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Hey hey! Be sure to check out our new Christmas booya songs!


It's lunchtime. Dd13 is eating a banana dog - hot dog bun, banana, peanut butter, ketchup AND mustard. Dd17 is eating cheese puffs with a knife, pirate style. Dd6 is having a bun with ketchup only.



Ooo, I haven't caught up yet, but will look for the songs. Maybe I will teach them to the kids. Lord knows ds13 would love a break from Algebra. So funny kids are. If he would just DO the work, SHOW the work, and LABEL the stinking work, he would be done in a fraction of the time😣

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Hey hey! Be sure to check out our new Christmas booya songs!


It's lunchtime. Dd13 is eating a banana dog - hot dog bun, banana, peanut butter, ketchup AND mustard. Dd17 is eating cheese puffs with a knife, pirate style. Dd6 is having a bun with ketchup only.




I shall not yuck their yum...

I shall not yuck their yum...

I shall not yuck their yum...


Oh, forget it. 


That banana dog sounds downright nasty. :leaving:

Edited by ikslo
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Good to see you, Prof! Hang in there, and when you have time tell us what you can about the crash.


My sister and her friend used to say (to each other), "The best solution to my problem is your problem." This was in reference to the fact that when one had a problem she was stressing out about it took her mind off of it when she listened instead to her friend's problem. I think this thread has an element of that, among all of its other charms and graces.


Omigosh, look at the time! I gotta go!

Sorry, I should have clarified. Health crash, not car crash lol. No worries. And not much to tell. My mitochindria are broken, so my body and nervous system don't work like a normal person's. So if I do too much or have to much input, it just stops working and I end up homeschooling from the couch for a week to 10 days. Not fun, but no one knows how to fix it. But, it has been 12 years, so I just deal. Unfortunately, it makes me a bad thread participator, lol.


Charming and graceful, that's us:-)

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Sorry, I should have clarified. Health crash, not car crash lol. No worries. And not much to tell. My mitochindria are broken, so my body and nervous system don't work like a normal person's. So if I do too much or have to much input, it just stops working and I end up homeschooling from the couch for a week to 10 days. Not fun, but no one knows how to fix it. But, it has been 12 years, so I just deal.





Unfortunately, it makes me a bad thread participator, lol.


But we're happy when you can join us.  :hurray:

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I shall not yuck their yum...

I shall not yuck their yum...

I shall not yuck their yum...


Oh, forget it.


That banana dog sounds downright nasty. :leaving:

Nice use of "shall"!


Dd13 is very experimental with her cuisine. She is woefully underweight, so we are glad she will eat pretty much anything. Sometimes we just have to look away. :D


I am perfectly happy exposing y'all to the horror, though.

Edited by Susan in TN
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I cleaned out the garage this morning. I am contemplating being a mean mom and getting rid of all of the bikes so that we can park another car in the garage.  They aren't being ridden.  Thoughts?


I vote NO.  Even if I wasn't into riding my bike much, I would have held that against by mom FOREVER.  (I'm only half kidding.)

Can you lock them up outside with a tarp over them or something for the winter?


My DS goes through times when he doesn't ride at all, and then times where it is every day.  I just wouldn't be able to do that, take away the option, KWIM?

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I cleaned out the garage this morning. I am contemplating being a mean mom and getting rid of all of the bikes so that we can park another car in the garage. They aren't being ridden. Thoughts?

I think we would have mutiny if we got rid of bikes, but because the inlaws live with us, we have to be creative with bike storage too. Have you tried those hanging hooks? You can either hang the bikes from the rafters, or on the side walls. Then they are out of the way, but can still be used for family bike rides etc. just a thought.


On a funny note, autocorrect changes bikes to kids when I wrote, "hang the bikes from the rafters" lol. I think there is merit in that.

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Nice use of "shall"!


Dd14 is very experimental with her cuisine. She is woefully underweight, so we are glad she will eat pretty much anything. Sometimes we just have to look away. :D


Yes, my DS has eaten some rather weird concoctions due to his allergies.   And he eats like a pig (sloppy).  Sigh.  So I really was trying not to judge.  LOL

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Sorry, I should have clarified. Health crash, not car crash lol. No worries. And not much to tell. My mitochindria are broken, so my body and nervous system don't work like a normal person's. So if I do too much or have to much input, it just stops working and I end up homeschooling from the couch for a week to 10 days. Not fun, but no one knows how to fix it. But, it has been 12 years, so I just deal. Unfortunately, it makes me a bad thread participator, lol.


Charming and graceful, that's us:-)


I understand.  Over twenty years here. . . .

