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Your links had me really wondering for just a moment.  I thought you said you would be wearing the cocktail and carrying the dress, and for a moment that made a lot of sense with the discussion about the undercooled and insufficiently ventilated passenger compartment.






That is a fine, and breezy, idea.


However, the whole "hot" thing would then no longer apply in any respect.   Some things are best left clothed!

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  • Slache


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May I join you in the hairball corner? Then we will have company.

I want to come, too. I promise not to sigh annoyingly and I'll bring the nutritional suppliments (otherwise known as chocolate).


I managed to reinjure myself this afternoon by sneezing. Now it hurts to sweep the floor.

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Yes! That's the one.  Dh likes it too, but I vetoed it.  (I hold veto power in our marriage.)  I'm a loyal purist, I guess.  If you can call the BBC version pure (which really you can't, but the writing is phenomenal.)  


The wait is killing me, though.  The next special airs Christmas (in the UK) and who knows… the next 3-episode season may not be airing for at least a year after that.


But Heinz ketchup.  


I will wait.  

The only reason I watch and like Elementary is that I've divorced it from Sherlock Holmes in my mind.  These characters are separate people who just happen to be called Holmes and Watson.  Or so I tell myself.  

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May I join you in the hairball corner?  Then we will have company.



I want to come, too. I promise not to sigh annoyingly and I'll bring the nutritional suppliments (otherwise known as chocolate).


I managed to reinjure myself this afternoon by sneezing. Now it hurts to sweep the floor.

Fellow hairballs, unite!  

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I received a lecture today on how it would be best if my kids were in school and if I don't like something the school is doing to just march on up there and correct them because my taxes pay their salaries so those teachers work for me.


This woman has completely failed as a parent and is extremely obese. All she ever does is give me advice on my kids and dieting and treats me like a complete idiot if I contradict her.


Nope. There's like 15 people at our church.



Ugh.  That sounds awful.  How persistent is she?  Can you just pass the dip with her?

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It's a hair, as in the hair fell from the scalp and crept its way down your clothing.  I've had hairs do exactly this, and the resulting sensation is EXACTLY the sort of irritated crazy the saying implies.


:scared: Nooooooo.  That sounds awful!  Really???  What do you DO about it?


ETA:  lol -- I just reread this.  The first time I skimmed too fast and thought it said "crept it way down by growing."  You know, like the hairs in your grandpappy's ears.  So now I'm thinking if it's just a hair-wedgie, all you do is head to the nearest ladies' room.   :D

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I am finally sort of almost done my research project.  But I have to take a break.  My brain hurts too much with a migraine coming on.  My last 2 cats leave for their new home in the next 30 minutes or so (ds11 is allergic, we found this out when we had 5 adult cats and 5 kittens in the house, these are the last 2 of them all and they are going together).  Dinner is cooking and when I finally hit the submit key on this assignment to my teacher I am going to go right to bed.  Well maybe after snooping around timberdoodle for a bit lol



That makes me sniffly sad.  Glad you are finding new homes for them.  

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That makes me sniffly sad.  Glad you are finding new homes for them.  

The lady came late so we had some more time to play with them.  I have had cats for the last 20 years.  We are all cat people, and I never thought we would ever have to go without.  We tried all sorts of other solutions but he wasn't improving, so they had to go.  The kids wish I had sent ds11 away instead, ds11 said he could just keep taking allergy meds all the time, but I have to be the mean mom and make sure he stays healthy.  Its hard to close that chapter of my life, even if it is for the best.


On the plus side the dr said his dog allergy is very mild and we do not have to get rid of our dog (a yorkie I bought 2 years ago after 25 years of waiting) and we still have our caged critters so we are not petless, just cat less.


Oh and I enjoy the tv show Elementary and have never seen the BBC Sherlock 

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The lady came late so we had some more time to play with them.  I have had cats for the last 20 years.  We are all cat people, and I never thought we would ever have to go without.  We tried all sorts of other solutions but he wasn't improving, so they had to go.  The kids wish I had sent ds11 away instead, ds11 said he could just keep taking allergy meds all the time, but I have to be the mean mom and make sure he stays healthy.  Its hard to close that chapter of my life, even if it is for the best.


On the plus side the dr said his dog allergy is very mild and we do not have to get rid of our dog (a yorkie I bought 2 years ago after 25 years of waiting) and we still have our caged critters so we are not petless, just cat less.



