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Love it, Renai.


It's so reassuring to me, too -- play has been so important to my children (especially Ds7) and yet I often guilt myself into thinking I'm not "rigorous" enough. But I guess I follow a philosophy of play for early childhood (and even later childhood).  I'm so glad I'm able to homeschool! 


Thanks. I have to add in the references to make it official. I've always believed in play. I especially like Reggio Emilia, following children's interests and rabbit trails, basically.

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I am working on a class assignment about my philosophy of play. I'm making a prezi presentation. How does this look so far? I am nowhere being finished, but it is due tomorrow: http://prezi.com/tq7cb6v918ui/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy


Wow, that is nice!  That's a lot better than the plain ol' power points I used to use. 


I think one of the sentences got cut off (the one about what teacher-led play involves ends with "science is"). 


I love how the background reminds me of childhood art projects.   

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Mstr bdrm finally emptied (well except for the closet), and holes/dings in walls are puttied.  Tomorrow I will be sanding and washing and priming.  The worst was when I pulled the big wooden book shelf out from the corner.  I found the granddaddy of all spiders back there and the walls that met in that corner looked like they were moving there was so many spiders scattering.  I had been finding lots as I worked as clearing out (I already knew I had an infestation in the house, and I have a serious spider phobia.  I sprayed the hell out of them and the granddaddy huge one kept on coming towards me while I sprayed.  All the rest died pretty much on contact, this one went back to it's web and is sitting there. I am terrified of them but now I am timing to see how long it takes for that sob to die.  I am assuming that all the ones in the room came from the spider nest behind that bookcase.  Once I clear out the closet and make sure there is none in there I can declare that room spider free.  1 room down, the rest of the house to go lol.

I am just glad I can actually get to the painting part of this project.

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Mstr bdrm finally emptied (well except for the closet), and holes/dings in walls are puttied.  Tomorrow I will be sanding and washing and priming.  The worst was when I pulled the big wooden book shelf out from the corner.  I found the granddaddy of all spiders back there and the walls that met in that corner looked like they were moving there was so many spiders scattering.  I had been finding lots as I worked as clearing out (I already knew I had an infestation in the house, and I have a serious spider phobia.  I sprayed the hell out of them and the granddaddy huge one kept on coming towards me while I sprayed.  All the rest died pretty much on contact, this one went back to it's web and is sitting there. I am terrified of them but now I am timing to see how long it takes for that sob to die.  I am assuming that all the ones in the room came from the spider nest behind that bookcase.  Once I clear out the closet and make sure there is none in there I can declare that room spider free.  1 room down, the rest of the house to go lol.


I am just glad I can actually get to the painting part of this project.


Dang Brandy. I'm so proud of you. I can't even rally myself to wash the dishes. I hope the spider dies, because if not, your gonna have to take the largest shoe in the house and flatten him. Don't want spray-resistant spiders in there, ok?

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Dang Brandy. I'm so proud of you. I can't even rally myself to wash the dishes. I hope the spider dies, because if not, your gonna have to take the largest shoe in the house and flatten him. Don't want spray-resistant spiders in there, ok?

I'll be pulling out one of my kids combat boots lol.  I wear flip flops in the house, but this was no flip flop spider lol.  


I would still rather that one in the corner than the one that walked across the lens of the glasses as I passed the hedge on the way up the walk after work tonight.  I must have walked through it's web or a strand or something, because I sat down here to check on the hive and suddenly I was screaming nd flailing to get my glasses off my face.  It was a small black one, not huge but that close to my eye, I will not be sleeping tonight.

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Wow, that is nice!  That's a lot better than the plain ol' power points I used to use. 


I think one of the sentences got cut off (the one about what teacher-led play involves ends with "science is"). 


I love how the background reminds me of childhood art projects.   


Thanks. Oh, yeah, it is cut off. I saw that, then wanted to change the way it was set up. I now have that circle to put the definitions and citations, and a hidden frame underneath is where I will put those examples.


I still love powerpoints, and don't think they have to be boring. I am a visual person, so enjoy putting these presentations together. I think I spend as much time on the visual aspects as the content. Boo, when it is crunch time!


I'm attaching a glimpse of what my classroom was like 1.5 years ago. It is a powerpoint I put together in the first class of this program last year. I sprinkled in pictures of my classroom and other pics from the net (yes, they are cited). You have to put it on Slide Show and click through. 


