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Nah, we're good. We're in Central California (Fresno area) and most of the flooding is Northern California. I'm not sure if any of you heard news of the Oroville Dam's issues, but we're nowhere close to that, either. The foothills in our general area have had some flooding issues, but we're fine. Thanks for asking.


I thought you were closer to the Sacramento/Stockton area-OPPS.


Apparently, a levee has failed and I wasn't sure how close you were to that.  I'm glad that you're all okay!

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Cut and pasted from my tackle thread:


I have driven for two hours already this morning.  Sigh.  Long story involving a stressed out college kid.  Anyway. . .


human care done


pet care done including scheduling a vet appointment for Rocky who has been suddenly peeing all over the house.  Double sigh.


FINALLY got a shower for the first time in days.  I have certain windows when I can shower when I am not already booked with other duties/responsibilities or am out of the house driving or the bathroom isn't being tied up by other family members. 


helped with logic and algebra.


admired pictures of my grand-nephew (the 11th time now that I have been a grand aunt). 


I am super overwhelmed but I will focus my energy on the kitchen.

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It's raining right now, but not so much as a rumble of thunder have I heard.



Oh, good, no big storms then.  I was wondering, after seeing the half-second blip of radar on the nation-wide news.

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Cut and pasted from my tackle thread:


I have driven for two hours already this morning.  Sigh.  Long story involving a stressed out college kid.  Anyway. . .


human care done


pet care done including scheduling a vet appointment for Rocky who has been suddenly peeing all over the house.  Double sigh.


FINALLY got a shower for the first time in days.  I have certain windows when I can shower when I am not already booked with other duties/responsibilities or am out of the house driving or the bathroom isn't being tied up by other family members. 


helped with logic and algebra.


admired pictures of my grand-nephew (the 11th time now that I have been a grand aunt). 


I am super overwhelmed but I will focus my energy on the kitchen.



Hooray for showers!  And good job getting all of that covered.

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I have now spent about 2.5 hours out in the garage going through one MASSIVE box of old, intermingled papers.  I actually did just a little bit more -- I finished the remnants of another box that was started, and did the entire massive box.


Ima gonna wash my hands, rotate laundry, then get some water and sit down someplace with back support.  My feet and knees have had enough, and my back is whining just a bit, too.



But I got a massive box of papers sorted and the vast bulk of it ready for the burn pile.  And I found an old letter to myself about the impact a certain friend had had in my life to that date (and it still continues to this day) -- I snapped a photo of it and texted it off to my friend.  I figure it never hurts to remind people from time to time about how much good they have brought into one's life.

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Slache, when you listed all your fitness apps and stuff, was one of them Lose It ?  I started it yesterday.  My body is so stressed by the sugar deprivation that my eye has been twitching all day.   :laugh:


I like Lose It. I would use it but I'm getting a new activity tracker SOMEDAY and it syncs with My Fitness Pal. I will make no comment on the sugar, nor will I tell you what I had for a snack earlier.

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So. . . what I thought would be a simple vet visit for what I thought most definitely was a UTI, doesn't appear to be so simple.  Critter, the vet said that Rocky's urine is abnormally dilute but he doesn't have diabetes and at first glance doesn't appear to have an infection or crystals.  They are running some more tests.  Stupid expensive dog. 

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So. . . what I thought would be a simple vet visit for what I thought most definitely was a UTI, doesn't appear to be so simple.  Critter, the vet said that Rocky's urine is abnormally dilute but he doesn't have diabetes and at first glance doesn't appear to have an infection or crystals.  They are running some more tests.  Stupid expensive dog. 


Wait.  I thought Rocky was a Springer Spaniel.  When did he morph into a GSD? :glare:


(I'm sorry that he's sick, though, Jean.  :sad: )

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My choices are City council meeting which is important on a civic duty level. And because I prefer to hear for myself instead of hearing about it through the biased filter of the citizen group.


Or go to Zumba for the first time in over a year. Except that tonight's instructor is especially athletic and hard hitting and instead of normal Zumba it is Zumba Strong, which is high intensity.


