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Books read as research for homeschooling totally count.


As for books read with the kids -- perhaps start another list for those?  Because reading aloud with the family is also a very good thing.



I think some books read to the kids should count... then and again, mine are slightly older (I have no idea who I thought I was talking to/about - obviously your kids are not younger than mine). 


Bookie: I would not put Spanish on a loop, at least not with that many other subjects (it looks like you'd hit Spanish only once every 3rd day or more). I'd be more inclined to just wait a couple of years before starting Spanish. Of course, YMMV, etc. Same with music, if it involves learning how to play an instrument. If it's just music appreciation and singing some songs or w/e, then it doesn't matter. Basically, I'd do foreign language and musical instrument at least every other day, if not every day. That said, for foreign language, it's pretty easy to just put on a video in the foreign language for a half hour every afternoon and leave actual instruction to every other day or w/e. The reason I'm saying that is that my kids' progress is soooooo tediously slow with foreign language, and we do do it every day - every 3rd day or w/e would probably be completely pointless. 

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(((Hugs to the peoples)))

Happy Thursday morning! Co op day today. No pictures scheduled, but I think I'm still going to bring a covered coffee cup. I like the director lady, and I'm hoping we can be friends, white pants aside.

Dinner is thawing, to go in the crockpot. We're going to have minestrone. I need to bake the biscuits and the cookies before the little people wake, because no cooking and no baking happens post co op. Know thyself.

I love the 100 books idea, and I like the ground rules you set, Slache. Good luck and God speed, Slache and Critter.

I tried tracking my reading on GoodReads this year, with a goal of 140. I lost interest and stopped tracking somewhere in April, with a count of 60, iirc. I counted books I read aloud to the kids, though, because I love kid lit and middle grade lit, and often read it just for me.

Edpo - you have been warned.

I'm having trouble getting to all the things each day, so I think I'm going to start doing school differently. My kids are still really little, and I want them to have free afternoons, so I think I'm going to set a standard work day of Bible, phonics/reading, handwriting, math, recitation, and exercise, along with their usual expected chores and my reading aloud to them. Then everything else will go into a loop schedule, and I'll have an hour for loop stuff. Do you think this will work for the next year? I know regular instruction in writing and grammar and spelling and history and science and Spanish and art and music and....are important, but with daily speech practice with the 4 year old and the 1.5 year old's baby-toddler Must-Touch-All-The-Things deal, it's hard and something's gotta give. I'm gonna plot it out this morning and put it in practice tomorrow.


Congrats and lots of cheering to all who NaNo this year (is that a verb?). One of these years, I will join you.

And now, the coffee.

I have a daily checklist and weekly checklist. On days when seatwork goes well we get more of the weekly checklist done.


Books read as research for homeschooling totally count.


As for books read with the kids -- perhaps start another list for those? Because reading aloud with the family is also a very good thing.

For research yes, but the books I read for the kids are so short I could probably get 100 done in 3 weeks. Edited by Slache
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âš¡ï¸ :svengo:



The electrified fence(s?) I've touched aren't that big a deal. Of course, I think I've only touched one (or more) in NL, so who knows how JJM's compare. I also wasn't wearing gloves of any kind, wet or dry. 


I made an appt for later today with an insurance company to set up renter's insurance (because getting an online quote over a month ago and then doing nothing doesn't actually do any good). Progress. I suck at adulting. I also need to do my first quarterly report today or tomorrow, since it's due tomorrow. 

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I use read alouds and audiobooks for history, geography and science so as not to prolong seatwork. 





Seconding this... we just finished SOTW (1-4) using audiobooks borrowed from the library. Not that I recommend #4 for young kids... Broccoli was bored out of his mind during that one.

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1)The electrified fence(s?) I've touched aren't that big a deal. Of course, I think I've only touched one (or more) in NL, so who knows how JJM's compare. I also wasn't wearing gloves of any kind, wet or dry. 


I made an appt for later today with an insurance company to set up renter's insurance (because getting an online quote over a month ago and then doing nothing doesn't actually do any good). Progress. 2)I suck at adulting. I also need to do my first quarterly report today or tomorrow, since it's due tomorrow. 


1) The electrified fence part isn't so bad.  I zap myself on a (sadly) not-infrequent basis.  It's the whole "wet hands whilst connected to a metal post" part that made this so very...unpleasant.  My upper spine is still aching and my left shoulder, the one attached to the hand which attached to the post and not the one that I thrashed last winter but yay! I can now use to lift my hand over the height of said shoulder, is throbbing and sore.  All in all, it was a learning experience.  From which I learned.


2) Word.  I also pretty much suck at electricity.







Edited by JoJosMom
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Since I only seem to have time to read for about five or ten minutes at a time (and then I fall asleep), 100 books at this point would take FOREVER.


