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I've been misquoted!


(And I wish I had access to fun emojis!)



You know how to find the WTM forum emojis, right?  (click the smiley above where you type in a post, then look at the bottom.  Pages of emojis.)


As for the others, you COULD copy and paste the emojis others post into a document and save it locally, and then you have your own source to go back to when you want them.



Or you can ask Renai.  Renai is a real wiz at finding unique emojis!


Speaking of which, where is Renai anyway?

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I can't read the end of Charlotte's Web without crying.  My kids would pat me on the back and say "It's ok, Mom.  It's only a book."  No!  It's not "only" a book! 



This, and every other good post liked!  I'm out of likes again.





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He went to PS preschool last year where they did the small group thing. It was fine, but not great.


When school let out for the summer, I started homeschooling and started the private speech. I have seen improvements in just a few months. I'm not entirely sure if it's because of the different therapy, because we've started working on phonics and phonemic awareness daily at home, or a combination of whatever other reasons.


Whatever it is, it seems to be working. I don't think I will stop. And we (finally) met our deductible, so the money thing won't be as much of an issue.


Anyway, I feel like I'm bringing down the spirit of this thread. Chicken nuggets, anyone?



Don't worry about the thread.  We are here for you and will gladly listen.  This really is the best thread, and has helped a lot of us weather quite a lot of storms.


We're glad you are here!  But can I have some chocolate?  I'm not supposed to eat breaded nuggets anymore....

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I don't want to go to the dentist. 


I HATE going to the dentist.


I'm rewarding myself with a session with my trainer directly after going to the dentist.


Who knew becoming middle aged would be so much dang work?  If I'm not dyeing my hair, I'm filling prescriptions or buying vitamins or exercising to try not to lose muscle tone.  


ETA:  I'm ready for the fun parts. Can I fast forward to retirement and grandchildren?




LIKE!  Me, too!

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I almost wrote, "At my old school, they never let us be misquoted." But I didn't want to be confusing with my little kid entertainment referencing.


I should've, though, because I think it's funny, and sometimes that's enough.


The Magic School Bus.  Do I win a prize?

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I had to deal with the doctor's office today. I hate dealing with the doctor's office. I always feel so stupid. They want to know dates. I can't remember dates. So I keep a list of them handy for when they want to know what year my children were born in. I know how old they are, but I cannot for the life of me remember the year. Same thing with my wedding anniversary or other important dates. I remember all kinds of important things--but not when they happened. 

It's very strange. I can tell you exactly where to find anything on a library shelf, because I just know where books are. I can find things that the library puts in the wrong place simply by knowing the shape and look of the book. I can tell you where to find a certain description or piece of dialog on a page, but I can't tell you the page number. Hand me the book and I can get right to it. I just know where it is, but I don't know the dang page number!


So I get to feel stupid every time somebody asks me for a phone number or a birthday or a page number. 

Imma go make a cup of tea and sip it until I feel less dumb.



But you are able to provide landmarks and details that help lost people find their way.  Knowing names of streets isn't helpful when the streets are named the same or you can't find street signs, but knowing to turn at the house that has the lavender trim and go three driveways down is harder to mess up.


You are like me -- we notice so many things that others don't.  You're not stupid, you are differently smart, and that's an important commodity.


And I might joke about how the year in which we are married makes it harder for DH to forget how many years we've been married, but in truth I'm the one who has had to do the math more than once.  We were married in the year 2000.

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((JJM))  I've booked you with Rocco for a hot stone massage followed by a gourmet meal.


I have mixed feelings about Charlotte's Web.  I don't like E.B. White's other books either---Trumpet of the Swan and Stuart Little.  Anthropomorphic animals aren't my thing.



Thanks!   Feeling better already.

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There are many things I should be doing.  But my back hurts and I'm feeling very, very sorry for myself.


Which I should not be.  DD's class was cancelled this morning because her teacher has REAL back problems, as in "can't get out of bed." 


Someone needs to slap  me.



I'll go you one better:  HUG ATTACK!!!!   :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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The top poster of the day should really go do something productive. She got so much done yesterday. And she's fat. And eating candy corn. Tisk tisk.



No I'm not!


Oh, wait, you passed me again.  Must go post-pad some more....

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Once when I took dd8 to a doctor's appointment, I told the receptionist that her name was Heather.  As many girls as I have, not one of them is named Heather.  I have no idea what my brain was doing that day.


I also once forgot my own name.  When I taught school, I had to sign permission slips etc.  I just used J instead of my first name.  Then one time I went to sign a credit card receipt.  I wrote the J and couldn't remember what came next.


(((Critter)))  If there's something wrong with you, there's something wrong with a whole bunch of us.  :)

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So, would a poem about our dear Earth, written in verse using solely 3-syllable feet be a terra-dactyl?


Wacka wacka wacka!



