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Good morning ladies!


Ikslo, that's fantastic!


Happy early birthday Critterfixer!


Yogurt's in. Hopefully I did this right.


Dinner last night was absolutely effing fantastic. I mean, you have no idea. It was amazing. You don't need an IP but we used ours on the slow cooker setting to cut down on dishes. https://thedomesticman.com/2015/12/22/pressure-cooker-pot-roast/


Eta: And since we're animals we only cooked it for 7 hours because we like our meat pink.


Sounds yummy!  I'll have to give it a try sometime.  Maybe this weekend.  :drool:

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  • Slache


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  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


Good Morning, Girlies! Well.... it's Thursday, but it's my Friday because tomorrow I'm going to Convention. I can't wait!


Ikslo, congrats on the car! Sounds wonderful!


Lynn, sounds like a good end to swim season!


Slashie, yummy dinner!


Critter, Happy Birthday!


Everyone else....have a great day! And don't drive on treacherous roads. Or swim in the seas. Or take unnecessary risks. Or swerve to avoid hitting an armadillo.


You forgot:  Watch out for deer!

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Southern Ivy--any word on the teaching positions?



I prefer either standing and pointing at my white board easel, and sitting.  I find lying down too difficult to have my lecturing taken seriously.  :laugh:

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I'm tired of being too tired to do the things I want to do. I don't want to do much. I was never this tired so long after surgery. Matt and the kids are frustrated with me for not doing more. I just feel so weak. I don't know what to do.

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I now hold the record for quick-pants-putting-on-while-running-out-the-door. 


Yay, Jeanie! yet again!  Just think of the steps added to your goal.  And this qualifies as high intensity training, doesn't it?  :D

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I'm tired of being too tired to do the things I want to do. I don't want to do much. I was never this tired so long after surgery. Matt and the kids are frustrated with me for not doing more. I just feel so weak. I don't know what to do.



:grouphug: :grouphug:


Go easy and gentle on yourself.  Each pregnancy and aftermath is different, and they add up and take a cumulative toll.  Maybe some polite but just-detailed-enough reminders (for yourself, and maybe for the others) of everything your body has had to deal with over the past 9 months to a year would be in order.  The trauma was prolonged, so expect the recovery to take a while.


Also consider:  whose sleep is most interrupted?  Whose sleep will continue to be most interrupted for the foreseeable future?  You can't expect tired, sleep-deprived bodies and minds to be ready to go whole-hog into former activities.  Add the physical stresses and strains you alone have endured to this mix and it will be longer.


Patience, kindness, and help is in order.  Be kind to yourself and allow yourself the time and rest you need.  Pushing too hard at this stage will set you back for far longer.


And keep coming here for hugs and support.  Wish I was there -- I'd help clean your place, cook you some meals, and have my kids play with your kids.  My kids like littler kids and happily play at their level.

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I had a dental appointment first thing this morning -- all good!  The hygienist and I got to talking about fruit flies/gnats (our whole area has a plague of them this year and they get EVERYWHERE), then water picks.  She told me about one that is rechargable, portable, and safe to take into the shower.  After the appointment I stopped next door at the grocery store before heading home and guess what I found there?  Yup, $20 for one of those portable water-pick devices.  So I bought one.


Shortly after I got home the Amazon driver (who is starting to look familiar, and is really starting to learn our neighborhood) dropped off another package for me -- my new FlipBelt.  Really nice belt, but unfortunately won't work for me -- I can barely get my phone in and out of the zippered pocket.  I have now offered this otherwise-really-nice-item-I'd-love-to-keep to my niece, whose phone is a little smaller than mine (and who is exercising more due to a challenge with her Mom).


DD15 proved to be in one of her more obtuse days.  I asked her how her powers of observation were, and asked her what she thought I was making for dinner.  Clues at hand:  crock pot out and at the ready, Mom browning ground beef and adding Italian seasonings to it.  No, not pot roast, not meatloaf.  I pull out the pasta sauce.  No, DD, not meatballs.  We don't brown crumbled burger for shaped meat items.  Forget all shaped meat items.  I pull out ricotta cheese.  No, I already told you, NOT MEATBALLS.


