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I loved my Franklin.


I loved my Day Runner before that. I remember when those things first came out; I was in a store and saw a display of these amazing...books. Didn't even really have a name for them. And it had everything I wanted--a two-page calendar, section for addresses, section for contacts...it was as if someone had sat and interviewed me for hours and designed this book especially for me.


Geek. :D


I made the change to Franklin many years later...I forget why. Maybe it was the dated daily pages? IDK. Too long ago. But Franklin also had *pretty* pages. :D


I'm a big fan of momAgenda.  So pretty!  So many options! Starts in August!  And it doesn't get screwed up every time it syncs like iCal. Plus I can throw it in the crawlspace at the end of the year, in hopes that someday I'll turn all the scribbled notes in it into baby books for the kids.  (Not likely; but at least that makes me feel better about being a bad momma)


However, momAgenda only has space for four children.  Nina at momAgenda, I need more space!!   :toetap05:

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I'm a big fan of momAgenda.  So pretty!  So many options! Starts in August!  And it doesn't get screwed up every time it syncs like iCal. Plus I can throw it in the crawlspace at the end of the year, in hopes that someday I'll turn all the scribbled notes in it into baby books for the kids.  (Not likely; but at least that makes me feel better about being a bad momma)


However, momAgenda only has space for four children.  Nina at momAgenda, I need more space!!   :toetap05:


Oh, I remember one of the reasons I liked Franklin instead of Day Runner: Franklin's calendars began in quarters, whereas Day Runner only began in January, IYKWIM.

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Had a brief e-mail conversation with Landon's social worker today. I'm keeping things brief because I don't want anything I say to be misconstrued, KWIM? Anyway, she said they are working for reunification and so temporary custody will be with someone local, but if they aren't able to reunify, they will keep us in mind.


Which is fine. I just want us to be officially in the loop.

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I'm home from CC day.


I'm having popcorn and half a glass of wine.  Ahhhhh.  I don't even have any responsibilities on Mondays, but still it's nice to be home.  And quiet.  The problem with homeschool groups (well, one of their problems) is that once a week is not enough repetition for kids to learn appropriate classroom behavior, imho. 


I still use a paper planner.  This one:  https://www.taylorintime.com/product/2016-day-planner-refill-white/I've used it ever since my auditing days with Arthur Andersen.  They provided it for us and even though I only worked there 2 years, it is still my favorite. 


I don't remember any preggo dreams. 


My 7yo is playing school with pretend children now. 


Renai, glad you're home.  Hope you feel better on the meds soon!

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I'm home from CC day.


I'm having popcorn and half a glass of wine.  Ahhhhh.  I don't even have any responsibilities on Mondays, but still it's nice to be home.  And quiet.  The problem with homeschool groups (well, one of their problems) is that once a week is not enough repetition for kids to learn appropriate classroom behavior, imho. 


I still use a paper planner.  This one:  https://www.taylorintime.com/product/2016-day-planner-refill-white/I've used it ever since my auditing days with Arthur Andersen.  They provided it for us and even though I only worked there 2 years, it is still my favorite. 


I don't remember any preggo dreams. 


My 7yo is playing school with pretend children now. 


Renai, glad you're home.  Hope you feel better on the meds soon!




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Gosh I could go for some wine. I have had a headache for days. I don't know why. I haven't been reading because it's been so bad. Normally I'd just have a little wine, but no, Tex got all bossy boots and now I feel guilty about doing drugs while I'm pregnant.

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I'm home from CC day.


I'm having popcorn and half a glass of wine.  Ahhhhh.  I don't even have any responsibilities on Mondays, but still it's nice to be home.  And quiet.  The problem with homeschool groups (well, one of their problems) is that once a week is not enough repetition for kids to learn appropriate classroom behavior, imho. 


I still use a paper planner.  This one:  https://www.taylorintime.com/product/2016-day-planner-refill-white/I've used it ever since my auditing days with Arthur Andersen.  They provided it for us and even though I only worked there 2 years, it is still my favorite. 


I don't remember any preggo dreams. 


My 7yo is playing school with pretend children now. 


Renai, glad you're home.  Hope you feel better on the meds soon!


Mine's an only.  She had lots and lots of imaginary friends. I miss imaginary friends. Sigh.


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I've never been into Brad Pitt. Someone asked me who the best looking male celebrity was and I said Nick from Grimm. After watching another episode I realized he looks exactly like my husband. I guess I have a type?

I have never seen the appeal in Brad Pitt. Now that he's older and I occasionally see pictures of him with his kids I think, well, that's not so bad. But that's purely my imagination of his personality.

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Gosh I could go for some wine. I have had a headache for days. I don't know why. I haven't been reading because it's been so bad. Normally I'd just have a little wine, but no, Tex got all bossy boots and now I feel guilty about doing drugs while I'm pregnant.

My work here is done. :hat:


Are you well hydrated?



Edited by texasmama
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Sorry, Slache.  Have you tried using a hair dryer?  Sometimes the warmth will help a headache. 

Heat = nausea


My work here is done. :hat:


Are you well hydrated?


