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We have over a foot of snow on the ground. My morning chores were hard.  On top of yesterday's 4-hour Winterize the Barn extravaganza, I am tired and sore.


And then we learned that MIL's anemia is being caused by acute myeloid leukemia.


I am having a shitty day.



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The subject matter is always minor. It's the heart attitude that bugs me. Yet every mom I talk to about this just rolls her eyes and cracks a joke, like it's to be expected and nothing can be done about it. I dunno, it may be expected, but that diesn't make it right. I don't want to ignore it, but I don't know quite hiw to address it, either.



My method to address it around here is to start lecturing, and when I lecture I can lecture LOOONG and LOOUUD.  (musical reference, but oh, so true!)  When the kids were younger I used to give a lot of timeouts, then I tried taking away privileges or putting favorite stuffed animals in timeout.  In the end, though, around here it seems to be Mom throwing a hissy fit that makes the most lasting impression, I'm sorry to say.  I have never liked guilt trips (had too many of those imposed upon me growing up) so I never talked about how I felt hurt when they would talk to each other like that.  Instead I usually try to get them to acknowledge that they themselves wouldn't like to be treated that way.


Not that it works all that much.  Many times it devolved into quititrightnowIdon'tcarewhostarteditI'msicktodeathofallthisbickeringandnooneisgetting<insert something here>unlessthisstopsNOW!




Parents who joke about this largely do so out of chagrin, because they haven't come up with anything effective, either, and don't want to admit it (likely even to themselves).  Or they were exactly this sort of child themselves when younger and are finding out what it was like for their own parents.


Don't lose heart.  Every family is different, and every child is different.  (Helpful, I know!)  It takes figuring out for each and every one, and repeatedly over time because kids and relationships grow and change.

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We have over a foot of snow on the ground. My morning chores were hard.  On top of yesterday's 4-hour Winterize the Barn extravaganza, I am tired and sore.


And then we learned that MIL's anemia is being caused by acute myeloid leukemia.


I am having a shitty day.




(((JJM and family)))


I'm so sorry for your MIL's diagnosis.  My Dad has acute leukemia.  They never call it "remission," but he is about 4.5 years post diagnosis with good numbers currently.   :grouphug:  and prayers.    

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We have over a foot of snow on the ground. My morning chores were hard.  On top of yesterday's 4-hour Winterize the Barn extravaganza, I am tired and sore.


And then we learned that MIL's anemia is being caused by acute myeloid leukemia.


I am having a shitty day.



Oh, I'm sorry.


I knew that.


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(((JJM and family)))


I'm so sorry for your MIL's diagnosis.  My Dad has acute leukemia.  They never call it "remission," but he is about 4.5 years post diagnosis with good numbers currently.   :grouphug:  and prayers.    


Lynn, may I ask what treatment plan he is following?  PM me, if you would like.

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Since the temperature got all the way up to 30 degrees (but I am NOT going to check the wind speed and calculate the wind chill-just BRR), I went and unblanketed the ponies and turned them out. They played hard for about 10 minutes before they begged for a snack.  The Fjord had a particularly fun time, but she's built for this weather, baybee.  I need to take a picture and have Slash teach me how to post it, but here's a stock image (also, pro tip: if searching for an image like this, type "Norwegian Fjord horse," not "Norwegian Fjord," lest you get a bunch of images of water.):





ETA:  Watching ponies play makes my heart happy.

Edited by JoJosMom
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I have a roomba knock off and forget to use it. My laziness apparently has no bounds!


I want to try Stitch Fix but I think I could never spend so much $$ on clothes for myself. And then, I think, where would I wear these new nice clothes? I go nowhere. Perhaps I should find some interests/a life first. And then, I think, Stitch Fix won't be able to find clothes to fit me anyway. I'm super hard to fit. And then, I see other people's Stitch Fix successes and I get jealous and want to try them...


Questions: Aren't the items from Stitch Fix way expensive even with the discount?


Where are you wearing these clothes? Dresses? Ppffft! Where would I wear a nice dress or even blouse?


Do you consider yourself hard to fit and do they succeed in fitting you?



I have tried just the one Stitch Fix so far, and I have now sent everything back.  I didn't keep the dress  :(  because though I truly tried, I couldn't find any shoes to go with it.  I am rather hard to fit when it comes to footwear.  Footwear is my clothing bane.  


