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Ok, I know you said not to teach a course on VHG, but what about a time for conversational Spanish for those taking the Spanish class? I'm asking here, because ya'll are good about telling me what to do.

I don't know what we're talking about, but you don't need a full time commitment.

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I don't know what we're talking about, but you don't need a full time commitment.


It is Virtual Homeschool Group. It would not be a full time commitment. I could just have a couple hours a week available of open hours time that students could come in and practice their Spanish. When I say "come in," I mean into an online classroom.

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It is Virtual Homeschool Group. It would not be a full time commitment. I could just have a couple hours a week available of open hours time that students could come in and practice their Spanish. When I say "come in," I mean into an online classroom.

I approve assuming the hours aren't strenuous and you don't have a lot of prep work. Will you be paid?

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I approve assuming the hours aren't strenuous and you don't have a lot of prep work. Will you be paid?


No, it is volunteer work. But, my oldest dd took a class with them last year and will this year (assuming I homeschool), and they are all volunteers.

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I found a cheap area rug at Sam's.  Dh wants to wait to find a better one.  I told him we don't want a better one while we have kids.  And he's not the one who smells cheap vanilla spice syrup for hours every day.  Also, he gets very cranky about new stuff so I don't want anything we care about.  Kids and pets are hard on stuff so we need to go very low class until they are moved on.


I cannot stand the smell of cheap vanilla. I approve your purchase of said cheap rug.

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DH wants a sailboat.  Did I ever mention that?   He wants to live on a sailboat.  Down in FL.  So the Manager of our FL location contacted me today about something work related, asking if I had gotten something from sb else yet, to which I answered:

"Nope.  :(

Did you get me my raise and transfer, yet? :drool: "


And he said of course he did, and did I need a place to stay?  So I played along and by the end of it I think I may be moving to FL. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:









(Edited because my smiley didn't work.)

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DH wants a sailboat.  Did I ever mention that?   He wants to live on a sailboat.  Down in FL.  So the Manager of our FL location contacted me today about something work related, asking if I had gotten something from sb else yet, to which I answered:

"Nope.  :(

Did you get me my raise and transfer, yet? :drool: "


And he said of course he did, and did I need a place to stay?  So I played along and by the end of it I think I may be moving to FL. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:









(Edited because my smiley didn't work.)

I like this plan for you.

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Homeschooling on a sailboat would be fun for an 8 year old, I think.


Don't want to do your math?  Fine.  Here's some brass to polish.

Don't feel like conjugating German verbs?  Let's have gym class instead.  Today we're having a diving class.  The barnacles need to be scraped off.  Have at it.

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Crossposting this from my tackle thread because you all are my peeps too.  (PS - Renai, go answer my question on the Nooooooooo! thread)


I am crispy charred toast.  I way over did it today.  


A.M.  - worked for a couple of hours at the big regional library on my camp lesson plans.  Got a lot done.



Picked up kids.

Took shower.


Headed out the door to the chiropractor.  Where I discovered a substitute chiropractor.  I was embarrassed but I had to explain that the only chiro who has not hurt me is the usual chiropractor - and not just to make me sore but the wrong chiro puts me into pain for days.  Dd decided to go ahead with the adjustment and likes the substitute better than the usual one!  But I just could not chance it.  (The receptionist was a bit put out that I had turned down the adjustment.  I was a bit put out that she hadn't called to warn me since it is right in my file that no one is allowed to touch me other than the usual doc!)


grocery store

gas station

another grocery store because I forgot a key ingredient for dinner.

Made dinner

ran out the door to deliver dd to the Y.

got home to find dh  home and eating dinner.

now he's run out the door to church.


I'm supposed to take Rocky for our walk tonight but I'm not sure I can.  I'll see.  If I can't move, then we won't go.  If I get a second wind, then we will.  

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Crossposting this from my tackle thread because you all are my peeps too.  (PS - Renai, go answer my question on the Nooooooooo! thread)


I am crispy charred toast.  I way over did it today.  


A.M.  - worked for a couple of hours at the big regional library on my camp lesson plans.  Got a lot done.



Picked up kids.

Took shower.


Headed out the door to the chiropractor.  Where I discovered a substitute chiropractor.  I was embarrassed but I had to explain that the only chiro who has not hurt me is the usual chiropractor - and not just to make me sore but the wrong chiro puts me into pain for days.  Dd decided to go ahead with the adjustment and likes the substitute better than the usual one!  But I just could not chance it.  (The receptionist was a bit put out that I had turned down the adjustment.  I was a bit put out that she hadn't called to warn me since it is right in my file that no one is allowed to touch me other than the usual doc!)


grocery store

gas station

another grocery store because I forgot a key ingredient for dinner.

Made dinner

ran out the door to deliver dd to the Y.

got home to find dh  home and eating dinner.

now he's run out the door to church.


I'm supposed to take Rocky for our walk tonight but I'm not sure I can.  I'll see.  If I can't move, then we won't go.  If I get a second wind, then we will.  


That's a lot for one day.  I'm pooped just reading it.

