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Angry cleaning.  Sounds like there is a story there.

Not much of a story, just my teenaged conduct disorder son thinking he is entitled to everything but a good kick in the arse, which is what he needs more than anything.  July 5th can not come soon enough.  I will have a world of problems when he comes home 2 weeks later and he is transitioning again but those 2 weeks will be a much needed reprieve.

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Well, I hope your day goes okay and you are able to catch up on your sleep later, Brandy.


Forgot DH's b-day the other day, but I worked overtime this week so he seems to have forgiven me. :)  I was busy making money.


DS got a splinter at the park yesterday.  I told him climbing the sign might not have been the best idea in light of the outcome, but he said, no, they should have sanded and painted it properly just like they do with the rest of the wooden playground every spring.  Because they should have planned for situations like this.  Kids climb things, and they should have expected that.

I stand corrected, I said.  :lol:  :lol:

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Kids learn even when we aren't teaching.


This was how DD learned to read.  She had been "reading" to me for some time; "reading" in quotes, because I assumed that she had the books memorized.  Then, one day, she wanted to "read" to me a book she'd never seen.  I gently explained that she couldn't do that and was met with offended outrage.  So I handed over the brand-new book she'd never seen and therefore couldn't "read."  She read the whole thing to me, needing only a little help with a couple of words.  Opps.  Yet another reminder of what happens to me when I assume.

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DDalmost14 has just immortalized her homeschool experience on my easel whiteboard.  She drew a picture of herself snoozing at the table while Mom (me) gleefully and blissfully lectures on about some obscure math mumbo-jumbo.  I can't figure out how to type it here and it doesn't quite meet math "grammar", but it's something to the point of 4 times 8 times ((2 divided by 7)squared) equals question mark.  She used dots to indicate multiplication and indicated grouping, and I suspect that the scribbled lines in the "book" she has pictured represent the discussions on commutative, associative, and distributive properties....


Other recent artistic wonders of hers incorporated historic or cultural elements from history and other social studies into her imaginative fantasy creations.  Both kids have now been firmly ordered to leave any such art work intact until 1) Daddy sees it, too, and 2) Mom captures it by taking a picture.


She processes stuff visually, and this seems to actually be helping, so I'm encouraging it as long as it's all in good fun.  If I ever write my life story I just might have to use some of her pictures to illustrate the more ignominious events....

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This was how DD learned to read.  She had been "reading" to me for some time; "reading" in quotes, because I assumed that she had the books memorized.  Then, one day, she wanted to "read" to me a book she'd never seen.  I gently explained that she couldn't do that and was met with offended outrage.  So I handed over the brand-new book she'd never seen and therefore couldn't "read."  She read the whole thing to me, needing only a little help with a couple of words.  Opps.  Yet another reminder of what happens to me when I assume.


I had a stinker of a Kindergarten teacher when I was young.  Preschool wasn't quite the norm back then, and so it was considered unusual for a child to enter K with some idea of the alphabet and how reading works.  My Mom had already taught me the alphabet and how to read some words (mostly by reading with me a LOT and talking to me about the sounds letters make), so I knew how to read some when I started K -- and I said so.  The teacher told me flatly that no, I couldn't.  When I insisted yes, I could, she pointed to a word (not one of the typical words kids start with) and told me to read it.  I told her I couldn't read that word, but I could read others and started to do so, and she promptly closed the book and told me she was right and I couldn't read.  I told Mom later, and Mom had a "discussion" with that teacher, after which the teacher lightened up, but only just a little.  She was a new teacher back then -- I assume she just assumed that all of her new students would be starting from the beginning and learn only what she taught them.  Yeah, I've never been that cooperative.

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This was how DD learned to read.  She had been "reading" to me for some time; "reading" in quotes, because I assumed that she had the books memorized.  Then, one day, she wanted to "read" to me a book she'd never seen.  I gently explained that she couldn't do that and was met with offended outrage.  So I handed over the brand-new book she'd never seen and therefore couldn't "read."  She read the whole thing to me, needing only a little help with a couple of words.  Opps.  Yet another reminder of what happens to me when I assume.

