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I just got out of my second chiropractic appointment. I was just literally prescribed the hula. I have to do the hula everyday for 5 minutes. I know no one would appreciate this more than my ITT friends.


I know I'm behind.  Has Ellie provided you with instructional videos? 

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Dd13 has a teaching "body" with removable heart, liver, spleen etc.  I say that trumps any old skeleton!  




You removed your son's organs for teaching moments?!?!?

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Thank you for posting that.  That's awesome that you get started so early!  I do agree with you about getting one-on-one (or one-on-two!) skill work done early.  I'm toast after lunch, even if they're not.  But we don't start quite that early!  When my oldest was little, my dh worked evening/night shifts and we never got going really early.  Now, dh and I get up early and have our coffee in quiet without kids.  It's usually the best (only) time that he and I are alone, so I don't mess with that.  Our pattern has been to start "morning time" at 9:00 and then at 10:00 I start one-on-one instruction.  By 1:00 or so hopefully only independent reading, quick workbook stuff, piano and chess are left to do because I don't want to keep teaching that long.  But I am hoping to get an 8:30 start instead of 9:00.     


Anyway, I digress, but your routine is helpful!   


A bit of good news.  My 12yo dd took the practice test at the end of the first Key to Fractions workbook and only missed a couple little things, and that's after not doing math all summer.  So that was encouraging.  I think I might be able to have her progress though some of the other fraction concepts without doing every single exercise.  The other thing is that the girls' sewing lessons won't start back up until the end of September, so hopefully we'll be in a good routine by then.         

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I want this skeleton, but it is a little beyond my budget, which is about ten cents.




Sadly, most of the skeletons are not life-sized so what is the point?  Who wants a skeleton to put on a shelf?  


Whoa whoa whoa!  When I first saw the discussions of teaching skeletons I googled them, and the ones I was finding were a LOT less expensive than that!  Why are you choosing the costly ones?

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You really don't want that particular one. It has only one star. One star stuff sucks. You want 4 stars. Be good to yourself.


ETA: This one is for you, it has 5 stars. http://www.amazon.com/Wellden-Life-size-Anatomical-Skeleton-Vertebral/dp/B007YV18O0/ref=pd_sim_sbs_328_4/186-4956998-9763956?ie=UTF8&refRID=0P2TQTP15DGEF0350FRN


Much better price.  Mama Renai has been looking out for you while I was gone.  Good job, Renai.

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Whoa whoa whoa!  When I first saw the discussions of teaching skeletons I googled them, and the ones I was finding were a LOT less expensive than that!  Why are you choosing the costly ones?

I was just randomly linking to one.  I will not be getting a skeleton, but I will always kind of want one...

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Renai, my boys are horrified at the thought of speaking Spanish in a practice group. This is their first year next year so maybe once they are further in. You rock that group, though!

Well, no one can see each other, and many sign in with names like Head Ninja Elephant. Have them sign up anyway. I have my own classroom. We can set up time for them every once in awhile. Because I like you.

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I went to the chiropractor and for a massage at the chiro place.  It was all very beneficial.


While I was there, college girl called - hit it to voice mail.  Then my dad called - hit it to voice mail.  Then as I was getting on the massage table, the kids called - hit it to voice mail then worried about what it could be during the massage since they were likely home alone.  Tried to relax during massage.  Got up off the massage table to a text from dh saying to call him at once.  Stood there naked in the massage room calling dh because I think someone is dead or dying, and I will forever regret not picking up the phone.  Dh tells me that a child has spilled an entire bottle of pancake syrup on the couch, and he just wanted me to know so I was not surprised.  I told him I was naked and afraid and would have to call him back. Kids call while I am hanging up with dh to tell me about the syrup.  I am still naked and afraid.  Put on clothes, as it seemed the next prudent action to take, went out to the car and listened to my dad's message.  He has been stung by an asp and wants me to call right away.  So I do, but since he didn't reach me immediately, he had called SIL.  He is fine, but he needed to talk about it.  Get home, and discover the furniture moved in an attempt to clean syrup.  The syrup has leaked through the couch onto our very old area rug.  The smell (cheap stuff I had bought for Nan) hits me as I walk through the door.  Everything I touch is sticky because kids cleaning up after a mess like this don't wash their hands.  An entire bottle was spilled.  


Little dd looked at me and said, "Mom, you need a vacation."  (Alone, I hope?)  :leaving:


ETA:  Also, the orthodontist called to get me to schedule little dd to put on her braces "so she can get used to them before school starts".  Well, we homeschool, and unless it is free you will need to wait for my schedule, oh cheerful-sounding orthodontic high pressure phone call lady.


I AM CRANKY NOW.  (Where is my little Duck?  I think I need her...)


My kids are rallying their stuffed animals to visit you in Dreamland tonight and love on you.  Please let me know if the panda gives a good massage.  He just started his practice.



ETA:  I know this was 2 weeks ago, but we are living vicariously (somewhat) through my catching up, so the menagerie will visit you tonight.  The loving is magical, and should have good effects retroactively.

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Is it just me, or does anyone else feel uncomfortable having neighbor kids wander in and out of your house? I am ready to start locking the doors (though that means my own kids would sometimes be locked out). I HAVE explained that they need to knock or ring the doorbell and/or wait for someone in our family to let them in. Sigh.