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Additional thoughts:


1. We just moved to a new area.  We now live on a busy street in a very hilly neighborhood. My kids cannot be turned loose to bike on their own here.  Even adults are afraid to bike here. With 4 kids, I cannot haul everybody's bike to a park (20 min away) to ride.  With my minivan, my mount options are limited.

2. We have a PITA HOA which does not allow us to have anything like bikes under a tarp, etc.

3. The dimensions of the garage are tight here. It's a narrow two car. I could maybe hang bikes on ceiling hooks if I could find a stud in the right place and if I took down a wall cabinet we are not using.  I think the bike hooks are about $15 each--doable for a couple of bikes, but dang expensive to hang 6 of them.

4. My kids are scooter people. I have no problems holding onto umpty bazillion scooters.  They would also all fit into the back of the minivan to go to the park.


For now, dh continues to park in the driveway at night so I can park inside. If he ends up getting a newer car we need to park it in the garage due to crime (urban area).  The previous owners of the house had their truck stolen out of the driveway. It's just a common property crime occurrence here in my nice part of town. :(

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Additional thoughts:


1. We just moved to a new area.  We now live on a busy street in a very hilly neighborhood. My kids cannot be turned loose to bike on their own here.  Even adults are afraid to bike here. With 4 kids, I cannot haul everybody's bike to a park (20 min away) to ride.  With my minivan, my mount options are limited.

2. We have a PITA HOA which does not allow us to have anything like bikes under a tarp, etc.

3. The dimensions of the garage are tight here. It's a narrow two car. I could maybe hang bikes on ceiling hooks if I could find a stud in the right place and if I took down a wall cabinet we are not using.  I think the bike hooks are about $15 each--doable for a couple of bikes, but dang expensive to hang 6 of them.

4. My kids are scooter people. I have no problems holding onto umpty bazillion scooters.  They would also all fit into the back of the minivan to go to the park.


For now, dh continues to park in the driveway at night so I can park inside. If he ends up getting a newer car we need to park it in the garage due to crime (urban area).  The previous owners of the house had their truck stolen out of the driveway. It's just a common property crime occurrence here in my nice part of town. :(


Hmmmm, knowing all that, I can understand your desire to get rid of them.  Maybe talk to the oldest three about it and see if they're ready to give them away? 


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Also, Slash is still barfing. Slash is surrounded by women having miscarriages and decided it's not appropriate to continue complaining about her pregnancy.


Suffering is suffering and facts are facts even if the end result is a blessing.  It's okay to admit how you're feeling.  Especially to us!  :grouphug:


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Educational post for the day (which it's nearly too close to the weekend to even bring up at this point):  I may need to add a writing curriculum for my 12yo dd after Christmas, especially if her co-op history class does fewer writing assignments as expected.  I hate writing curriculum.  And I hate trying to do writing without a writing curriculum.  Writing Curricula:  can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.  :glare: :( :boxing_smiley: :banghead: :nopity:

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Additional thoughts:


1. We just moved to a new area.  We now live on a busy street in a very hilly neighborhood. My kids cannot be turned loose to bike on their own here.  Even adults are afraid to bike here. With 4 kids, I cannot haul everybody's bike to a park (20 min away) to ride.  With my minivan, my mount options are limited.

2. We have a PITA HOA which does not allow us to have anything like bikes under a tarp, etc.

3. The dimensions of the garage are tight here. It's a narrow two car. I could maybe hang bikes on ceiling hooks if I could find a stud in the right place and if I took down a wall cabinet we are not using.  I think the bike hooks are about $15 each--doable for a couple of bikes, but dang expensive to hang 6 of them.

4. My kids are scooter people. I have no problems holding onto umpty bazillion scooters.  They would also all fit into the back of the minivan to go to the park.


For now, dh continues to park in the driveway at night so I can park inside. If he ends up getting a newer car we need to park it in the garage due to crime (urban area).  The previous owners of the house had their truck stolen out of the driveway. It's just a common property crime occurrence here in my nice part of town. :(


Family meeting time?  Maybe those who want to keep, get a bike hook in their stocking for Christmas.  Those who are fine with just the scooter, can sell their bike and keep the cash? 


That's a tough one.

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Educational post for the day (which it's nearly too close to the weekend to even bring up at this point): I may need to add a writing curriculum for my 12yo dd after Christmas, especially if her co-op history class does fewer writing assignments as expected. I hate writing curriculum. And I hate trying to do writing without a writing curriculum. Writing Curricula: can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em. :glare: :( :boxing_smiley: :banghead: :nopity:

Could you grab something open and go like Jump In? It would be easier.

