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Stupid beeping smoke alarm.  Stupid people who designed the house and placed the smoke alarms in quite high and inaccessible places.  I mean really, right above the edge of the 2nd floor overlook of the 2-story entry?  They couldn't have put it 3 feet back from the edge?



DH changes those batteries, and I cling frantically to his ladder to try to ensure it won't dump him over the edge.

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OK - I am back on the computer.  With Windows 10.  So far my computer has not turned purple with pink polka dots.  (Tech Support had recommended I download it since some things I use will end up being not supported by anything other than Windows 10 in the future.) 


So now I'm going to work on my camp lesson #2.  So nobody had better bug me.  Cause teeth. 

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:

Have you had to deal with a soy allergy before?  It really is in a lot of things because it is cheap for the manufacturers, but DS really has benefited from steering clear of it all - for instance, he hasn't needed his inhaler or nebulizer once since he went off soy; and his skin cleared up.


Be careful of pizza crust - when they don't use 100% olive oil.  Anything with "vegetable oil" where the ingredients of said oil are not clearly spelled out.  Margarine, of course. A lot of packaged breads.


Most of Gymnast's allergy reactions have been with the skin. When she went to school with me, her hair started falling out again in the spot where she used to get eczema. It was spreading. It got better and hair started growing back when school was out. 


We only use canola or olive oil though; no margarine. The only thing I cut out was the soy milks and yogurts. I didn't really check anything else. 

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So, no milk of any sort then?  Bummer about all those fruits.




I'm still going ot give her cashew milk. It didn't turn up positive. As far as the fruits, we just basically switched up what she can and can't have. She finally can start citrus without guilt and strawberries. She's excited about it. But, nectarines and apricots are in season and we've been eating off the trees. :D

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Most of Gymnast's allergy reactions have been with the skin. When she went to school with me, her hair started falling out again in the spot where she used to get eczema. It was spreading. It got better and hair started growing back when school was out. 


We only use canola or olive oil though; no margarine. The only thing I cut out was the soy milks and yogurts. I didn't really check anything else. 


FYI - Some people claim soy lecithin is not a significant allergen for people with soy allergies, but it definitely mattered for my kiddo. :(  You may have to do a trial and error, but we do total abstinence here.  HIs soy IgE numbers are highest for soy and then peanut.  So we don't mess around. 


I hope being armed with your new-found knowledge means a happier and healthier Gymnast, and that it clears everything up.  Going through the "figuring it out" stage is the worst.

Edited by ikslo
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Renai, how is she feeling now?  All of those tests will take a while to work out of her system, poor girl.  What is she doing today while she recovers?


Oh, she;s fine, like nothing ever happened. It was quite an uncomfortable experience though.

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We only use canola or olive oil though; no margarine. The only thing I cut out was the soy milks and yogurts. I didn't really check anything else. 


Us, too.  Or corn oil.  But I was thinking more of pre-packaged items or when you go out to eat.

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I'm still going ot give her cashew milk. It didn't turn up positive. As far as the fruits, we just basically switched up what she can and can't have. She finally can start citrus without guilt and strawberries. She's excited about it. But, nectarines and apricots are in season and we've been eating off the trees. :D



Mangoes and cashews are in the same family.  So be careful.

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I'm still going ot give her cashew milk. It didn't turn up positive. As far as the fruits, we just basically switched up what she can and can't have. She finally can start citrus without guilt and strawberries. She's excited about it. But, nectarines and apricots are in season and we've been eating off the trees. :D


Something to think about and factor in is that most nuts are processed in facilities that process other nuts.  So there may be cross-contamination.  Now, I don't know about the facility that processes the milk, but used to regularly find a random peanut in my cashew jar, or something like that. 


Of course, if DS tested negative to cashews instead of just negative to walnuts, I'd be rethinking my ban on all nuts.  Because cashews are YUM, but walnuts are not my fave and I can do without.

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Renai -- Is Dancer allergic to trees?  Ds15 can not eat a lot of fruits raw, but he can eat them if they're cooked.  Google Oral Allergy Syndrome.


Do you mean Gymnast? Not that we know of. We haven't had reactions to trees or plants that we've noticed.


