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You know, I am the one that started the song. Susan finished it with the other verses. Just FYI. Because pathetic.

I had no idea.  My world-view is so shattered now.  I shall need to make a paradigm shift.


Or there's something to being a boy.

I have a quiet boy and a loud one.  It's the name.  Little kids shout while standing right next to you in public.


Renai, you're Renai-ning on my parade!


Clever word play.  Well done.

I didn't write a single word of it. I simply have it on an iPad note so I can copy and paste it easily. For remembrance sake. Because ITT love.

This really messes me up.  We call it Susan's song, and I don't know if I can change because habit.

Edited by texasmama
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Tuesday-Wednesday Mad Crazy Rush is over. :hurray:

While I was out dressed up as Octo-Mom tonight, Dh started wiring for our new old-but-free upright freezer.   :hurray:

AND while wiring, he found the dead mice (yes, plural) that had been stinking up the basement weeks ago.   :hurray:


All in all, a good night.  I will attempt to catch up here before falling asleep, but we shall see.


I shan't be able to keep my eyes open much longer.

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He thinks it's pretty. It's his aunt and really the person who gave up her life (marriage, career, everything) to raise him and his sisters when they were young so it is up to him. I don't think he's sentimental about it but stll up to him.

Now I'm really sad she's missing. At least you don't have the hassle of trying to sell it.

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Did not get quite 2,000 words in tonight. I'm knee deep now in working out the pathology of a disease process that affects the main character, but he's subject to the "wild type" and not the current model of the parasite. I think I need to go draw a life cycle.

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Did not get quite 2,000 words in tonight. I'm knee deep now in working out the pathology of a disease process that affects the main character, but he's subject to the "wild type" and not the current model of the parasite. I think I need to go draw a life cycle.

This writing is interfering with your ITT time.

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Did not get quite 2,000 words in tonight. I'm knee deep now in working out the pathology of a disease process that affects the main character, but he's subject to the "wild type" and not the current model of the parasite. I think I need to go draw a life cycle.


I don't think I quite followed that. But, can you get up to 2000 words tonight? Wait, what time zone are you in?

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It is in the annals of ITT history as Susan's song, no matter who is the creators are. But I also believe in giving credit where credit is due. So Susan's edition of Renai's song (and did Ikslo do some writing too?)

Nope. I copied and pasted. 'Twas the extent of my involvement.

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Speaking of chore charts, In June I spent $7 at etsy to snag just-the-right chore tags, all beautifully designed by a lovely artist-mom.  Then hours resizing them to adapt them to my needs.


I just found exactly the same ones on a homeschool blogger's site.  For free.  



Urgh.  And though blogger-chick didn't give credit, it does appear that she has not violated the etsy-chick's copyright.  



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Just you.


So all y'alls kiddos spontaneously do this sort of thing?  Because mine have a block on it, day after day after day.  Which is why it is now on the chore chart.


Etsy-chick, btw, did not have the undies chore tag.  So apparently her children are normal too.  I had to make up my own.  

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Renai, we are pushing history to the summer.  My guys can only keep up with four core classes and bball, evidently.  I actually think it will be better doing a huge block study of it, and I can be involved.  I don't know jack about world religions, though.  (as far as resources)


Little dd had the best birthday ever, she said.  She opened presents in the morning, which were wrapped in Christmas paper because busy mom.  I took her for a lunch of spring rolls at House of Pho, then to Half Price Books and bought her an ornithology guide, a stuffed penguin, and a blank book.  Then we went to the froyo place, followed by PetSmart to look at small animals, birds, and cats for adoption.  Our next stop was target, where I got her a couple of tiny minecraft toys, and we finished at Hobby Lobby, where we looked but bought nothing.  She played with her toys/drawing set and went to bball prax with the boys and then we went to Red Robin as a family.  She wore a birthday girl button.  She is such a birthday princess.  Mostly we just messed around all day going fun places she enjoys.  It was awesome.   :)


This makes me happy.  

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I call it The Case of the Abandoned Urn.  I tracked down which family member had the urn last.  They said that last they saw it was in a box in the car and they think it must have been stolen out of there.  Who keeps ashes in an urn in the trunk?  Anyway. . . .  I'm going to go pick it up since no one else wants to do anything and I think it is rude and disrespectful to do nothing when complete strangers took the time and trouble to id the urn and to track us down.  I'm a bit fed up with family, including dh, right at the moment.  


I don't know what this makes me.  Bizarre, Jean.  Bizarre.  

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So all y'alls kiddos spontaneously do this sort of thing? Because mine have a block on it, day after day after day. Which is why it is now on the chore chart.


Etsy-chick, btw, did not have the undies chore tag. So apparently her children are normal too. I had to make up my own.

Mine bathe every day. Bath = fresh panties

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:lol: Just wait until you have three of them, missy.


You'll bathe them once a week, and that only if they are complaining of feeling itchy.

Nope. If I have triplets this time everyone will still be bathed every day. I'm sure there are things that you do every day that I don't, like feed them, but both of my kids have been bathed every day of their lives (except once in 2014) and will continue to be bathed every day. It's important to me.

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Nope. If I have triplets this time everyone will still be bathed every day. I'm sure there are things that you do every day that I don't, like feed them, but both of my kids have been bathed every day of their lives (except once in 2014) and will continue to be bathed every day. It's important to me.




I don't even think my kids have been bathed every week.


I think it would give them dry skin. I shower most days but not every day. 

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Renai. Go the fart to sleep!


I will if you will.


ETA: Booyah.


Tonight my sweet daughter told me about her Veterans' Day assembly song. It's a wealthy area we live in and her father is one of very, very few veterans. She asked about the other branches. For the record, everyone on my side of the family is Marines. He's the only Army man.


Daughter: 'But dad's in the Army, right?"


Me: 'Yep. He's active duty.'


Her: 'What are the other ones? Marines... Army...'


Me: 'Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard.'


Her: 'But the Marines go in first, right, mom?'


Me: 'Oh hon... don't let your daddy catch you saying that...' 


Her: 'And out last...'



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Well. . . .I just discovered when I went to take my evening meds that in the midst of Urn-gate I had forgotten to take my morning meds including my diabetic ones.  No wonder my bloodsugar went out of control.  No kicking me please, I'm kicking myself hard enough.  


:grouphug:   No kicking here.  I think that's great news because it explains what was going on with your blood sugar.  Hope you feel better today!


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