ETA: can't attach. Try this link (it looks a lot better in powerpoint though):  https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8AgbG4Z0x4NeHNmTUU2dEZtVm8/view?usp=sharing

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I'll be pulling out one of my kids combat boots lol.  I wear flip flops in the house, but this was no flip flop spider lol.  


I would still rather that one in the corner than the one that walked across the lens of the glasses as I passed the hedge on the way up the walk after work tonight.  I must have walked through it's web or a strand or something, because I sat down here to check on the hive and suddenly I was screaming nd flailing to get my glasses off my face.  It was a small black one, not huge but that close to my eye, I will not be sleeping tonight.


I've had a spider incident THATCLOSE. In fact, I almost swallowed it!. I had a big cup of water I was sipping on, and had placed it on the floor next to the sofa I was lounging on. I picked it up a couple of times to take sips and never looked in. For some reason, that second or third time I picked it up looked in while it was about 0.5 inches from my mouth, and saw this big ole spider floating on top, its front two legs up ready to attack! I've never looked at another cup of water the same way.

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I've spent like an hour dividing the Bible into sizable chunks. I'm between the Sams now. Have you ever done that? It's always so exciting. "I forgot about that!" "Oh yeah, that too." "Wait,that happened?" More tomorrow. Yes we need a different thread. All of the non christians are rolling their eyes. I'm busy tomorrow, but I'll start one up. I did a Bible accountability thing in the beginning of the year but it broked. I'll try to wrangle some of those people in.

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We had the girls' birthday party last night.  at the pool.  in the rain.  Actually, in spite of a few rain interruptions, it turned out okay.  Everyone had a good time. 


So, now, I'm trying to catch up pool towel laundry again for the big end of summer swim finale.  Lots of fun and chaos the next several days. 

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Thanks. Oh, yeah, it is cut off. I saw that, then wanted to change the way it was set up. I now have that circle to put the definitions and citations, and a hidden frame underneath is where I will put those examples.


I still love powerpoints, and don't think they have to be boring. I am a visual person, so enjoy putting these presentations together. I think I spend as much time on the visual aspects as the content. Boo, when it is crunch time!


I'm attaching a glimpse of what my classroom was like 1.5 years ago. It is a powerpoint I put together in the first class of this program last year. I sprinkled in pictures of my classroom and other pics from the net (yes, they are cited). You have to put it on Slide Show and click through. 


ETA: can't attach. Try this link (it looks a lot better in powerpoint though):  https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8AgbG4Z0x4NeHNmTUU2dEZtVm8/view?usp=sharing




Jean and Tex can just ship my kids your way when they tire of them.   K? K. 

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Me three!  We could have a sub-thread reading group.




I've spent like an hour dividing the Bible into sizable chunks. I'm between the Sams now. Have you ever done that? It's always so exciting. "I forgot about that!" "Oh yeah, that too." "Wait,that happened?" More tomorrow. Yes we need a different thread. All of the non christians are rolling their eyes. I'm busy tomorrow, but I'll start one up. I did a Bible accountability thing in the beginning of the year but it broked. I'll try to wrangle some of those people in.


:iagree:   Thanks for starting one... I was thinking the same thing last night before bed.  Dh doesn't think I can do it.   :cursing:  I'll show him.....

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Brandy - You are awesome in so many ways! Moving furniture to sand and prime?! That was impressive enough, but then you combat multiple spiders. You win the ITT bravery award in my mind (along with your dd's hero award). 


AMJ - Your in-laws sound like wonderful people. I wish they were my neighbours and the weirdos would move. 


While you all were posting, dealing with spiders and such, I was playing tennis then drinking wine and scarfing down fries. Not a bad way to spend a Friday night! ;)  


I'm off to the local farmer's market for eggs, egg rolls and noodles, and other interesting things. Who would expect an amazing asian prepared food stand at a country market? I love this area for it's multicultural diversity!!  :hurray:

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My ds, age 3, will not eat dinners.  He sits there and makes articulate suggestions for other things he might like, but will not even taste the food before him.  "Maybe I could have some macawoni and cheese?"  "You already ate all that up, son."  "Maybe I could have some fwench fwies?"  "You ate all those up at lunch."


