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Re the ear thing, dh heats up minced garlic in warm mineral oil, strains it out, makes sure it’s just pleasantly warm, and then puts it in the kids ears and has it sit five minutes before drain8ng. So far this has worked on everything here but an actual ear infection.


Yep, I tell them this every year, but they don't believe me. Maybe they'll believe me now that someone else has said it too.  :glare:

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I got rid of temptation.  I ate the last piece of fudge.  Now I can resist it! 

The Frog and Toad method! I need to try this. But first, I need to buy or make something borderline irresistible.


Okay, I know I live under a rock, but who or what is a KonMari?

Marie Kondo is a Japanese "tidying" expert. Her first book might be an interesting one to include in your list of 100, if you're including non-fiction.

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I got a little motivation and energy!


Grandkids' presents pulled out of the closet and separated so I could see if I have enough. Need more socks and want a few more things. One has a Christmas Day birthday and I don't think I have enough for both presents.


Added to my shopping list.


Cleaned out the den closet, since that's the bedroom for ds31. Hopefully he can work around the bookshelf in the closet. Can't fathom moving it!


Folded 3 1/2 laundry loads. Put away my part.


Started a load of towels since I had enough detergent for that. BUT ran out of bleach, so neighbor's ds brought some over. He had already been over to get some eggs from me earlier.


Medicated ds10. He is fighting the prednisone, because of the taste. It's worse because he can't swallow pills, so it's liquid. But I didn't want to force him to try pills with prednisone, because those are NAAAAASSSSTYYYY too!


I know I will have fun shopping with my friend later, but I am dreading the crowds. Not only weekend before Christmas weekend, but military payday weekend! 😰

I told my friend I would pay her $5 if she would drive. Everything is close, so gas isn't an issue. Maybe I should make it $10.


Excellent. Now please pack some up and send it my way, 'k?


Good morning.


I’m going to make a Hawaiian pork roast wrapped in banana leaves to take for Christmas. It’s easier than the traditional Filipino pig’s head. I should maybe take a side as well. What goes with pork?



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Konmarie did actually change my life, probably because no one had ever taught me to keep house before. Here's the method.


1. Get everything from one category. Books is a category. Not school books, personal books, bibles and cookbooks, but books. All the books. Put them in a pile together.


2. Each item needs to be handled individually. She asks if it sparks joy but I don't like that method because I cannot afford to replace everything that does not spark joy. My method is "if you don't use it or love it it goes". I have a coat that I don't like but it's my only warm coat and I'm not buying a new coat so it stays. If you don't handle every item individually then you will wind up keeping things you don't want to keep.


3. Everything gets put back together (here's my life changing part). I do not have winter clothes in a bin under my bed, I do not have "skinny clothes" and "fat clothes", I just have clothes in one place. My 12×9 bookshelf holds photo albums, school books, bibles and yearbooks all in one place organized by color.


That's pretty much it. I read the book in 3 days and I'm a slow reader. It's worth the read. I didn't talk to my clothes and I didn't get rid of my 246 rolls of toilet paper because buying schmancy toilet paper in bulk brings me joy and she can just deal with that.

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Dd19 went to the clinic and they used a pulsing water pic with a mixture of warm water and hydrogen peroxide to get the wax out of both ears. They were rather amazed at the quantity of wax stuck in there. They suggested that she get one of those baby booger sucking things and use it to irrigate her ears with warm water and hydrogen peroxide once a week. :ack2:

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1. Get everything from one category. Books is a category. Not school books, personal books, bibles and cookbooks, but books. All the books. Put them in a pile together.





Yeah, my living room is not big enough to put them all in one pile. Also, it'd create a pile that's much too big, and at some point I'd tire, and then I'd have a pile of books living in the middle of my living room floor for the next several months until I decide to put them all back in the bookcase. 

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Yeah, my living room is not big enough to put them all in one pile. Also, it'd create a pile that's much too big, and at some point I'd tire, and then I'd have a pile of books living in the middle of my living room floor for the next several months until I decide to put them all back in the bookcase. 


This would be me. And my 500+ books. Yes, it is still over 500 books even though I've already Konmaried. I'm not sure how many are there, so I just call it over 500 because that's about when I stopped scanning the barcodes in some app I was using to organize them. :mellow:

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OK - I need to talk something over with sympathetic but more objective people.  I am really really annoyed with dh.  I came into the kitchen today to find that he had reorganized my pans.  Well, technically our frying pans but I do 90% of the cooking so really I consider them my pans and my kitchen.  I had them on top of the toaster oven.  Maybe not the prettiest there but easily reachable.  He put them in the warming drawer of the new kitchen range.  I had thought of putting them there but decided against it because I was thinking that I want to start using the warming drawer.  I have only used the warming drawer once since getting it a month ago but I'm still figuring things out.  And if I do use it I don't want to keep having to lift heavy pans out of there. 


So tell me straight.  Am I unreasonable to get really irritated over this and possessive of the kitchen and the pans?  My instinct was to want to put them back where they were but I haven't because I want to be cool when I make a decision over where to put the pans.  Which leads to the second question:  would you keep them in the warming drawer? 

