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I need to make Christmas stockings; I even bought the fabric - about 2 years ago. I need a pattern though, or they will come out like my first attempt, which was...okay...but not so good.

Well, I am working hard at finishing projects. And not starting ones that are too big. I bought this darling little felt Halloween candle mat thingie to make when I was at convention. And..... drumroll, please.... it's almost done. Because it's very small and easy to sew. In the past I was notorious for biting off more than I could chew, but now I'm working hard at knowing my limitations. Even these stockings are very very simple.


And, there are patterns you can download on-line. That's where I found mine.

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Dd and I could use some prayers.  (There is drama from a whacked out person of influence in the community.  I don't want to say any more publicly.) 

:grouphug:  and prayers!


After a great deal of trauma over math lessons, I was about to put in a request for the Cranky Pants when I realized what my problem is.  I forgot to drink my coffee.


Forgot. to. drink. my. COFFEE!!! 








I want more details.  But really anything is okay, just as long as you don't say "married to the best guy ever," or "married to a hunk of burning love," or something equally sappy.  :hat:



Thank you!!!   :001_tt1:

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I need an umbrella for the gullywashers we tend to have here. If I go out without cover, I will be soaked through between the car and the grocery store. When I was in Scandinavia, you really didn't need an umbrella because the rain was always fairly light, except for one rainstorm in Gothenburg, Sweden.

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If those are replacing pay phones what do you use to call 911 if you've been mugged or you witness an emergency and you don't have a cell phone?



Never mind -- I overlooked the bit about the red button.


Sounds pretty cool.

Edited by AMJ
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Anyone who uses an umbrella in the PNW is roundly ridiculed.  We don't own any umbrellas.  (The rain here is so misty much of the time that an umbrella really is useless.)



It's a Singing in the Rain booyah!  (Team H)



But if you don't have an umbrella then you can't pull off that number with Gene Kelly!



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My tummy hurts.  I went to personal training today then hit the grocery store on the way home to pick up milk.  I also needed lunch, so I picked up a frozen pizza and popped it into the oven.


Then I ate the whole thing.



In a few weeks I get to move to a more advantageous time slot at personal training (her client who currently has that time slot is headed off to college).  In the meantime I'm way hungry by the end of PT because I'm loathe to eat much just before I go (don't want to work out on an over-full belly).


I need to keep on hand certain open-and-eat approved foods for immediately after PT, or this will happen again.  Getting back into the swing of things is rough going.  Phew.

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I went to my doctor today for the second half of my physical.  I got good news.  My cholesterol and triglycerides are good, I don't have pre-diabetes, and even my inflammation was better than last year ( I have autoimmune diseases that tend to raise inflammatory levels).  When you already have a few chronic illnesses and conditions, it is good to know that other aspects of your body are working well.  My kidneys and liver were fine too.  

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I went to my doctor today for the second half of my physical.  I got good news.  My cholesterol and triglycerides are good, I don't have pre-diabetes, and even my inflammation was better than last year ( I have autoimmune diseases that tend to raise inflammatory levels).  When you already have a few chronic illnesses and conditions, it is good to know that other aspects of your body are working well.  My kidneys and liver were fine too.  



Hooray!   :hurray:  :hurray:

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Dd13 lit up like a firework when I mentioned NaNoWriMo to her and I promised to ask you about it.  :) Is there a particularly good website to help kids through the process? I don't know anything about it. 


Everybody else got it. That's what I love about ITT. I can take a day off and everybody has my back, right?


:grouphug: and prayers for Jean and DD. I hope everything blows over, works out and resolves with the least amount of drama possible. I hate drama except in fiction.


I am not burnt to a crisp. A fun time at the amusement park was had by all, and the boys made most of their own fun, leaving DH and I to rest in the shade. 


ETA: I have and do use an umbrella when needed. At this time of year, it is likely that I may parade in front of the house with it any time a thunderhead rolls up, just to dare it to rain. Sometimes it works better than a rain dance.

Edited by Critterfixer
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:grouphug: and prayers!




I want more details. But really anything is okay, just as long as you don't say "married to the best guy ever," or "married to a hunk of burning love," or something equally sappy. :hat:



Thank you!!! :001_tt1:


Awww, man!

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Everybody else got it. That's what I love about ITT. I can take a day off and everybody has my back, right?


:grouphug: and prayers for Jean and DD. I hope everything blows over, works out and resolves with the least amount of drama possible. I hate drama except in fiction.


I am not burnt to a crisp. A fun time at the amusement park was had by all, and the boys made most of their own fun, leaving DH and I to rest in the shade. 


ETA: I have and do use an umbrella when needed. At this time of year, it is likely that I may parade in front of the house with it any time a thunderhead rolls up, just to dare it to rain. Sometimes it works better than a rain dance.



Around here the rain can be a real tease sometimes.  We have learned not to acknowledge any "promise" of impending/threatening rain.  Instead we deny it, insist that it is sun-shiny even as it starts to rain.  We will even go on refusing to acknowledge the rain until we think the rain has given a good soaking, because it's been known to suddenly stop as soon as we "notice" it.