Curl up in the fetal position and do nothing in front of the tv.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I may be talking myself back out of the high school credit for physical science. <sigh>. No one markets apologia physical as highschool. I thought I had seen it listed as 9th several places. Maybe it used to be and vendors have been scolded for labeling it that way?


I hate science.


Personally, I wouldn't care how it's marketed.  The simple fact of the matter is that physical science goes either way.  If she covers the material, does the labs, and puts in the hours, then she's done the class.  So there.


Can you see the Table of Contents for the Abeka book?  If it covers roughly the same material, then maybe that will help. 

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My choices are City council meeting which is important on a civic duty level. And because I prefer to hear for myself instead of hearing about it through the biased filter of the citizen group.


Or go to Zumba for the first time in over a year. Except that tonight's instructor is especially athletic and hard hitting and instead of normal Zumba it is Zumba Strong, which is high intensity.


Curl up in the fetal position and do nothing in front of the tv.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


I know which I'd choose.


Quick!  Lynn!  You need to help Jean!

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My choices are City council meeting which is important on a civic duty level. And because I prefer to hear for myself instead of hearing about it through the biased filter of the citizen group.


Or go to Zumba for the first time in over a year. Except that tonight's instructor is especially athletic and hard hitting and instead of normal Zumba it is Zumba Strong, which is high intensity.


Curl up in the fetal position and do nothing in front of the tv.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


You already took Rocky to the vet.  Taking a pet to the vet = Zumba.


It it time for some T.V.




Disclaimer:  I have never had a pet, nor have I ever been to a vet.  I still stand behind my vote.

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I vote smoked almonds while sacked out on the couch.

I am back from hobnobbing with my fellow wizards. Our newest wizard requested that I bring the earlier chapters of my novel so that he can read them and get up to speed on my story. I said I'd bring him a hard copy next meeting.

I am designing a quarantine facility for chickens. The strays have to serve out a 21 day wait period before they can try to matriculate into my flock. I don't have a good holding pen, so it's time I built one.

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A FAFSA upon all things dental.


In August, we got new insurance through DH's new job. DH verified that our dentists accepted it. (DH goes to one near work; DS and I go to one over here.)


Today we got a bill from my dentist for my and DS's recent appointments. DH checked the insurance company website and it was saying none of our dentists were affiliated with it any more! But then he called someone and the person said the dentists are in their network, the computer is wrong, and the dentist failed to send in the claims. ?!

A worthy FAFSA. My sympathies. :(

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Men are buttheads. :glare:



DH is away on a business trip as of today, and of course one particular smoke alarm started chirping its low battery chirp before he was gone a couple of hours.  Finally this evening I had a chance to track down which one so I could change the battery.  It's THAT one, ye gads.


The offender is in our loft, in the highest spot of the ceiling in a room with a higher ceiling.  They also put it closest to the railing overlooking the two-story high entryway.  I have panic attacks whenever DH climbs up to change that battery because just one little off-balance wobble and over the railing he would go.


I tried.  I could NOT manage to lift a foot to the fourth step on the ladder.  Both feet flat refused to go that high.


I texted DH to let him know the ladder he suggested in there waiting for him to change that battery when he gets home from his trip.  The girls and I will just deal with the incessant chirping in the meantime.


He suggested I have one of the girls climb up.




If I panic when HE climbs up in that spot what makes him think I'll ask one of my KIDS to climb up there?!?

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So. . . what I thought would be a simple vet visit for what I thought most definitely was a UTI, doesn't appear to be so simple.  Critter, the vet said that Rocky's urine is abnormally dilute but he doesn't have diabetes and at first glance doesn't appear to have an infection or crystals.  They are running some more tests.  Stupid expensive dog. 



:grouphug:  :grouphug:   Psst, Rocky, you don't need to join that club.  Just get better and ask for lots of petting!

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A FAFSA upon all things dental.


In August, we got new insurance through DH's new job. DH verified that our dentists accepted it. (DH goes to one near work; DS and I go to one over here.)