He howls when desert is served to his sister and not to him, but it doesn't make him eat.  He waits until breakfast, when he will eat half a box of Cheerios in a sitting.  Aaaargh. 


It was really good chicken, too, but no. 


I'm open to suggestions, if you have any great ideas!




To add to Tex's totally awesome answer, here are some tricks that have worked for us.  YMMV, but in case any of it helps:


My SIL taught me to give the kids "no thank you" bites of foods they didn't like -- a small portion (maybe just one bite, or one pea, if that's all they could handle) that they were required to eat anyway if they wanted dessert.  No big deal if they didn't eat it, but no dessert until they did, and over time the no-thank-you bites can get bigger. Several years of this and even my sensory kid (who once would prefer a nuclear holocaust over eating most foods) now enjoys many foods, including peas and broccoli. 


Try limited, smaller, "no-seconds" portions of his faves (like cheerios and mac and cheese) then supplement with sides like cut-up fruit or nuts or pickles or bell peppers.  Then he can get used to other flavors and textures, but in small doses.  


Or try frozen fruit, or spearing things on a toothpick, or having him "build" his own sandwich or wrap from a platter (full of deli meats + cheeses + cut-up veggies and fruits + spreads or condiments or salad dressing).  This last one sold my own kids on many things they didn't normally like.  I think the total control and fun of building it themselves (or just grazing at will) did the trick.  It's great for me too, because I just prep a divided platter dish at the start of the week and it's all ready to plunk on the table at lunchtime.   DD6 invented her all-time fave that way -- a peanut butter and cheese habanero wrap.  I definitely would've never come up with that one.  


Also, I am not a fan of power struggles or negotiations.  We don't "count" bites -- they are all just required to eat until I've said they've eaten a decent amount.  We don't make a big deal over food -- just no dessert if a decent amount of healthy food isn't consumed.  And we give small reasonable portions at meals.  Snacks between meals are very rare, and water is always available but juice reserved just for breakfast.  Change doesn't happen overnight, but age and a wide experience trying foods will slowly help.  


Oh.  And we try to make sure no one is constipated. That'll derail all your efforts if it's a problem.  

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My ds, age 3, will not eat dinners.  He sits there and makes articulate suggestions for other things he might like, but will not even taste the food before him.  "Maybe I could have some macawoni and cheese?"  "You already ate all that up, son."  "Maybe I could have some fwench fwies?"  "You ate all those up at lunch."


He howls when desert is served to his sister and not to him, but it doesn't make him eat.  He waits until breakfast, when he will eat half a box of Cheerios in a sitting.  Aaaargh. 


It was really good chicken, too, but no. 


I'm open to suggestions, if you have any great ideas!


I think you have it easier than you may think. My dh is the "picky eater" in my house, which is tougher to deal with. Thank heaven my dc are easier than him. 


Here's what I've done with my middle ds when he was going through a pickyish stage for dinner:


- There is rarely dessert for dinners for anyone (pretty much never, except very special occassions), then there is no issue about some kind of reward. The focus of the meal is on getting food for "survival" and health (as well as a social component) instead of the dessert at the end. The dc do get ice cream, candy, etc. but these aren't linked with dinner (unless they want it right BEFORE a meal, then they have to wait). 


- I serve pretty basic meals, but don't go out of my way to cater to anyone's dislikes (excpet dh!!). If they eat, good, if not, there is no snacking until a couple hours after a meal. I have no problem at all with a child not eating. I encourage them to try different foods, but don't force it. Over the years their tastes can change - which is a biological thing. There are more taste buds in children, and some people have more taste buds than others. I'm not going to fight over a certain food; over time we'll find other alternatives which provide similar nutrition.


- Throughout the day, I try to offer fruits, veggies, proteins before any empty carb foods. If the child is only going to eat one thing, at least make it something healthy, IMO. 


- There are no allergy issues here, which is nice. I'm thinking that this would change meal routines a lot when trying to navigate through that.

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So, as you know dd15 is at a dance intensive for 4 weeks - 2 down, 2 to go. Well, yesterday, some girl was swing around her Theraband, and hit dd in the eye. She called yesterday saying it was swollen and in pain. She told me that if it didn't get better, they would call. So, I get the call once I got home from dd4's soccer game. One of the girl's dads that is there is an ophthalmologist, and suggested she be taken to see one in town to get a good look at it on the high tech equipment. At this point, all I know is it is still swollen, we don't know if there is serious damage. :(

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Good morning folks.  