I got a pained smirk from one kid, and a straight-faced comment about a lack of wings from the other.   :svengo:

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Once when I took dd8 to a doctor's appointment, I told the receptionist that her name was Heather.  As many girls as I have, not one of them is named Heather.  I have no idea what my brain was doing that day.


I also once forgot my own name.  When I taught school, I had to sign permission slips etc.  I just used J instead of my first name.  Then one time I went to sign a credit card receipt.  I wrote the J and couldn't remember what came next.


(((Critter)))  If there's something wrong with you, there's something wrong with a whole bunch of us.   :)



My sister was mad for years at our Dad.  When we were kids and he was mad and calling for her he'd falter his way through the list of names (not uncommon), but he'd call out the name of our brother's best friend before he got to her name!

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Omigosh, MyFitnessPal's blog is telling me that full-fat dairy might not be the evil it has been painted to be, and MIGHT EVEN PROTECT AGAINST TYPE 2 DIABETES!!!!


Yes, I will be good and do my homework, but if I can have sour cream again I would be SO HAPPY!

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Hmmm, MFP also has a link to a cleaned-up stroganoff recipe that actually sounds good.  Anyone got any suggestions for what I could put under the stroganoff, instead of rice or noodles or other starches?

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I have no idea what my husband's name is. Neither does he. He frequently introduces himself as Mark. Twice he's called himself Ben. I call him husband when we're out in public all of the time. People think it's cute. It's not cute, I just can't remember his name.

I call my husband 'husband' too. And I call my sons 'son'. It's easier than trying to remember so many names.
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Yes, please research! I think you will be happily amazed! I know I was!



Got any links or references to share?  I have a persnickety doctor who I will have to report back to next month, so if I can make a case then I will be better off.  If I can't convince him I might end up "cheating" once in a while.  Full-fat dairy just tastes so much better, and I don't eat much because it's filling.  I'd really like to have whipping cream on my pumpkin pie this holiday season, and stroganoff with real sour cream!

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There are many things I should be doing. But my back hurts and I'm feeling very, very sorry for myself.


Which I should not be. DD's class was cancelled this morning because her teacher has REAL back problems, as in "can't get out of bed."


Someone needs to slap me.


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Omigosh, MyFitnessPal's blog is telling me that full-fat dairy might not be the evil it has been painted to be, and MIGHT EVEN PROTECT AGAINST TYPE 2 DIABETES!!!!


Yes, I will be good and do my homework, but if I can have sour cream again I would be SO HAPPY!

I never gave up whole milk. Vowed I never would. Whole milk is not the cause of childhood obesity.


I can't believe you gave up sour cream...

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I wanted to be Cherokee when I was a kid.



My father always told me that we were part Cherokee.  I've been doing genealogy and found out that I'm part Creek (Muscogee).  I haven't found any Cherokee yet.


There's always been rumors that there was Cherokee in our family. I was doing our genealogy and haven't found one yet. Census shows a few mulattos, but I don't know where the lattos come from... Unless it's my grandmother's dad, whom she never knew. She told me she was conceived being a shed.  :laugh:  :leaving:

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I am sitting through a mind-numbingly boring audit. 


The auditor keeps blowing his nose. :glare:

It better just be allergies.  So help him if I get sick. :cursing:


I was kinda sorta sick as I was holding my Spanish class yesterday. Thankfully, it's online. I told them to hurry and get off at the end of class before they caught my cold.

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Artificial sweeteners ARE of the devil.


Except for the people they help. And for them I am happy they have sweetness in their life.


I am also one who does not think sugar is bad. It is the lack of movement/overeating which generally contributes to obesity. Not everyone is in control of that due to health reasons, and for those people low fat milk and artificial sweeteners have their place. But a generally healthy and active child/adult? Rock the whole milk, baby! Rock the sugar.


No, seriously. Rock candy is the bomb.


ETA: I am not a doctor, and I have never read any studies on this topic. I'm just stubborn with my opinions. Feel free to throw rock candy at me.

Edited by ikslo
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Sugar content alone would make anyone fat. We treat milk as a treat in this house, not a staple. We drink almond milk, mostly. I'm not passionate about it, but I don't think milk is good for you.

I just read something that says whole milk and skim milk have the same sugar content. It's just the calories and fat that differ. I think it may be the same article AMJ noted concerning the diabetes info?

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We drink a lot of whole milk here.  I feel better if I don't drink milk, so I only have about one glass per month.  I eat a lot of yogurt, though.


We used whole milk because it was recommended for our toddlers.  Since none of the kids is overweight, and some of them are underweight, we continue with the whole milk.  Plus, it tastes better.

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(((Susan))) - how are you feeling now?


Slache - did you call the dr today?


I usually buy 1%, but I love whole. Maybe I'll up it to 2%.


Could you put stroganoff over veggies - like zucchini, broccoli, and squash?


Ikslo - rocking the poetry today!


Hi Renai!


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