Sometimes ya gotta play dense to get what ya want.   :D

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Hello all!

I can't believe I am typing this because I have an inability to start in the middle of something. This means that I read the whole thing. Seriously, I want to thank all of you for just being around. The last bit of life has been tough around here with lots of major changes and upheaval. Coming here has made it a bit easier. Reading about bunnies, hula, second sleep, new babies, coffee, and just getting through the day has given my mind a much needed place to rest.

I look forward to joining in the conversation. Please forgive any errors. I have only posted once before and am currently typing on my Kindle.

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Hello all!

I can't believe I am typing this because I have an inability to start in the middle of something. This means that I read the whole thing. Seriously, I want to thank all of you for just being around. The last bit of life has been tough around here with lots of major changes and upheaval. Coming here has made it a bit easier. Reading about bunnies, hula, second sleep, new babies, coffee, and just getting through the day has given my mind a much needed place to rest.

I look forward to joining in the conversation. Please forgive any errors. I have only posted once before and am currently typing on my Kindle.


You read the whole thing?!  :svengo:


Welcome.  :)

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Hello all!

I can't believe I am typing this because I have an inability to start in the middle of something. This means that I read the whole thing. Seriously, I want to thank all of you for just being around. The last bit of life has been tough around here with lots of major changes and upheaval. Coming here has made it a bit easier. Reading about bunnies, hula, second sleep, new babies, coffee, and just getting through the day has given my mind a much needed place to rest.

I look forward to joining in the conversation. Please forgive any errors. I have only posted once before and am currently typing on my Kindle.



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Hello all!

I can't believe I am typing this because I have an inability to start in the middle of something. This means that I read the whole thing. Seriously, I want to thank all of you for just being around. The last bit of life has been tough around here with lots of major changes and upheaval. Coming here has made it a bit easier. Reading about bunnies, hula, second sleep, new babies, coffee, and just getting through the day has given my mind a much needed place to rest.

I look forward to joining in the conversation. Please forgive any errors. I have only posted once before and am currently typing on my Kindle.

Welcome to the club! Glad we can be of service!
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"Tut-tut, it looks like rain".   Winnie-ther-pooh

That's what I was thinking too, but I couldn't get the quote right in my head. 


OK - we talked a lot of things out today.  Some things are out of our hands but we can't worry about that stuff or it will drive us crazy.  Plus, we are now thick in the middle of camp prep and that keeps our minds and hands busy. 



Thanks to all my ITT sisters.  :)



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Good Thursday Morning!


Welcome Tessemae!


I have less on the schedule today, so I might get back to Mt. Laundry.  


I tried chicken in the instant pot with salsa and cilantro to use in tacos/nachos.  It was good, but I'll probably spice it up more next time.


I tried stew for the second time adjusting the liquid down because I had too much the first time, but the potatoes still disintegrated, so I don't think I'll try that again.  


This has been the instant pot report from she who does not know how to cook.  



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Good morning.


Dd16 has just left in the car by herself to go to school. She is supposed to text when she gets there. I have been in a constant state of prayer since yesterday evening. Gosh, this is nerve wracking. She will be fine. She is a good driver. Repeat.


Still school planning and organizing here. I may get something done today. Maybe.


Here's hoping for an accident free day. ;)

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Good morning!


Thanks for the warm welcome.


Today I am planning on taking my final practice test for the NCLEX. That is the state certification test to become an RN. I take the official test tomorrow, but I don't want to think about that yet. Note to self: Need to learn how to do the little guy running around in circles.


I also have to do laundry because I am pretty sure they require pants at the testing facility.


First, the all important decision - shower or coffee first?

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Hello all!

I can't believe I am typing this because I have an inability to start in the middle of something. This means that I read the whole thing. Seriously, I want to thank all of you for just being around. The last bit of life has been tough around here with lots of major changes and upheaval. Coming here has made it a bit easier. Reading about bunnies, hula, second sleep, new babies, coffee, and just getting through the day has given my mind a much needed place to rest.

I look forward to joining in the conversation. Please forgive any errors. I have only posted once before and am currently typing on my Kindle.


Welcome to the group! 


You just earned a whole boat load of points for reading the whole thing.  I don't know how many exactly, because I am too lazy to figure that out, but it's a lot. 




Oh, and :grouphug: for all you are going through. 

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Hello all!

I can't believe I am typing this because I have an inability to start in the middle of something. This means that I read the whole thing. Seriously, I want to thank all of you for just being around. The last bit of life has been tough around here with lots of major changes and upheaval. Coming here has made it a bit easier. Reading about bunnies, hula, second sleep, new babies, coffee, and just getting through the day has given my mind a much needed place to rest.

I look forward to joining in the conversation. Please forgive any errors. I have only posted once before and am currently typing on my Kindle.


WOOHOO!  We have a new-ish-bie who actually read the whole thread!  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:


Welcome, Tessamae! :party:  :party:

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Good morning!


