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We are back from art. I am still undecided when it comes to leaf color for my painting. I just can't nail the color I want, but I think I'm getting closer. Got all the white in the picture masked off, but didn't do much more than that. Still messing with my query letter, but I think I've got the first paragraph about the way I want it.

I'm picky apparently.

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So the oil guy shows up to refill the oil tank this morning, and knocks at the door a minute later, looking a bit concerned, and mumbling something incoherent about it "not whistling."  


After five minutes of me trying to understand what in heck he was talking about, I learned that, apparently, these things have whistles, required by law, to indicate the tank is full.  Now, if they aren't whistling, two things could be wrong:  the cap-thingies (??) could have been taken off by someone (in which case you put them back on), or the tank is leaking oil (in which case you spend your entire life savings replacing it plus a squillion dollars more cleaning the environment).  


So I'm mildly panicky, but holding it together.  Oil Guy and I travel down to our crowded boiler room with a flashlight.  Our tank is buried behind low bookshelves that serve as a pantry of sorts, but by wriggling his not-small frame into the narrow passage and standing on his toes, Oil Guy can see the top of the tank.


The cap-thingies are on, says Oil Guy.


I about die. 




I about die again.




I keep on about-dying for about thirty seconds more, until Oil Guy says "But I don't smell any oil, and if it's leaking, I should smell oil. Have you smelled oil?"



Well, yes, says I.  I've smelled it (mildly) ever since the old boiler had a small leak and was replaced two years ago.   But I thought it was because Boiler Guy hadn't cleaned up properly.  (Boiler Guy wasn't exactly known for his cleanliness.)



I'm more-than-about dying now, by the way.  





"Well," says Oil Guy, after a long pause..... "there's a third possibility.  If you move all this stuff and don't see any leak while I fill it, the whistle is probably just broken.  All you'd need's a guy with a wrench and a replacement part.  About $100."


So in my last gasp of hope, the entire pantry is dumped into a heap on our tiny basement floor, bookshelves are disassembled and moved, and the tank is filled halfway while I watch with hawk's eyes for anything amiss.  



There is no leak.  A dead mouse somewhere, but no leak.  :svengo:     




















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We used to own a house heated by oil.


Never again.





Except I'm in New England, so....it's oil.  With old houses and old tanks. (Sometimes there's gas, but it's not common right around here.  Even if you're close to a street line, it would cost a small fortune to blast through the rock and hook it up to your home.)

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I have a really unpleasant story but essentially last night I vomited so hard that I have several broken blood vessels around my eyes. Are they going to scar?


(((Slachey))) (No)




Talent. Absolute talent.


Quite right!


Oh, man. I forgot I need to get something Christmas for the pets.


Crochet them Hufflepuff scarves.


And for the elderly on your gift list: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YvT_gqs5ETk

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Now, she is drawing out math to unspeakably long proportions by telling stories about each problem: "so the man asked me [something or other about a penny] and instead of adding 1 to the 4, added to the 5, and it's still 10." I only really heard the last part so I have no idea what she's talking about.

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(((Slachey))) (No)




Quite right!



Crochet them Hufflepuff scarves.


And for the elderly on your gift list:



I was just thinking of getting the dogs a $5 stocking from Walmart for them to share... :leaving:  


There's probably something similar for cats...

Edited by Renai
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Houston, we have a new query letter. I swore it was going to take me all week to write it. I contacted my beta reader and said I was going to send it to her when I got done with it--you know, in a week. Because it might take a few days for my head to stop hurting after I pulled all my hair out. Then I typed up all my template (accumulated from those 12 pages of notes) and wrote the danged thing in three minutes. And I think it's good. :svengo: Helps I've been thinking about it all week, I guess.

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Is Christmas today or tomorrow? If so, yes. Otherwise, no.


Yeah, that's pretty much how Thanksgiving played out. Except, I had most of the ingredients of what I decided on already at the house. Maybe I actually planned the menu based on that. I don't remember. The only thing I didn't make was potato salad. As we all sat around eating, we realized there was no potato salad. And we missed it. So, I'll be making potato salad at least.

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(btw, I'm aware it's still over a week till xmas)

Oh, thank heavens.


I think I want to make that rib eye steak with black olive vinaigrette again, though. But, I don't know how that'll taste with potato salad. And the requested macaroni and cheese.



I have my Christmas menu planned already:  whatever DH makes and bottle of wine.


I cooked and cleaned on Thanksgiving.  His turn.

What a coinkydink! That's what I'm planning.

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I made goulash. When I was almost done DW reminded me of the office xmas party tonight. I planned on having dinner early (that would still have it simmering significantly longer than normal), but now it's looking like we might be having dinner late (insane amount of simmering). I don't think there's a point in turning off the heat and then reheating it later - it's a big pot, so that would take too long. But still... I started making it at 2:30, does it really need to simmer for potentially 6 hours? 

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At least it shouldn't be an issue cost-wise, since it shouldn't really matter if we heat the place with the gas heater in the basement, or with the gas stove in the kitchen, right? (no, the stove won't put off enough heat, especially when just simmering one pot), but anyway... it feels so wasteful to simmer it excessively, but it shouldn't. I think.

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Now, she is drawing out math to unspeakably long proportions by telling stories about each problem: "so the man asked me [something or other about a penny] and instead of adding 1 to the 4, added to the 5, and it's still 10." I only really heard the last part so I have no idea what she's talking about.

I got DS through his math by letting him ask Siri to check his problems.



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I don’t know if I have allergies or a cold. I tend to think it is allergies. The air quality is so bad. We live about 15 miles from the foot of the Sierras and if you look east, you’d never know they were there. I think we are getting some of the LA fire smoke, but the news says we aren’t. Whatever it is, we need rain desperately.

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I wouldn’t simmer something for 6 hours unless it was in the crockpot on low.



Yeah, I'm contemplating having dinner earlier, and then later DW reheat her portion later. Of course, if I do that, I might as well throw a frozen pizza in the oven, since the kids are not going to want the goulash anyway, and sitting there alone with the kids whining about it, is not on my list of fun things to do. 

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I have no idea what is for Christmas dinner. I don't know yet if we need to bring dinner along with us (in which case we will eat previously frozen roasted turkey breast, mashed potatoes from a box, turkey gravy from a packet, Stove Top Stuffing, a lettuce salad, and Not Yo Mama's Banana Pudding for dessert) or if there will be stuff there already for me to cook.

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The giant package of LED balloons I purchased all flash with changing colors. I am horrified. I specifically bought them because they were described as having "fixed" LED lights (as opposed to "flashing"). All the Christmas Crackers are finished and there's nothing I can do about them. I am so stupid about trusting the description of the product until it's too late. :banghead:

Edited by Susan in TN
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