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I don't think I've seen Arsenic & Old Lace either.  

We're back from Trick or Treating.  I'm sitting with my feet up even though I should be vacuuming and putting away the laundry all over my bed.    The vacuuming will probably not happen until tomorrow but I'll have to deal with the laundry tonight.  

Dh wants to go down to his mom's for Thanksgiving.   I let my mom know and that we would like to do Thanksgiving with her and older dd another day either the weekend before or after.   She was a little bent out of shape but this could very well be MIL's last Thanksgiving and she's by herself, probably no one will visit her, and she's not able to come up here anymore not even if dh drives.   So I don't think it's too much to ask.   Mom could come down too but she'd have to stay in a hotel (plus we kind of need her to watch the dog. Could make alternate arrangements there but I think the hotel is a problem).   My mom does have a lot of other family she could spend the day with.  She has a bunch of sisters in the area.    

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I have had way too much sugar today.  dd got Bottle Caps candy from her tkd party yesterday and I ate them.  They were my favorite when I was a kid.  So when I went to AFSA to get some stuff, I picked up one of the movie theater style boxes.  I ate 1/2 yesterday and 1/2 today.  Then when I ran to the store to pick up some things for dh (guys are working on the flashing or something or other tomorrow morning, not dh just the handyman and another guy), I picked up Panera (dd and I) and pizza (ds) for dinner and I ordered a vanilla cinnamon bun from Panera.   

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Good morning!  A blessed All Saints Day!

I had a dream that I was playing for the services and they had rearranged everything in the chapel and I ended up front on the stage all by myself.  It was embarrassing and I woke up grumpy.

Most everyone has gone to church already.  The two left at home with me have mildly sore throats and I am waiting until they finish breakfast to make the call as to whether we go or not.
The kids' orchestra concerts have (not unexpectedly) been cancelled.  Now they are planning an in-person recording project.  I can't seem to get their director to answer my emailed questions so I am emailing other people who are likely to have answers.


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10 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Dh took the kids to the downtown neighborhood for trick-or-treating.  It's the first time they've gone to that area.  Many of the houses have elaborate decorations and the police actually closed off a couple of streets to traffic.  Pup ran into several of his friends from the dog park, lol.

The past few years the kids have gone trick or treating near the science center in an area like this.  They call it the Safe Zone and close off the streets, people have big decorations, music, smoke machines, one house had wine and beer for the adults.   The kids went with friends last year and it was the first time they were able to T&T with friends.    They didn't do it this year.  

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Morning!  Dh is coming home this morning.  He wants to be here when the guys are doing the work so he can see what they are doing.   He's also selling his boat (been sitting in our driveway going nowhere for 7 years, wheels on the trailer are flat, needs some work) and has been getting calls so wants to be around for that too.   I feel bad that he's selling his boat but as he points out, it's unlikely to get fixed anytime soon and when he's ready, he can get a smaller boat.  He mainly fishes at our lake now, from the shore or from our canoe. 

I'm going to be continuing to straighten up, continue doing laundry, vacuum then mop the living room floor.   I was thinking I wanted to switch my desk, it has built in shelves along one side and I was going to flip the shelves to the other side so I could have an extra table space on my left and have it be continuous with the desk but now I'm not sure.  It may be fine if I just leave it and still put the table on that side.   Decisions.......   To switch it I have to move two cross bars from one side to the other and I think that's it.  

Hmmm, actually if the shelves are on the right, it might actually be easier to get stuff from them because then it faces the room instead of a corner and can be accessed from both sides.  Might be more useful.  Hmmm.  

I'm having my tea, I have until that is finished to decide. 

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Good Morning!!!!


Daylight Savings Time Ends Sunday!!! This is positively the best day of the year. Perhaps with the exception of the Day After Thanksgiving (we don’t do Black Friday) where I sleep in and drink COFFEE!!!~D and work puzzles and legitimately listen to Christmas music all day long.

So, sleeping in could have been better, except for the fact that cats don’t do DST and Lily cat was demanding to be let in at 5:00am.

Church today. DH and DD come home today. Their plane lands in San Francisco at 9:00pm and then they still have a 3 hour bus ride home, so guess who gets to pick them up from school at 1:00am? Yep.  

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2 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

The cat has gone into his "den" (ie the unused dog crate) and now the dog is jealous and is whining that it is "not fair".  Sigh.  Such drama. 

I know. I swear I get more drama from the dog than all 4 children combined.

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36 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

I have some kind of weird Pavlovian response to stepping into a bathroom even for cleaning or whatever.  I immediately feel like I have to "go" even though I didn't right before stepping into that room. 


I get this from unlocking the front door. If I just walk through it it's no big deal but if I have to get a key out I have to hurry!

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Today I finished putting away stuff stacked in the living room, vacuumed the floor, finished plans for a couple classes for tomorrow, set up school for the kids, listened to kid whine about the amount of school he has, did a bunch of laundry, put away a bunch of laundry, found my winter slippers and boots, did some paperwork for classes, changed around my desk, printed instructions for using the washer and dryer and went over them with dd and ds because they are going to do their own laundry (again, they used to do it then we stopped for some reason).  

Still to do - clean off the mantel (its covered in construction dust still, I couldn't reach it before), mop the living room floor, clean the bathroom.   Not doing that list until next weekend. 

I have a couple more classes to finish for this week since some skipped a week, this week is the last week but some classes are doing the week before the last weeks plans but some things need to be the real last week. 

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Agility report:  There were five dogs of varying degrees of experience. Juliet was one of two dogs who were totally new. She learned the jumps, the tire jump, the table, the A frame and the “dog walk”. She absolutely loves the jumps. In fact, if I were faster or if I could comfortably unleash her she would probably dash through them. I was surprised to discover that she was scared of the dog walk (basically a dog balance beam). But she was getting more comfortable with it at the end. 

Juliet’s puppy bff was there too and they very loudly cheered each other on and would then have a celebratory body slam. 

I was surprised at how much of a memory test the changing course layout was for me. And how out of breath I got going through the course. 

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4 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Agility report:  There were five dogs of varying degrees of experience. Juliet was one of two dogs who were totally new. She learned the jumps, the tire jump, the table, the A frame and the “dog walk”. She absolutely loves the jumps. In fact, if I were faster or if I could comfortably unleash her she would probably dash through them. I was surprised to discover that she was scared of the dog walk (basically a dog balance beam). But she was getting more comfortable with it at the end. 

Juliet’s puppy bff was there too and they very loudly cheered each other on and would then have a celebratory body slam. 

I was surprised at how much of a memory test the changing course layout was for me. And how out of breath I got going through the course. 

😊  That sounds like fun!  I would be scared of the balance beam, too.  I would not do so well on the jumps, lol!

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About the balance beam:

A long time ago several of our girls took gymnastics classes.  They were fun, no-competition classes.  

Dd12 was very timid on the balance beam, especially the one at regular height. 

We found out much later that she needed a glasses with a very strong prescription.  It occurred to me one day to ask her if her eyesight caused her problems when she was doing the beam.  She told me that she couldn't see the floor!  No wonder she was timid!

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1 hour ago, Junie said:

About the balance beam:

A long time ago several of our girls took gymnastics classes.  They were fun, no-competition classes.  

Dd12 was very timid on the balance beam, especially the one at regular height. 

We found out much later that she needed a glasses with a very strong prescription.  It occurred to me one day to ask her if her eyesight caused her problems when she was doing the beam.  She told me that she couldn't see the floor!  No wonder she was timid!

Hopefully Juliet doesn’t need glasses...

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