


I'm looking at short story curricula for me. Because, you know, I have all this free time.

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So turns out I went to high school with the plumber who worked on our septic tank today. Not only did he not recognize me several remarks he made left the impression that he was yet another person who assumed I am an impoverished unwed mother based on how I look.


I cried on the phone to dh.


But I think Paige's week still sounds way worse. Prayers for speedy recovery!


My like is a solidarity "he's an idiot" like and glad you could cry to dh.   :grouphug:

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Oh! I thought you were supposed to go from blank page to perfect, complete novel and that just sounded horrible. How much time per day would you like to spend on it?


I'm looking at short story curricula for me. Because, you know, I have all this free time.

No, just a first draft. And for me, 50K is about half of a novel. Or a third.

I'd love to spend close to eight hours a day writing. During a break, I can almost manage that. More commonly, I get two to four hours to write every day. 

Editing takes longer. :D


Bear in mind that I don't outline, I just sit down and go where the story takes me every day. So I'm not a terribly efficient writer. I can write around 1000 words in an hour on an average day.

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So turns out I went to high school with the plumber who worked on our septic tank today. Not only did he not recognize me several remarks he made left the impression that he was yet another person who assumed I am an impoverished unwed mother based on how I look.


I cried on the phone to dh.


But I think Paige's week still sounds way worse. Prayers for speedy recovery!


:grouphug:  :grouphug:


I can't claim a whole week; maybe just today. The rest of the week wasn't so bad. I'm not ceding tomorrow yet either.

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I'm making pork loin for dinner. It was supposed to be maple-apple pork loin. Sadly, the maple syrup is missing. Might or might not have eaten it up the last time I made pancakes. So I did apple juice, apple butter and honey for the glaze. We'll see how that turns out. 


Sounds promising!  What time should we I be there?   :drool5:

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So turns out I went to high school with the plumber who worked on our septic tank today. Not only did he not recognize me several remarks he made left the impression that he was yet another person who assumed I am an impoverished unwed mother based on how I look.


I cried on the phone to dh.


But I think Paige's week still sounds way worse. Prayers for speedy recovery!


Well, that guy is a total loser. Loser, loser, loser!!!!  Who cares what he thinks. We know the truth. You are an awesome member of an amazing club of awesome women.



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I'm making pork loin for dinner. It was supposed to be maple-apple pork loin. Sadly, the maple syrup is missing. Might or might not have eaten it up the last time I made pancakes. So I did apple juice, apple butter and honey for the glaze. We'll see how that turns out. 


Hmmm, now that sounds right tasty. I'll pull up a chair by Lynn!! And bring the brownies to eat with the homemade icecream and chocolate sauce.

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I'm pretty sure that's on the list of necessities.




You could probably find 5 digit bows as well, or maybe 6 digit bows (no clue). But, there's a range, and more expensive bows generally are better than cheaper bows, but the improvement is not linear... the difference between a $500 and a $50 bow is probably much more noticeable than the difference between a $500 and a $950 bow. IIRC, my bow cost almost as much as my violin. My parents had separate insurance on the bow and violin (and I did have a bow break once when somebody knocked it off the music stand during a school orchestra practice break... that one was not 4 figures, I think it was maybe mid-3 figures?... the new bow was more expensive).



Unfortunately the grocery store I went to today did not have any ice cream I wanted to consider, coffee-flavored or otherwise.  What they had was limited, and looked a bit freezer-burned (ice crystals on the cartons).


I went to the high-end hoity-toity grocery store to look for an ingredient or two I figured I wouldn't be able to find elsewhere.  I did find one such ingredient, and while I was there I decided to pick up other things I wanted.  What a disappointment.


The heirloom tomatoes were ripe-ish, so I selected 3.  I ate the ripest one for lunch when I got home; it was okay, but I've had better from a more generic store.


The fresh mozz is okay, but the fresh basil was a travesty.  Even the "live" basil was full of rotting leaves, and the containers of cut basil looked dried out and wilted.  I did get some basil, one container I thought was mostly okay (just a little wilted), only to discover at home that the middle was starting to rot.


The produce at this store is supposed to be some of the best around, with items you simply can't find elsewhere.  It was at another branch of this store, within Houston proper, that I first fell in love with the branch all those many years ago.  This store plays up the high-end hoit and toit, but doesn't deliver on selection or quality.  Their prices are rather high, as well, and their parking lot is designed to have that so-trendy squeezed-into-tight-spaces crampness, even though they clear-cut the forest off the entire lot when they built the place.


It has been a couple of years at least since I went in there.  I am now sufficiently reminded of why it has been that long.  If I like my special ingredient enough to want to buy it again I'll just ask the other grocery stores to order it in.

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No, just a first draft. And for me, 50K is about half of a novel. Or a third.

I'd love to spend close to eight hours a day writing. During a break, I can almost manage that. More commonly, I get two to four hours to write every day.

Editing takes longer. :D


Bear in mind that I don't outline, I just sit down and go where the story takes me every day. So I'm not a terribly efficient writer. I can write around 1000 words in an hour on an average day.

I called dd14 "Critter" the other day when she was gleefully telling me how one of her characters just does not see what is coming his way, and she can't wait to see how he handles it. :D

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