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Exercise Thread ~ March 1 - March 7


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Rieshy~ Sunshine!  You lucky gal!

Kim~Hope the swelling went down.  What a weird reaction!  <hugs>

Luckymama~ you're a beast!  Way to go on the lifts!

Gardenmom5~take care of that leg!  And get well soon!

Mom-Ninja~I looked at those WOs.  LOL, they do look aptly named (Brutal!).

Negin~It's great that you've been on a sleeping roll.



Yesterday: MA

Today: Stretch, Roll




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 Nothing today. The next few weeks will be very little in the way of working out, if at all. Our fasting begins from tomorrow until March 20th. I need to be up early and get breakfast ready for all. It's hard to workout later in the day.

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Good snowy Sunday morning. I did 45 minutes of yoga, then made blueberry pancakes. I rushed around and got dressed only to find church was cancelled. My 11yo has a friend staying and dh is at work so I didn't feel comfortable taking off for a run so I'm walking five with Leslie with the sound turned down and music blasting. We will likely go sledding soon then ds is supposed to go to a bowling event if it doesn't get cancelled. I might try to fit in more walking later depending how many trips up the hill I make.

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Masters swim workout 2x (75 min each) and one session of lap swimming (60 min). Erin O'Brien's  Strong Body Fit Body DVD 3x during the week. I am really liking this DVD and am convinced strength training is a must as a woman ages.


I watched a 65 year old woman /neighbor try to negotiate the path down to my house and the uneven steps to my front door. The big steps were a challenge, and she needed a hand. Balance is a big issue. I realized if I want to live in my house into old age I need to stay fit. 

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Got in a little run to and from the community theatre this afternoon. It felt good, but I really need new running shoes. Time to shop! 


P.S. Just to be fair to Mother Nature, it's a wonderful -4C today. I didn't bother with the winter coat at all, and neither did any of the dc. We're so used to -25C, that this feels almost tropical.  :laugh:

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Ok, I am here :001_smile:


So, my period is done, and DH is back from his trip. That was just toooooo much for me :willy_nilly:


So, I did a 30 min kettlebell workout with dh and then I did a 25 min Tracy Anderson "Beginner Mat Workout".  I did the first workout on the DVD, there are 3. It was more challenging than I expected. I thought I was going to be able to sleepwalk through it, b/c it is beginner, but I am going to feel it tomorrow.


I have a goal of making it through her Meta program. But, I just can't imagine actually sticking with it for that long...and it is really hard. It seems like right when I feel like I am getting through something, BAM! something happens and I get sidetracked for a week and lose ground.  So, the idea of making it through a 3 month program is :lol:  But I can dream

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Nothing. First day of our fast and I feel a bit overwhelmed. Need to make breakfast soon. The only way that I can get any form of exercise during this time is either to wake up even earlier than usual  or to do something gentle later in the day, right before breaking the fast. I've done that before and have felt fine - swimming/stretching/even a mile of Leslie. It really depends on my hydration level, energy, and the heat.

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Spent somewhere between 45-60 minutes shoveling. Got a good sweaty workout. We got about 8" and I had to shovel the lane from the garage and a space for dh's car out front. Wildiris -I had a similar thought while shoveling. I workout so I can do practical stuff. Being frail scares me.


My Dad is 80- a couple of weeks ago he emailed and said he had to shovel 2 feet of snow off of his garage roof and his balaclava kept slipping in his eyes so it was hard to see where he was stepping- arghh!  But he spent a lifetime playing various things in his free time: basketball, volleyball, tennis, running, walking, racquetball, weight lifting.... So even though he has horrible arthritis in his knees he still enjoys a 5 mile walk everyday.  I want to be him:)

Ok, I am here :001_smile:



I have a goal of making it through her Meta program. But, I just can't imagine actually sticking with it for that long...and it is really hard. It seems like right when I feel like I am getting through something, BAM! something happens and I get sidetracked for a week and lose ground.  So, the idea of making it through a 3 month program is :lol:  But I can dream




Nothing. First day of our fast and I feel a bit overwhelmed. Need to make breakfast soon. The only way that I can get any form of exercise during this time is either to wake up even earlier than usual  or to do something gentle later in the day, right before breaking the fast. I've done that before and have felt fine - swimming/stretching/even a mile of Leslie. It really depends on my hydration level, energy, and the heat.

