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Was this in response to the Elephant Ninja Letter of Doom, or did she just do it anyway?  


She had sent me an email this morning saying she was checking what should be done and that she would be in touch. I was holding on to the letter (in drafts) until I got a definitive answer. The student services gal wrote about 1.5 hours later saying she just got my email, but checked and saw the prof had graded the paper. (??) So, I checked. She had written a note that she graded it because of extenuating circumstances.

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She had sent me an email this morning saying she was checking what should be done and that she would be in touch. I was holding on to the letter (in drafts) until I got a definitive answer. The student services gal wrote about 1.5 hours later saying she just got my email, but checked and saw the prof had graded the paper. (??) So, I checked. She had written a note that she graded it because of extenuating circumstances.

Woo hoo!  No bazooka needed!  Congratulations!  (Humming graduation song here. . . )  

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Song for the night (since it's stuck in my head), courtesy of Jose-Luis Orozco who I had the pleasure of meeting on Saturday and completing a teacher workshop with:


Juanito cuando baila, baila, baila, baila

Juanito cuando baila, baila con el dedito

ito, ito, ito

Asi baila Juanito...


Juanito cuando baila, baila, baila, baila

Juanito cuando baila, baila con el pie

pie, pie, pie

con el dedito, ito, ito

Asi baila Juanito...


rodilla, dilla, dilla

cadera, dera, dera

mano, mano, mano

codo, codo, codo

hombro, hombro, hombro

cabeza, beza, beza


This video isn't with us, because we weren't allowed to record, but anyway...


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Okay so, we've been painfully, painfully broke and eating crap lately. Mostly leftover pizza from the party. Today Matt went to Costco and came back with grapes, cantaloupe, spinach, chicken, bell peppers, and all that kinda stuff. For dinner I had a Chinese chicken salad with grapes for dessert. So nice.

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Thinking about talking to my boss about going per diem instead of being full time so that I can do the home schooling thing and not give up all of my income at one shot.


The honest truth is that they're not utilizing me well anyway and I could literally get everything done that they ask me to do now in about a day and a half each week, at most.


The problem with this brilliant plan is that my boss may see it as a way to "out" her to her management for not utilizing me properly after fighting for this position for a year. She already had one guy leave it because of similar frustrations.


Meanwhile, my wife is frustrated with the home schooling because Izzy resists any and all of her attempts to impose some regimentation by doing handwriting or math drills, etc, at the table each day. She laments having to "bribe" her to do them. She wants to possibly look into re-enrolling her at another school next year. I'm dead set against putting her back in. I've seen her little brain EXPLODE since leaving the M-F classroom environment. Her artwork has taken off, big time. She asks such amazing questions about EVERYTHING. She was really into the mechanicals on that Technic car we built, etc. My wife agrees that she's branching out but is worried about childcare when her hours change (which is Thursday, by the way) and seems to take Izzy's resistance to traditional classroom style drilling as a failure. I'm not sure I agree, but I don't think she's firm on that side of the fence herself. Drama drama drama.


Happy Tuesday, ITT.

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She had sent me an email this morning saying she was checking what should be done and that she would be in touch. I was holding on to the letter (in drafts) until I got a definitive answer. The student services gal wrote about 1.5 hours later saying she just got my email, but checked and saw the prof had graded the paper. (??) So, I checked. She had written a note that she graded it because of extenuating circumstances.


Yay.  And about darn time.


Woo hoo!  No bazooka needed!  Congratulations!  (Humming graduation song here. . . )  


EXACTLY. Because I was shopping with the Boo and Nana.  I was not in Renai-land with my bazooka.

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I need something to help little ds with math. Something that will help him with the concepts of addition and subtraction. He looks at a page of math and gets completely overwhelmed. He will just sit and dawdle for an hour. He can do it, but he doesn't want to. Any ideas?

You think this is a homeschool board or something?




Little counters?  (could be his match box cars or beans or . . . )

Number line?  

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Mark, why is the drill at the table necessary? DS does all of his work on the floor. Sometimes while playing with toys. He spells best when he's staring at the ceiling.


Exercise Day 4



Chris and I have trouble with our backs so maybe that's why she wants the table. She did ask about getting Izzy a drafting desk since she showed her one in a catalog yesterday and Izzy went bananas over it. So we may do that.


I'm not sure it's the location so much as the activity, although Izzy has expressed once or twice that she worries about getting behind her classmates. She still talks about school and her friends at school like she's still attending, which makes me feel guilty that we're not doing more to get her hanging out with other kids. We're not just very social people. We're super awkward and hour home is NOT set up for entertaining and never will be. We have activities at the library and such, but they're limited. I tend to put people off.

But we'll never trust that principal again. It's such a big giant tangle of stuff to sort through intellectually, emotionally, logistically.

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You think this is a homeschool board or something?




Little counters?  (could be his match box cars or beans or . . . )

Number line?  


