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Normal sheep that you eat is called lamb. (Lamb doesn't mean an actual, cute, baby sheep, but just a young sheep under a year of age.) Mutton means the meat of a more mature sheep, which is of course tougher, and not as popular.

Question: what is the reason that Americans don't seem to eat lamb? Is there some objection to it, or is it more just that people have a beef obsession?




Hugs to you :grouphug:

And also :grouphug: @ Schadenfreude and your dd

We eat lamb in our house. But it does have a stronger taste than some meats. I like it for gyros especially.



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We eat lamb in our house. But it does have a stronger taste than some meats. I like it for gyros especially.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


I remember when I lived in Germany there was a Turkish food stand that had the best gyros. I few months ago I was on the fb page for the high school I had attended while in Germany, and people were commenting that that guy was STILL there.

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I don't like lamb, but I do like venison if I cook it. Maybe I should try lamb with the same tricks I use on venison and see if I like it better. Maybe if I can find some on sale. It's pretty pricey in my area.

Home from writers' meeting. Time to write again. The moon is large, bright and making me restless again, so I'll probably take my laptop into the kitchen and write until I get sleepy.

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I don't know what our Thanksgiving menu is. Presumably, it will be mostly the same as the other years. Except, maybe a little different. It is the 4 of us, plus the bachelor neighbors we send plates to.


I should look up what I made last year. It's here on the ITT thread somewhere a few hundred pages back...


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Yay!! :party: She's so darn cute!


It's a cute kid Booyah!



What a cutie!



She is adorable. Love the dress. :thumbup1:


Aww, thanks. I think she's a dolly baby, but I'm biased.  :001_tt1: 

Yes, the dress. I told her we had to go and she freaked. "BUT, I MUST dress for the party! You can't have a party without a princess dress." lol 

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I remember when I lived in Germany there was a Turkish food stand that had the best gyros. I few months ago I was on the fb page for the high school I had attended while in Germany, and people were commenting that that guy was STILL there.


There is a restaurant here that makes Berlin-style Donner Kebabs. YUM!  Gyros are probably one of my top 5 favorite foods.

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Look what I found!!! :D page 513


Not that it's much help for this Thanksgiving. After reading this though, I remembered that I may have written up the menu on google drive. Well, I had the Christmas and New Year's menu, so, um, hmmm. I don't remember where I was going with that.



Wednesday morning sounds about right. I've completed they defrosting process in the brine many times.


I'm still trying to figure out the menu. So far, I have:


cornbread dressing (in the pan)

macaroni and cheese (Pioneer Woman recipe)

green bean casserole


I usually do corn, but since I'm doing mac and cheese, that will be too much yellow. I need other colors in there. Yes, my mom taught me to cook by color.


Edited by Renai
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Well the price thing makes sense. Over here, I'm pretty sure venison is more expensive than lamb (although I'm not entirely certain as we often buy a whole animal for our cow / sheep meat, which is of course cheaper). Also it's not always easily available, it's normally easier to get kangaroo or wallaby if we want something "gamier". 

Edited by IsabelC
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I don't know what our Thanksgiving menu is. Presumably, it will be mostly the same as the other years. Except, maybe a little different. It is the 4 of us, plus the bachelor neighbors we send plates to.


I should look up what I made last year. It's here on the ITT thread somewhere a few hundred pages back...

Isn't it compulsory to have Turkey, and Stuff that Goes with Turkey, for Thanksgiving?  Don't tell me the one single thing I know about Thanksgiving is wrong?!

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Dog breath - yuck!


Mooies, so cute!


Yay for speech party! What a doll!


Turkey is traditional for Thanksgiving. It's the sides and desserts that are widely varied depending family tradition and region, etc., etc.


The lamb in Sam's Club comes from NZ or Australia, can't remember which. I like it, but it's very expensive. Sometimes I'll snag one on "manager's special". I didn't know people ate Kangaroo.




Today has been a fafsa Bethel of a day. But now I am in my happy place. :)

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Turkey is traditional for Thanksgiving. It's the sides and desserts that are widely varied depending family tradition and region, etc., etc.




Unless you marry into an immigrant family.  Then you're likely to have squid in purple ink next to the Thanksgiving turkey.  ;)  My kids like to gross their friends out with our extended family menu. 

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Duct tape is part of the Rulez for Fixing Things:

If it moves, and it should not move - duct tape

If it does not move, and it should move - WD40

For any other problem - wine, coffee, or chocolate


I don't know how to tell you this, but this has just made it into the ITT Archive of ITTisms.

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You know ITT moms. None of us force our 4-5 year old children to do 40 minutes of phonics a day. Trust me on this one. And unless those other moms you know are going to come into your house and force your child to do 40 minutes of phonics every day, it's none of their business.


Pass the bean dip. And hope they fart in their car and knock everyone out.


Oh my, I was a feisty one last year, no? This is my new favorite line, to go along with the Fafsa curse.


psa: pages 513 and 514 are vomitrocious (Tex's word). You have been warned.

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I'm tired, but don't feel like going to bed.


I just finished watching a "All about that Bass" parody by WatchMojo.


Then I watched the parody, "All about that cake."


It was triggered by watching the 10 most annoyingly catchy songs.


I need to catch up on Once Upon a Time, but Dancer is too tired because she's been baking from 8:30am to 5pm. 


Time to read to Gymnast.

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Imma off to bed. I left my protagonist contemplating the implications of destroying a pretty dangerous piece of magic, and if we get going on that tonight, he'll keep me up until well after two in the morning explaining how it is all going to work before he lights a match. Therefore, I'm going to leave him laying fuse and we'll blow up "the clawed monument to my stupidity"--his words, not mine--- tomorrow morning when we have light and caffeine to do it with.

