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Kids back from swimming and now all including baby are gone again.  I need to:

  • clean my desk out so that I can find the bills I need to pay
  • pay them
  • move the junk in the garage back into the bleepity-bleep-bleep crawlspace
  • except for the junk that I plan to kon-mari
  • but can't because dh wants to "discuss" kon-mari-ing it first, and keeps putting that discussion off because he's not emotionally ready for it,
  • and cook ziti for the babysitter tonight
  • so that we can go out on a date
  • which should be lovely date because we actually have a reservation and won't just end up at the vietnamese lunch counter place again
  • unless we discuss kon-mari-ing things 
  • in which case the date will be a flop because I will feel like he values our exersaucer and  his dad's broken end table over my own sanity
  • while he will feel that I am foolishly unwilling to plan for future unforeseen circumstances in which we may NEED an exersaucer and his dad's broken end table.


I am overwhelmed.  Hence/Thus I think I will start with lunch.  

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Kids back from swimming and now all including baby are gone again.  I need to:

  • clean my desk out so that I can find the bills I need to pay
  • pay them
  • move the junk in the garage back into the bleepity-bleep-bleep crawlspace
  • except for the junk that I plan to kon-mari
  • but can't because dh wants to "discuss" kon-mari-ing it first, and keeps putting that discussion off because he's not emotionally ready for it,
  • and cook ziti for the babysitter tonight
  • so that we can go out on a date
  • which should be lovely date because we actually have a reservation and won't just end up at the vietnamese lunch counter place again
  • unless we discuss kon-mari-ing things 
  • in which case the date will be a flop because I will feel like he values our exersaucer and  his dad's broken end table over my own sanity
  • while he will feel that I am foolishly unwilling to plan for future unforeseen circumstances in which we may NEED an exersaucer and his dad's broken end table.


I am overwhelmed.  Hence/Thus I think I will start with lunch.  

That's the strangest spelling of wine I've ever seen.

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Quackers, you need our husbands to go on a date. Mine learned a long time ago that allowing me to do whatever I want* makes for a happier home and has talked several other husbands into allowing their wives more freedom in the areas of purging, cooking styles, keeping the finances, getting a new car etc.



*within reason of family needs

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Yes, wine.

Because whine.



But sadly, all I have is a bowl of baked chickpeas and homemade pita chips.  Which is yummalicious, but not wine.  


We always have wine. Once the box is half emtpy Matt's all "WE'RE ALMOST OUT OF WINE!" :willy_nilly: which if funny because I'm really the one that drinks it. We're out now because I specified do. not. get. wine. We're poor. I need talking rain.

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Quackers, you need our husbands to go on a date. Mine learned a long time ago that allowing me to do whatever I want* makes for a happier home and has talked several other husbands into allowing their wives more freedom in the areas of purging, cooking styles, keeping the finances, getting a new car etc.



*within reason of family needs


Definitely.  I've got my dayplanner. When's good for Matt?  Dh is free.... always.  (We are homebodies.)  :laugh:


Thankfully, for a guy who was a bachelor until age 41, he's come a.long.way.   Even in the area of (most) purging, but also in lots of other areas as well.  I'd actually prefer he take a more active role in managing finances, but money stresses him and I'm much more organized about it anyway.  


He IS sentimental, though; so he assigns great value to things that are (to me) just objects.  

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Am I the only one who wants to know the ingredients in Tex's cat pee lotion?  You know, just to know if it actually lists cat pee?  


This is the lotion -




I got two 12 oz bottles for $5.

Yeah, but she's in Mexico. Then his sister got on the phone and started with the "why don't you..." bit. I shut that down real quick. 

We are your family.  What do you need from us?


We always have wine. Once the box is half emtpy Matt's all "WE'RE ALMOST OUT OF WINE!" :willy_nilly: which if funny because I'm really the one that drinks it. We're out now because I specified do. not. get. wine. We're poor. I need talking rain.

Plus pg!  No wine for you!  (Said in Soup Nazi voice.)

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We have wine here that has been aging 20 years.  Not on purpose.  Well, I suppose partly on purpose since I gave up drinking on my 21st birthday.  

Maybe it's worth money.


Plus pg!  No wine for you!  (Said in Soup Nazi voice.)

I'm really not sold on that. 4 oz of wine twice a week isn't going to hurt the baby. Besides, you don't even believe that I'm pregnant. :P

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We always have wine. Once the box is half emtpy Matt's all "WE'RE ALMOST OUT OF WINE!" :willy_nilly: which if funny because I'm really the one that drinks it. We're out now because I specified do. not. get. wine. We're poor. I need talking rain.


He just knows how to keep you happy.   :D


Our first years were a little rough too -- We've both grown so much... I'd never really want to go back to the early years of our marriage.  At least now we both know what faults we are dealing with, and how to deal with them.  If keeping him means keeping the broken top half of his grandmother's junky table, then I will keep the broken top half of his grandmother's junky table.   :rolleyes:

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Ha!  Tex, did you read the top 1-star review?  


"I was extremely disappointed to find out that the new & improved formula had not changed for the better. It had a subtly pungent smell and was sticky and left a waxy film on my sheets, the clients' skin and on the clients' clothes... Unfortunately, I got complaints."

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Maybe it's worth money.


I'm really not sold on that. 4 oz of wine twice a week isn't going to hurt the baby. Besides, you don't even believe that I'm pregnant. :p


I'm not sold on it either. Look at Europe. Their kids are a lot smarter than American kids and they drink wine all the time.

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Ha!  Tex, did you read the top 1-star review?  


"I was extremely disappointed to find out that the new & improved formula had not changed for the better. It had a subtly pungent smell and was sticky and left a waxy film on my sheets, the clients' skin and on the clients' clothes... Unfortunately, I got complaints."


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Don't tell Tex, but I had some yam fries at lunch.  She can tell me "I told you so" later when I test my bloodsugar.  (But hopefully not since I'm really not trying to let it go high.)

I see you are following the old adage "It is better to ask forgiveness than permission."  


I would advise no more than five of these IF you had asked.


P.S.  Not a blood sugar expert, just bossy like that.

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Don't tell Tex, but I had some yam fries at lunch.  She can tell me "I told you so" later when I test my bloodsugar.  (But hopefully not since I'm really not trying to let it go high.)

I see you are following the old adage "It is better to ask forgiveness than permission."  


I would advise no more than five of these IF you had asked.


P.S.  Not a blood sugar expert, just bossy like that.

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But what if wine drinking only makes kids smarter in socialist countries in which all children have equal opportunities? It might have the opposite effect in capitalist countries.


This is logical. I didn't drink with John and he's brilliant. I had one glass with Mary and she's... not.

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