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Additional thoughts:


1. We just moved to a new area.  We now live on a busy street in a very hilly neighborhood. My kids cannot be turned loose to bike on their own here.  Even adults are afraid to bike here. With 4 kids, I cannot haul everybody's bike to a park (20 min away) to ride.  With my minivan, my mount options are limited.

2. We have a PITA HOA which does not allow us to have anything like bikes under a tarp, etc.

3. The dimensions of the garage are tight here. It's a narrow two car. I could maybe hang bikes on ceiling hooks if I could find a stud in the right place and if I took down a wall cabinet we are not using.  I think the bike hooks are about $15 each--doable for a couple of bikes, but dang expensive to hang 6 of them.

4. My kids are scooter people. I have no problems holding onto umpty bazillion scooters.  They would also all fit into the back of the minivan to go to the park.


For now, dh continues to park in the driveway at night so I can park inside. If he ends up getting a newer car we need to park it in the garage due to crime (urban area).  The previous owners of the house had their truck stolen out of the driveway. It's just a common property crime occurrence here in my nice part of town. :(


:( It sounds like you need a guard dog/elephant ninja...

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Could you grab something open and go like Jump In? It would be easier.



Maybe.  I tried it with oldest about 4 years ago and hated it.  Maybe I should look at it again. 



I don't really like Jump In much either.  Ds15 did a few assignments.  Dd13 did even fewer.  (And she likes to write.  A lot.)


We ended up using WWS.  We started it later than usual, but according to SWB, it's ok to do that.  And she would know.  ;)


(Ds15 is currently in WWS 2 and DD13 is in WWS 1.)




And why are we still talking about educational things.  Hmmm?   :toetap05:



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I'd guess around 8 at most. I hope. :D


Do not cook dinner.  If there is no one else to cook dinner, peanut butter and jelly will suffice.


Can you latch hook (or whatever it is that you're doing) in front of a TV?  Put in a really long movie (that won't put you to sleep).  Maybe the Original Trilogy?!


Enlist help.  Your oldest daughter likes crafts, right?


Stay tuned to the ITT.  We will cheer you on!!!


And post pictures!  We want to see the results!


/end bossypants.  (Slache's influence ;) )


ETA : (Or is it Tex?  I can't remember.)

Edited by Junie
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Plan for 16. Sorry. I'm crafty and I know how it works.





Nah, 8 is already doubled and includes time for adhesive to cure.


I hope. :D


Gotta get to work gluing electronic buttons to my silicone coated sound glove using stuff that's dangerous to breathe in...

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Ok, would anyone like to do my Christmas shopping for me? I've got 2 boys - 12 yrs. and 11 yrs.. Both have too many Legos and we really try to limit the electronics. Other than that, they don't read and they tend to break things. My oldest dd is done.... Got her an American Girl Doll (she chipped in paying for it), and I've got 2 dd's 6 and 5 years old. Both have too much stuff -too many barbies, too many dolls, too much cr@p. And it's not like we buy them a ton of stuff. They just don't get rid of it. And then the neighbor girl cleans out her room and instead of taking all her dolls and stuffed animals to Goodwill like any normal, sane good neighbor does, she brings boxes of it to us!


So, if any of you are interested, let me know. I will be happy to pay you back with lunch and margaritas at Chevy's Fresh Mex Restaurant.

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Hey hey! Be sure to check out our new Christmas booya songs!


It's lunchtime. Dd13 is eating a banana dog - hot dog bun, banana, peanut butter, ketchup AND mustard. Dd17 is eating cheese puffs with a knife, pirate style. Dd6 is having a bun with ketchup only.



This is probably the grossest thing I have ever heard of.  I was okay until it got to ketchup and mustard.  No.  Just no. :huh:


Sorry, I should have clarified. Health crash, not car crash lol. No worries. And not much to tell. My mitochindria are broken, so my body and nervous system don't work like a normal person's. So if I do too much or have to much input, it just stops working and I end up homeschooling from the couch for a week to 10 days. Not fun, but no one knows how to fix it. But, it has been 12 years, so I just deal. Unfortunately, it makes me a bad thread participator, lol.


Charming and graceful, that's us:-)


:grouphug:     I don't know about mitochondria, but I am sorry for your pain.

Educational post for the day (which it's nearly too close to the weekend to even bring up at this point):  I may need to add a writing curriculum for my 12yo dd after Christmas, especially if her co-op history class does fewer writing assignments as expected.  I hate writing curriculum.  And I hate trying to do writing without a writing curriculum.  Writing Curricula:  can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.  

I cannot wait for the semester when I shove my boys into TWTM Academy's research writing course.  It will be like winning the lottery and losing 30 pounds overnight, I swear.