I forgot to say:  Your DD sounds like Scout in To Kill A Mockingbird.

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Well, I hope your day goes okay and you are able to catch up on your sleep later, Brandy.


Forgot DH's b-day the other day, but I worked overtime this week so he seems to have forgiven me. :)  I was busy making money.


DS got a splinter at the park yesterday.  I told him climbing the sign might not have been the best idea in light of the outcome, but he said, no, they should have sanded and painted it properly just like they do with the rest of the wooden playground every spring.  Because they should have planned for situations like this.  Kids climb things, and they should have expected that.

I stand corrected, I said.  :lol:  :lol:


When we were kids my brother was part of a rather active boy scout troop.  One summer day his troop took a trip to a park that had, among other attractions, a toboggan slide.  Being full summer said toboggan slide was out of commission, of course, but they decided to slide down it anyway on their unprotected (except for their pants) tushes.  Where the "adults" of this expedition were I have no idea.  It was a wooden toboggan slide. A weathered wooden toboggan slide.


My brother came home with a HUGE 2+ inch sliver in his rear.  RN Mom dealt with it, but certainly wasn't happy.

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SO tired this morning.  I was doing angry cleaning last night and could not unwind enough to sleep on time.  3am I fell asleep, and now at 7am I have to head out the door for work.  Thank goodness this is a split shift day, I am climbing right back into bed when I get home again


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:  And a comfy pillow when you are where you can sleep safely (not while driving!).

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When we were kids my brother was part of a rather active boy scout troop.  One summer day his troop took a trip to a park that had, among other attractions, a toboggan slide.  Being full summer said toboggan slide was out of commission, of course, but they decided to slide down it anyway on their unprotected (except for their pants) tushes.  Where the "adults" of this expedition were I have no idea.  It was a wooden toboggan slide. A weathered wooden toboggan slide.


My brother came home with a HUGE 2+ inch sliver in his rear.  RN Mom dealt with it, but certainly wasn't happy.




He actual got two, both in the same finger.  One was small, the other about a half inch - which in his little 8 yo finger looked huge.  We had ridden our bikes to the park, so I was without anything with which to dislodge the splinters, so we had to ride home, take out the splinters, and ride back.  He cried more as we were setting out to ride back to the park than when the splinters were in his finger, because he was afraid the boys he was playing with would leave the park before we got back, and that it would be time to come home again.  I assured him that if they had left there would be others to play with.  But they were there, and all was good.  He was just really mad signs aren't meant to climb.


Boy climbs everything.

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This is the second time someone has come back from a hiatus and ordered Jean to walk. She's walked every day this week now, I think. It's kinda funny.


Someone should order me to go paddling this Saturday morning, before the rains come.  Paddling is a family activity, because it takes both DH and me to handle everything and we won't let the girls out of it.  If one of us goes paddling, we ALL go paddling.


With lake lunches.  Now that we found our preferred spot we take lake lunches so we can stay out longer.


Oh, and with sunscreen.  DH forgot that this past weekend, and now has some really red and ready to blister legs.  The girls were fine because to their dismay I slathered it on them thickly.  I have a stripe of red just below my knees, where my pants legs rode up AFTER I slathered myself.  Oops.

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This was how DD learned to read.  She had been "reading" to me for some time; "reading" in quotes, because I assumed that she had the books memorized.  Then, one day, she wanted to "read" to me a book she'd never seen.  I gently explained that she couldn't do that and was met with offended outrage.  So I handed over the brand-new book she'd never seen and therefore couldn't "read."  She read the whole thing to me, needing only a little help with a couple of words.  Opps.  Yet another reminder of what happens to me when I assume.

I forgot to say:  Your DD sounds like Scout in To Kill A Mockingbird.



...which is one of the books she is currently reading.  How ironic! :001_smile:


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Dear, you did not know, so we forgive you, but when you are the first one on a new page, you're supposed to say, BOOYA! Optionally, you may also do "This is the thread that never ends..."


