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Severe foot/ankle/leg edema during pregnancy-home remedies?


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Ugh. I am miserable! I am hoping the collective hive had some ideas because I am getting desperate:(

Please don't quote me as I plan on deleting the more specific medical details:)

I am now almost 34 weeks and hanging in there well past when OBs originally predicted. I am determined to go as long as possible:) Dd5 was born at 36 weeks 5 days via csection althoughI did go into labor.

A bit of background before everyone starts thinking preeclampsia: I am smaller and thin, really pretty fit in spite of my disability. I weighed about 105 before pregnancy and have gained about 20 pounds. Working on that, but baby is growing perfectly well and is even in something like the 75th percentile, yay:)

my bp is always very low, and has not significantly increased-I monitor it daily for other reasons. The doctor thinks it is probably just 'a bad case of regular pregnancy sweliing' but is seriously exacerbated by the fact that I am in a wheelchair with poor circulation anyway. But really? By evening my entire legs up to my hips are nearly twice the size they are supposed to be! And incredibly painful/tender:(


This pregnancy has been difficult and I have been in hospital several times. I am still on meds (both Zofran and another) for severe nausea and vomiting, which has resulted in blood chemistry imbalances (the cause of two hospital stays), so I can't help but think it may be related. I have been getting IV fluids and potassium, but adding the 2nd med has made all the difference so that hasn't been necessary more recently.


So. What in the world can I try? My feet/legs are elevated whenever possible. Hubby massages them as much as I can tolerate. I am even trying Epsom salt baths in warm water, which seems to help a bit.

Any other ideas, or am I just going to have to deal?

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Not sure if this will be helpful or not, but a friend of mine who was dealing with major edema in her feet/ankles in her last weeks of pregnancy, and who worked out at the gym with me (better than me, in fact, LOL) until a couple of weeks before birth, sat down on the floor at the gym one day to do Russian Twists, holding a kettle bell.  Something "popped" somewhere in the vicinity of her back -- and her edema was almost gone the next day!  She was so thrilled and she attributed it to whatever it was that popped as she twisted.  Very unscientific, I know, just sharing her story. 

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The IV fluids maybe makeing the swelling worse. I puffed up like the marshmallow man when I hade those. Soaking towels in the epsom salt bath solution and wrapping them aound my legs helped more than the bath. I think it was because I was not comfortable in the bath tub and being in my fav. arem chair or bed helped me relax and then the epsom salts worked better.  It also allowed me to have my legs up which felt a little bit better.  


I hope you find some relief!



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This would be applicable only if you need a diuretic:


I will just throw this out there. Fresh watermelon is a good diuretic. I have a friend from the Phillipines who told me that they boiled corn silk in water and then drank the water as a diuretic.


I'm only familiar with the above two things being used for UTIs or kidney problems, no idea about pregnancy.


So don't just try my suggestions without talking to someone more knowledgable!

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I had terrible edema as a side effect of a certain chemo. I found swimming (or floating) in a pool helped tremendously. It seemed to 'squish' the fluid back into my core so my kidneys were forced to deal with it. Is it okay for the pregnancy to be in the pool? I have no idea.


Have a look at some lymphedema massage YouTubes and get your hubby to gently follow those patterns to help release the various areas. I found that very helpful as well.

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Would compression stockings help at all? You have lots of sympathy from me as I had horrible swelling with the last pregnancy and even now get it in the heat a little. On the plus side you feel amazingly slim when all the fluid goes about two weeks after the baby and you discover that your feet actually have bones and veins in them again...

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Not sure if this will be helpful or not, but a friend of mine who was dealing with major edema in her feet/ankles in her last weeks of pregnancy, and who worked out at the gym with me (better than me, in fact, LOL) until a couple of weeks before birth, sat down on the floor at the gym one day to do Russian Twists, holding a kettle bell. Something "popped" somewhere in the vicinity of her back -- and her edema was almost gone the next day! She was so thrilled and she attributed it to whatever it was that popped as she twisted. Very unscientific, I know, just sharing her story.

Thanks, that's a good point. I am so miserable that I am really not moving and stretching like I should be! I am generally pretty active but have spent too much time lying down. Maybe some gentle stretching will help.

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The IV fluids maybe makeing the swelling worse. I puffed up like the marshmallow man when I hade those. Soaking towels in the epsom salt bath solution and wrapping them aound my legs helped more than the bath. I think it was because I was not comfortable in the bath tub and being in my fav. arem chair or bed helped me relax and then the epsom salts worked better. It also allowed me to have my legs up which felt a little bit better.


I hope you find some relief!

Oh, great idea...for some reason it hadn't occurred to me, but that is even what they do when you get a pedicure. Think I will try this immediately:)

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I'll 2nd (3rd) some form of magnesium supplementation. This should help with edema. Have they checked your kidney function?

I am going to talk to the OB about it...I have an appt every week, but Texas had a wee bit of ice this week so all the schools and even some doctors offices (like mine!) closed down in emergency mode:) I imagine the kids were all pleased though as the day turned out sunny and beautiful, but it really isn't fun to wait until Tues when you they could reschedule...

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Does your doctor know how bad you actually are by the end of the day?

No, but hubby took pictures last night to show the OB tomorrow. It really is a bit shocking, and as long as I sleep with them elevated, take the Epsom salt bath and potassium, they ARE much better in the morning. Of course my appts are all first thing in the a.m!

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I had terrible edema as a side effect of a certain chemo. I found swimming (or floating) in a pool helped tremendously. It seemed to 'squish' the fluid back into my core so my kidneys were forced to deal with it. Is it okay for the pregnancy to be in the pool? I have no idea.


Have a look at some lymphedema massage YouTubes and get your hubby to gently follow those patterns to help release the various areas. I found that very helpful as well.



My perinatologist had me put on a floatation belt and float or water walk in the very deep end of our public indoor pool for an hour a day. I would lose 5# after each session. I also took 1200mg of magnesium daily and followed the Brewer diet.


The deep water floatation helped best, fwiw.

We are going to try the pool today. The water is fairly warm and at least it will give dd5 something fun to do!

Plus, it is Spring Break here and my hugely pregnant, grotesquely swollen state might act as birth control for the college Spring Breakers who will be out in droves at this pool:)

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