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I have delivered the emergency cheesecake. Then I went to art class and got the approval on my book as a self-study course, with directions to start in the first chapter and do all the exercises. I can do that. Then I libraried. Then I went and fueled up the truck. Now I am back home and have fed the cat, sent boys out to walk dogs, stoked up the fire, and am making chili for dinner. 

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If you look back in the ITT archives from last year, I believe we had a discussion about the necessity of tags (or not), and the alternate method of color coding gifts. Each family member getting a different wrapping paper.


You could wrap all in brown paper and just color code the ribbon!

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I had planned to color code by when they would be opened (one style for gifts that go to my in-laws house, one for our little family, and one for our big get together). But my husband tried to be helpful and wrap some stuff, so that's out. I love him.

I found a few gift bags to use and have temporarily labeled everything with post its.


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If you look back in the ITT archives from last year, I believe we had a discussion about the necessity of tags (or not), and the alternate method of color coding gifts. Each family member getting a different wrapping paper.


You could wrap all in brown paper and just color code the ribbon!

Yes! I usually do this. But I'm thinking of having a hodge lodge year and using up old partial rolls.

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   I LOVE Leviticus!     :hurray:


Me too. I was a weird high schooler that went through the entire Old Testament, beginning to end. Apparently I retained a lot, because years later a Messianic Jew in our CBS group said I knew more about the Torah and the prophets than she did. I don't remember anything anymore. :( Perhaps I should read my Bible more.  :leaving:

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I have delivered the emergency cheesecake. Then I went to art class and got the approval on my book as a self-study course, with directions to start in the first chapter and do all the exercises. I can do that. Then I libraried. Then I went and fueled up the truck. Now I am back home and have fed the cat, sent boys out to walk dogs, stoked up the fire, and am making chili for dinner.

I'm having an emergency. Can you bring me by some cheesecake?😜
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I don't think I've ever made it through the New Testament straight through.  :leaving:


I read the whole New Testament this year.  I finished just this morning.  (Usually I am skimming through Revelation on December 31 so I can say that I did it.)


Maybe this can be on your list for next year!

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Is someone archiving a book list for ITT?  If so, would you point me at it, please?  


SLASHIE!  I forgot to mention Mrs. Wiggs and the Cabbage Patch.  That is a wonderful book!


The roughest years of my life were the ones in which I felt I had no time to sit and read.  Reading for pleasure is NECESSARY.


Ordering our own presents is a rather common practice in this household.  It works!


I had started putting the posts in other tabs to archive later. I think I started on page 1493, though. I'm not sure.


A Wrinkle in Time is a good read. Dancer enjoyed me reading that aloud.

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Only country concert I ever went to was Alabama! That was the best!


My dad got to hear Alabama in a small bar a long time ago.  This was before the band changed its name to Alabama.  He said they had a really good crowd.


Unfortunately when his band played in the same bar a few weeks later, the crowd was not as big.   :(  And so, Alabama is rich and famous and he's not.

Edited by Junie
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MIL is better, BG more normal, her hearing aid batteries are changed and all is right in the land again. 


Mimosas were just right and I am not tired so :hurray:


My kitchen is still a mess, but I am two loads of laundry down, so :hurray:


I am going to see how long I can go without speaking tonight. Kids are on a project, so it just might be possible for me to enjoy some quiet :hurray:


And I am here on the finest forum on earth having conversation with you fine people... 


50 points if you can name that paraphrase.  Remember points on ITT? That was SO 2015.


5,000 points for everyone!

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I had started putting the posts in other tabs to archive later. I think I started on page 1493, though. I'm not sure.


A Wrinkle in Time is a good read. Dancer enjoyed me reading that aloud.


Wrinkle in Time was one of my all time favorite books as a child. The idea that you could be spirited away from your current reality was very appealing in my circumstances :lol:

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I'm dying at 68. You can read the NT in 90 days at 3 chapters a day or in a year with a chapter a day. Renai, remind me to pm you. I have lots of thoughts since I'm Old Testamenting this year, but I want my computer back to do it so I can do links.


I've done the whole Bible in a year, but it's usually a struggle.


I decided to just do the New Testament this year.  Because migraines.


I was able to also sneak in Psalms and Proverbs.


I haven't decided what I'm doing next year.  Maybe the Old Testament or maybe some in-depth study.  I have 2 weeks to figure it out.

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I hated A Wrinkle in Time.


I've done the whole Bible in a year, but it's usually a struggle.


I decided to just do the New Testament this year. Because migraines.


I was able to also sneak in Psalms and Proverbs.


I haven't decided what I'm doing next year. Maybe the Old Testament or maybe some in-depth study. I have 2 weeks to figure it out.

I did it in 90 days when I hurt my back really bad. I was in bed for hours every day. What else was I gonna do?

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My protagonist just found out he's got to buy a new vehicle. DH tells me the right way to go about it. I said, no, he needs to go about it the wrong way. Do everything as wrong as possible to make life hard on himself for the rest of the book. Somehow it seems harder to come up with the worst possible way to do something for the sake of good fiction.

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I hated A Wrinkle in Time.



I did it in 90 days when I hurt my back really bad. I was in bed for hours every day. What else was I gonna do?

Were you wanting books for you, or the kids?


My favorite Brain Candy reads have been the Spellman Files series by Lisa Lutz (language!), World War Z, and the Bertie and Jeeves books by PG Wodehouse.


My favorite classics have been To Kill a Mockingbird, Jane Eyre, Tolkien, Lewis, and short stories of Poe and Flannery O'Connor. I find I don't get a whole lot out of classic literature unless I'm using a literary guide or in a discussion group led by someone who really knows literature. I have no appreciation for Moby Dick, and only a smidgen of appreciation for Jane Austen (a smidgen since going through several discussion groups on her novels.)

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