Now you have to hang with us until you can be first again. :hat:


My apologies for my oversight, Your Highness.  If I may be so bold, allow me to remind you: it is I, Thread Matriarch, AMJ, who helped establish our honored tradition.  I fear my 2-week absence from the forums and this thread have caused me to fade into distant memory, and perchance my appearance has changed much since we last were together.


My deepest and most sincere profusologies over my forgetitudinousness.  I failed to notice the page status of my reply due to over exuberance in pursuing posts I had missed and responding individually as I saw need.  I shall slow down my catchuposity in hope of preventing future lapses.


My obsequiousest kowtow in gratitude for your kind benevolence in drawing my attention to my error.  My most gracious monarch, I thank thee.

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DS got a splinter at the park yesterday. I told him climbing the sign might not have been the best idea in light of the outcome, but he said, no, they should have sanded and painted it properly just like they do with the rest of the wooden playground every spring. Because they should have planned for situations like this. Kids climb things, and they should have expected that.

I stand corrected, I said. :lol: :lol:

I just pulled a splinter out of my 6 year old's finger. She just sat there quietly. I got the splinter out in short order and she went in her merry way. Contrast that with a couple weeks ago I had to get an infected splinter out of the foot of my 11 year old boy. He was literally screaming bloody murder and I wasn't even touching his foot. He was kicking me and crying and completely freaking out. DH had to finally hold him down. I was afraid the neighbors would call the cops on us!
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So, I was an extra today on the set of The Leftovers. I don't know anything about it except what I have read on the Internet Movie Data Base. And it was hot, and humid, and by the end of the day (12 hours!!!) I could not put words together to make complete sentences. If they had asked me to come back tomorrow I would have told them NO.


I did a very short day last week, and got to see Christopher Eccleston, whom many of you will recognize as Dr. Who. I didn't expect that. :-)


:confused1: :confused1:   Never heard of it (and thought immediately of last week's meatloaf -- sorry!).  If it makes it to Netflix streaming I might get to see it sometime.  At least with 2 seasons out it stands a chance of this.  Can you tell us which episode you could show up in?

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For some reason, I am thinking that you should take your family and go paddling on Saturday morning.  I put my Karnac hat on and divined that rains are coming.  Make sure that you pack lake lunches and lots of sunscreen.


Why, thank you!  I will inform DH and DC that thus is the plan, and will pick up appropriate groceries before Saturday.


Heigh ho, Heigh ho, it's off to paddling we go....


(meanwhile the kids are singing glumly, Yo-o heave ho.  Yo-o heave ho.  We're going back to the lake Mom's water mania to slake Yo-o heave ho.  Yo-o heave ho.)

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I just pulled a splinter out of my 6 year old's finger. She just sat there quietly. I got the splinter out in short order and she went in her merry way. Contrast that with a couple weeks ago I had to get an infected splinter out of the foot of my 11 year old boy. He was literally screaming bloody murder and I wasn't even touching his foot. He was kicking me and crying and completely freaking out. DH had to finally hold him down. I was afraid the neighbors would call the cops on us!


He sounds like our DD11 when she has a loose tooth, even the very loose ones.

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Jean, take a walk.  Now!

AMJ, go paddling this weekend with the family!

ikslo, get back to work!

Walks with Rocky happen after supper only.  I have to do housework and other stuff while I have energy.  I just talked to my 90 year old mom and got the kitchen clean and one load of clean laundry folded.  It was hard though because she was talking about my dad and it made me cry.  

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Walks with Rocky happen after supper only.  I have to do housework and other stuff while I have energy.  I just talked to my 90 year old mom and got the kitchen clean and one load of clean laundry folded.  It was hard though because she was talking about my dad and it made me cry.  



:grouphug: :grouphug:   You are a wonderful daughter!

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A belated welcome to Sparkly!  You belong here.  Don't worry about reading the whole thread. 


Don't listen to her, she's trying to get you into trouble.  You have to read the whole thread so you can pass the test.

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Oh, you have a big day! :grouphug:


And FTR, it's CongaRats...you know, congratulations...