I had indicated I wanted "as cheap as possible" for the price range of everything except shoes, since I know that to get shoes that work for me I'm usually paying 3 digits (even for flats).  The shoes they sent for me to try didn't fit, but they were a decent price range (still, $69 for flats).  The dress was a little expensive ($84), but for a dress that nice I would have expected around that price.  The blouse they sent that wasn't me at all was an okay price (basically pre-sales price at stores like Kohl's and such -- $44).  The fashion-faded and scissor-cut (unhemmed) jeans were a whopping $88, and the oh-so-comfy t-shirt done in block colors with quilted shoulders (made me look like a linebacker) was $54.


It seems like anything less than $100 is "as cheap as possible", because there is no way I would count $88 jeans in that category.  I am quite frustrated, too, in giving them feedback because they put character limits on any text box they provide.  I had to shorten what I wanted to tell them to ridiculous statements that made me sound like I was vacillating between gushy and *itchy ("Great fit!  HATE the fashion fading!  Price much too high!").


My biggest two peeves were the cost and the 3-day limit in which I had to decide.  I did state that if I had had longer to hunt for shoes I would have kept the dress.  I know why they limit the customer's ability to provide detail -- it all feeds into spreadsheets and a relational database, so they can data-mine as part of their styling process.  (I read an article they posted on their blog about 3 of their data miners.)  But this means it is harder to provide truly helpful information about oneself, things one could tell a stylist directly if meeting in person.



I like the idea of Stitch Fix.  I was actually getting excited about that dress, but I couldn't justify spending the money until and unless I found shoes for it, because there was no guarantee I WOULD find shoes that worked for me.  I simply didn't have time to visit all of the footwear stores around here, looking for the right shoes.


If the folks at Stitch Fix improve how they interact with their customers this could prove to be a very valuable service.  I know that quite a lot of people would actually quite like the pieces I returned.  I don't think they paid attention to my age and I was again very constrained by character limits in what I could tell them about myself initially.  I know with each time that I give them feedback they learn a bit more about me, but it cost me the $20 styling fee just to give them the feedback I gave this time (the fee would have counted towards the purchase price had I kept anything). 


I might try one more Fix sometime, but if I have another bout of sending it all back I'll likely not do it again a third time.  I did manage to tell them that in my character-limited box at the end of my feedback form.  



Right now I'm still riding the send-it-all-back disappointment, right when I really wanted a treat for myself.  I'll get over this soon.  I have more packages due in, so I'll look at those as "treats": something for my old-lady knees (Cryo/Cuff https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B014R2ALWS/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B013HKAFVI/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) and some discbound notebook supplies (more disks, and some forms to help me track Dad's financial affairs and medical information).  

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We have over a foot of snow on the ground. My morning chores were hard. On top of yesterday's 4-hour Winterize the Barn extravaganza, I am tired and sore.


And then we learned that MIL's anemia is being caused by acute myeloid leukemia.


I am having a shitty day.



I am so sorry, JJM!!

Big hugs, my friend!!

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I differentiate between friendly squabbling and mean squabbling.  I ignore the "friendly" kind.  Ok - it isn't really friendly but it isn't mean and is a form of teasing and interacting that I think is actually bonding in some way.  But squabbling that results in actual anger and hurt feelings or bodies is a different thing. 

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I’m cold. And despite huddling under blankets, I can’t get warm.



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Sometimes the only thing that warms me up is some hot tea. (The herbal kind, not the other kind) (did I need to add that disclaimer?)

Oh dear!! What a post for a Booya/h!

Edited by KrissiK
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Re. Sibling bickering. I did a lot of redirecting with my kids when they started to bicker. A child who is off doing a chore can’t bicker with his sibling. I kind of figured that bickering was a sign of boredom.



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At Grandma's house they would be assigned dusting.  One day when she ran out of dusting for the grandkids to do I suggested having them all clean toilets.

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So, a body was pulled from the river last night, right by my house. We were driving to a neighboring town for dinner and saw all this commotion and at least 5 fire trucks and numerous other rescue vehicles on the west side of the river, directly across from our subdivision which is on the east side of the river. Found out this morning on the news that some kayakers discovered a submerged vehicle with a body in it and they were pulling the vehicle out last night. They identified the person and he was from our town, apparently missing since Sunday.

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Lynn, may I ask what treatment plan he is following?  PM me, if you would like.


I pm'ed you a lot of rambly not very helpful stuff.  He is currently off chemo because of side-effects, but his labs have been good, for which we are very thankful. 


As you know, my favorite tactic is to make my kids sit on the sofa and hold hands.