My dad suffered for years with cats in spite of allergies.  True love, I guess.  As in "my mom loved the cats and my dad loved my mom."  I honestly don't know how he survived it for so long. 

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The only reason I watch and like Elementary is that I've divorced it from Sherlock Holmes in my mind.  These characters are separate people who just happen to be called Holmes and Watson.  Or so I tell myself.  


Nope.  No matter how you try to spin it (and trust me, dh tried), it's just plain blasphemous.  Like one-ply sandpaper trying to pass itself off as toilet paper.  

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Ugh.  That sounds awful.  How persistent is she?  Can you just pass the dip with her?

Nope. She insists  on constantly asking me personal questions, assuming things about me that aren't true and then lecturing me.



I drink nothing but soda (I drink maybe one a week)

We eat all prepackaged food (I make almost everything from scratch)

I don't do anything with my kids (I'm not even going there right now)

I don't work out. Ever. (It's obvious considering my weight loss that I work out all.the.time. *And* I have biceps. So booya.)


She wants me to go on weight watchers, put the kids in day care SO THEY CAN LEARN THINGS, and take up walking. Walking. WALKING. WALKING!? I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with walking, but I burn 800 calories an hour.


I think I'm going to write her a letter explaining our reasons for homeschooling.

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I flipped myself backwards off the hammock while camping last weekend and landed on my head/shoulder. I seem to have injured my sternum in some way and haven't been able to do anything that requires the use of both arms/shoulders, though it has been much better the past couple days. It was a fairly violent sneeze.


Slache, you may want to start responding in Klingon. It's fairly off-putting.


Or, start agreeing with everything she says with the most exuberance you can manage. "I LOVE Weight Watchers!!!! It's the BEST. THING. EVER!!!! I am going to Love drinking water so much!!! It's awesome!!! Thanks for telling me about it!"

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I flipped myself backwards off the hammock while camping last weekend and landed on my head/shoulder. I seem to have injured my sternum in some way and haven't been able to do anything that requires the use of both arms/shoulders, though it has been much better the past couple days. It was a fairly violent sneeze.


Slache, you may want to start responding in Klingon. It's fairly off-putting.


She can barely speak English.


You seem very creative, by the way.

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Oi Slache, you have put up with it much better than I would.  I would end up getting smart a$$y after teh 2nd encounter (because of course I would give benefit of the doubt after the 1st one) and would ask if she has a personality disorder or something causing her to lack boundaries and filter. 

Okay I would not be that sophisticated, I would likely stick with an eff you and walk away lol

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I flipped myself backwards off the hammock while camping last weekend and landed on my head/shoulder. I seem to have injured my sternum in some way and haven't been able to do anything that requires the use of both arms/shoulders, though it has been much better the past couple days. It was a fairly violent sneeze.




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Slache -- 


IRL, I'm a very nice person who can't stand confrontation of any kind.


Soooooo…..  If it were me, I would just find a new church.   :)


(j/k.  But then again maybe not?)


However, swellmomma is right about boundaries.  She is waaaaay over them and needs to be reminded of that.  And if you want I will put on my superhero cape and do that for you.  (From way over here.  In a very polite non-threatening voice.)  


So sorry you have to deal with that.  

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I wish I HAD an overhead projector.  There are some things that are just so much easier to share with the kids if I can project the image bigger onto the wall or whiteboard.

I had an ELMO when I was student teaching (no smartboard; just projected onto the whiteboard), then transitioned down to an overhead. I was forever forgetting to make transparency copies and just plopping the paper on the overhead. Drove me nuts. 


Now, I live in a small community with a rather large technology business headquartered here. We have a lot of technology here in our schools because of that business, so I now have an ELMO and a smartboard. Sadly, I find that I've become more reliant on my technology than my teaching skills. (Honestly, I hate teaching now. Creativity has been pushed out the window at our schools. Hoping it will be different with the new principal and new superintendent.)


That was a total ramble. 

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I'm with the other girls. She needs to have some major boundaries set. GAHHH! 
Wish I could help you diffuse the situation. 

It irks me when people think they know better for my family than I do. If I need advice, I will ask.
Until then, we all mess up our kids someway, somehow. You had your chance to mess up your kids your way. Now's my chance to mess them up my way.  :cursing: 

I might have some suppressed issues...  :huh:

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The thing is that she supposedly has some disability that makes her incapable of proper behavior, but somehow she only has it when it's convenient. Because of this disability she has you can't confront her without her crying and making a scene. I have friends with disabilities and I have the patience of a saint with them. I'm not saying that she doesn't have a disability, but I know she uses it to her advantage to ensure that things go her way. Unfortunately they usually do.