Wintermom that farmer's market sounds awesome.

I miss going to the farmer's market in St. Albert.  It was huge and so many amazing finds.  Out here in my town they hold a "farmer's market" for 1 day only during the town ag fair, it usually has 3 tables.  The next town over has a weekly one but it is 99% home businesses like tupperware and discovery toys not actual food products. I love just wandering a good farmer's market and taking in the sounds, listening to buskers, buying some fresh produce to nibble on while I walk.  When we lived in the city I took the kids nearly every saturday in the summer to the st. albert one just to see what we could see.  Fun activity, and as cheap or expensive as I wanted it to be each week.

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So, as you know dd15 is at a dance intensive for 4 weeks - 2 down, 2 to go. Well, yesterday, some girl was swing around her Theraband, and hit dd in the eye. She called yesterday saying it was swollen and in pain. She told me that if it didn't get better, they would call. So, I get the call once I got home from dd4's soccer game. One of the girl's dads that is there is an ophthalmologist, and suggested she be taken to see one in town to get a good look at it on the high tech equipment. At this point, all I know is it is still swollen, we don't know if there is serious damage. :(

(((hugs)))  I'm sure it is just precautionary, but what a stupid thing to have happen.  Is it bad that I am irritated at the girl for swinging around her Theraband???

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All my kids went through a picky stage, and while they all still sometimes choose to not eat what I serve, I don't usually do dessert and I don't allow them to make something else.  I have always done the no thank you serving.  I generally make what they like anyway, my food is pretty much prepared with the kids in mind, with few exceptions such as making fish becuase oldest like it but rest don't, or asparagus because the girls like it but not the boys etc.  I get them involved in the preparations, it helped them feel ownership for the food and they were more willing to taste it.  I make sure there is at least 1 food on that plate they love and lots of it in the pots for them to fill up on.  When they were small I also cooked the food pretty blandly, they liked it better bland, now they prefer well seasoned food (I rarely use salt and pepper in my cooking or while serving, I use a lot of other seasonings though).  

We have a few picky kids at the daycare too, if I am cooking something I know a few won't eat I make adjustments, for example, 3 of the kids don't like pizza, so instead I make them melted cheese toast to eat while the rest eat cheese pizza.  Or if I am making my parmesan/parsley chicken for them because the child with tomato allergy is there, and a few won't eat it because it looks different (usually I make a sweet bbq sauce to put on it but it is tomato based) then I make sure I have made their favorite veggie(corn) and noodles for the starch.  That way I know everyone will have a full belly at naptime.  

I do not argue about food with kids.  My rules is you start with a small amount of everything on your plate, if you want seconds of your favorites you have to have had at least 1 bite of everything else (the no thank you serving), then you can have more of the favorite.  Repeat for thirds etc.  

My older kids will sometimes go to cook something else later if they didn't like the dinner, generally a can of soup or a box of kd.  I refuse to cook new meals for anyone, you eat what is served, but if they want to cook something an hour later they can as long as they clean up after themselves.

I have friends and family who do the count the bites, then they will go make the kid a peanut butter sandwich or something else to eat.  Different perspective than how I do things.  I have been more of that bossy parent that says "eat or starve, I don't care, but don't complain to me about it", they all eat pretty well now with a varied diet so it seems to have worked for my particular kids.

I will say too there was lots of foods I didn't like growing up, my mom would make us sit there until we cleaned our plate.  some of those things I still will not eat due to bad memories they bring up, but some of them it turns out I do like them, I just didn't like how she cooked them.  It is the same with my kids, there is foods they love, but if gramma cooks them they will not eat them.  So not to say you are a bad cook, but it could be they think they don't like a food because of how you prepared it.  LIke maybe they prefer raw peas to cooked ones, or raw broccoli with ranch to dip rather than steamed etc.

ETA: I have anephew who won't eat anything on his plate unless he has "dip" as in ketchup or bbq sauce or syrup(won't eat eggs without syrup on them) etc.  My kids rarely got things like that, ketchup was used only for dipping certain foods like fish sticks and fries or on things like a hot dog.  nephew (and a few of my daycare kids) can not eat anything unless they dip it first in a condiment.  I think he would like the food just fine with out it, but he has always been given dipping products since he took his first bites of real food (not pureed), so that is all he knows.  sister is a very good cook not sure why she started that habit, her food doesn't need to be masked that way.  But anyway, for those that are pickier as much as it annoys me that nephew does that(when we are all together, or when I have cooked the meal) maybe it would help the picky eaters if they could dip their food in ketchup etc.