I hope you chose sleep this morning!  I also hope the day is cooler than normal and goes smoothly.


Sunday: rest day.  


Monday: At home this morning: Simple and Sinister, Pushup challenge and work on my handstands, gentle kata work and stretching

Tonight: double MMA classes.

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Masters swim workout 2x (75 min each) and one session of lap swimming (60 min). Erin O'Brien's  Strong Body Fit Body DVD 3x during the week. I am really liking this DVD and am convinced strength training is a must as a woman ages.


I watched a 65 year old woman /neighbor try to negotiate the path down to my house and the uneven steps to my front door. The big steps were a challenge, and she needed a hand. Balance is a big issue. I realized if I want to live in my house into old age I need to stay fit. 

You are totally on to something here.   


P.S. Just to be fair to Mother Nature, it's a wonderful -4C today. I didn't bother with the winter coat at all, and neither did any of the dc. We're so used to -25C, that this feels almost tropical.  :laugh:

Yes, we had that happen too!  LOL, you know it's been cold when -4C doesn't feel cold. 


I have a goal of making it through her Meta program. But, I just can't imagine actually sticking with it for that long...and it is really hard. It seems like right when I feel like I am getting through something, BAM! something happens and I get sidetracked for a week and lose ground.  So, the idea of making it through a 3 month program is :lol:  But I can dream


We'll hold you to it, keep you honest and cheer you on.  :hurray:


Nothing. First day of our fast and I feel a bit overwhelmed. Need to make breakfast soon. The only way that I can get any form of exercise during this time is either to wake up even earlier than usual  or to do something gentle later in the day, right before breaking the fast. I've done that before and have felt fine - swimming/stretching/even a mile of Leslie. It really depends on my hydration level, energy, and the heat.


Negin.  I would never lose sleep to get exercise in, especially for us folk who sometimes struggle with getting enough sleep.   :grouphug:




Today:   WO stretch Roll.


I might be teaching a class soon.   :gnorsi:

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I hope you chose sleep this morning!  I also hope the day is cooler than normal and goes smoothly.


Thank you so much, Rieshy. No sleep this morning, but I'll be taking a nap this afternoon for sure. 


Negin.  I would never lose sleep to get exercise in, especially for us folk who sometimes struggle with getting enough sleep.   :grouphug:


I might be teaching a class soon.   :gnorsi:

Thanks, Snickerdoodle. 

How exciting to be teaching a class! Wish I was one of your students. :)

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Ok, I am here :001_smile:


So, my period is done, and DH is back from his trip. That was just toooooo much for me :willy_nilly:


So, I did a 30 min kettlebell workout with dh and then I did a 25 min Tracy Anderson "Beginner Mat Workout".  I did the first workout on the DVD, there are 3. It was more challenging than I expected. I thought I was going to be able to sleepwalk through it, b/c it is beginner, but I am going to feel it tomorrow.


I have a goal of making it through her Meta program. But, I just can't imagine actually sticking with it for that long...and it is really hard. It seems like right when I feel like I am getting through something, BAM! something happens and I get sidetracked for a week and lose ground.  So, the idea of making it through a 3 month program is :lol:  But I can dream

 DId my 30 minutes of yoga.  Redsquirrel it was Day 7 of a 30 Day challenge.  Come on, join the "I've got to do it I've invested too much time to stop now" club ;)

I then went for a run and did another 25 minutes shoveling *%#@ snow. 


Reishy- my dad does stuff like that. It scares the bejeebers out of me but I hope I'm that game at their age.

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Sunday was a rest day.  I must of needed it.  I got home from church and took a 2 hr nap, and still passed out last night by 10:30.  


Today was a 5 mile run, and I'm going to try to fit in a yoga class while my kids are at violin. :)  


Being able to do things when I'm older (as well as being able to do more now) is one of the reasons I exercise.

