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My younger three have the blessing and opportunity to redeem themselves back into my good graces by cleaning my baseboards with magic erasers.


If your kids were to write on the ceiling with petroleum based lip balm, would one need to seal the grease stains in (after being cleaned up) with Kilz before repainting said ceiling and walls?


My kids have had a very anti-productive afternoon on a number of fronts.

I would seal it, yes.

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I only did it because we have these huge west facing windows and we're having company for Thanksgiving and when the afternoon sun shines in they look horrible. But they still look horrible because DH put this shade film stuff on and I discovered that the streaks are not dust, they're on the film. Grrrr! I want to rip it off!


Actually, it's not that bad a thing to wash windows with the right stuff. My mom gave us this sponge thingy that attaches to a pole, and a good quality squeegee and this cleaner that doesn't need to be rinsed off and dries without streaking or spotting. It's great stuff. So, you just dip the sponge in the bucket of water and cleaner, scrub the windows a bit, squeegee it off and you're done. So, with all that, it wasn't that awful a job.

Edited by KrissiK
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It has been reported that most lessons were completed and Fiddler On The Roof was watched for history (Russian Revolution of 1917). They cannot vouch for the quality of work.


We visited Very Expensive University today, and the longer were were there, the more dd18 loved it and the more I realized it is a Very Expensive University. They do have a stellar nursing program. Outstanding lab facilities - the best we've seen so far. And they use cadavers for some anatomy coursework. We got to drop by a pharmacy class as they were studying muscles. I did not get sick.


We leave at 5:30 tomorrow morning to visit Rather Reasonably Priced University. It is ds's 12th birthday, and we will celebrate on Sunday, since as soon as dd18 and I get back, ds will have to leave for the opera.


Hope you are feeling better, Slache and Prairie!

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Here's an elderly grandparent funny for you. My in-laws are in their mid 80's and for the past year have sent each of my kids a "happy birthday" email with the subject: happy 7th birthday. On the pdf message, it has their name and the correct happy birthday year that goes with it, but also a photo of a birthday cake with 7 candles that says "Happy Birthday Chloe!" :D We get such a kick out of it.

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I am weird like that, too, Slache!


It's not quite 9:00 and it feels like midnight! We were outside with several neighbors and one didn't me when I said it was 6:00. He said it was too dark.


I'm not quite ketchupped.


BUT I was NOT one of those self motivated high school students. I liked the idea of being all on top of things, but never could get there. I think it was undiagnosed adhd. My mom didn't help, and was never aware of what I was even learning. She grounded me for bad grades, but that was it. Now, I think she just didn't have a clue how to help. If I had lived with my daddy, it would've been a completely different story.


Dis my favorite from he evening (scroll down). Master bath is WAY too complicated though. Somehow they misspelled school as breakfast.

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I dreamt I had 12 children and they all melted into the floor so we had a room with skin floor and the children would sing and I would lie on the floor while I hugged it. I would lay instruments on it and they couldn't play the instruments because they had no limbs and I would cry because they used to love to play instruments.


I don't know what this means.

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Slache, it means you are exhausted, but you love your children.


Good Saturday Morning!


No cleaning windows here.  I know someone who has a window/glass cleaner come once a year just to clean all the windows and glass (mirrors).  I'm scared to price it, but it might be worth it.  (I'm guessing they don't clean the window sill 'cause that would take so much longer......)


Busy day today.  COFFEE!!!!  (duh)

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Good morning! 
We got up stupid early to be at Sam's Club by 7:00 for their big sale. Got a new computer for my new job. Woohoo! 
Some people were standing in line at 4:00. People be crazy for deals! 

Hope everyone is doing ok. :) 

Oh, quick prayer request or good vibes or whatever it is you decide to send. 

My sister was taken to the ER for what she thought was gallbladder pain. (She's tough and rarely complains of pain, but she was ready to call 911 the other day.) Anyway, the ER doc said he thinks it's gastritis and told her to take Prilosec. However, the next morning, the pain was worse than ever and mom took her to a doctor they're familiar with. 
He took one look at her and said her pain level is not normal for gastritis and that he's more inclined to think she has a bacterial ulcer. He gave her pain meds, doubled her Prilosec, and told her to take Maalox before every meal. She's also supposed to follow the BRAT diet. 
She is currently trying to find an Medicaid PCP and he told her to get them to give her a referral to a gastrointestinal specialist for a stomach scope. 
She's pretty scared right now. A friend of ours had complications from a knee replacement surgery and passed away quite suddenly last week, so in her mind right now "Surgery or any procedure = death". 

I'll keep you all updated, but I admit, I'm pretty worried about her right now.  :crying:

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Well, we won the last soccer game! It was hard fought, but we were victorious. Of course, we're not supposed to be keeping score, you know. Because it might hurt their widdle feelings if they knew they lost. And of course DS was up at 6:00 this morning because he couldn't find his jersey. He looked for an hour. I walked into his bedroom, looked in the closet (we already looked in the closet, Mom) and in 30 seconds unearthed the missing jersey. I swear this child.....

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Yay, Mary!




Slache, you do online shopping pretty well. Would you mind looking for a stuffed brown dog with ONE black ear? One only. Not two. I can't find one anywhere.

Probably not. Looking now. Stumbled upon this.




All I want for Christmas is rechargeable batteries. Enough to replace every double and triple A in my life.

I've heard Costco has the best.

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Good morning!

We got up stupid early to be at Sam's Club by 7:00 for their big sale. Got a new computer for my new job. Woohoo!

Some people were standing in line at 4:00. People be crazy for deals!


Hope everyone is doing ok. :)



Oh, quick prayer request or good vibes or whatever it is you decide to send.


My sister was taken to the ER for what she thought was gallbladder pain. (She's tough and rarely complains of pain, but she was ready to call 911 the other day.) Anyway, the ER doc said he thinks it's gastritis and told her to take Prilosec. However, the next morning, the pain was worse than ever and mom took her to a doctor they're familiar with.

He took one look at her and said her pain level is not normal for gastritis and that he's more inclined to think she has a bacterial ulcer. He gave her pain meds, doubled her Prilosec, and told her to take Maalox before every meal. She's also supposed to follow the BRAT diet.

She is currently trying to find an Medicaid PCP and he told her to get them to give her a referral to a gastrointestinal specialist for a stomach scope.

She's pretty scared right now. A friend of ours had complications from a knee replacement surgery and passed away quite suddenly last week, so in her mind right now "Surgery or any procedure = death".


I'll keep you all updated, but I admit, I'm pretty worried about her right now. :crying:

:grouphug: Edited by ikslo
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I've found two light brown dogs with one dark brown ear, and a $500 stuffed tiger. It would be super easy to dye one ear. Could you do that?



I just keep the chargers in one spot. Its the charging spot. Nobody is allowed to use the charging spot but me. Its mine. My charging spot.


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Good morning.


I don't know about stuffed  puppies, but ds is in the dog house.  He woke me up in the middle of the night when he crashed into the dishwasher hard enough to break a piece off.  Dh is being a lot more nice about it and has located and ordered the $40 part.  I would have made ds look for the part himself.  He will still have to pay us back $40 for the part but at least he's spared a service charge. 


Adding to my "good" mood - we looked out the window to the driveway and I have a flat tire.  (Not ds' fault!) 

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