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(((hugs)))  I'm sure it is just precautionary, but what a stupid thing to have happen.  Is it bad that I am irritated at the girl for swinging around her Theraband???


Dd and I are both irritated. They don't do this type of thing at dd's studio, and dd was not participating in the swinging. She said she was stretching (getting ready for pilates). The counselor said they will be talking to all the girls about it because it had become a "thing." Really? You'd think girls 11 years and up would know better.


I'm not sure of the girl's age, but I'm thinking it was one of the younger ones because dd said some of the older girls were fussing at her about swinging it, and the girl felt bad and cried. Dd is also irritated because the girl is not getting a demerit for this behavior because it was an "accident."

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I'm being asked if a Beginning Phonics course be a course I'd be interested in teaching for the VHG. Or Spanish.


I did call back the principal from the school that wants to hire me and left a message asking if there is a possibility of taking halftime. I'm pretty sure the answer will be no, but I'll wait for it.

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Dh doesn't think I can do it.   :cursing:  I'll show him.....

I don't know if I can either.


To add to Tex's totally awesome answer, here are some tricks that have worked for us.  YMMV, but in case any of it helps:


My SIL taught me to give the kids "no thank you" bites of foods they didn't like -- a small portion (maybe just one bite, or one pea, if that's all they could handle) that they were required to eat anyway if they wanted dessert.  No big deal if they didn't eat it, but no dessert until they did, and over time the no-thank-you bites can get bigger. Several years of this and even my sensory kid (who once would prefer a nuclear holocaust over eating most foods) now enjoys many foods, including peas and broccoli. 


Try limited, smaller, "no-seconds" portions of his faves (like cheerios and mac and cheese) then supplement with sides like cut-up fruit or nuts or pickles or bell peppers.  Then he can get used to other flavors and textures, but in small doses.  


Or try frozen fruit, or spearing things on a toothpick, or having him "build" his own sandwich or wrap from a platter (full of deli meats + cheeses + cut-up veggies and fruits + spreads or condiments or salad dressing).  This last one sold my own kids on many things they didn't normally like.  I think the total control and fun of building it themselves (or just grazing at will) did the trick.  It's great for me too, because I just prep a divided platter dish at the start of the week and it's all ready to plunk on the table at lunchtime.   DD6 invented her all-time fave that way -- a peanut butter and cheese habanero wrap.  I definitely would've never come up with that one.  


Also, I am not a fan of power struggles or negotiations.  We don't "count" bites -- they are all just required to eat until I've said they've eaten a decent amount.  We don't make a big deal over food -- just no dessert if a decent amount of healthy food isn't consumed.  And we give small reasonable portions at meals.  Snacks between meals are very rare, and water is always available but juice reserved just for breakfast.  Change doesn't happen overnight, but age and a wide experience trying foods will slowly help.  


Oh.  And we try to make sure no one is constipated. That'll derail all your efforts if it's a problem.  

We do this too. I think it trained them to eat whatever we tell them to.


So, as you know dd15 is at a dance intensive for 4 weeks - 2 down, 2 to go. Well, yesterday, some girl was swing around her Theraband, and hit dd in the eye. She called yesterday saying it was swollen and in pain. She told me that if it didn't get better, they would call. So, I get the call once I got home from dd4's soccer game. One of the girl's dads that is there is an ophthalmologist, and suggested she be taken to see one in town to get a good look at it on the high tech equipment. At this point, all I know is it is still swollen, we don't know if there is serious damage. :(


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I will say too there was lots of foods I didn't like growing up, my mom would make us sit there until we cleaned our plate.  some of those things I still will not eat due to bad memories they bring up,


I hate scallops to this day because of this!

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update on mstr bdrm, granddaddy spider died after an hour, insane.  I have now sanded all the areas I puttied last night.  Bifold doors are off the closet (4 huge ones) and laid out on the lawn, if the wind dies down I can spray paint them as planned. Closet is now 1/2 way emptied out.  Time for a break to finally eat something today since it is coming up on noon.  