Izzy REALLY likes Cuisenaire (sp?) rods. Like, a lot. Chris has her do things like "Show me 3 different ways to make 20 with your rods." and stuff.

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You think this is a homeschool board or something?




Little counters? (could be his match box cars or beans or . . . )

Number line?

We have little bear counters which we use. I have shown him how to use a number line for adding and subtracting. He just seems very uninterested. Last year I could set a timer and he would work well. This year he is content to just sit and stare at the wall.


I was wondering about a game that would help him memorize math facts or maybe songs or something.

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Critterfixer, we'll be expecting to see ITT mentioned in the dedication. "To all my elephant ninjas and minions, with love."


Because BOOYAH!

And "To Texas - because Texas".


Someone forgot my frappuccino. :crying:

What kind of person even does that???




I will be solemnly singing "We Shall Overcome" for you all day.

Thinking about talking to my boss about going per diem instead of being full time so that I can do the home schooling thing and not give up all of my income at one shot.


The honest truth is that they're not utilizing me well anyway and I could literally get everything done that they ask me to do now in about a day and a half each week, at most.


The problem with this brilliant plan is that my boss may see it as a way to "out" her to her management for not utilizing me properly after fighting for this position for a year. She already had one guy leave it because of similar frustrations.


Meanwhile, my wife is frustrated with the home schooling because Izzy resists any and all of her attempts to impose some regimentation by doing handwriting or math drills, etc, at the table each day. She laments having to "bribe" her to do them. She wants to possibly look into re-enrolling her at another school next year. I'm dead set against putting her back in. I've seen her little brain EXPLODE since leaving the M-F classroom environment. Her artwork has taken off, big time. She asks such amazing questions about EVERYTHING. She was really into the mechanicals on that Technic car we built, etc. My wife agrees that she's branching out but is worried about childcare when her hours change (which is Thursday, by the way) and seems to take Izzy's resistance to traditional classroom style drilling as a failure. I'm not sure I agree, but I don't think she's firm on that side of the fence herself. Drama drama drama.


Happy Tuesday, ITT.

My boys did their work on top of tables, under tables, on the floor, leaned against tables with their legs sticking out the back of chairs, etc.  The childcare issue is a legit one.  It can be a stressful part of homeschooling with two working parents, said from experience.


Chris and I have trouble with our backs so maybe that's why she wants the table. She did ask about getting Izzy a drafting desk since she showed her one in a catalog yesterday and Izzy went bananas over it. So we may do that.


I'm not sure it's the location so much as the activity, although Izzy has expressed once or twice that she worries about getting behind her classmates. She still talks about school and her friends at school like she's still attending, which makes me feel guilty that we're not doing more to get her hanging out with other kids. We're not just very social people. We're super awkward and hour home is NOT set up for entertaining and never will be. We have activities at the library and such, but they're limited. I tend to put people off.

But we'll never trust that principal again. It's such a big giant tangle of stuff to sort through intellectually, emotionally, logistically.

Learn how to be less off-putting.  ;)  You can do it if it's for your kid.   :hat:

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I need something to help little ds with math. Something that will help him with the concepts of addition and subtraction. He looks at a page of math and gets completely overwhelmed. He will just sit and dawdle for an hour. He can do it, but he doesn't want to. Any ideas? 


Really good chocolate chips. They double as addition counters, motivation to finish the math page and have medicinal qualities for Mom.

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Talked to the boss about converting to per diem. She's receptive. Things went better than expected.


I'm entirely broken out in hives now. No joke. 


Texasmama, I am 38 I will never be any less off putting than I am now. I worked on myself for 15 years and this is what you get. I'm all done. ;-)

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Talked to the boss about converting to per diem. She's receptive. Things went better than expected.


I'm entirely broken out in hives now. No joke. 


Texasmama, I am 38 I will never be any less off putting than I am now. I worked on myself for 15 years and this is what you get. I'm all done. ;-)


Yay for per diem success.


Boo to hives.


As for being off-putting, kids don't need you to sing and dance for them.  And your house doesn't need to be cover beautiful.  What's wrong with it?  You need to Kon-mari?


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Need to wha?


Our house is just run down and dark inside because it's basically a glorified log cabin that's very difficult to light. Everything is covered in dog hair no matter how often we clean. Etc. Badly in need of remodeling inside and our. Plus we just suck at being hosts.

There's nowhere to sit except at the kitchen table unless you want to pile onto a 3 person couch in the living room.


I'm thinking about parents and such not necessarily kids.


Per diem yay but now comes the worrying about making the mortgage payments, which wife is now freaking out about via text message. Not that I'm not worried about it, too, but we've been talking about this for over a month it's not like I sprung it. :-P

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I just looked up that Kon Mari thing. Oh no we get rid of clutter all the time. The most clutter is from the kids. Mostly we're pretty minimalist. It's just a dark and hairy little house. ;-)


Edit: Oh, new page.




(wookiee noises that definitely end in 'H')


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