Today we got a bill from my dentist for my and DS's recent appointments. DH checked the insurance company website and it was saying none of our dentists were affiliated with it any more! But then he called someone and the person said the dentists are in their network, the computer is wrong, and the dentist failed to send in the claims. ?!



FAFSA!   :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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I may be talking myself back out of the high school credit for physical science. <sigh>. No one markets apologia physical as highschool. I thought I had seen it listed as 9th several places. Maybe it used to be and vendors have been scolded for labeling it that way?


I hate science.



If you are extending it into next year for the sake of a 9th grade finish date the extra work will likely be enough to carry it over to high school-level work.  You can consult with Renai on how to write it up, too.  She's good at that.

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My choices are City council meeting which is important on a civic duty level. And because I prefer to hear for myself instead of hearing about it through the biased filter of the citizen group.


Or go to Zumba for the first time in over a year. Except that tonight's instructor is especially athletic and hard hitting and instead of normal Zumba it is Zumba Strong, which is high intensity.


Curl up in the fetal position and do nothing in front of the tv.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



Sounds like civic duty might win out on this one.  Which one is less likely to throw you into a flare?

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Lynn, I took physical science in 9th. I have no problem with what you want to do. Your kids will have a better understanding of science in 6th grade than most high school graduates. If you're uncomfortable I would add reading and writing to it, but I don't think that's necessary and I'm a snob.


DH is away on a business trip as of today, and of course one particular smoke alarm started chirping its low battery chirp before he was gone a couple of hours. Finally this evening I had a chance to track down which one so I could change the battery. It's THAT one, ye gads.


The offender is in our loft, in the highest spot of the ceiling in a room with a higher ceiling. They also put it closest to the railing overlooking the two-story high entryway. I have panic attacks whenever DH climbs up to change that battery because just one little off-balance wobble and over the railing he would go.


I tried. I could NOT manage to lift a foot to the fourth step on the ladder. Both feet flat refused to go that high.


I texted DH to let him know the ladder he suggested in there waiting for him to change that battery when he gets home from his trip. The girls and I will just deal with the incessant chirping in the meantime.


He suggested I have one of the girls climb up.




If I panic when HE climbs up in that spot what makes him think I'll ask one of my KIDS to climb up there?!?

I would just throw my shoe at it until it fell down.

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My computer is getting suspiciously slow again -- I think it knows DH is not around.  I'm getting crabby because of electric chirps, but we can close some doors and dull that noise a bit so we can sleep.  My friend really needed something positive today so getting the photo of that letter from so long ago helped -- it's from a time before certain calamities and the chain of events that resulted.  I know I needed me to find that letter, too.  Funny how I picked that particular box out of the stack.


All this, of course, reinforces my determination to go through each of the dozens of boxes of papers I have accumulated.  It's a rather painful archaeology at times, but cathartic.  And sometimes treasures like today's are found.  If I have a 2-hour chunk of time tomorrow I'll try to tackle another box.



Sweet dreams, everyone.  'Tis bedtime.

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Lynn, I took physical science in 9th. I have no problem with what you want to do. Your kids will have a better understanding of science in 6th grade than most high school graduates. If you're uncomfortable I would add reading and writing to it, but I don't think that's necessary and I'm a snob.



I would just throw my shoe at it until it fell down.



The builders somehow predicted I would try that.  I need to stop throwing shoes and try actual projectile weapons.  That thing is stubbornly stuck, and in a restricted location, making it hard to get a good angle with the shoes.  If paintball doesn't work I might have to resort to a sling-shot.

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The builders somehow predicted I would try that.  I need to stop throwing shoes and try actual projectile weapons.  That thing is stubbornly stuck, and in a restricted location, making it hard to get a good angle with the shoes.  If paintball doesn't work I might have to resort to a sling-shot.


:lol: Your dh will come home and ask what the blue and red spots are about.



And I absolutely detest chirping alarms.  I would be tempted to get a hotel room.

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