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Oh!  I almost forgot.  You all shamed me into working out, so instead of sitting on my butt while DS played at the park today, I got up and walked around the playground 15 times.  Yyuuuuup, I counted.   :thumbup1:  At approximately 2 minutes a lap, that's 30 minutes, and we rode our bikes there and back, so it was like almost an hour of exercise.  You girls are awesome at the subliminal motivations.



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Oh! I almost forgot. You all shamed me into working out, so instead of sitting on my butt while DS played at the park today, I got up and walked around the playground 15 times. Yyuuuuup, I counted. :thumbup1: At approximately 2 minutes a lap, that's 30 minutes, and we rode our bikes there and back, so it was like almost an hour of exercise. You girls are awesome at the subliminal motivations.



I walked a mile today.

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I literally toss sliced peaches in a skillet with honey and cinnamon. I do it with apples and strawberries too. Easy peasy japanesy. :)

That sounds great. I'm gonna have to try that. I have a ton of peaches and I'm tired of canning. I got 33 quarts already from 1 1/3 trees. And I still have a bunch!
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Had a good day at work.  One of my 3 yr old little girls just came back form holiday.  She played minding her business all day, at about 530pm when it was just her and I she suddenly stops what she is doing, takes a closer look at my legs (I was wearing capris) and says in a very concerned voice "WHy you have pokey stuff on you legs?" hmmm, perhaps I need to shave my legs before work tomorrow.  

Actually after work tomorrow I am high tailing it to the city to get to IKEA before they close (IKEA is 2 hours from me) to pick up what I need for the girls room with no kids in my car.  THen get my butt home and unload it all into the house.  I am back in the city Saturday to pick up 3 of my kids, ds11 has decided to stay an extra 2 weeks at gramma's.  At swim lessons, some mom made a complaint claiming my son pulled her daughter under the water.  Teacher swears it never happened.  But to appease the mom who has been carrying on for 3 days every day this week they have had 2 extra people watching my son's lessons.  One of which is the program director.  It worked out to son's advantage.  They all say they believe the teacher, this girl was not ready for this level and is blaming her inability on son, yet she will not stay away from son, she wants to constantly be in his space.  AND according to the program director son has a beautiful whip kick and really this level is not challenging enough for him, so they are having him skip swimmer 4, and go right to swimmer 5 next week(he is in swimmer 3 right now).  ANd girl is failing lesson, so she will never be in a class with ds again. He is so excited by this.  Pretty good since my kids only get swimming lessons once a year for 2 weeks and we rarely swim.  I told ds before this set in swimmer 3 that if he passed it next spring he was joining the local swim team because it is good exercise for his bad leg.  He is so thrilled that now he has a chance to do swimmer 5 and will be really ready for swim team (teens have to rejoin too, they did it a few years back, I told them they also have to rejoin next spring just to bring up their skills, since they have refused lessons for a long time and ds16 is only in swimmer 4 and dd15 is in swimmer 5) he is also thrilled that even though he feels dumb in summer school because he doesn't know what the other kids know (due to his disabilities) that he is really good at something.

Guess I should get some chores done around here.  I got home from work, talked to my littles and my mother, and then spent 2.5 hours on the IKEA website figuring out what I want to buy. Hopefully the store will have the beds I want, according to the site they only have 2 left in stock and I need 2.  I would order online but don't have a credit card, only a visa debit.  Hate to drive all hat way to not find what I want (the list is more than the beds, but they are the most important part of the trip), maybe I should phone there before I leave town to be sure.

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Y'all, Mr. Ellie and I drove 3000+ miles since July 4. We went to Virginia Beach to visit cousins, and Williamsburg, and the Yankee Candle flagship store; and then we drove down to Hatteras, NC, for a family reunion for 68 of my closest cousins. You might not be surprised to know that I was in charge. :D Then we drove home. No car trouble; a little wild weather on the way there, but otherwise it was beautiful. Tomorrow I'll download pictures from my camera and post a couple, just so you can see the beautimous sight of us all wearing our color-coded t-shirts. :-)


I missed you all biggie bunches. And I'm so proud of you for keeping this going! Well done!

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Can you call and ask them to hold them for you?  I don't know if they will, but it is worth a shot. 

WHen I call before I leave town if they have 2 still there I am going to ask, and explain it is a  2 hour drive.  With everything on my list I plan on spending around $400 so lets hope they want the sale bad enough.

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I went to the chiropractor and for a massage at the chiro place.  It was all very beneficial.


While I was there, college girl called - hit it to voice mail.  Then my dad called - hit it to voice mail.  Then as I was getting on the massage table, the kids called - hit it to voice mail then worried about what it could be during the massage since they were likely home alone.  Tried to relax during massage.  Got up off the massage table to a text from dh saying to call him at once.  Stood there naked in the massage room calling dh because I think someone is dead or dying, and I will forever regret not picking up the phone.  Dh tells me that a child has spilled an entire bottle of pancake syrup on the couch, and he just wanted me to know so I was not surprised.  I told him I was naked and afraid and would have to call him back. Kids call while I am hanging up with dh to tell me about the syrup.  I am still naked and afraid.  Put on clothes, as it seemed the next prudent action to take, went out to the car and listened to my dad's message.  He has been stung by an asp and wants me to call right away.  So I do, but since he didn't reach me immediately, he had called SIL.  He is fine, but he needed to talk about it.  Get home, and discover the furniture moved in an attempt to clean syrup.  The syrup has leaked through the couch onto our very old area rug.  The smell (cheap stuff I had bought for Nan) hits me as I walk through the door.  Everything I touch is sticky because kids cleaning up after a mess like this don't wash their hands.  An entire bottle was spilled.  