That's part of the reason I want to do it now. I think there's a reason parents of high schoolers aren't talking about all the great books they're reading!

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"The appointment (of Pat Garrett, slayer of Billy the Kid, a Custom Collector of El Paso, Texas) dismayed manynTexans, not because of Garrett's bloody record but because he was an agnostic. 'In El Paso,' the Presodent said approvingly,'the people are homicidal but orthodox.'" From "Theodore Rex" by Edmund Morris,


That quote just made me laugh. I figured the ITT Texans might appreciate that. Or maybe not.

Edited by KrissiK
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And now, children, it's time for Today's Country Living Tip, from JJM.


Whilst clearing icy wet snow from electric fence tape, one actually can safely and without being zapped clear the icy wet snow from the electrified tape with one's wet leather glove provided that one does so quickly and in short sweeps. Should one begin to slip on a packed icy patch, however, one should NOT grab a metal t-post for balance whilst one's other wet leather glove is in contact with the electrified tape.  You're welcome.


You may now go back to your regularly scheduled school activities. Unless you happen to be studying electricity today.  In which case, feel free to incorporate Today's Tip into your regularly scheduled school activities.  You're welcome again.




ETA: Punctuation.  Because punctuation comes from the brain. Which functions less than optimally after suffering an overabundance of electrical flow. Or at least that's my excuse today.


Ouch!  The things we do to teach our kids. ;)


Hope you're okay. 

ETA:  And maybe see a doctor?


Edited by ikslo
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Did I tell you what we learned about Galapagos tortoises last year at the zoo? Apparently they battle by seeing who is the tallest. Whoever can stretch their head the highest, wins! ðŸ¢


Snapping turtles, on the other hand, are a bit, uh, snappier.



Those tortoises sound a lot like teenagers!

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I early voted, got my truck's registration done, bought a wedding card, picked up cash, and picked up some takeout for lunch.  We watched one episode of Elementary while eating, and now my full belly is sending me go-to-sleep signals.  I caught up here while texting with my BFF.  I guess I should go do something physical.



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Bookie, this is our schedule. I create the perfect schedule in either the Time Tune app or on a chronodex depending on whether I'm feeling electronicy or papery and use the schedule as a checklist rather than worrying about the time. I redo this as the baby’s natural schedule evolves. We have a strong focus on foreign language which means we have to give up something else. We use a simple math program and use read alouds for content subjects.


Daily School List

Both: Morning time, recitation, read alouds & Japanese

John (6/1st grade): Independent reading, math, copywork & Greek

Mary (4/PK): Reading instruction & cursive phonograms


Weekly School List

Both: 1-2 Art lessons, 2-3 history worksheets

John (6/1st grade): 3 grammar worksheets, 2 spelling list, 1 geography worksheet

Mary (4/PK): None


The Ideal Day

Morning Time: Breakfast, Explorer’s Bible Study, Where The Sidewalk Ends (funny poetry), long recitation (poetry, hymns, introduction of new memory work), Art of The Day app

Clean up, feed dog, DW & Laundry

John: Ray’s Arithmetic, homemade copywork & Hey Andrew

Mary: La Pata Pita, Cursive


Showers & recitation review (ANKI)

DW & Laundry

Read Alouds: Literature & Science, snacks

Mom housework, free drawing & audio resources (currently Rapid Japanese)

Weekly list: RLTL, EM grammar & geography, SOTW worksheets

Lunch, Grammar Island & Biographies (rotating through Heros For Young Readers, Vienezia Composer & Vienezia Artists)

QUIET TIME! & audiobooks

John & Daddy both do a read aloud at dinner for history & nature study, John has daily assigned reading at his convenience and Daddy does Artistic Pursuits on Wednesdays and Saturdays


So, in summary:

Morning time



Food & Read Alouds



Food & Read Alouds



Food & Read Alouds


Now the kids are offering me chocolate to do school so I should probably go do that.

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Ok, I'm back. Bookie, here are some ways to get Spanish in without seatwork.


Duolingo (free) or Mango (free through some libraries)

Audiobooks (Reina Valera is a public domain Bible and we like these)

I have never found a Disney DVD without a Spanish setting and The Magic School Bus is available in Spanish

Salsa (free)

Fritzi if it's at the library because it's not worth the cost

Bilingual Songs

Rapid Spanish (we have the Japanese one and it references alcohol, samples on YouTube)



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I am stuck on the phone with tech support again at work. I was on with them for HOURS last week. It has now been over one hour this time. So far.



I guess they like you and want you to hang around!