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I never posted on an exercise thread before. But here goes:


Monday: Running club. But I "run" with Youngest who isn't a fan of running club, so it's more like walk, run, waddle club.

Wednesday: Weather permitting we are going sledding.

Thursday: Walking errands, including grocery shopping, and "Running club"

Friday: West Coast Swing dancing lessons


Welcome, BTW, I am the president of my local chapter of the run, walk, waddle club.  I am very big on the waddle.



Negin, sleep.  Sleep always wins.  I think it is as important to your overall health as regular exercise...says the woman who is chronically underslept.


So, I got half my workout in.  I did 30 min beginner kettlebell workout on Fitnessblender, fine. Then I put in my Tracy Anderson DVD and the ^(*&Y)*Y thing will NOT WORK :cursing:  I was so pissed off. This is one in a long series of this computer's DVD player making me nuts.


So, I quit for the night..unless rage induced increased heart rate counts as extra cardio. But, the good thing is that DH downloaded a new media player. So, I will hopefully get my intended workout done tomorrow.


Both boys have boys class (they are ballet dancers) and will be out of the house AT THE SAME TIME from 5:30-6:30 so I will workout then. 

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Welcome Julie! - West Coast Swing? That sounds so fun.


I didn't get to katas and kettle bell yesterday because I got to the gym and ended up holding a friend's baby. Ah, babies:). Especially babies you can hand back when they become stinky. I did however have a bow staff class. We did combinations with a partner. My shoulders are sore this morning.


Today: martial arts and kettle bell class.

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I got up early for our 6:45 gym visit, forgetting that dh has scheduled a training session for 8:30 this morning :( Sad about the lost extra sleep :(


So I'll go to the gym later w him and do some cardio and core work. I am feeling yesterday's workout in a good way :)

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Let's see nothing Saturday morning. Saturday night was a bad night for me and I dozed from about 4-6 in the morning on a little couch in a clubhouse. Then got up when I noticed it was dawn. I went for a walk in the woods which was very refreshing and cleansing after my rough night. Yesterday I took the dog for a walk. Early this morning my shoulders were on fire (autoimmune disease flare up) and I took motrin so I could fall back to sleep. Got up feeling better and did my scheduled workout HIIT/abs. Now to ride out the rest of this flare up as best I can. 

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I've finally settled into a routine that is not only giving me results in fitness but also in weight loss. And next week we go on a ten day trip. So there goes that. I'll be able to do SOME workouts but not nearly as much. Several days we'll be in the car.


I'm learning to adapt to the elliptical even though that is one satanically inspired machine.  And weight training is proving to be more beneficial than HIIT so I'm alternating days- weights one day, HIIT the next. And that evil elliptical every time. Ugh. But you know what? After just a week of elliptical, I got on the bike and my usual levels were SO EASY and my heart rate was much lower. So I know the elliptical is doing the job. 


Counting down the days until it's nice enough for me to cycle outside. I miss it so much. But today I woke up to 12 degree temps, and it was both snowing and sleeting. My beloved bike trail is still being taken over by the snowmobiles.  My bike trail is really my happy place to sort out stress and life and everything, so it's more than just a place to get exercise. Come on, Spring!!!!

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SD-I read your stuffs, but didn't look at the plan yet. I'm off to work, so maybe tonight. Thanks again.

Negin-I know it's hard but I'm glad you're getting some sleep. I've thought about you a few times since you posted about your sleeping problems.  :grouphug:

All you sickies and injuries-I'm sorry.


Luckymama-You rock!




I took a few days off because I was perioding.  :glare: In case you are wondering no they don't have Cadbury Eggs in the stores yet. Today was 45 minutes of MMA plus the 100 push up challenge. Maybe I'll stick with it this time? I did some calculations and I'm pretty certain I did almost 10,000 push ups in 2014. How am I not a total babe yet? Possibly because I'm the type of person to mention Cadbury Eggs in an exercise thread? Nah.

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I wish you all, health, sleep , working Audiovisual devices and we have those disgusting eggs but the Reese ones are what to go for!

