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Ds worked on his superhero book AND we got my own school plans accomplished AND we drove all over the place looking at houses with shingle choices I need to decide between.  {Between which I need to decide??  Ellie??}


Pewter Gray, I think.  I'd like even darker, but the only darker option is a flat charcoal shade that looks awfully cheap in the rain (it is raining today). Shiny. Streaky.  Cheap.  Pewter gray has a lot more definition and no rain streaks. 


I know you are all on the edge of your seats waiting to see what I choose.  


Shingles are so important.  Choose wisely, my friend.


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No. Texas is really very awesome.


But poisonous snakes.


And humidity.


And tornadoes.  :crying:

Where I live is not very humid.


I have never been bitten by a poisonous snake.  It is really easy to avoid them.  There are poisonous snakes everywhere.


Tornadoes - I will give you this.  However, you can get a storm shelter for a few thousand that should keep you plenty safe.  The rest of us just hid in the bathroom and hope for the best, which works 99% of the time.  I've never been in a tornado.

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Sorry about your mouth, Slache.


You know, taken out of context this sounds a whole lot different!






But we have the context and we all agree -- we are very sorry for Slaskie's ordeal.  And yes, I said Slaskie, as in Slaskie Alaskie.  I keep mistyping Slashie, so I am dubbing her with yet another nickname.

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So, if someone likes something I said, I get another like to use? Because I ran out of likes early this afternoon, and now I'm able to like some things again.


No, although that's what I've been joking about trying to do (give you likes).  I think it's more like each like has a 24-hour timer on it.  Each one resets after 24 hours from the time it was used, so if it took you 12 hours to spend your daily quota of likes you only have to wait 12 more hours before the first like has reset. 

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I'm just bratty enough to post.5b.jpg


Hi!  I see you are twice a newbie, new to the WTM forums and new to this thread!  I award you 500 points as a welcome.  Now, go read the rest of the thread to find out how to get more points.



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yes, I am soooooo late to this party (and maybe I missed someone else posting kilts because I skipped pages (*gasp*) ) but no thread is complete without kilts.  Scroll to post #8 




Hi to you, too!  You get 5000 points for coming to the thread with kilt pics a-ready, but you lose 50 points for skipping posts.  Now, go do your homework (read the whole thread).

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Commencing with the argggs.  


500 points for your accomplishment!  5000 more for following the Arrgh convention!

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Where I live is not very humid.


I have never been bitten by a poisonous snake.  It is really easy to avoid them.  There are poisonous snakes everywhere.


Tornadoes - I will give you this.  However, you can get a storm shelter for a few thousand that should keep you plenty safe.  The rest of us just hid in the bathroom and hope for the best, which works 99% of the time.  I've never been in a tornado.


There are no poisonous snakes where I live.


None.  Nada.  Rien.


Thus, paradise.


(I grew up partly in Florida.  Lots of snakes.  Poisonous snakes.  Poisonous, AGGRESSIVE snakes.  :scared:  Which is why we don't live in the South.)

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We have no scorpions, deadly or otherwise. Our only snakes are totally benign garter snakes.


You have to drive inland about 6 h and then there are rattlers in some areas.


We do have coyotes and bears - some areas more than others. But it's not like you step in those accidentally or they curl up in your shoes :D

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We have no scorpions, deadly or otherwise. Our only snakes are totally benign garter snakes.


You have to drive inland about 6 h and then there are rattlers in some areas.


We do have coyotes and bears - some areas more than others. But it's not like you step in those accidentally or they curl up in your shoes :D


Ditto here.  The rattlers are several hours away.  And the grizzly bears and the wolves stay in the higher elevations.  Mostly.

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Coming out of lurkdom to say that I'm another with no poisonous snakes or spiders or scorpions (poisonous or not).  It doesn't get too cold here (though your mileage might vary, Texasmama).  I refuse to go to any state with spiders the size of dinner plates.  I've never met a bear - well, except in Japan but even then he was at a distance.  We have had coyotes in the neighborhood and I'm fairly sure that my beloved Agatha kitty was coyote bait.  

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But all you folks are freezing your bums off much of the year, right?  Make a girl feel better cuz I don't do the cold well.  Also, given a choice, I'd rather meet a snake than a bear.


Nope, not really.  We have four seasons, though, and snow in the winter.  It's not brutal cold like the Dakotas, or anything.  If you start getting tired of one season, be patient.  It'll change soon. 


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Coming out of lurkdom to say that I'm another with no poisonous snakes or spiders or scorpions (poisonous or not).  It doesn't get too cold here (though your mileage might vary, Texasmama).  I refuse to go to any state with spiders the size of dinner plates.  I've never met a bear - well, except in Japan but even then he was at a distance.  We have had coyotes in the neighborhood and I'm fairly sure that my beloved Agatha kitty was coyote bait.  


Jean, we go on hikes and explore in areas with grizzly warnings, but we've never seen one. (Yay!)  Usually, in the spring I'll see bear scat in the forested area of our property, but it's just little black bears.  And I've never seen one "in the fur," so to speak.  We do have boatloads of coyotes (and a couple of ARs to handle them).  The biggest dangers to the cats aren't the coyotes, though, but the raptors (hawks and eagles of multiple varieties.)  Oh, and an enormous owl lives(d?) on the property adjacent to ours.  I only saw him once, but he was MAGNIFICENT. I think he/she may have been responsible for the disappearance of one of the barn cats. Kinda sad, but, to paraphrase Finding Nemo, fish gotta swims, owls gotta eat.

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Oh I give up..  Your force is just too strong!  It's like some kind of gravitational force pulling me in. . .   



A few years ago right when Agatha disappeared we had a pack of 3 or 4 coyotes that we would see in the neighborhood quite brazenly.  There were a LOT of lost cat and small dog posters up at that time.  

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Oh I give up..  Your force is just too strong!  It's like some kind of gravitational force pulling me in. . .   



A few years ago right when Agatha disappeared we had a pack of 3 or 4 coyotes that we would see in the neighborhood quite brazenly.  There were a LOT of lost cat and small dog posters up at that time.  



:sad: They're nasty.


Our first winter here our GSD was still unaltered.  The coyotes were sending a bitch in heat up close to the house to try to lure him out. I could see the signs in the snow.

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