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Oh, you poor thing!! Here...you need the bunny slippers. They'll help you feel better in no time.




Thank you!  DD10 has some much like these.  On hers the ears flop over the eyes and flip up again as she walks.

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My sister has little claw caps put on her cat's claws, and that seems to do the trick for them.  I don't know what they are like personally (our cat is indoor/outdoor and we have stray dogs roaming our neighborhood, so we leave her claws armed and ready), but maybe that's one solution worth trying?

I have heard of these claw caps and might consider it.  Also, she will be 100% indoors.

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Well, here in TX I think that would lock in the Good Citizenship required subject.  Want to move here?  I hear we have seats available in my town's city council.  We vote in May.


I'm in Round Rock, so, yeah, I've got Good Citizenship nailed. :-) Early voting begins April 27.

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Get braces, hornblower.  Lots of adults do it.   :)


Made it to co op.  My ds14 needs about $2,000 more of dental stuff done due to worst.teeth.ever.  We have $6,000 in his mouth already and this is in addition.  No dental insurance.  Gulp.  The moral of the story is:  Do not have bad genes in the way of teeth.


I took a two hour nap.  I never nap, but I could not stay awake.


The cat still did not birth.  A watched cat never births.


Also, I need to lose 20 pounds.  Well, really 30, but I will settle for 20.  I am bad at this, though.  At this point, it is dragging down my self-esteem and making my clothes fit badly.  So someone needs to come up with a good diet for me that does not involve money or meetings or going hungry.  I cannot abide going hungry.  I already exercise daily, though I am not amazing in that regard and never will be.  Go!


Stop caring about it.  Seriously, the best success I had was when I was just trying something on a whim but didn't care anymore.  Unfortunately, once I saw some great results I started caring again, and things got busy, and the weight came back.  I'm trying to re-institute the same changes, but not quite succeeding.  I suspect I need to get to the honest not caring point again.

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I walk/jog a mile a day around the neighborhood with the uncivilized dog and a kid or two.  Sometimes, in the afternoon/evening I do an extra half a mile.  I am unwilling to lift.  (I don't have anything philosophically against it.  I just know it will not happen.)  I make myself do this walking/jogging exercise.  I am a 48 year old chubby out of shape woman who has NEVER once taken up any type of exercise lasting longer than a week or two.  I've been at this for FOUR MONTHS.  I feel like I should be getting a huge incentive prize already.   :D


I know this is not amazing.  I really do.  I'm just a lifetime couch potato so it SEEMS amazing to me.


*singsong*  I'm older than you are!


Tag -- you're it!  Try to catch me!  You must run around your couch 3 times before you can sit back down.


Hmm, I guess this is more like Duck Duck Goose, so GOOSE!

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Double post so I will share that the cat "love bit" me on the FACE this morning hard enough to leave a gouge and draw blood.  I think Her Highness is angry about the foster cat and is trying to put me in my place.


Liked out of sympathy for you, not in approval of what your cat did.  Poor TXmama!  Have some dark chocolate.

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Non sequitur alert.


I just discovered a new cool toy.  DH put Life 360 on our phones and it lives online, too!  I just figured out how to stalk him on his trek across the Nevada desert, complete with satellite imagery (well,not real time imagery, but still.)  This is awesome.


Yup, we use it here so family can keep an eye on our progress when we are coming to visit.  We are trying to get one SIL to join, but she doesn't want anyone tracking her movements, and doesn't trust that the app won't do exactly that even if she turns off sharing her own location.

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Me: "We're having twins."

DH: "Ignore thread?"


It would look stupid under Slache. I went back to my old one. I'm not creative enough for such things.


I had a neighbor that craved dirt for years. She would eat dry oatmeal to curb it. It turned out to be an iron deficiency.


When I lived up in the mountains (Colorado) I once came home on a dark night and nearly ran into a black cow.  She was standing in my driveway, eating a hole into the dirt.

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Good point.  Of the livestock guardian dogs, though, Pyrs tend to be non-aggressive toward humans.  Some other LGD breeds I wouldn't even consider owning because of aggression.  All the LGDs were traditionally bred to do just want you DA's dogs do:  live in the flock exclusively.  Very cool critters.  (Can you tell that I like animals?)


I can tell!  And I got to hold and pet some Pyr puppies while we were there.  They have one Pyr who is more accustomed to people, and she came into the barn to have her pups.  It's okay with her if you pick them up and pet them, so long as you pet her first.  I spent a lot of time petting Mama while the kids played with the puppies.  She is a sweet, sweet dog.  It was only DH's determination that we CANNOT accommodate a dog, especially of that size, that kept us from having another passenger on the way home (that, and the fact the puppies need another few weeks with Mama).