I have no patience for people like that. None. There are people that have it so much harder than her and they do so much with their lives. The only thing she's accomplished is convincing the world her daughter is worse than her and has to live with her forever. I went on a mission trip with her when she was young. She could read and talk to strangers and helped to build a house. You wouldn't even know something was wrong with her. Now she just sits there like a dead chihuahua. It's so sad.

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I'm sorry. I need to stop venting about her.


I GOT MY RAINBOW DRAWERS! Michael's was out so my husband went to the other Michael's to get it and didn't tell me. I saw it in the trunk today and he just smiled. He's such a jerk. :001_wub:

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I'm sorry. I need to stop venting about her.


I GOT MY RAINBOW DRAWERS! Michael's was out so my husband went to the other Michael's to get it and didn't tell me. I saw it in the trunk today and he just smiled. He's such a jerk. :001_wub:

I'm assuming you are talking about those rainbow shelf/drawer things. First thing in my mind, though, was rainbow underwear!

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phew, assignment submitted, discussion post related to it done.  It is not my best work, and I am kicking myself for being behind, because at the bottom of the rubric it shows I could have gotten 5 bonus points just for submitting my goals part of the assignment a week ago for feedback.  So that was 5 points down the drain.  I am hoping I still did well, but I am not happy with the work.  Which sucks because now I will lose the 100% I have in the course.



Oh well 3 weeks left of this term and then 2 month break.  Now I can focus on what my own kids need for schooling.


What school are you attending?

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Nope. She insists  on constantly asking me personal questions, assuming things about me that aren't true and then lecturing me.



I drink nothing but soda (I drink maybe one a week)

We eat all prepackaged food (I make almost everything from scratch)

I don't do anything with my kids (I'm not even going there right now)

I don't work out. Ever. (It's obvious considering my weight loss that I work out all.the.time. *And* I have biceps. So booya.)


She wants me to go on weight watchers, put the kids in day care SO THEY CAN LEARN THINGS, and take up walking. Walking. WALKING. WALKING!? I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with walking, but I burn 800 calories an hour.


I think I'm going to write her a letter explaining our reasons for homeschooling.


Wow. She's annoying.

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Oi Slache, you have put up with it much better than I would.  I would end up getting smart a$$y after teh 2nd encounter (because of course I would give benefit of the doubt after the 1st one) and would ask if she has a personality disorder or something causing her to lack boundaries and filter. 




Okay I would not be that sophisticated, I would likely stick with an eff you and walk away lol

I don't think you should tell someone to eff off in church...There are more holy ways to say eff off while in church. :D

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I don't think you should tell someone to eff off in church...There are more holy ways to say eff off while in church. :D

I'm a terrible mother because I allow my children out of my eyesight so I often use checking on them as an excuse.

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No no no, the thread will not die.  It will be celebrated for it's unusual length, and the whole world will demand its continuation for the sake of finally achieving everlasting world peace.  We will be duty bound to not only continue the thread, but to train acolytes to replace us as we meet our eventual demises so that the thread will never, ever end.


Seriously?? You used THE WRONG ITS in this thread???!!! :ohmy: :svengo:

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I received a lecture today on how it would be best if my kids were in school and if I don't like something the school is doing to just march on up there and correct them because my taxes pay their salaries so those teachers work for me.


This woman has completely failed as a parent and is extremely obese. All she ever does is give me advice on my kids and dieting and treats me like a complete idiot if I contradict her.


No you did not. Because if you did, there would be an army of WTMers marching into her face.


Goodness. Some people are just so stupid.

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I am taking online courses from the local college to complete my diplomas in Early learning and child care and in Mental Health practitioner. I am set to graduate from both next spring.

I'm not sure I want mental health care from a cat with a machine gun.

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I don't think you should tell someone to eff off in church...There are more holy ways to say eff off while in church. :D

Okay true, I would be like "Dear Lord, thank you for giving me the strength to not slap this woman upside the head and for forgiving me for even thinking of doing so.  Amen" and then walk away.

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Are... are you OK Binip? Your name's... um... different.


I'm confused.


This is hard.


I am sorry. I always hated that username, and the thread on novelty titles made me think about revamping it along with everything else. Plus, I'm procrastinating. I'm Tsuga now. Tsuga is a lot more me.


Though, I still have two nipples.

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