Everything was/is coated in ice so unless I channeled Hans Brinker I couldn't run or even safely walk to the fitness center so I worked on Day 8 of my yoga challenge. Tonight is zip and yoga class. I'm hoping it melts some so I can safely walk there.

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Yoga tonight, then just walked around town for a bit.  Magical evening - bell-ringing practice in one of the churches and the wind was not too cold.


Thinking about whether there is any validity to the idea of doshas and choosing exercise by individual type.  There seems to be a parallel between something like the Myers-Briggs and the kind of quiz that is used to discover doshas.  Tonight's yoga session addressed 'my' dosha and I was surprised how much sense it made to me....

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I am out of likes (I flung them wantonly this morning ;)) so consider yourselves liked :D


Those who lift--do you wear gloves? After a session with free weights or even just inclined push-ups against a bar, I get small painful calluses-that-might-be-blisters at the base of my ring fingers.


Slache, 10000 push-ups? :eek: My shoulders can't take flat push-ups yet so I'm stuck with the inclined type. Yesterday I managed 4 sets of 8---woohoo!

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I am out of likes (I flung them wantonly this morning ;)) so consider yourselves liked :D


Those who lift--do you wear gloves? After a session with free weights or even just inclined push-ups against a bar, I get small painful calluses-that-might-be-blisters at the base of my ring fingers.


Slache, 10000 push-ups? :eek: My shoulders can't take flat push-ups yet so I'm stuck with the inclined type. Yesterday I managed 4 sets of 8---woohoo!


I used to use weights with rubber on them but now I can lift too much and got real weights and I need gloves. Your personal trainer should be able to recommend some. You'd look super hardcore and sexy with them. ;)


I feet like it took me for e-v-e-r to be able to pump out a push up, but once I could do around ten at one time I had steady progress. They're very hard!

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I am out of likes (I flung them wantonly this morning ;)) so consider yourselves liked :D


Those who lift--do you wear gloves? After a session with free weights or even just inclined push-ups against a bar, I get small painful calluses-that-might-be-blisters at the base of my ring fingers.


I always have callus or as a bonus ripped up hands.  No hand modeling for me.

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I am out of likes (I flung them wantonly this morning ;)) so consider yourselves liked :D


Those who lift--do you wear gloves? After a session with free weights or even just inclined push-ups against a bar, I get small painful calluses-that-might-be-blisters at the base of my ring fingers.


Slache, 10000 push-ups? :eek: My shoulders can't take flat push-ups yet so I'm stuck with the inclined type. Yesterday I managed 4 sets of 8---woohoo!


I use gloves for kettlebell. I don't need them for what weights I use otherwise. But, if I didn't have them for kettlebells I would prob have to stop doing them.  I should add that I have typical redhead skin, so very tender. I get blisters on my from anything. My skin blisters so easily my dh was convinced I had some horrible disease or something. Nope, just very soft skin. But the gloves make all the difference for me with the kettlebells.


Ok, so I did a total of 30 mins dance aerobics, but due to life it was divided into 2 15 min sessions.  I have the new Tracy Anderson beginning cardio dance workout and I actually like it. I don't usually like dance aerobics but this is pretty good. There are four 15 mins workouts, the get progressively more difficult from 1-4. I did 1& 2 and it was a nice little workout. Then I did a 25 min beginner mat workout.


I am sore from 2 days in a row of that fitnessblender beginning kettlebell workout.  My rear end hurts!


And, I hate to say this, but dance cardio stuff is the closest indoor cardio to jogging. I am not super fond of dance cardio, but all other indoor (winter) cardio leave me feeling.... not as worked out over all. Like, I feel tired in parts, but not all over? I can't explain it. i just know my body feels a similar type of tired when I do dance aerobics as when I go for a run.  Insanity cardio workouts also have the same feeling, but I swear they are just butch dance aerobics, lol.  It makes sense because Shawn T is a dancer.

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I did end up getting in a little exercise this evening with the dc's open gym we run. I played tag games and attempted a little soccer. I'm brutal with ball control, so I mostly just admired the kids and gave encouragement. 