Some of the other dogs, however, are definitely not to be approached.  They take great care of the flocks, though.

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But that requires reading, then GOING BACK after I read to multi-quote.  I'm playing catch-up here, and can be interrupted at any time!  Therefore, I respond immediately upon reading, and trust to fate to make anything I say that is not immediately understandable at least laughably entertaining....


Not to mention, multiquote means you add less posts to your count.


What I do is, as I read if there is something I want to answer, I right click the quote button to put it in a different tab. Then when I finish catching up reading, I go from tab to tab and post my responses. That way, I never lose my place in catching up.

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I agree (mostly) and I appreciate your support, but at age 50 I'm not sure a pregnancy would have been better.


The part I agree with is that pregnancy throwing up is better, but only because the cause is then known, since my worst nausea was during pregnancy -- at least until this bout.  With this infection I threw up harder than I ever did when I was pregnant, and I was pretty darn nauseous throughout half of each pregnancy (ended up in the ER a few times during the first to be re-hydrated).  It is taking a couple of days for the pain to subside, now that I'm keeping food down again.  I suspect I strained connective tissue at the ribs, because the ribs hurt like blazes.


Yesterday I tried to get DH to stay home because he was dizzy and a little queazy -- he thought it was the weather.  He had a meeting at work he really needed to attend, so he went, then ended up leaving it early to come home.  He thinks now that perhaps it wasn't something I ate, but something we caught.  He's not quite having the same trouble I am, though, and the kids are just fine.


For reference:  if you ever get prescribed Zofran for nausea (the oral-dissolve tabs) try to get brand-name instead of generic.  I now have experience with both.  The brand name tastes slightly less foul than the generic, and it dissolves under your tongue quicker (so you get the taste out of your mouth sooner).  I do not need to get more (only picked up a partial fill), but if I ever have it again I'm getting brand name.


Further reference:  Zofran can be a lifesaver when you can't keep anything down, but be prepared for some considerable constipation in the days afterwards.


End of public service announcement.  I'm sitting upright today and ate toaster waffles.  I might attempt a trip to the grocery store in a bit (we'll see).  Folding the laundry that was in the dryer was more than I was able to handle before I was exhausted again, so I may just have to sit here until I'm all caught up with this thread.  Only 2 or 3 more pages to go now!


I belong to a fertility board, and a 50 year old on there got pregnant. I'm not sure if you've caught up yet in your reading, but the oldest one of our family members got pregnant is 47. My grandmother got pregnant at the same time my mom got pregnant with my middle sister. Oh, and one of my prek kids last year - his dad was 60. So, yeah, 50 shmifty.


When my oldest dd got ill a few weeks ago, the ER gave her zofran. I'm not sure if it was that or the other pill but she got nightmares when taking it. They actually didn't know what her illness was, so treated the symptoms. She had come down with illness on a Monday, I didn't send her back to school until Thursday and she was back home by lunch. Friday she was so-so, but still went to school. She's in performing arts, so she didn't dance the entire week, or the Monday and Tuesday following. She was plain exhausted.


Laptops are good for resting and catching up on threads at the same time.

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When I lived up in the mountains (Colorado) I once came home on a dark night and nearly ran into a black cow.  She was standing in my driveway, eating a hole into the dirt.


Here is another random post. I know you were responding to Slache's comment about a woman eating dirt, but the connection to the cow is a bit iffy. It's a good thing this is a random, meandering thread, lol!

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uber cool! What books and other sources would your DD recommend about Libyan Sahara cave art? I love anthropology and archaeology, but I'm not very familiar with that part of the world.

This is probably one of the best places to start http://africanrockart.org. essentially the brain child of one guy, driving around Africa documenting as much cave and rock art as he can.


And a news story about him http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/earth/10912342/One-mans-mission-to-save-worlds-earliest-cave-paintings.html


For dd's project area, there's a team out of university of cologne working on the Wadi

Sura. Kuoer, Reimer, Forster et al....

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Get braces, hornblower.  Lots of adults do it.   :)


Made it to co op.  My ds14 needs about $2,000 more of dental stuff done due to worst.teeth.ever.  We have $6,000 in his mouth already and this is in addition.  No dental insurance.  Gulp.  The moral of the story is:  Do not have bad genes in the way of teeth.