So much of the backwards catching up I'm doing now makes SENSE....

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Sitting at McDonald's letting my migraine meds kick in after dropping off Marley kitten to be spayed. I worry about her. Going to a couple of banks and then the chiropractor and then to refill my migraine meds and them home and then to pick up Marley.


I like the rat Congo line.



Oh, you have a big day! :grouphug:


And FTR, it's CongaRats...you know, congratulations...



I have absolutely no Viking blood and I'm still grumpy.  



Hey guess what...got my final exam mark back  93% on the final putting my final grade for the course at 98%.  So another 4.0 and I can officially relax about school until september



Yay Swellmomma!! That's fantastic!



Not slacking.  Swimming!  


And today dh and I celebrate 13 years.  Conga Rats to us!





Conga Rats to you too, Swellmama!





Yup, out of likes again, and I've only gotten through a few pages of catch-up.  *SIGH*

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Dd8 is currently putting together a "box elder bug training facility" in the kitchen. She promises to move it outdoors as soon as the bugs are collected.


Training for what? Good question.



I love your DD8.


And kudos to you for enabling such a creative child. Well done. :001_wub:



CongaRats to Brandy and Ducklings!!!!  :hurray:


I'm half Viking and half Russian/Ukrainian. I think I should be cranky 100% of the time with this combination!!  :lol:   (or maybe I should be taking more medicinal vodka)



Ok people.... Those of you who have been friends with Rachel (from Accounts Services), she's gone. I don't know where, or more importantly why. But she's gone. And Heather has taken her place. This is devastating!


So, huge like-type arghs for these posts, too (so I can finish that page and start on a fresh page after I get some likes back).

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Well no sleep for me yet, I had some steeped tea from Timmies at work this morning and still going strong.  Leave for work again in 5 minutes, and have a staff dinner function afterwards.  I will sleep well tonight.

WHat I did do today is work on cleaning my livingroom.  It was nasty, my kids are slobs and trashed it everyday while I was working and I have been too busy to deal with it.  I hauled out (with help from a friend's husband) my humongous 15 year old broken tv(it has sat broken in the livingroom for a year), once he got it into my trunk I drove it to town office and left it for the electronic recycling.  I scrubbed town the tv stand (turns out I LOVE the scent of Murphy's oil soap, which I used for the first time today).  THen put on a little table cloth and moved the smaller tv we have been using onto it.  THen I emptied that table unit I use to house math books and our MUS blocks and gave it a good scrub and weeded some out and then reorganized it.  I scrubbed down my dd7's tall barbie dollhouse.  ANd of course the never ending dishes and laundry have been a work in progress all day.  SO still tired, but not enough to sleep, and lots of work done(last night I was cleaning and reorganizing my back room which is a scary room)  ds16 must have figured out that if I had to put up with him anymore I was going to kill him because he has mostly stayed out of my way and done as he is asked (with one exception that made him quickly apologize profusely) so a much better day than yesterday and I just might let him live to see tomorrow.  Teens are hard at the best of times but one with conduct disorder is completely unbearable at times. 

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Don't listen to her, she's trying to get you into trouble. You have to read the whole thread so you can pass the test.

I didn't read the whole thread. But I'm pretending to belong here with all the cool people! And nobody ever told me I had to take a test. Is it multiple guess? Or essay?
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It's an obstacle course with a series of questions throughout.

Oh, well, I can do that. I can answer the questions right now!

1) 5, 274,437,000

2) Canada, but if they would have waited a little longer,  it would have been Slovenia!

3)  Mustard greens sautéed with garlic and mushrooms!

4) Alexander the Great

5) Eating Cupcakes with a kilt-wearing Johnny Depp


And now, a question of my own.... is it a sign that your deep freeze is sympathetic to your bad day when you open the door to put something in and a Tupperware full of chocolate chip cookies comes sliding down into your hands? Does that mean you must eat two?

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Oh, well, I can do that. I can answer the questions right now!

1) 5, 274,437,000

2) Canada, but if they would have waited a little longer, it would have been Slovenia!