Thanks for the warm welcome.


Today I am planning on taking my final practice test for the NCLEX. That is the state certification test to become an RN. I take the official test tomorrow, but I don't want to think about that yet. Note to self: Need to learn how to do the little guy running around in circles.


I also have to do laundry because I am pretty sure they require pants at the testing facility.


First, the all important decision - shower or coffee first?


: willy_nilly :    (without the spaces)


Coffee gets my vote.  Unless you've turned into a goat.  Then shower wins.  Ooooooo - If you put your coffee in a cup with a lid and a straw, perhaps you can do both at the same time!


I personally shower in the evenings so that nothing comes between me an my first cup of coffee. 

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Good morning!


Thanks for the warm welcome.


Today I am planning on taking my final practice test for the NCLEX. That is the state certification test to become an RN. I take the official test tomorrow, but I don't want to think about that yet. Note to self: Need to learn how to do the little guy running around in circles.


I also have to do laundry because I am pretty sure they require pants at the testing facility.


First, the all important decision - shower or coffee first?


To get to the emoticons:

  • get ready to type a post (have a quote or reply window open)
  • look up at the format bar(s)
  • click on the smiley :001_smile:
  • look down at the bottom -- the emoticon bar should appear
  • the bar has arrows on the right and left ends -- clicking these gets you to more "pages" of emoticons
  • click over to the third "page" -- this guy  :willy_nilly: is second from the left there

Of course, these instructions are for when you are in the full website view (like on an actual computer).  Not sure how to do emoticons on phones and tablets.

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Good morning!


Thanks for the warm welcome.


Today I am planning on taking my final practice test for the NCLEX. That is the state certification test to become an RN. I take the official test tomorrow, but I don't want to think about that yet. Note to self: Need to learn how to do the little guy running around in circles.


I also have to do laundry because I am pretty sure they require pants at the testing facility.


First, the all important decision - shower or coffee first?

Oh, and good luck on the practice test. Wishing you extremely good luck for the real thing tomorrow. :)

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To get to the emoticons:

  • get ready to type a post (have a quote or reply window open)
  • look up at the format bar(s)
  • click on the smiley :001_smile:
  • look down at the bottom -- the emoticon bar should appear
  • the bar has arrows on the right and left ends -- clicking these gets you to more "pages" of emoticons
  • click over to the third "page" -- this guy  :willy_nilly: is second from the left there

Of course, these instructions are for when you are in the full website view (like on an actual computer).  Not sure how to do emoticons on phones and tablets.


In full website view, click "Show All" underneath the emoticon bar that appears when you click on the smiley.  This opens another window which has the text code for the emoticons to the left of each character.  If you type those directly into your response, the emoticons appear when your reply posts.

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Go Tessamae, Go!!


I chose coffee first, then shower. Which I need to do now. Because goat.

I chose shower first because super strong goat. Now I am sitting down to coffee and breakfast.


Thanks for all of the good wishes and instructions. I will try it out when I am on my computer.


Hooray for Dawn's daughter making it safely to school!


Hooray for coffee!!!

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Good Morning!



It's hot in the house. It was so pleasant when we went to bed we just opened up the windows and turned off the AC. Didn't cool off one lick in here. We keep saying we need a whole house fan. Which we do!


Yay for Dawn's daughter making it to school!


Yay for Tessamae and the practice test. You'll do great!


Yay for everyone not smelling like a goat!


Yay for emoticon instructions. I have mastered the multi-quote, perhaps it is time to branch out to cool emojis.


Nothing too exciting on the docket here. Oh yeah, I have a dentist appointment. I hope I don't forget to go.

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There are some here who could argue that without a bowl of coffee one transforms into a goat.

Caffeine, Baby! Yeah!

Whilst traveling about yesterday, we stopped at a nice little Forest Service visitor center in Jessieville, AR. It was super quiet and appeared to be supervised by a nice little retired librarian, but you never know. Her motorcycle could have been hidden in the back of the building. Anyway, I found a book that was about the locations, merits and best viewing times for every waterfall in Arkansas, and I opted to purchase that as part of my Camp prize! 


Welcome Tessamae! Good luck on your test today. 


ETA: They played Margaritaville yesterday at the water park. :D

ETA2: It's a Math and Grammarville, Booyah! (And yes, I am crazy enough to sing aloud at water parks with songs I like.)

Edited by Critterfixer
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I just updated my signature.  5 of my 6 kids have late summer birthdays, so I just went ahead and aged everyone at once.  I keep forgetting who is how old anyway.  We are all even this year.  Next year we will all be odd again.   :hat:

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So today dd5's math book had a new lesson -- borrowing.  It took two examples and less than 2 minutes for her to catch on and she finished the remaining problems on her own.  I am in so much trouble...


No, you're not.  Just help her develop the fundamentals then let her go.  If it's intuitive for her, she'll be WAAAAY into the discovery method.  She's going to make it easy for you! :thumbup1:



(And you should really, really listen to me, because I don't worry or obsess about anything...)

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