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NO.  We are not going to do this.  That was a really easy decision.


I made a cold Quinoa Southwestern salad one summer that was good.  Don't ask for the recipe because I don't have it.  lol  Just google until you see something acceptable.  This one had black beans, corn and cilantro.



I KNOW, RIGHT?  What is your degree in?  Mine are actually very useful, just low paying.


How many hours a week?  Would you enjoy it?  Can you work it around your homeschooling and child care schedule?  Provide these answers, and the magic 8 ball will decide.

Sure, why not?


My degree is in archaeology (well, "anthropology" with an archaeology emphasis because my school didn't offer a specific archaeology degree).  The mindset has actually come in handy, and the tendency to dig for answers.  It was especially handy when I worked data management, and in geodetics & cartography.


But it is not a sought-after education where employers are concerned, and I needed some GIS classes before I could really get hired by anyone.  I did that and don't regret it, but sometimes I am quite envious of those with more archaeologically inclined work.

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If you have pictures of us in a frame I'm leaving the forum.


You were in a frame, Slashie?  Why would you do that?  If I were around when you did that I'd take pictures, too!

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And have sympathy for sensory issues. My kids don't eat brussels sprouts. Not because they're brats but they truly think they're gross. They eat broccoli and spinach but I don't make them eat brussels sprouts because I respect their feelings.


There is a genetic trait regarding brussels sprouts -- those who have it can taste the bitter in brussels sprouts, and those who don't, can't.


I love brussels sprouts.  DH detests them.  The kids aren't crazy about them, so I only buy enough for me.


Lima beans are what I don't like.  Lima beans, and oysters.  I like the flavor of oysters just fine and will eat oyster stew, but I'll fish out all of the oysters.  Doesn't matter how their prepared, something about the texture is just wrong for me.  But I'm fine with clams and mussels, so go fig.

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Update on the eye: it is the right eye. The retina is not deta check ed, but there is bleeding. Vision is about 20/100. Something is cut, i didn't catch what. He said most of the time vision corrects itself, except for the times it doesn't. She'll need a follow-up next week.

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There is a genetic trait regarding brussels sprouts -- those who have it can taste the bitter in brussels sprouts, and those who don't, can't.


I love brussels sprouts. DH detests them. The kids aren't crazy about them, so I only buy enough for me.


Lima beans are what I don't like. Lima beans, and oysters. I like the flavor of oysters just fine and will eat oyster stew, but I'll fish out all of the oysters. Doesn't matter how their prepared, something about the texture is just wrong for me. But I'm fine with clams and mussels, so go fig.


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Update on the eye: it is the right eye. The retina is not deta check ed, but there is bleeding. Vision is about 20/100. Something is cut, i didn't catch what. He said most of the time vision corrects itself, except for the times it doesn't. She'll need a follow-up next week.

That's horrible. I'm so sorry.

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Rusty's new multi-level cage that dd made for him.  I am so proud of her.  


Great job!


That's the same stuff we made our guinea pig cage out of when we had one.  We kinda got her by default so I read up online quickly, and came across someplace that talked about how the store-bought guinea pig cages were way too small.  I bought corrugated plastic and those wire crate thingies and we build her a cage with room to run and play.


I miss Puff.  *sniff*

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Update on the eye: it is the right eye. The retina is not deta check ed, but there is bleeding. Vision is about 20/100. Something is cut, i didn't catch what. He said most of the time vision corrects itself, except for the times it doesn't. She'll need a follow-up next week.

Thank God it is not detached, horrible about the rest.  Praying she has a full recovery.

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This is the thread that really rocks

The coolest thing since mismatched socks...



Never mind me. Just being random. Going to bed now.


That's great!!!!

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So, as you know dd15 is at a dance intensive for 4 weeks - 2 down, 2 to go. Well, yesterday, some girl was swing around her Theraband, and hit dd in the eye. She called yesterday saying it was swollen and in pain. She told me that if it didn't get better, they would call. So, I get the call once I got home from dd4's soccer game. One of the girl's dads that is there is an ophthalmologist, and suggested she be taken to see one in town to get a good look at it on the high tech equipment. At this point, all I know is it is still swollen, we don't know if there is serious damage. :(


I'm sorry this happened.  I hope no real damage has been done and it heals quickly.


:grouphug: :grouphug:

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