Wed - Rest

Thur - Hopefully tennis (if I get a call to sub)

Fri - doubles tennis

Sat - doubles tennis

Sun - singles tennis

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1 Mile of Leslie - my workouts are either non-existent or very short during the fast.


Negin-I know it's hard but I'm glad you're getting some sleep. I've thought about you a few times since you posted about your sleeping problems.  :grouphug:

I took a few days off because I was perioding.  :glare: In case you are wondering no they don't have Cadbury Eggs in the stores yet. 

Thank you, Slache, You're always so sweet.  :grouphug:

And yes, we have Cadbury's Eggs now. Ds bought a whole bunch of them. We put them in our egg container  :lol: and they look ever so cute. 

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Gym for elliptical and arms/shoulders weights. Once again I was the only woman in that area of the gym.


Tomorrow I have training scheduled--and snow in the forecast. I hope the roads will be ok by then.


That's too bad that there aren't more women in the free weight section of your gym. Ours has lots of women, and I think that's very encouraging to newbies like me, who are just now trying it out.  I'm pretty bummed that our gym has no female trainers. 


Hope your weather cooperates with your workout plans!

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I'm not always the only woman in the free weight section- but I am the only gray-headed one, male or female.  


Today: kata's, stretch, pushups, and handstands and rolling.  Plus a FB ab workout.  I'm taking a chance and posting before I've done the workout.


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That's too bad that there aren't more women in the free weight section of your gym. Ours has lots of women, and I think that's very encouraging to newbies like me, who are just now trying it out. I'm pretty bummed that our gym has no female trainers.


Hope your weather cooperates with your workout plans!

Perhaps the women who lift are there later? I go in the mornings, half the time at 7am and the other times at 11am. I went once, just once, at 7pm and it was crazy busy :eek:

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5 mile run again today.  I need to get some strength work in, but I haven't had time.  Yesterday was supposed to be yoga and kettlebell swings, instead I was dealing with my van. It broke down while I was taking my youngest to piano.  It looks like the head gasket is shot.  Time for a new van.  This one has 244,000 miles on it.  We've had it 7.5 years. I had car shopping, but my weekend will be spent doing just that. 

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Walked in the sunshine before work and then again after picking up Hobbes from school - he ran and I walked.  I took the coastal path, so up and down into the coves.  10 degrees C - my first walk this year without wearing a coat.


Still thinking about yoga doshas and picking asanas for personality types...  Might do some yoga later.

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I'm not always the only woman in the free weight section- but I am the only gray-headed one, male or female.  

I've often heard that older people (I don't know exactly what that means, so I'm not intentionally calling you old here) should not lift weights or do serious fitness like martial arts because they are more likely to injure themselves. It's difficult to explain to someone why that isn't true when they've believed it for their entire lives.


Perhaps the women who lift are there later? I go in the mornings, half the time at 7am and the other times at 11am. I went once, just once, at 7pm and it was crazy busy :eek:

Yes, most working mothers go in the evenings because mornings are too busy. Otherwise I'd probably have a gym membership because I'd have people to go with, but I'm not wasting my evenings on something I could do at a more convenient time.


And yes, we have Cadbury's Eggs now. Ds bought a whole bunch of them. We put them in our egg container  :lol: and they look ever so cute. 

That's friggen adorable.




I woke up late and to utter chaos (you remember having a two year old right?) so I'll probably be too busy catching up to get any fitness in. C'est la vie.

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Yes, most working mothers go in the evenings because mornings are too busy. Otherwise I'd probably have a gym membership because I'd have people to go with, but I'm not wasting my evenings on something I could do at a more convenient time.


There are equal amounts of men and women aged 25-60 at the gym in the early morning. The women are on cardio machines or doing pilates/spinning/cardio kickboxing/yoga, not lifting free weights.


I know I didn't lift weights because (1) I didn't know what to do and (2) I was afraid of injuring my shoulder again. I expect that is not uncommon.


I am so grateful that we can afford for me to hire the trainer. I am 15 months away from my 50th birthday. I must make fitness a priority in my life so that I can live a strong and healthy life :)

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