Oh, and Dancer (dd16) will have a full panel in October. It was never done, but we wanted to be cautious in case there's a correlation with the morphea issue.

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Do you mean Gymnast? Not that we know of. We haven't had reactions to trees or plants that we've noticed.


Oh, and Dancer (dd16) will have a full panel in October. It was never done, but we wanted to be cautious in case there's a correlation with the morphea issue.


Oops.  At least I had the right family.   :D

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Something to think about and factor in is that most nuts are processed in facilities that process other nuts.  So there may be cross-contamination.  Now, I don't know about the facility that processes the milk, but used to regularly find a random peanut in my cashew jar, or something like that. 


Of course, if DS tested negative to cashews instead of just negative to walnuts, I'd be rethinking my ban on all nuts.  Because cashews are YUM, but walnuts are not my fave and I can do without.


I know, right? We don't even really like walnuts here. It was no big deal she couldn't have them. Almonds was a shock. There was no ana-whatever-word reaction, so the doc wasn't worried about needing an epi or anything. 


We had cashew chicken last night. Sigh. And good grief.

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Oh and Libby will be just fine without my bed.  She's snuggled up to the bunny cage right now even though the bunny finds her highly annoying 


Another warm body!

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I'm still going ot give her cashew milk. It didn't turn up positive. As far as the fruits, we just basically switched up what she can and can't have. She finally can start citrus without guilt and strawberries. She's excited about it. But, nectarines and apricots are in season and we've been eating off the trees. :D


Well, at least decent citrus of one kind or another is available throughout most of the year now.  How about figs?  Passion fruit?  Pomegranate?  Dragon fruit?  Maybe it's time to do a fruit exploration of deemed-safe-but-haven't-tried-that-yet fruits, just for the fun of it.

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Something to think about and factor in is that most nuts are processed in facilities that process other nuts.  So there may be cross-contamination.  Now, I don't know about the facility that processes the milk, but used to regularly find a random peanut in my cashew jar, or something like that. 


Of course, if DS tested negative to cashews instead of just negative to walnuts, I'd be rethinking my ban on all nuts.  Because cashews are YUM, but walnuts are not my fave and I can do without.


I used to quite enjoy good walnuts when I lived up north (in my younger days).  Now the walnuts I can get make my mouth itch, so I'm replacing them with pecans whenever I have a hankering.  Pecans are very Texas, and don't make my mouth itch, so I have an easy supply.

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I used to quite enjoy good walnuts when I lived up north (in my younger days).  Now the walnuts I can get make my mouth itch, so I'm replacing them with pecans whenever I have a hankering.  Pecans are very Texas, and don't make my mouth itch, so I have an easy supply.


Love love love pecans. I remember mom and I going to the post office (in Texas) to get pecans. They had trees. :D

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I have been good again, and made my kids join me.  It actually rained outside, with thunder, so I put in one of the How to Stay Fit As You Age lectures and made them watch it with me (complete with pausing for Mom's questions and commentary).  I then made them each walk at least one lap on the treadmill and swish and swipe a bathroom.


My turn on the treadmill now.

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Mangoes and cashews are in the same family.  So be careful.


I did find out that mango is considered a pit fruit. But doc said that almonds were in the same family, not cashews. Hmmm, but she also said to maybe avoid all tree nuts. But, what milk could she use in her cereal? Or arroz con leche?? So Delicious had a coconut milk we all liked to drink, but it can't be found around here anymore. The only thing we can agree on is the Silk Cashew. I feel like we're being picky now.


Speaking of how well Gymnast is doing, she was laying here next to me singing and just fell asleep. Do you know how long it usually takes to get this kid to actually rest during rest time?


I'm sitting here reading now, and see that mango is complicated as far as cross-reactivity with cashews. I've found this for example: http://www.aaaai.org/ask-the-expert/mango-cross-reactivity-cashew-pistachio.


This will be interesting reading ahead. I think I need to pull out the Feingold book again and compare the recent results with what Feingold says to eliminate in phase 1. It might be a good time to put her back on that diet..

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Well, at least decent citrus of one kind or another is available throughout most of the year now.  How about figs?  Passion fruit?  Pomegranate?  Dragon fruit?  Maybe it's time to do a fruit exploration of deemed-safe-but-haven't-tried-that-yet fruits, just for the fun of it.