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I think she used to be a Shinto temple maiden. What little I know of that religion makes me think it’s kind of a Shinto flavored tidying style. It was an interesting read. But her life is very very different than mine. I also found it weird/sad that she felt so neglected because she came from a big family of....THREE children. I guess in her culture the expectations are just super different bc neither of my parents felt that way infamilies of nine and ten kids.


I grew up in Japan.  I am not impressed with the hallmarks of her method.  (The main decluttering points are ones that I've found repeated in many decluttering books.) 


It's a cranky booyah.  You can boot it out of the door if it doesn't bring you joy. 

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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OK - I need to talk something over with sympathetic but more objective people.  I am really really annoyed with dh.  I came into the kitchen today to find that he had reorganized my pans.  Well, technically our frying pans but I do 90% of the cooking so really I consider them my pans and my kitchen.  I had them on top of the toaster oven.  Maybe not the prettiest there but easily reachable.  He put them in the warming drawer of the new kitchen range.  I had thought of putting them there but decided against it because I was thinking that I want to start using the warming drawer.  I have only used the warming drawer once since getting it a month ago but I'm still figuring things out.  And if I do use it I don't want to keep having to lift heavy pans out of there. 


So tell me straight.  Am I unreasonable to get really irritated over this and possessive of the kitchen and the pans?  My instinct was to want to put them back where they were but I haven't because I want to be cool when I make a decision over where to put the pans.  Which leads to the second question:  would you keep them in the warming drawer? 

Because this requires an answer before I ketchup.

No. Not unreasonable. At all.

My policy is that if you do greater than 50% of the cooking, you get some say in where things go in the kitchen. If not--then talk to the spatula.

Edited by Critterfixer
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I worked. I came home. The hole in the driveway has pipes in it and some gravel on top of the pipes. Also, my children are becoming the world's worst tattletales. Having found out that they can't get a rise out of me by tattling on each other, now it's time to tattle on DH. "Mom, did you know he really doesn't want to go to the Christmas carols? He says he needs to stay at the house and work. But we want to go."  :glare: Must resist urge to thump shells.

In other news, going to write and proofread today. No rejections in the box this afternoon.

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Kon Mari helped me a lot.

These two ways specifically:


1) I put every last article of clothing on my bed and dealt with guilt.... keeping things I didn’t like because I had spent “good moneyâ€on them, guilt because I buy a lot of black (black does look good on me) and I need to say it’s ok. I would tend to buy clothes because “I shouldn’t wear only black†or “only jeansâ€. I kept the stuff that brought me joy and I only buy things I really like, not things I feel like I should buy to give my wardrobe more variety.


2) I try to only buy books when i’m Ready to read them. That helps keep costs and clutter down.

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OK - I need to talk something over with sympathetic but more objective people.  I am really really annoyed with dh.  I came into the kitchen today to find that he had reorganized my pans.  Well, technically our frying pans but I do 90% of the cooking so really I consider them my pans and my kitchen.  I had them on top of the toaster oven.  Maybe not the prettiest there but easily reachable.  He put them in the warming drawer of the new kitchen range.  I had thought of putting them there but decided against it because I was thinking that I want to start using the warming drawer.  I have only used the warming drawer once since getting it a month ago but I'm still figuring things out.  And if I do use it I don't want to keep having to lift heavy pans out of there. 


So tell me straight.  Am I unreasonable to get really irritated over this and possessive of the kitchen and the pans?  My instinct was to want to put them back where they were but I haven't because I want to be cool when I make a decision over where to put the pans.  Which leads to the second question:  would you keep them in the warming drawer? 


No. You are not being unreasonable.


If you are the cook, you get the kitchen your way. He shouldn't have moved things. I would ask him nicely to please put them back where you had them, because 1) you had them stored in a place that was easily accessible to you (and you don't need to be bending and lifting excessively and you do the vast majority of the cooking) and 2) you want to be able to use the warming drawer without having to clear it out first.


Alternatively, you could invite me and my bazooka for a visit. But the children might miss their father, so that might not be optimal.


(Posting this without reading other responses. I hope I'm not out of line.)

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OK - I need to talk something over with sympathetic but more objective people.  I am really really annoyed with dh.  I came into the kitchen today to find that he had reorganized my pans.  Well, technically our frying pans but I do 90% of the cooking so really I consider them my pans and my kitchen.  I had them on top of the toaster oven.  Maybe not the prettiest there but easily reachable.  He put them in the warming drawer of the new kitchen range.  I had thought of putting them there but decided against it because I was thinking that I want to start using the warming drawer.  I have only used the warming drawer once since getting it a month ago but I'm still figuring things out.  And if I do use it I don't want to keep having to lift heavy pans out of there. 


So tell me straight.  Am I unreasonable to get really irritated over this and possessive of the kitchen and the pans?  My instinct was to want to put them back where they were but I haven't because I want to be cool when I make a decision over where to put the pans.  Which leads to the second question:  would you keep them in the warming drawer? 



I don't think being irritated makes sense, unless he knew you wanted to start using the warming drawer, but even then, he might have just failed to think that they are heavy for you, since they're probably not a big deal for him. That said, I would've just put them back where I think they belong. At which point he'd either get the message, or end up asking. At least, that's what would probably happen here. 

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