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Is it just me, or does anyone else feel uncomfortable having neighbor kids wander in and out of your house? I am ready to start locking the doors (though that means my own kids would sometimes be locked out).

Would them occasionally being locked out be such a bad thing? Really? But yes, that's rude. Knock please.

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Is it just me, or does anyone else feel uncomfortable having neighbor kids wander in and out of your house? I am ready to start locking the doors (though that means my own kids would sometimes be locked out). I HAVE explained that they need to knock or ring the doorbell and/or wait for someone in our family to let them in. Sigh.


It's not just you.  That's ridiculous.  Not only would I not like them wandering in and out, I'm not big on the idea of spontaneous social visits without planning at least 24 hours ahead.  (But I'm anti-social that way!)



eta: I would definitely lock the doors.

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My kids are rallying their stuffed animals to visit you in Dreamland tonight and love on you. Please let me know if the panda gives a good massage. He just started his practice.



ETA: I know this was 2 weeks ago, but we are living vicariously (somewhat) through my catching up, so the menagerie will visit you tonight. The loving is magical, and should have good effects retroactively.

I accept this, as I can still smell syrup.
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Is it just me, or does anyone else feel uncomfortable having neighbor kids wander in and out of your house? I am ready to start locking the doors (though that means my own kids would sometimes be locked out). I HAVE explained that they need to knock or ring the doorbell and/or wait for someone in our family to let them in. Sigh.

That's not cool. Teach your kids the secret knock to gain entry.
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Page 224 finished, and I'm out of likes (argety argh argh argh!).


*Sigh*  I guess I'd better go do something useful again.  Neato is running around, too, and since it's the weekend DH will see me if I switch Neato off.  Dust mops are much quieter.

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It's not just you. That's ridiculous. Not only would I not like them wandering in and out, I'm not big on the idea of spontaneous social visits without planning at least 24 hours ahead. (But I'm anti-social that way!)



eta: I would definitely lock the doors.

Whew. So I am not crazy. I found one boy (9yo?) sitting in dd12's bunk bed with a stack of paper and a pencil. I think he was drawing. Uh, you are not supposed to be in here, child...


I try to be extra patient because some of the kids do not come from the best of home situations. (The 9yo mentioned that his mom is in jail "for driving at night", whatever that means. The dad of a couple of the boys is often working construction out of state for months at a time and their mom is a bit "off".)

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Whew. So I am not crazy. I found one boy (9yo?) sitting in dd12's bunk bed with a stack of paper and a pencil. I think he was drawing. Uh, you are not supposed to be in here, child...


I try to be extra patient because some of the kids do not come from the best of home situations. (The 9yo mentioned that his mom is in jail "for driving at night", whatever that means. The dad of a couple of the boys is often working construction out of state for months at a time and their mom is a bit "off".)


:scared: what the what??  :confused1:  At least you know your kids' friends are comfortable around you...

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I am quite sure that at the beginning of every summer I determine that my (older) kids will go through a typing course (and learn to type in the process), and round about the first part of August I realize that it hasn't happened.


It IS possible, right? I mean, I already have them set up with accounts on a free program. I just have to ask them to do their most favoritest thing - sit in front of a screen - and do the lessons. It should not be this difficult!!

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I am quite sure that at the beginning of every summer I determine that my (older) kids will go through a typing course (and learn to type in the process), and round about the first part of August I realize that it hasn't happened.


It IS possible, right? I mean, I already have them set up with accounts on a free program. I just have to ask them to do their most favoritest thing - sit in front of a screen - and do the lessons. It should not be this difficult!!

Typing failure here, too. I try hard. I buy programs. Nothing helps. I think they need an actual course. Do cc's teach keyboarding?
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I want Rusty to go to camp.

I thought about it but we are very very busy at camp.  Too busy to give any attention to a loveable but naughty little bunny.  His camp will be at the bunny rescue lady's house.  She did say that he will stay in her living room and not in the big barn with all the other rescues and that made me feel a bit better.  

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I thought about it but we are very very busy at camp. Too busy to give any attention to a loveable but naughty little bunny. His camp will be at the bunny rescue lady's house. She did say that he will stay in her living room and not in the big barn with all the other rescues and that made me feel a bit better.

He will have a good time at his own camp. :)
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Laundry room is now painted.  I'm sick of painting.


Told DS we are starting back to school tomorrow  - light schedule until September, but still.  He's not thrilled.  Our schedule is easy to figure out since I only have the one. :)






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Oh!  I almost forgot.  You all shamed me into working out, so instead of sitting on my butt while DS played at the park today, I got up and walked around the playground 15 times.  Yyuuuuup, I counted.   :thumbup1:  At approximately 2 minutes a lap, that's 30 minutes, and we rode our bikes there and back, so it was like almost an hour of exercise.  You girls are awesome at the subliminal motivations.




Yes.  Clearly the very best way for me to get off my duff is to get back to my daily ITT dosage.  I got more done these past few days (when I returned to the thread) than I did on the days I "was too busy/overloaded/overstimulated".


I've even been eyeballing our exercise equipment and thinking about utilizing it.  And it's all due to you gals.

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I clearly have a macadamia problem.  I love them, but they don't love me, apparently, especially if I eat an entire package in one day (and do so for 3 days straight).


Go easy on the macadamias, everyone!

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This is the thread that's always there

They'll cheer you up so don't despair

The group is growing well as more people start checking in

And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive


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