We eat a lot of pomegranate here. We like dragon fruit and star fruit, but they are expensive. There is plenty she CAN eat, so it really isn't so bad. It's just a matter of how we have to eliminate the things she likes. kwim?

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We eat a lot of pomegranate here. We like dragon fruit and star fruit, but they are expensive. There is plenty she CAN eat, so it really isn't so bad. It's just a matter of how we have to eliminate the things she likes. kwim?


Well, if the change is dramatic, she may realize how much better she feels, and not care so much that there are things she can't eat - most of the time.  It can be hard when everyone around you is eating something fun, however.


DS would rather feel good, than be downing Wal-dryl tablets all the time.

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So I have been noticing that all of the sudden, if I am typing a long post, it posts at the point where the thread was when I started my post, not when I hit Post, whereas it used to just post next in line, no?


So maybe this will have an effect on Booyahs?


Anyone else notice that?

No, I think it's just you! :)
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I've actually thought about this. I need to do something. What does it entail?

Ok, I looked this up! It will take some preparation. But I think I will have to do it. But not till Sunday. I'm going to Convention this weekend. Does that make me a wimp? My BFF has been making a list of chic little restaurants we have to try. (Whenever we get together we pretend we're not middle-aged housewives. I'm not exactly sure what we pretend to be.... I think it's a throw-back from High School when we watched General Hospital and pretended we were Celia and Holly)


Oh, points for quoting myself.


And that's a Booya/a to ya!

Edited by KrissiK
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Dd16 is thoroughly enjoying this whole read-this-book-to-me-while-the-words-light-up thing. She's listening/reading The History of Ancient World by SWB. I like kindle. I may need another. But, I need more control. Putting the book on her account doesn't give her access to the Audible audio I have, so she needs to be on my account to take advantage of the Whispersync. But, I don't like that she has unlimited web access on my account. Sigh.

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Well, if the change is dramatic, she may realize how much better she feels, and not care so much that there are things she can't eat - most of the time.  It can be hard when everyone around you is eating something fun, however.


DS would rather feel good, than be downing Wal-dryl tablets all the time.


Thankfully, we're out of peaches, apricots, and cherries, so I just won't purchase anymore. She got home and ate oranges (I have canned ones) right away. It's hard to tell how she feels since her reactions no longer entail blisters on her bottom. It takes time to realize when her hair is falling out until it's thinned out. When I notice that, then I figure it has to be something she's eating. She used to get eczema really bad on the side of her head where it thins out. But, she hasn't even had that - just the thinning. That was the main reason I wanted all the panels done - I wanted a better answer to what she is and isn't allergic to.


Why in the world is she allergic to oat??? What will that entail? That's her go-to breakfast food. That, and her favorite cereal - Honey Bunches of Oats.  :glare:


With panel 1 (chocolate, egg white, cow milk, corn, rye, oat, soy, wheat, potato, rice), she squirmed big time, and the nurse had to clean her right away and do it again. You could see both pokes. The doctor considered having it done again because it appeared that even potato and rice may have had reactions, but was hard to tell because of the two pokes. There was also question on the Nut panel, because it looked like she may not have been poked with the middle needles. But then she saw a middle poke, and accepted the rest of the results. There was literally no reaction at all in the middle. Almond was at the top and walnut at the bottom, and had very clear results.


Gymnast was a trooper though. She had silent tears because she said it hurt. I asked if she was just really itchy, but she said no, the pokes hurt. She was lying on her stomach while I was standing there holding the kindle in front of her while it read books. The books with the turning pages. :)


And, she's still asleep. I guess it did wipe her out. 

Edited by Renai
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I got an email from the Ford salesman, asking if Stefan had answered all my questions during the test drive.  I replied back and told him all about Stefan's need for more training.  I thought for a minute maybe I had better not, since he could get fired, you know?  And then I thought, if he does get fired, then he has to go home and tell his wife he got fired for badmouthing her during a test drive.  So I figured that he deserved that. 


Is that mean?  I think I might be a mean person.  I try not to be most days.  But sometimes I can't help myself.


