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Just drove back from "the big city". I had to find a new pair of jeans. But, as I was driving, my low beams suddenly went out, so I had to drive home with my brights on. Surprisingly, during the hour drive, not one person flashed me about my high beams being on. 

Also, today, while we were running errands, dd asked me if I could "always just stay home with me". I told her that I would for 2 weeks, but then I had to go back to work. I asked her, "Don't you want to go back to school and do school stuff?" She replied, "I fink maybe we just do the 'stool stuffs' at home wif you and me."
Let's hope she's as willing to do "school stuff" at home in the next 2 years. 

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Just drove back from "the big city". I had to find a new pair of jeans. But, as I was driving, my low beams suddenly went out, so I had to drive home with my brights on. Surprisingly, during the hour drive, not one person flashed me about my high beams being on. 


Also, today, while we were running errands, dd asked me if I could "always just stay home with me". I told her that I would for 2 weeks, but then I had to go back to work. I asked her, "Don't you want to go back to school and do school stuff?" She replied, "I fink maybe we just do the 'stool stuffs' at home wif you and me."

Let's hope she's as willing to do "school stuff" at home in the next 2 years. 


Gymnast has been saying this since I started work. She wants to homeschool. She knows I homeschooled dd16, and am doing so now, and she has absolutely no desire to do kindergarten in school next year. She breaks down in tears at the thought of going to kindergarten. Of course, it's irrational, I don't speak badly of any of the teachers and she knows the K teachers. But, yeah. This is one of the reasons I'm looking to work from home again next year.

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Gymnast has been saying this since I started work. She wants to homeschool. She knows I homeschooled dd16, and am doing so now, and she has absolutely no desire to do kindergarten in school next year. She breaks down in tears at the thought of going to kindergarten. Of course, it's irrational, I don't speak badly of any of the teachers and she knows the K teachers. But, yeah. This is one of the reasons I'm looking to work from home again next year.

Same here, none of mine want to stop homeschooling but they have asked almost daily for the last 3 years for me to just stay home with them.  It's not an option, I wish it was.  I miss being home with them, but I like being able to provide for them.  Youngest has had the hardest time, she cries often about how much I work

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Been gone most of the day. I think I'm mostly caught up. Spent five hours chatting with a friend. We are big chatters.


Dh is very allergic to poison ivy. Yes, it spreads. He needs prednisone every time. Our property is full of it. Heavily treed.


I turned 30 six days after leaving my first marriage, moving from MD to TX with an 18 month old. I was carless, jobless, and homeless, staying with my BFF.


That's about what I have to add.


Susan, I hope your packing was successful. Duckie, my money is not on poison ivy, mostly because of the shape. Take Benadryl and put hydrocortisone on it.

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Gymnast has been saying this since I started work. She wants to homeschool. She knows I homeschooled dd16, and am doing so now, and she has absolutely no desire to do kindergarten in school next year. She breaks down in tears at the thought of going to kindergarten. Of course, it's irrational, I don't speak badly of any of the teachers and she knows the K teachers. But, yeah. This is one of the reasons I'm looking to work from home again next year.

Poor Gymnast. Any idea why she breaks down about it? Just fear of the unknown? 


I can't wait to bring dd home. We have always planned for me to be a SAHM, but dd came 3 years too early according to our plan. haha Best whoopsie ever, but it did put a kink in our plans.

I love the school she's at and I know she enjoys her friends, but she is always so ready to come home at the end of the day. She is my true-blue introvert. She has been home for 5 days without going anywhere and today, the 6th day, she was not happy that we had errands. Each stop we made, she was asking if we could go home. 

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Same here, none of mine want to stop homeschooling but they have asked almost daily for the last 3 years for me to just stay home with them.  It's not an option, I wish it was.  I miss being home with them, but I like being able to provide for them.  Youngest has had the hardest time, she cries often about how much I work

It's a hard balance; even more so when you're a single mom.  :grouphug:

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Good luck!


Can you send some my way?  I forgot to make cookies for the librarian and security guard at the library. (Library is at a art school, so the security guard is for the school, not the library, but she's super nice just like our librarian.)  I think I am going to resort to scratch tickets, LOL.

Certainly. I have some chocolate crinkles left over. They're pretty yummy. I put crushed up Andes peppermint stuff in them, so they're extra good!

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Same here, none of mine want to stop homeschooling but they have asked almost daily for the last 3 years for me to just stay home with them. It's not an option, I wish it was. I miss being home with them, but I like being able to provide for them. Youngest has had the hardest time, she cries often about how much I work


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Brandy, you make my vent look like a veritable dream. I'm sorry.


WHOA. A booyah! I am sorry to have missed it. I was on a phone! So the new page didn't come up as a new page because the settings are different.






Booyah, to a real great. 


I need this today. Bruce Lee was very wise beyond his years.


A Bruce Lee booyah!  I had a huge crush on Bruce Lee as a teen.  Then much much later I married dh, who when he was younger was at times mistaken for Bruce Lee (or at least a relative).  Squeee! 



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I'm laying in bed miserable and pukey while Matt is cleaning the kitchen, vacuuming, and parenting.


"Do you love me?"

"Very much."

"Because I'm useless."

"Only for the next several months."

"I plan on being useless for about 3 months after birth."

"That's why I didn't give an exact number."



He's a keeper, Slasharella.   :001_wub:

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For those celebrating Christmas.....




Happy Preantepenultimate* Day!


My children have declared it Game Day.  They've been up since before me, making up games and setting up the house for a party.  Hearts are hanging from the oven door. homemade gifts are under the tree, and everyone is cooperating so nicely.  I will enjoy it while it lasts.  Then cook, and bake, for today is about cooking and baking.  Then go out after bedtime to do some last minute Target/ACMoore shopping.  


May your day be stress-free and joy-filled, with no owies and lots of thanksgiving topped off with cookies.    






*I've been dying to use that word and realized this morning that I have a context in which to use it. Go me.  


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I have liquid coming out of my ears. I don't know if it's a sick thing or a pregnancy thing or my brain is melting.


Ear ache, too?  Could be a burst eardrum from an ear infection.  I've had ear infections with no pain...and quite a few with major pain.  Although not since college.

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