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I think I would like to be able to drink wine. I don't think I've actually ever had wine. I've had wine coolers, long ago. I would be unable to bring alcohol in the home though due to trigger.

You're not missing much. The only thing I'll say is that red wine cures a migraine like no other. Other than that it's just expensive juice. I do love red meat cooked in red wine though. Noms!

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ok, need some advice: 

So, tonight I picked up Finding Dory as a treat for my daughter. She didn't ask for it, but we would have eventually bought it anyway; so since it was on sale, I grabbed it. 
When I brought it home, I gave it to her and she had a very excited look on her face...then, put the movie down and said, "What else did you get me?" 
I said, "I did not get you anything. I brought home a surprise and that surprise was Finding Dory." 
"I wanted a toy - a special toy. I have a great idea, you can go get me a toy, too." 
"Well, I did not buy you a toy. I bought you Finding Dory. But, I can always take the movie and give it back to the store if you are not happy with that surprise." 
"Yes, take the movie back and get me a toy."

I explained again about the surprise and she realized that I was not budging and going to get her a toy. She tried crying, she tried negotiating, she tried explaining, but I'm not going to give in to that. She realized that I was serious about taking the movie back (or really, just putting it on a high shelf after she went to bed.) and she changed her tune, but her attitude and "you should have bought me more stuff" mentality was rather disappointing to her dad and me. 
We don't buy her tons of things, but she is definitely not lacking in toys. When she wants toys, she helps with simple things around the house to save money for them and she loves doing that. So, this new "give me" attitude is new and I'm really not sure where to go from here. 

Is this just a phase? 
What do you do to instill gratitude and keep away the sense of entitlement? 

(My feelings were not hurt that she didn't get super excited about the movie. I'm more concerned because I don't want her turning into a materialistic, spoiled brat.) 

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ok, need some advice:


So, tonight I picked up Finding Dory as a treat for my daughter. She didn't ask for it, but we would have eventually bought it anyway; so since it was on sale, I grabbed it.

When I brought it home, I gave it to her and she had a very excited look on her face...then, put the movie down and said, "What else did you get me?"

I said, "I did not get you anything. I brought home a surprise and that surprise was Finding Dory."

"I wanted a toy - a special toy. I have a great idea, you can go get me a toy, too."

"Well, I did not buy you a toy. I bought you Finding Dory. But, I can always take the movie and give it back to the store if you are not happy with that surprise."

"Yes, take the movie back and get me a toy."


I explained again about the surprise and she realized that I was not budging and going to get her a toy. She tried crying, she tried negotiating, she tried explaining, but I'm not going to give in to that. She realized that I was serious about taking the movie back (or really, just putting it on a high shelf after she went to bed.) and she changed her tune, but her attitude and "you should have bought me more stuff" mentality was rather disappointing to her dad and me.

We don't buy her tons of things, but she is definitely not lacking in toys. When she wants toys, she helps with simple things around the house to save money for them and she loves doing that. So, this new "give me" attitude is new and I'm really not sure where to go from here.


Is this just a phase?

What do you do to instill gratitude and keep away the sense of entitlement?




(My feelings were not hurt that she didn't get super excited about the movie. I'm more concerned because I don't want her turning into a materialistic, spoiled brat.)

1. It's okay. She's 4 and she's learning about the world.


2. I would "take the movie back" and have a discussion about grateful attitudes. A planned, calm family discussion so she understands the gravity of the situation. I would also make it a point to show lots of gratitude myself. Gratitude in prayer for his son and your many blessings, gratitude to hubby for all he does for you, and to Riv when she helps out, draws you something or makes you laugh. Some families do gratitude journals. This would create a daily discussion about not just the things we're grateful for, but the cost of those things. That DVD wasn't just $15, it was 2 hours of Daddy's work. He was away from the family he loves for 2 hours to buy that special treat for her. She should understand that.

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Oh my, I was a feisty one last year, no? This is my new favorite line, to go along with the Fafsa curse.


psa: pages 513 and 514 are vomitrocious (Tex's word). You have been warned.


Is there a quicker way to get to page 513 (or other older pages) besides one at a time?  Google search, I guess?



Oh, great, it's an "I can't navigate the forum BOOYAH!"

Try a search for vomitrocious. :)

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Good morning, breakfast is ready!


(Greek yogurt, berries, and granola. Gluten and dairy free options are available.)




I think I have tamed my head enough to avoid a full-blown migraine. That was a close one.


I have decisions to make today and other things that I need to mentally put away for a while, but I have to focus on school lessons. So much mental discipline needed. I can't wait for this week to be over.

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1. It's okay. She's 4 and she's learning about the world.


2. I would "take the movie back" and have a discussion about grateful attitudes. A planned, calm family discussion so she understands the gravity of the situation. I would also make it a point to show lots of gratitude myself. Gratitude in prayer for his son and your many blessings, gratitude to hubby for all he does for you, and to Riv when she helps out, draws you something or makes you laugh. Some families do gratitude journals. This would create a daily discussion about not just the things we're grateful for, but the cost of those things. That DVD wasn't just $15, it was 2 hours of Daddy's work. He was away from the family he loves for 2 hours to buy that special treat for her. She should understand that.

Thanks. Her response surprised me so much that I forgot she was only 4 and felt like we'd created a materialism monster! 

We definitely used the time to reinforce how to respond when someone gives you a gift. 



Thinking about it, when John's mom and sister come, they usually have a TON of trinkets and weird gifts to give her. (I throw away more junk after they visit.) 

Anyway, I think with them, it's become the norm for her to expect something and to wonder "what else is there?" That has to be where this is originating. 

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