I took a two hour nap.  I never nap, but I could not stay awake.


The cat still did not birth.  A watched cat never births.


Also, I need to lose 20 pounds.  Well, really 30, but I will settle for 20.  I am bad at this, though.  At this point, it is dragging down my self-esteem and making my clothes fit badly.  So someone needs to come up with a good diet for me that does not involve money or meetings or going hungry.  I cannot abide going hungry.  I already exercise daily, though I am not amazing in that regard and never will be.  Go!


:toetap05:   No way do you need to lose 20 pounds.  There's a cute picture of you and your dd (albeit, from behind), so we have proof. 


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I belong to a fertility board, and a 50 year old on there got pregnant. I'm not sure if you've caught up yet in your reading, but the oldest one of our family members got pregnant is 47. My grandmother got pregnant at the same time my mom got pregnant with my middle sister. Oh, and one of my prek kids last year - his dad was 60. So, yeah, 50 shmifty.


When my oldest dd got ill a few weeks ago, the ER gave her zofran. I'm not sure if it was that or the other pill but she got nightmares when taking it. They actually didn't know what her illness was, so treated the symptoms. She had come down with illness on a Monday, I didn't send her back to school until Thursday and she was back home by lunch. Friday she was so-so, but still went to school. She's in performing arts, so she didn't dance the entire week, or the Monday and Tuesday following. She was plain exhausted.


Laptops are good for resting and catching up on threads at the same time.


I had 2 pregnancies in my very late 30s, a miscarriage in my very early 40s, followed by (and possibly due to or triggering) the onset of "peri"menopause at age 42 (and still continuing on that front, dang it).  I don't think a pregnancy for me now would be a healthy idea, but I will root on anyone else who chooses that route.


Was your eldest throwing up uncontrollably?  I hate to think that she has gone through what I just went through again, poor thing.


My laptop is on a table that is serving as a desk for me.  This way I can plug it in without stringing tripping hazards across the floor to our sofa (which is out in the middle of the floor), and I don't have to keep moving it when someone else wants to sit.  I also find it easier to type sitting up properly.


What do you do on a fertility board?

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This is probably one of the best places to start http://africanrockart.org. essentially the brain child of one guy, driving around Africa documenting as much cave and rock art as he can.


And a news story about him http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/earth/10912342/One-mans-mission-to-save-worlds-earliest-cave-paintings.html


For dd's project area, there's a team out of university of cologne working on the Wadi

Sura. Kuoer, Reimer, Forster et al....


Cool, thanks!

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:toetap05:   No way do you need to lose 20 pounds.  There's a cute picture of you and your dd (albeit, from behind), so we have proof. 



Another random non sequitur alert:  Before DH retired, he was a patrol sergeant and generally worked swings (like 3 pm to 1 am), his favorite.  It tended to be a busy shift and a lot stuff made the news.  DD's take on it?  "Look, Mama!  There's Daddy's butt again!"  (The news crews filmed from, err, behind the crime scene.)

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So :D Mr. Ellie and I took a short road trip to Marble Falls today. We went into a shop that sells Annie Sloan chalk paint (I had been to one in Austin, sans Mr. Ellie), and we bought some of the world's best kettle corn. Watched it being cooked...in an actual kettle...best.food.ever.


And bluebonnets...oh, there was a heaven's worth of bluebonnets all along the way. Love me some bluebonnets.

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Also, I met with a group of people Thursday who are big names in my city, who wanted to know who the heck I am and why I'm running for city council. They were very kind and did not laugh in my face, but I'm pretty sure they aren't going to endorse me. :-)

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End of public service announcement.  I'm sitting upright today and ate toaster waffles.  I might attempt a trip to the grocery store in a bit (we'll see).  Folding the laundry that was in the dryer was more than I was able to handle before I was exhausted again, so I may just have to sit here until I'm all caught up with this thread.  Only 2 or 3 more pages to go now!


Well, bless your heart!

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Also, I met with a group of people Thursday who are big names in my city, who wanted to know who the heck I am and why I'm running for city council. They were very kind and did not laugh in my face, but I'm pretty sure they aren't going to endorse me. :-)


Well dang. You want me to go down there and set them right? Or, I can send ninja elephant...

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Or this one...



You know, I half expected to see him dancing with the sword, not around swords. And what was with the ladies trying to look under his kilt???


That was some fancy footwork he had going there, though. Maybe I'll try that instead of the procreation hula and see if dh likes it better.

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