She didn't get it until I pulled out the lasagna noodles.  Oh, lasagna.  As if she doesn't really care for it.  Never mind it's the crock pot lasagna that she and her sister love enough that we never have leftovers.


I have gotten NO deliberate exercise in yet today, but I cooked and I wrote a good review on Amazon.  DH will be late coming home for supper and we have Aikido tonight, so cooking supper ahead was important.


It is nearly 1 PM.  Where has the time gone today?

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The UPS truck has just driven up and down our street twice -- I could see it briefly each time through the narrow window beside my front door.  It eerily had that Jaws shark-about-to-strike feel to it....








But the DAAAAAAAHHHHHH!  never came.  (What, no package for me?)

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:grouphug: :grouphug:


Go easy and gentle on yourself. Each pregnancy and aftermath is different, and they add up and take a cumulative toll. Maybe some polite but just-detailed-enough reminders (for yourself, and maybe for the others) of everything your body has had to deal with over the past 9 months to a year would be in order. The trauma was prolonged, so expect the recovery to take a while.


Also consider: whose sleep is most interrupted? Whose sleep will continue to be most interrupted for the foreseeable future? You can't expect tired, sleep-deprived bodies and minds to be ready to go whole-hog into former activities. Add the physical stresses and strains you alone have endured to this mix and it will be longer.


Patience, kindness, and help is in order. Be kind to yourself and allow yourself the time and rest you need. Pushing too hard at this stage will set you back for far longer.


And keep coming here for hugs and support. Wish I was there -- I'd help clean your place, cook you some meals, and have my kids play with your kids. My kids like littler kids and happily play at their level.

This is very kind. Thank you.

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Anybody got some good suggestions for mushrooms?  I'm the only one in this family who likes them.  I bought some sliced mushrooms today at the store (some mix that includes shitakes, and some baby bellas).  What shall I do with them?  I have a real hankering, almost a craving, for mushrooms today.


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Yay, Jeanie! yet again!  Just think of the steps added to your goal.  And this qualifies as high intensity training, doesn't it?  :D


I know, right?  The problem is, that I wasn't wearing my bra either.  Which means that I wasn't wearing my Zip - so no credit for steps!  Life is so unfair! 


(PS I get a kick out of being called Jeannie since no one since college has called me that.  Well, except for my family.)


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Anybody got some good suggestions for mushrooms?  I'm the only one in this family who likes them.  I bought some sliced mushrooms today at the store (some mix that includes shitakes, and some baby bellas).  What shall I do with them?  I have a real hankering, almost a craving, for mushrooms today.


The two things that came to mind were:


greek kaseiri cheese/roasted red pepper/mushroom burger (make a mushroom patty, top with the cheese & roasted red pepper and a spread of blended feta with a touch of jalapeño juice)


pasta with a mushroom/beef stroganoff sauce

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I'd roast those mushrooms, then dress them with some garlic olive oil, thyme and so forth. Then eat them all by myself and growl over them. 

I'm still monitoring school. But this is the last main part, and then I get to sit down and write for the rest of the day. DH said he'd make dinner. I think it will be breakfast. Pancakes were on the list. I'm kind of curious to see what he makes of the GF recipe, since to my knowledge, the man has never touched a mixer or separated an egg. :laugh:


:grouphug: Slache. This too shall pass. For now, everybody just has to get used to the fact that Mom can't do it all, including Mom.

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You forgot:  Watch out for deer!


Yep. They are thick out here. That doe with the twin fawns has a friend, and she has a fawn. Sometimes our backyard looks like a playground for infant deer while the mothers talk together under the trees.

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I know, right?  The problem is, that I wasn't wearing my bra either.  Which means that I wasn't wearing my Zip - so no credit for steps!  Life is so unfair! 


(PS I get a kick out of being called Jeannie since no one since college has called me that.  Well, except for my family.)



So relive the entire mad dash while shaking your Zip up and down to simulate your steps. 


"Jeannie" go so much better with cheering, so "Jeannie" you'll stay.  (Fixed the typo -- that almost said "Jeannie" you'll sty.)

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Roasted mushrooms sounds good.  How long should I roast sliced 'shrooms for?


The other recipes all sound good, too, but have more steps.  I love stroganoff, but massive cut-backs on dairy for me for a bit, darn it.