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I was going to nap, but there were boxes on the doorstep and THEY WERE BOTH FOR ME!!!!  One was a box bigger than it needed to be for a small container of disks and a catalog of expensive office gear.  The other was my Stitch Fix order!!!!

  • There are some shoes in there that are going back.  They hurt the tops of my feet, and I would prefer a little more cushioning inside.  Maybe I'll mention to the stylist a brand of shoe I know works for me.
  • There is a blouse with knit side panels -- nice idea, that I could go a size down on, but I won't.  I'll return the blouse, and let them know the ruffles down the sides, combined with the horizontality of the print, make my torso look wider than it is tall.  I like the flutters at the upper arm a lot, just not down both sides of the torso.
  • There are some crop jeans that fit like a dream and are oh, so comfy!, but are going back because of the ridiculous amount of fashion fading (wrinkle and otherwise), and the "scissored hem" (read "not hemmed, for that raw look").  I will tell her if she can get me those same exact jeans in the original, pre-fashion-faded color I'll buy them and have MIL hem them for me.  As they are the fading does NOT look right on me, so back they go.
  • There's a 3/4 sleeve t-shirt that I'm pondering.  DD13 likes it, DD16 says not on me, I think it looks better than I expected it would on me but am still unsure.  It's VERY comfy, with a navy blue torso, red sleeves, and quilted white shoulders.  I think it's those shoulders in stark contrast to the other colors that have me hesitating.  But oh, it is comfy!
  • Last of all is a dress.  This is not a dress I ever would have thought to try on in the store.  It is stretchy and quite comfy, rather form-fitting, and lacey.  It's kind of a garnet or maroon color with champagne touches in the lace, long-sleeved, rather high scoop neck.  The girls say it looks good on me.  I kind of like it, though it's just a little outside my comfort zone.  I'll need new shoes (again!) to wear with it, however, which means shoe shopping yet again.  I'll show it to DH this evening and ask his thoughts.
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Now the kids are offering me chocolate to do school so I should probably go do that.


I wish...


I guess they like you and want you to hang around!



Last night tech support called DW: "hey [her name], how are you?". She was like, dude, just get to the point... she's not bored enough to want social calls from tech support at night. Which, of course it wasn't a social call. Some server was throwing some error message so she had to go deal with that. 

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We've got renter's insurance. And then when I got home, I realized that we don't actually have deadbolts here, so I called them to let them know that I messed up. So, now waiting to see if they're going to call me back (the person who answered the phone was the wrong agent of course, so, she was going to let the other person know). I doubt it matters, since when I played around online with quotes it didn't seem to make a difference, but blegh. 


And, it looks like Broccoli and Celery can get violin/guitar lessons at the same time... if they'll answer their phone so I can let them know that the time they mentioned to me works (it's giving me the busy signal, so I can't even leave a message). Sigh. 


It's been a light school week thus far here. We should probably do math later. And yes, I'm aware it's like 4pm here. The only seatwork the kids have done so far today though is 1 page of the Beginning Outlining book for Broccoli, and 4 pages of the Outlining book for Celery, so, I think they'll live. Oh, and Broccoli did typing, because he kept nagging me and Celery is pretty much through the lessons now, so I can focus on him, because Celery was exhausting to deal with at first with the typing (kid needed supervision to make sure he wasn't looking at the keys, whined, etc yada yada).

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Ok, I'm back. Bookie, here are some ways to get Spanish in without seatwork.


Duolingo (free) or Mango (free through some libraries)

Audiobooks (Reina Valera is a public domain Bible and we like these)

I have never found a Disney DVD without a Spanish setting and The Magic School Bus is available in Spanish

Salsa (free)

Fritzi if it's at the library because it's not worth the cost

Bilingual Songs

Rapid Spanish (we have the Japanese one and it references alcohol, samples on YouTube)



That's hypnotic......

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I have been in bed all morning watching Feel Good Christmas Movies. I'm not horribly sick, but just really worn out. Too much going on. The kids did basic schoolwork, watched Animal Rescue (that's good for science, right?), practiced piano and are now settled in front of the TV.

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And my computer wanted to update something, but said my browser couldn't be open, but then my browser wouldn't let me quit it. I could close all my windows, but not quit the browser. And now (after reopened this window) all my tabs look blank, so it's super hard to find something.  :banghead:

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Writing funny today. My boys wrote letters to grandma yesterday. One boy was very straightforward--two sentences, done. That's his style. The other boy--almost exactly the same two sentences to start with, and then the letter becomes a narrative of his latest life, as if written from a ship, or the far corners of the globe.

"Mounted an expedition to the islands in the lake yesterday and explored the region. I constructed a sail from a tablecloth on a mast I built, but to my despair, the sail was not as easy to operate as hoped. I'm afraid it makes sailing more labor than leisure."

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