DS is complaining that he doesn't like writing, because:


1.  He can't focus

2.  He has to think

3.  He has to MOVE HIS ARM.




...Where's that phone number for the PS? 


You must admit, this is a hardship. :lol:

I don't really like Jump In much either.  Ds15 did a few assignments.  Dd13 did even fewer.  (And she likes to write.  A lot.)


We ended up using WWS.  We started it later than usual, but according to SWB, it's ok to do that.  And she would know.   ;)


(Ds15 is currently in WWS 2 and DD13 is in WWS 1.)




And why are we still talking about educational things.  Hmmm?   :toetap05:



Ds15 took over two years to get through WWS1.  I feel your pain.


Do not cook dinner.  If there is no one else to cook dinner, peanut butter and jelly will suffice.


Can you latch hook (or whatever it is that you're doing) in front of a TV?  Put in a really long movie (that won't put you to sleep).  Maybe the Original Trilogy?!


Enlist help.  Your oldest daughter likes crafts, right?


Stay tuned to the ITT.  We will cheer you on!!!


And post pictures!  We want to see the results!


/end bossypants.  (Slache's influence ;) )


ETA : (Or is it Tex?  I can't remember.)

I thought it was Jean.  I try to stuff my bossypants way far down in the hamper, but sometimes they end up on the top, hanging out for everyone to see. :leaving:

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I've had such an odd day, but I ran out of time to tell all of you because I must rush off to Target.  Back later with odd stories.


P.S.  In case I forget, I saw two hearses today.  At separate times.  On separate roads. I found it to be a bad omen, even though I really don't believe in a bad omen.  It was portents of things to come.  But I really just wanted to say portents because I don't believe in those, either, but its a twenty-five cent word.

Edited by texasmama
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Suffering is suffering and facts are facts even if the end result is a blessing. It's okay to admit how you're feeling. Especially to us! :grouphug:



(I'm on my phone and just erased a poor attempt to convey the above. Thank you, Lynn. I'm glad someone around here has a brain!)

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I've had such an odd day, but I ran out of time to tell all of you because I must rush off to Target with ds12. Back later with odd stories.


P.S. In case I forget, I saw two hearses today. At separate times. On separate roads. I found it to be a bad omen, even though I really don't believe in a bad omen. It was portents of things to come. But I really just wanted to say portents because I don't believe in those, either, but its a twenty-five cent word.


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I have resolved to not worry about writing. Even though my child turns every written assignment into a humor piece. Susanne Barrett at Brave Writer (who is awesome sauce) has told me that it is better to delay academic writing (BW is sort of Charlotte Mason-ish) and that my short person will be fine. Since that is absolutely what I want to hear, I'm going with Susanne.


And we finished Art of Argument today.


I am done.

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I have resolved to not worry about writing. Even though my child turns every written assignment into a humor piece. Susanne Barrett at Brave Writer (who is awesome sauce) has told me that it is better to delay academic writing (BW is sort of Charlotte Mason-ish) and that my short person will be fine. Since that is absolutely what I want to hear, I'm going with Susanne.


And we finished Art of Argument today.


I am done.

Did you like it? I'm thinking of getting it for myself. What are you doing next?

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Did you like it? I'm thinking of getting it for myself. What are you doing next?


DD really enjoyed it. It is recommended for grade 7 and up, but I think it is very approachable and would have been good for 6th. For you, it's a bit young, but it might be worth looking for a cheap, Used Teacher's Edition as an easy read-and-then-keep. We're going to pivot a bit and do Philosophy for Kids next semester. DD wants to do Discovery of Deduction, but next year is a bit up in the air.


ETA:  How sad.  I booya, but only on an educational post.  That's wrong.




Booya bells, booya bells,

Ringing in my head.

Oh, what fun it is

To write

A silly song like this!


This is the thread that never ends... (for Renai, who started this top o'the page tradition!)

Edited by JoJosMom
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Jo really enjoyed it. It is recommended for grade 7 and up, but I think it is very approachable and would have been good for 6th. For you, it's a bit young, but it might be worth looking for a cheap, Used Teacher's Edition as an easy read-and-then-keep. We're going to pivot a bit and do Philosophy for Kids next semester. Jo wants to do Discovery of Deduction, but next year is a bit up in the air.

I've heard bad things about Discovery of Deduction. Fortunately by the time we want to use it it will be all fixed. ;) I've heard AoA is fun and simple and DoD is boring and too hard. I've heard Traditional Logic is mind blowingly dry. I need to read How To Read A Book. I'm not sure what else.

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