Little dd looked at me and said, "Mom, you need a vacation."  (Alone, I hope?)  :leaving:


ETA:  Also, the orthodontist called to get me to schedule little dd to put on her braces "so she can get used to them before school starts".  Well, we homeschool, and unless it is free you will need to wait for my schedule, oh cheerful-sounding orthodontic high pressure phone call lady.


I AM CRANKY NOW.  (Where is my little Duck?  I think I need her...)


Cranky?  I am totally annoyed for you.  Here, let me finish your rant for you:  Do these people call you up and ask if they last breathed in?  or was it out?  Or could you help them because they cannot breathe for themselves?  (Ok, I guess it was thoughtful of DH to want to give you a little warning before you got home, and if he waited until the massage was over to text you, then he gets bonus points for sensitivity.)





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WHen I call before I leave town if they have 2 still there I am going to ask, and explain it is a  2 hour drive.  With everything on my list I plan on spending around $400 so lets hope they want the sale bad enough.


Brandy, did you get the beds and other things?  So excited for your room makeovers!


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Y'all, Mr. Ellie and I drove 3000+ miles since July 4. We went to Virginia Beach to visit cousins, and Williamsburg, and the Yankee Candle flagship store; and then we drove down to Hatteras, NC, for a family reunion for 68 of my closest cousins. You might not be surprised to know that I was in charge. :D Then we drove home. No car trouble; a little wild weather on the way there, but otherwise it was beautiful. Tomorrow I'll download pictures from my camera and post a couple, just so you can see the beautimous sight of us all wearing our color-coded t-shirts. :-)


I missed you all biggie bunches. And I'm so proud of you for keeping this going! Well done!



Wow!  What a trip!  Did I know you were coming this way?  Did you go through KY?  Glad you had a good trip!


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DH wants a sailboat.  Did I ever mention that?   He wants to live on a sailboat.  Down in FL.  So the Manager of our FL location contacted me today about something work related, asking if I had gotten something from sb else yet, to which I answered:

"Nope.  :(

Did you get me my raise and transfer, yet? :drool: "


And he said of course he did, and did I need a place to stay?  So I played along and by the end of it I think I may be moving to FL. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:









(Edited because my smiley didn't work.)


New party location:  Ikslo's sailboat!  :hurray:


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Cranky?  I am totally annoyed for you.  Here, let me finish your rant for you:  Do these people call you up and ask if they last breathed in?  or was it out?  Or could you help them because they cannot breathe for themselves?  (Ok, I guess it was thoughtful of DH to want to give you a little warning before you got home, and if he waited until the massage was over to text you, then he gets bonus points for sensitivity.)





That's how it feels!  I am in charge of all these people and pets, but I just wanted a couple of hours alone here.  

Edited by texasmama
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Brandy, did you get the beds and other things?  So excited for your room makeovers!


Not yet, it is only 8am, hoping to be at the store in 12 hours :) have to get through my work day yet.  Hope the kidlets leave early today.  Yesterday was the first day all summer I had kids there right until 6pm, I have been spoiled and they have all been going home by 515 so far, if I get lucky that will happen tonight and I will get to teh store a little earlier

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Y'all, Mr. Ellie and I drove 3000+ miles since July 4. We went to Virginia Beach to visit cousins, and Williamsburg, and the Yankee Candle flagship store; and then we drove down to Hatteras, NC, for a family reunion for 68 of my closest cousins. You might not be surprised to know that I was in charge. :D Then we drove home. No car trouble; a little wild weather on the way there, but otherwise it was beautiful. Tomorrow I'll download pictures from my camera and post a couple, just so you can see the beautimous sight of us all wearing our color-coded t-shirts. :-)


I missed you all biggie bunches. And I'm so proud of you for keeping this going! Well done!


You have a lot of catching up to do. Since you were gone and didn't leave anyone in charge, there was a power struggle, but it's been worked out now with everyone in their respective titles. It almost got bloody, though. Especially the H issue. That got kind of ugly. That is still a point of contention though. The good news is, I am now texasmama's stand-in mom, Slash isn't drugged and is doing hula, and we have dragged in another sucker member.

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I still don't have a title. :(




This is the thread that never ends

It just goes on and on my friends.

People started posting not knowing what it was

And we'll continue posting forever just because


This is the thread that never ends

You'd best come join it with your friends

Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze

And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days


This is the thread that never ends...

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If you do not have a title, you are considered a ninja elephant minion, until you are bestowed with something else. It is a real honor to be a ninja elephant minion. I am head of that division, by the way, as Head Ninja Elephant.

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