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So relive the entire mad dash while shaking your Zip up and down to simulate your steps. 


"Jeannie" go so much better with cheering, so "Jeannie" you'll stay.  (Fixed the typo -- that almost said "Jeannie" you'll sty.)


I'm so glad that I don't have to stay a sty.


Calling me by my family name is appropriate since ya'll are family. 


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John likes to give loud, passionate speeches and sermons. He's currently speaking on gun control. Something about not having to shoot people we don't like. Now he's running for president so we can sleep in the Lincoln bedroom. By running for president I mean he's running laps around the living room saying he's going to be the next president. Now he's spinning for president. And now jumping. Now sit spinning. He'll nap well.

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I roast and toast them until they start to get just a little crispy in places. They are good.......


I tried.  I really did.  But once they started smelling so MUSHROOMY out they came.  Nom nom nom.....

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I'm so glad that I don't have to stay a sty.


Calling me by my family name is appropriate since ya'll are family.


I like calling you Jeanie. I don't know why. I like that name.


My real name is Kristen, but Kristi is my family name. I know it's one of my relatives if they're saying "Kristi"

Edited by KrissiK
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I'm home!


I saw a dead armadillo on the side of the road.


Way to go, Critter!


Dd was awesome in her musical revue performances and I survived having to chit-chat, smile, and wave at three of my least favorite people - these are the ones from my past year of craptasticity. I was able to entirely avoid one of the parents who had been harassing me.


Krissi, I believe cats planted that facebook post as part of their diabolical plot to do whatever it is they are plotting to do. Don't get sucked into their psychological games!

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Matt needed to run to the store so I asked him to get me something sweet. He came back with coconut flour and told me to make something out of it. I'm so irritated. I didn't ask for chores, I asked for sweets. He needs to go back to the store and get me some d*amn apple chips!


Hmm. Apparently I'm in a bad mood.


I'm home!

I saw a dead armadillo on the side of the road.


Are you sure it wasn't a bus?
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I'm home!


I saw a dead armadillo on the side of the road.


Way to go, Critter!


Dd was awesome in her musical revue performances and I survived having to chit-chat, smile, and wave at three of my least favorite people - these are the ones from my past year of craptasticity. I was able to entirely avoid one of the parents who had been harassing me.


Krissi, I believe cats planted that facebook post as part of their diabolical plot to do whatever it is they are plotting to do. Don't get sucked into their psychological games!


DH used to say armadillos weren't real, they were all a big hoax played on people to drive us into guilt.  He claimed this must be so because the only armadillos ever seen were dead by the roadside.  Then he saw a live one on the way past his workplace of the time (with me along in the car) -- he stopped suddenly (quiet road, no other cars), jumped out and proceeded to chase and try to catch it (he's like a puppy or kitten this way).  Armadillos bounce -- who knew?  He never could lay a finger on it; it just bounced out of reach each time he got close.

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Matt needed to run to the store so I asked him to get me something sweet. He came back with coconut flour and told me to make something out of it. I'm so irritated. I didn't ask for chores, I asked for sweets. He needs to go back to the store and get me some d*amn apple chips!


Hmm. Apparently I'm in a bad mood.


Are you sure it wasn't a bus?


He must be sleep-deprived, too.  It's hard to believe he'd be that obtuse normally.


I bought apple chips today.  You can have some of mine.  *gives*

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What's in it!?

4 Singapore math workbooks (2a/b, & 3a/b for next year),

3 cursive handwriting workbooks (1 Zaner-Bloser 2C and 2 Can Do Cursive),

Exploring Creation with Physical Science set plus student journal, and

IEW Literary Analysis (both needed for tutorial classes),

Beyond The Code 4,

Reading and Reasoning 1,

Vocabulary from Classical Roots A, and

two Tennessee state history books (My First Book About Tennessee, and Uniquely Tennessee).

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I like our armadillos. We usually have a bunch of them in the fall and winter and they dig up the yard. This year we plan to lime early and let the armadillos do the digging in for us. I had a picture on year of one of them digging in the yard. I went up and rested my foot on its scaly back. It just grumbled at me and went on digging. The young ones are very cute.

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