(Puts on ignore everyone who does not find Brad Pitt attractive.)


This is your final chance, people who do not find BP attractive...do you find this man attractive?  (If not, abandon all hope, ye who enter here.)


(Google Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn but do not post because of bad people who got SWB, my BFF, in trouble for nothing.))

Probably not. I keep throwing up. He's OK.

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I've had such a day!


Today, two friends texted and called about the same person with problems.


I did do school with a kid.  True story: One kid was shocked when she found that if you attend school, you do not get off your bday as a holiday. :lol:

Edited by texasmama
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I think I need popcorn as well.


I have one more violin student this afternoon, and then I am determined to go to the literature discussion group at church tonight since I actually managed to read the short story (The Dead by James Joyce).


Dinner tonight is pulled bbq pork with rice, mixed veggies, and lettuce salad.

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My work here is done. :hat:


Are you well hydrated?


(Puts on ignore everyone who does not find Brad Pitt attractive.)


This is your final chance, people who do not find BP attractive...do you find this man attractive?  (If not, abandon all hope, ye who enter here.)


(Google Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn but do not post because of bad people who got SWB, my BFF, in trouble for nothing.))


I love Brad Pitt.  I can't stand looking at his wife.  She is too, well, bony.


ETA:  VM is the reason I let my son watch LOTR instead of doing schoolwork once.  True story.

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Gosh I could go for some wine. I have had a headache for days. I don't know why. I haven't been reading because it's been so bad. Normally I'd just have a little wine, but no, Tex got all bossy boots and now I feel guilty about doing drugs while I'm pregnant.


I was going to be a bossy boots on this topic, but then Tex chimed in, so I didn't have to be the meanie.  :lol:  :lol: :lol:  



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My work here is done. :hat:


Are you well hydrated?


(Puts on ignore everyone who does not find Brad Pitt attractive.)


This is your final chance, people who do not find BP attractive...do you find this man attractive?  (If not, abandon all hope, ye who enter here.)


(Google Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn but do not post because of bad people who got SWB, my BFF, in trouble for nothing.))


I liked this for Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn.  Not for Brad Pitt. 


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We had a bad day. It started badly and ended with getting a lot less done than I had planned. Tomorrow is homeschool Halloween party at the library. Wednesday, I have to take an elderly lady that I help to the hospital for a test. Then Thursday, ds20, dd16 and I have an appointment for dental cleaning. So I was wanting to get some extra done today, but nope. Didn't happen.

Little dd started out mad at little ds because he woke her up, and everything went worse from there. I finally gave up, and we watched the neighbor harvest the soybeans from the field across the road.

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My work here is done. :hat:


Are you well hydrated?


(Puts on ignore everyone who does not find Brad Pitt attractive.)


This is your final chance, people who do not find BP attractive...do you find this man attractive? (If not, abandon all hope, ye who enter here.)


(Google Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn but do not post because of bad people who got SWB, my BFF, in trouble for nothing.))

No. Not really. I mean if he smelled nice and had a good personality, he definitely exceeds my physical baseline (two eyes, fit, etc.) but out of celebrities he is not my type.

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I cannot believe that 1 in 33 woman binge drank while pregnant. That is absolutely asinine.

That includes before they knew they were pregnant though. I didn't binge drink but I did have two drinks once! I didn't know. It was pre-morning sickness.

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Slash, I have no advice.  I had to lie down in a blacked out room with a pillow over my head.  I don't think that works with two short people hanging around.  :(


Gentle :grouphug: .

I can't even lay down. I have to keep my head above my stomach 24/7. My kids love to play together though. I've been getting up with them in the morning to feed them and do school, then I go lay down, then I get up for art, read alouds and lunch, then it's nap time, then Daddy gets home. I'm really only the sole parent from 7-1, so not bad.

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I need parenting advice.


Mary is rather non verbal and used to notify us that she needed a diaper change by walking up to us and standing at our feet. She also frequently pees on the potty (adult toilet with a kid's seat) for fun. For the past 3 days or so she has stopped telling us she needs a diaper change. Now she has diaper rash. Does this mean it's time to potty train her or something? She's about 2 1/2.

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I need parenting advice.


Mary is rather non verbal and used to notify us that she needed a diaper change by walking up to us and standing at our feet. She also frequently pees on the potty (adult toilet with a kid's seat) for fun. For the past 3 days or so she has stopped telling us she needs a diaper change. Now she has diaper rash. Does this mean it's time to potty train her or something? She's about 2 1/2.

I don't know - but wouldn't you want to get her potty trained before the new baby arrives? No time like the present.

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I need parenting advice.


Mary is rather non verbal and used to notify us that she needed a diaper change by walking up to us and standing at our feet. She also frequently pees on the potty (adult toilet with a kid's seat) for fun. For the past 3 days or so she has stopped telling us she needs a diaper change. Now she has diaper rash. Does this mean it's time to potty train her or something? She's about 2 1/2.


When did you tell her about the new baby?  And when did you get really sick?  She may be telling you that she's feeling a bit topsy-turvy.

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