But really, a little knowledge training on Fords, and sensitivity training on what not to talk about with female clients - I don't think it's mean to suggest that, right?  JAWM, ladies.


ETA:  It's an" I'm Only Being Mean Because You Were a Jerk" BOOYAH!


The response was, "He's new."


Yeah...um, that's not what Stefan told me.  Whatever



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I've actually thought about this. I need to do something. What does it entail?



Eating nothing but whole foods (meats, vegetables, fruits, nuts, oils) for 30 days. No sugar, alcohol, carbs, dairy or legumes. Some have called it paleo on steroids. It's an elimination diet that's also supposed to heal your relationship with food and restore healthy eating habits.





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Ouch for pokes! Likes for everybody!

I have no steps, but clocked 7 hrs on my backside in the truck. I took kitty to her out of state eye appointment bright and early this morning and just got back. Now I'm laying down and wiped out.

Kitty napped on the way down and back, so she's happy. Her ulcer from last week has healed. Nothing to do now but wait for the next one. 

I need to write--and I had some good ideas. I'm just so tired!

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Ok, I looked this up! It will take some preparation. But I think I will have to do it. But not till Sunday. I'm going to Convention this weekend. Does that make me a wimp? My BFF has been making a list of chic little restaurants we have to try. (Whenever we get together we pretend we're not middle-aged housewives. I'm not exactly sure what we pretend to be.... I think it's a throw-back from High School when we watched General Hospital and pretended we were Celia and Holly)


Oh, points for quoting myself.


And that's a Booya/a to ya!



I would never attempt my first Whole30 during a convention. Check out the downloads I linked. I have a ton of recipes I'll share too.

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The response was, "He's new."


Yeah...um, that's not what Stefan told me.  Whatever




Which is neither here nor there.  He didn't do his job correctly.  It may mean that he needs training  because he's new or it may mean that he needs retraining because he's old and jaded.  Either way, he cost the dealership a sale.  (Which is what I would probably have told them if they had asked me about it.)


I'm all for companies standing behind their employees but not when their employees have not done their job. 


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Thankfully, we're out of peaches, apricots, and cherries, so I just won't purchase anymore. She got home and ate oranges (I have canned ones) right away. It's hard to tell how she feels since her reactions no longer entail blisters on her bottom. It takes time to realize when her hair is falling out until it's thinned out. When I notice that, then I figure it has to be something she's eating. She used to get eczema really bad on the side of her head where it thins out. But, she hasn't even had that - just the thinning. That was the main reason I wanted all the panels done - I wanted a better answer to what she is and isn't allergic to.


Why in the world is she allergic to oat??? What will that entail? That's her go-to breakfast food. That, and her favorite cereal - Honey Bunches of Oats.  :glare:


With panel 1 (chocolate, egg white, cow milk, corn, rye, oat, soy, wheat, potato, rice), she squirmed big time, and the nurse had to clean her right away and do it again. You could see both pokes. The doctor considered having it done again because it appeared that even potato and rice may have had reactions, but was hard to tell because of the two pokes. There was also question on the Nut panel, because it looked like she may not have been poked with the middle needles. But then she saw a middle poke, and accepted the rest of the results. There was literally no reaction at all in the middle. Almond was at the top and walnut at the bottom, and had very clear results.


Gymnast was a trooper though. She had silent tears because she said it hurt. I asked if she was just really itchy, but she said no, the pokes hurt. She was lying on her stomach while I was standing there holding the kindle in front of her while it read books. The books with the turning pages. :)


And, she's still asleep. I guess it did wipe her out. 


Could be gluten, could be grains in general.  I have a friend who has to avoid nearly all grains and grain-like foods.  White rice is okay because all of the bran is removed.  Wild rice is okay because it is different enough from grains.  But no quinoa or amaranth.  Certainly no oats or corn.


:grouphug: :grouphug:  Gentle hugs to both girls.  They did a lot today.

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The response was, "He's new."


Yeah...um, that's not what Stefan told me.  Whatever




Tell them you will not buy from them specifically because of your experience AND their response -- it indicates poor management.


Then if you want to go further drop a line to Ford's corporate offices and tell them that your experience has soured your taste for Ford vehicles entirely.  Be sure to tell them where you got such awful service.  *evil grin*

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