3) Mustard greens sautéed with garlic and mushrooms!

4) Alexander the Great

5) Eating Cupcakes with a kilt-wearing Johnny Depp


And now, a question of my own.... is it a sign that your deep freeze is sympathetic to your bad day when you open the door to put something in and a Tupperware full of chocolate chip cookies comes sliding down into your hands? Does that mean you must eat two?

Well duh.

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Oh, well, I can do that. I can answer the questions right now!

1) 5, 274,437,000

2) Canada, but if they would have waited a little longer,  it would have been Slovenia!

3)  Mustard greens sautéed with garlic and mushrooms!

4) Alexander the Great

5) Eating Cupcakes with a kilt-wearing Johnny Depp


And now, a question of my own.... is it a sign that your deep freeze is sympathetic to your bad day when you open the door to put something in and a Tupperware full of chocolate chip cookies comes sliding down into your hands? Does that mean you must eat two?

It means that you share all the chocolate chip cookies with your ITT friends.  

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105 :svengo: And I was melting because it hit low 80's here!




Tex is remaining impervious to my peer pressure attempts to get her to go on a zip line at camp.

Tell her I said it's mandatory. She doesn't want to answer to The Slash for that one.

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When we were kids my brother was part of a rather active boy scout troop.  One summer day his troop took a trip to a park that had, among other attractions, a toboggan slide.  Being full summer said toboggan slide was out of commission, of course, but they decided to slide down it anyway on their unprotected (except for their pants) tushes.  Where the "adults" of this expedition were I have no idea.  It was a wooden toboggan slide. A weathered wooden toboggan slide.


My brother came home with a HUGE 2+ inch sliver in his rear.  RN Mom dealt with it, but certainly wasn't happy.


About how old was your brother? How did he feel about mom pulling a splinter out of his butt? How did he feel about mom SEEING his butt?



Yes, this is awful, but, hey. It's all I could find...I'll let you off the hook if you can get through 1 minute of this.

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105  :svengo:   And I was melting because it hit low 80's here!  




Tex is remaining impervious to my peer pressure attempts to get her to go on a zip line at camp.  

I don't blame her! I absolutely refused to go on the zip-line at family camp!

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Doctor #1 (primary) did absolutely nothing other than to tell me to lose weight.  I wanted to scream and cry but I had admirable restraint.


Doctor #2 (chiro) adjusted my back but told me that it was mostly a muscle problem.  Which I pretty much knew.  


I got dd to paint my entire back with "Bio Freeze" - a pain relieving gel.  This helped more than anything.  


I'm still very sore.  



:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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So, I was an extra today on the set of The Leftovers. I don't know anything about it except what I have read on the Internet Movie Data Base. And it was hot, and humid, and by the end of the day (12 hours!!!) I could not put words together to make complete sentences. If they had asked me to come back tomorrow I would have told them NO.


I did a very short day last week, and got to see Christopher Eccleston, whom many of you will recognize as Dr. Who. I didn't expect that. :-)


Squeeee! Can I have your autograph???

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Oh, well, I can do that. I can answer the questions right now!

1) 5, 274,437,000

2) Canada, but if they would have waited a little longer,  it would have been Slovenia!

3)  Mustard greens sautéed with garlic and mushrooms!

4) Alexander the Great

5) Eating Cupcakes with a kilt-wearing Johnny Depp


And now, a question of my own.... is it a sign that your deep freeze is sympathetic to your bad day when you open the door to put something in and a Tupperware full of chocolate chip cookies comes sliding down into your hands? Does that mean you must eat two?




You're officially in.


And no.  It means you must share.  




ETA:  Or    ãƒŠã‚¤ã‚¹    (Booyah in Japanese. So says google.)

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About how old was your brother? How did he feel about mom pulling a splinter out of his butt? How did he feel about mom SEEING his butt?



Yes, this is awful, but, hey. It's all I could find...I'll let you off the hook if you can get through 1 minute of this.


Dude.  Them's my kin.  :thumbup1:

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