Did I ever tell y'all about the time my younger brother and I had to walk home holding hands because we fought in the car?  (about half a mile or more)


So, a body was pulled from the river last night, right by my house. We were driving to a neighboring town for dinner and saw all this commotion and at least 5 fire trucks and numerous other rescue vehicles on the west side of the river, directly across from our subdivision which is on the east side of the river. Found out this morning on the news that some kayakers discovered a submerged vehicle with a body in it and they were pulling the vehicle out last night. They identified the person and he was from our town, apparently missing since Sunday.



Oh dear!  Sad!

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Baby post:


He smiled at me today. I know he meant it because he was wide awake, looking right at me, and I was talking to him. I think I'll keep him.  :001_wub: I don't care if the internets say he is too little.


Then he spit up for I swear a whole minute like a volcano- shooting it over a foot away! Poor baby. I didn't know he could even have that much fluid in his stomach. Erm...I guess the spitting up shows he couldn't?


And, I found where they put my stitches today. I knew I had them, but since she numbed me when she was fixing everything, I didn't know where or how many. Let's just say it's unfortunate and explains why I haven't been feeling quite as peppy as I usually do at 3-4 weeks out. Super fast labor=/ 100% the best!


My MIL comes tomorrow. Normally I'd be cleaning like a maniac, but I can't muster up any caring. I'm going to ignore this mess and take a nap! And not even feel bad about it. And eat more candy. 



:grouphug:  :grouphug:   It takes a while to heal from that.  MIL can clean if the house is a problem.  People visiting at this stage should be all about helping Mom, with a side of playing with the baby.

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Re: 6 yo with tantrums. Runner does this. I've started asking him to go to his room, which always makes the tantrum worse at first. I follow him a couple of minutes later (so I don't flip and make it worse yet, as he usually tantrums at just.the.worst.moment - for me - and I don't want him to think I'm mad at him) and we work on calming him down. Then we talk about how our feelings are important, and they matter, and sometimes they're very strong. It's okay to feel our feelings. But other people matter, too, and it's not okay to force them to deal with us because we won't deal with ourselves. If we're feeling like we need to explode this way, we need to separate ourselves from others until we calm ourselves and can cooperate with the family again. Then we practice/discuss different techniques for doing that. YMMV, of course. Runner's tantrums are almost always anger fueled, because he can't have his way or someone is doing something differently than he wants them to. (All of the above is done calmly, though, not in a punishing kind of way.)



This is good.  You are handling things well, I think.

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I hate when the calibration is off on the machine and you get a whole bag of cheese sticks that can't be opened because the peel here tabs are all glued shut and so you have to find a pair of scissors before you can eat your cheese and then by the end you don't even want the damn cheese because it was too much work to open and you're annoyed.





:grouphug:  :grouphug:


And by that time you are even hungrier and can't think of what to eat even though you need to eat NOW....

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Spending half an hour on various thesauri trying to find a word starting with T was a very productive use of my time, don't y'all agree?



I take it "thesauri" wasn't the word, then?

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I decided to change it, and throw in a motto, in Latin (with the help of Google translate, since my two years of middle school Latin haven't quite stuck with me for 20 years).



:hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:   I like your motto!

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We haven't had snow yet afaik, and our average first flake date is Oct 24. We have had soft hail (like, hail balls that looked more like little snow balls). We also haven't had freezing temps yet, and we're well past the average first date for that now. 



Like little frozen styrofoam balls?  I think that is referred to as "grapple".

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You know what’s funny? I got a book of bodyweight exercises out of the library. It groups them by type and has lists from easiest to hardest. I can only do the easiest pushing exercise (wall push-ups) but I can do the hardest bending exercise (one legged warriors holding a weighted object overheard). The latter means, according to the author, that I have “the posterior development of a goddess and the stability of an oak.â€


So, weak as a kitten on top, dryad on the bottom. Kittryad? Drytten? Spudkittryad?



You should put that in your hidden signature.

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I'm on mobile, so I can't see anyone's signatures, anyway.


DH just got a lay off. I have to go get a job now.



:ohmy:   Oh, no!  Hugs!   :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Y'all. The secret messages are just like spoiler alerts. You know, with the font color in white. 



I did manage to figure that one out.  I'm going to see if the kids can figure it out, sometime this weekend.   :D

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We have over a foot of snow on the ground. My morning chores were hard.  On top of yesterday's 4-hour Winterize the Barn extravaganza, I am tired and sore.


And then we learned that MIL's anemia is being caused by acute myeloid leukemia.


I am having a shitty day.





:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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